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Everything posted by kraizii88z

  1. ha ha ha..very hilar..good one. geeks dating are funny:P:)
  2. Hello... When it says you have x days it really means x -4 right? [commence wondering confusedly] Why dosen't it just say how many day you have literally, because you need 4 to activate it:(... :)I keep thinking i have 5 or 4 days when i really only have 1
  3. Is it really legal? Maybe it's just a way of getting more business, not finalizing the account. Even so i don't wanna jepardize my Google Adsense account so i won't try it.
  4. Use javascripts to create space, like in a menu or a popup page, or use it to no right-click or for like games or something ...in fun sites you can go wild b/c it can add intrigue and interest, but i hate those trailing cursors they are so annoying ..use them sparingly.
  5. on my site i use a purple/ black color combination.There are different shades of purple in the banner image, and the background is black, with a sort of a smoky purple iframe. The font color is black.It's not really an interesting layout, though ,so i'm thinking of making a different layout, maybe one with more graphics..
  6. i play the piano, trumpet, clarinet, and voilin. was in a youth symphony four years too long and played a lot of classical, jazz, & baroque music. I'd like to play more jazz, tho
  7. I use WS_FTP Ipswitch. You can download a 30-day free trial at Downloads.com for a free sample
  8. He he... funny names ... you could be making these all up for all i know..., i can't beleive no ones mentioned the talented Eminem-anyone got the new album? It's great. i like Eminem, Green Day...Evanescence the offspring, Modest Mouse...
  9. That helped me out, too. But i put links to important pages on my first page that has no frames, so i think i'm covered~ Do search engines rank 'alt' tags the same way as regular content?
  10. Amadeous, i think, is a good movie about the life of this prodigous man ...it protrays him in a relatable way, with all his flaws & talents But as for the post, way to go with the Mozart research! It's an interesting topic!
  11. i think Steven Speilburg's movie will be way better than the book! Remember Jurassic Park,Indiana Jones,The color Purple?? He really knows how to make great movies & i think this will be no exception!
  12. thnk that flah sites are cool if they don't have too much stuff, personally i think they an be hard to navigate.. and i like to have flash /html veiwing options.
  13. nice. great work, that's talent. I think they are intense, dramatic, lively. Did you do those all digitally, or drew them? I like the third one-great imagery!-!..
  14. Photo bucket is what i recomend.It's easy to use, uploads easily, and works pretty well.
  15. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ can find which host is right for you, stats, reviews, & detailed info, all free hosts. It's where i found this fine host.
  16. Wouldn't that make old Offspring music classified as punk? I listen to Greenday&Evanescense& of course the offspring, but i don't like pinpointing any music as a certain type..know what i mean.
  17. Yes it would move, up or down , you would have to observe it at every possible angle for it to remain constant.--I don't know if i really understand, though.
  18. What?... Is he the guy from Blues CLues...It says something about that in the heading.. i heard he died of a heroin o.d. sum years ago...
  19. -It's written in German...I can't read it. Anyway that's an informative list of image hosts...i'll check some out.
  20. That's a great article, though, & i really enjoyed it. Really, honestly i think that less stress is a key requirement for weight-loss..Just de-stress & the lb's. will melt away
  21. I think all you guys take losing weight too SERIOUSLY. If you think about it, if you eat less, you loose weight. Just my two cents...
  22. I wanted to know all that stuff , too, about MySQL and what it's used for...It's daunting if you're clueless...like me, but i don't think i will use it because i have only a small site that's not getting hit up constantly
  23. That is quite the dilemma...It's hard to say, but when you really think about it, they're actually considering wasting thousandds of people's lives because they don't want to look bad?! --I'm sure the ancient people of Pompeii would have Loved a warning! ,false or otherwise
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