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Everything posted by kraizii88z

  1. Yratorm--is that your face in the picture? if it is, then how would you know about acne, your face is spotless!
  2. i know how to banish acne once and for all, it's the only real way to get rid of it. Detox. Get rid of all the stuffin your system that's causing your acne, and you can't get it. There are several ways to go about internal cleansing. You may reduce the amount of toxic food you ingest, such as refined sugars, refined carbs, junk food, and nonorganic fruit and vegetables. You can adopt a high or all raw diet, or go on a fast. you can cleanse the colon, which you should do anyway, by taking an internal cleaser like psyllium seed husk, or by taking enemas or colonics, or by simply improving the diet and exersizing.
  3. Pretty soon HIV is going to become an unstoppable pandemic if we don't help the people who need to be helped, today. What will become of the world, if every single person has to live with HIV, then die from it? Already, so many people are doing so...Only the wealithest can afford to be treated. It's sickening, it's like saying the richest people are more important than those without.
  4. i can say that i think that the winner should be:1. Joaquin Phoenix (have such a crush on him)2. Criss Angel (seriously, he's a Greek God)3. Billie Joe Armstrong (lead singer of Green Day)Who do you think should win this prestigious title?
  5. Uhh. He's not very well-liked, you must admit that. Not in this country or in other countries, either. Some people think he's the devil, or a nazi, or something of the like. I think he's a dimwitted old man, not really anything anywhere newar qualified wnough to run a country, especially a country that has so many foreign relationships, and with such influence in the world. He dosen't seem to know what to do to benefit others. He's just the same old, same old thing that we've been getting: works with big-business to screw over te majority, dosen't care what people think, dosent do jack to help others, only interested in greed and selfishness. I just can't wait for the next 8 years of Obama...
  6. I agree with panda, it's not that bad a deal. They have a right to tell you when they are going to charge you, though. But they do have to make a profit, so that we can have pretty much free accounts. You say the only way to receive your money was if you upgraded, well, they shouldn't force you to pay like that, in that respect you were pretty much screwed. But if they let you know what they plan on doing, taking money for transfers, then that's fair as long as you know about it. If they explicitly say they don't, but they did, that's either a scam or you didn't read the fine print.
  7. i'm a believer in the idea that you can see it coming, just as when you 'know' that something great is gonna happen, you know when a big change is coming, and you know what you're going to be doing in the future. i believe everyone has these feelings because you do control every aspect if your life(including your death!)
  8. People shouldn't be so concerned with WIEGHT LOSS. It's more about toxin - loss. You want to get rid of those toxins that make you feel angry, depressed, misarable, ect... But unfortunately, the body stores a lot of it's toxins in the fat cells. So you have to get rid of the fat to get rid of toxins, but i think that's what the focus should be on, true and pure health, not about like, fitting in or whatever lame reason.
  9. The only thing i could think of would be to justify a table and center it.
  10. i agree completley. it won't be pleasent pining over someone you yourself said you can't have. Trust me, you can't nor do you want, to have it. Take it from someone, although a girl, who's had plenty of 'teacher crushes' during high school, even before that, come to think of it... Get out now!
  11. i'm sorry--it sounds like she's not that into you...She may be just, you know, playing with you, don't you ever flirt with people? How do you act around your guy friends? Lets' hang out. Okay. Oops, i got other stuff to do today. Then you would say, okay, no big deal, right? i don't know if she thinks of you as her 'friend' but you sure ain't her boyfriend anytime soon. i think you are just an aquaintance that she finds mildy amusing. i know if i liked a guy who said lets get out of this boring dump, seriously, i would wet myself. i would jump at the chance of spending any time whatsoever with that person. i wouldn't have the presence of mind to be nonchalant like she is being. i mean, who would rather stay in school than go eat lunch? She don't like you very much, sorry but it's true. Besides, all you have to do is find out how you feel about her, and there's your answer.
  12. I figured that I'd gone temporarily blind from the light of the fridge, or maybe i was still high from that PCP I had smoked earlier, making everything look for all the world like the Power Puff Girls. AsI took a third and FINAL look, i noticed a hand on my shoulder, and attached to that hand was... an arm, and as I peered down the huge, hairy, rippling flesh of some strange man, I almost pissed my pants as sudden horror dawned on me that I was staring down the length of a cannible. "Uhh, I just came to get something to eat from the firdge, I said, mispronoucing the word 'fridge' in my blind fright. "Funny", said the cannible. "So did I."
