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Everything posted by A200

  1. lol $85,000!!!! how crazy must they be to waste all that on a phone1!!stupid people, why would you use a mobile for a modem?
  2. According to the phpbb website, it will go gold on:December 13, 2007 17:00 GMT. Thats 5pm London time on the 13th, 3am in Australia on the 14th, 11am in the USA on the 13th.
  3. This is absolutely ridiculous and absurd, it defies all logic, science and astronomy. If the world is flat, then how come the moon rotates around the earth? and then what about the people who sail 360 degrees around the globe?People, get a life, this is simply not true and impossible!
  4. Phpbb is a forum software powered by php! The BB part actually stands for Bulletin Board, so its a php bulletin board (phpbb) And its 3.0 Olympus, which is a new software, after phpbb2. https://www.phpbb.com/
  5. Yeah WorkChoices did go a little too far, but I liked the general idea of it though. Good to see a PM finally accepting the Kyoto Protocol, one of John Howard and Liberals main faults.I just hope he doesnt destroy the economy... thats the main reason I don't like him.
  6. Thats the main reason I see people voting Labor, not that they like them, but because they don't like the current government, not because of their policies, but because of who's leading them, which really shouldn't matter anyway. Which would you rather govern the country, lawyers, business men and a variety of people, or unionists and ex-unionists? Well the vote depends on what you work as, employers are advantaged with Liberal, employees are advantaged with Labor... as the courier mail said... new couch or old couch?
  7. Yeah the greens... probably :/ one thing I want to know is how they can afford an $800 education rebate for a laptop for every student between the grade of 9 - 12, thats about 2 million kids? 2mil x 800 = 1.6 billion. And then after a few years what will they do when the laptops get outdated? Just ignore the issue, or replace them all?But I do agree Howard was just plain stale.. they should have put someone else in top job, Malcolm Turnball or Julie Bishop before the election to appear fresh but with experience, and kept Costello as Treasurer as he's definitely doing a good job (He managed to fix the economy and Labors $98 billion debt and we're now in surplus money... for now dun dun dun..!)But we'll see how Labor go, especially in getting rid of workchoices and adding in all their new schmansy-pansy ideas. Apparently if Liberal (who control the senate until July 1) block the abolishon of workchoices, Kevin Rudd will dissolve Parliament and we will have another election early next year...
  8. OMG my site is worth $7,637.00!!!!!!!!! We only opened May this year and get very little traffic... but WOW I was expecting $2 lol btw my link is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if you wish to check And haha one of our competitors, http://www.busaustralia.com/ is worth $95, haha!!!!! EDIT: I searched the wrong thing, but our competitors are still worth less than us at $2300 EDIT #2: Research all the sites again but add http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. before them.. it dramatically changes the value
  9. Do any of you find it quite concerning that Labor control all 6 states, both territories, AND the Federal Government, as well as many small councils around the country? This is quite concerning considering labor is favourable to unions and is full of unionists... if anyone knows back in the 1980's, Labor caused the dark days. Liberals are the people who actually fixed Labor's careless mistakes and a $98BILLION debt that took 11.5 years (1996-2007) to fix, and once they've fixed it, a labor show pony and 70% unionists get back in and stuff it all up!Is it me, or are we Australians just plain stupid to let these people back in? (BTW I support Liberals)
  10. Hello keroshii, welcome to Xisto I am pretty much new here too, even though I registered in May. I only really started getting active last month... Its good to see another person who knows a little german, I was much better at German back 3 years ago, but since i've learned french i've forgotten most of it!This place does take a while to get used to, I still get a little overwhelmed :DAlso, thanks to the other people who have welcomed me, its really professional, friendly and pleasing!
  11. Today phpBB3 RC8 was released... I am really starting to loose confidence that a GOLD release will come! 8 Release Candidates is a little too much, it just shows that the software is extremely buggy! I expect most of these issues came after RC6 when they did a security audit, BAD IDEA, such an audit should have been done in Beta stages as RC's are meant to be the final if no more bugs are found, they are supposed to be reasonably secure with only a few bug fixes, let alone a full remake of the security system...PhpBB team, what is going on? When will it go GOLD? I know I look impatient, but its been ages... too much stuffing around with security audits that should've been done before it even went public!
  12. I have never smoked and I never will, I value my life and I don't really want to get cancer. You see, smoking kills, and luckily our government knows that. In Australia, advertising for smoking is banned, and on all boxes of cigarettes they put really gross images of gangrene in the foot and black toes and all that to scare people off it.Smoking is also banned at all beaches, malls, pubs, within 4m of any building entrance... basically its hard to find a place you ARE allowed to smoke at
  13. I like pizza... lollies... chips... and I also like apples vruit and fegetables.I don't like rotten food, rotten eggs, bacon, pork... i also get pretty sick when I have tomatoes, don't know why... so therefore my pizza's are sauce-less (I don't like BBQ Sauce either).
  14. I use like both equally, but I use Hotmail more, as it has my main account and I find its easier to use and get into.I only ever use gmail for my spam email, like for signing up for offers, etc. that are likely to bug me...
  15. Same story pops up all the time... the fact is that even if we did discover another planet, it would likely be far far far away, uncontactable via common methods, and its just another planet human kind will eventually stuff up!
  16. Hehe some people tell me im like a line on paper... but a BMI says im perfect weight!Take that, peoples
  17. Now this is just sad.. its her dumb fault that she bought it early, what does she expect, a bargain? Stupid woman.As for suing someone, whats the point? The legal fees would take away any money she COULD get... IF she does win.People like this stuff up our courts around the world. Thank god its not as bad here in Australia.
  18. For some reason my site has been suspended?? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I have 5.4 credits... enough for a week? And I have uploaded my site.... what did I do wrong??Is there anything bad about hosting an Australian community, or is that seen as being racist and my sites been suspended because of that??? Its not racist.. anyones welcome!Please help :)Thanks
  19. My friend does, I would play it but the download would take up too much bandwidth
  20. A200

    I Hate My Principal

    I agree, learn some self control is someone is picking on you.No sympathies here.
  21. Congratulations, what a feat, posting a topic! O.O but its amazing that that thing has been done more than 50,000 times before!Anyhow welcome, and please define a "gaia"!
  22. I still have 8.1, lol :)I'm upgrading!EDIT: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I upgraded to 8.5, and as such it wiped over the existing messenger, so I had to redownload my StuffPlug Content Stealer and it wont install with 8.5
  23. Your point being...???I think Xisto are pretty good in terms of maturity, frendliness etc. My previous host were pretty shoddy, it was run by an 18 year old with no experience, and he hired an immature 15 year old as admin! Plus there was a feeling of racism towards people not in Europe or the USA... good to see that doesnt happen here and you know what you are doing
  24. You can use the backup module of cPanel to get all the files downloaded as well, and upload via FTP
  25. Well Australia is going good at the moment- not for long.Saturday is the main federal election and it's tipped to mean the ALP get in and Liberals get out... say BYEBYE to workplace relations... see how GDP drop... see interest rates rise... see our standard of living drop... RIP Australia,Western Civilization will eventually die as technology gets bigger and bigger, we'll have wars like none ever seen before, and we'll end up all dying on one big horrible war...
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