  13. Learn it step by step. Learn only what you need to know, when you need to know it, example: don't learn how to use frames if you're not designing a site with frames. Focus only on the useful first, then apply it to the situation, kick and scream when it dosen't work, figure out why it dosen't work, then make it work! Then do it again with something else. Trial and error is the best way. Just go in and get your hands dirty like a new surgeon, but try not to kill anyone...Pretty soon you'll be doing it with your eyes closed.
  14. By no means am i a critic, or a publisher, or an editor, far from it, but the first thing i noticed about your story (besides the obvious thought that went in to it) is that you used a lot of adjectives in the first paragraph. -welcomed breeze, freshly tilled, familiar scent, cooling wind, on and on... i know good writing involves the use of copious adjectives, but something just dosen't invite the reader...too much to take in at first, maybe. [We all know that sunsets are glorious colors, his shadow will be long at that time of day, and it is usually "a quiet moment" when you're out in the field alone with nothing but you and the sunset. Also in the second paragraph, "over his left shoulder" --why not just "over his shoulder". The reader dosen't need to know which soulder he put his spade over. And we don't need to know that the planks were exactly three feet tall. They are not a major part of the story.] Maybe what i'm trying to say is that...when you're trying to describe what stillness in a beautiful field is like, the writing should reflect the attitude. If you're trying to be funny, you use funny writing, you are trying to be quiet, you use quiet writing, gory, then gory writing, you know what i mean? It sounds to me more like the guy's thoughts are too exacting to be standing alone enjoying the sunset. if you were in that field, your thoughts would definately not be on getting the right adjective down to describe it. Your thoughts would be shorter, more spontaneus. Also, what kind of story is this? where is it going? becase the first thing i noticed about Wei is that he is still not over his father's death. Maybe he should learn how to just let go...maybe that could be the conflict of the story? And another thing, your tenses are fluctuating. Meaning, you say Wei stood there, then you say he stands there. You have to commit to either past or present tense, & you'll probably want to go with past tense. Present tense affects the way you write the action sequences, like: "Will stops his report as he hears a horse approaching from the road. He turns around and sees a thin man dressed in a grey church frock astride a small pony(ponies are small)". It's more like a screenplay that way, unless that's what you want to write, I'd go with past tense, and make every verb that way, it's easier to tell a story that way. I'm sorry i did so much critiquing. i wouldn't have to critique it if it sucked. but i think it's really great, but i would advise that you write it with someone, because it could be a lot of fun to work with someone on it. They can see it from a less attached perspective, as well. if this is a hobby, you are spending your time well, as it may pay off one day. it could be made into a book, if it's good enough to publish.
  15. oh boy, if i found a million dollars...Seriously, i would use my new found fame in the media to start off my own business, selling, you know, whatever, and i'd make more millions of dollars with my internet business i certainly wouldn't spend it on material things until i had enough money from the business to only work when, where, and how i wanted for the rest of my life. Then i'd write a book or a play, and i'd write it on a deserted island in the tropics where i'd date a movie star, and that's all, you know--not much.
  16. Even if this meteor would suppoosedly hit the earth, which there is a very big chance that it will not, they would project what possibility it had of hitting what area of the earth, and then all those people that occupy that area would vamoose, and get the hell out. If it does more damage than the desecration of a deserted city, then lets just consider it an 'Act Of God', and get on with it. If it can't be avioded or destroyed, well, we are tearing up the earth anyway, and being complete dicks to one another, you know, with the wars and all, so maybe it's what god wants. We had a good run, goodbye cruel world!
  17. Hey, that's tough. You know, everybody has problems. I think the point of all life's problems is just to get over it. Move trhough it, let them teach you, but don't get stuck in the past or on the problem itself. Getting throuhg tough stuff makes us stronger, because we knowth that nothing outside of ourselves can ever hurt us.
  18. What is your favourite feature on Google? I like the way it always offers different spellings of a word, becuase without that, i would never get anything done! i also like the way it ranks the most 'popular' sites first, if it's a good site, people will want to go to it, therefore, you should not waste your time looking at less interesting sites.
  19. Life online with out google would not exsist. it is teh number one search engine. what would happen if google suddenly crashed? Panic, anarchy, a reversion back to simpler times? Heaven forbid we take to Yahoo...
  20. i use a really nice background in my site, and it sounds simple, but it makes all the difference. you have to pick a theme, and then design the whole site around it. make every aspect of the site reflect the whole.
  21. wow! what crack addict made that peice of crap? a jesus loving fool...
  22. uh, that's not a flying car. it's just a car sitting on top of a table, so they can work on it or something.
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