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Everything posted by Dragonfly

  1. Dragonfly

    George Bush

    Firstly I want to have a good laugh I'm not an American and my feeling about George Bush is plain and frank. I feel that Bush represents today's Americans. It's not that Bush is too bad and everyone else and America have become like respected members have opined here. He is the representative of today's Americans. They couldn't think of a more courageous President than George W. Bush. Kerry was no match to his macho style of acting. To blame the down fall of the American economy and other things solely to Bush is unjustified. Its that America is somewhat falling from what everyone is expecting of the country. Because the period of Americana will also come to an end like the great era of British and Romans. It is therefore unwise and foolish of us to say that Bush is an idiot. Are you more wise? Why don't you become your President? Its the frustrated quarters who are blaming everything on others. Job lose? It could happen to other President as well. what's the use of retaining jobs which will only eat up the country? My conclusion is that America, while facing terrorism in and out of the country needs Bush and Bush represents what Americans are today.
  2. I wouldn't mind having both the camera phone and the normal mobile phone, but right now I have only regular phone. It is much better to have camera phone than not having, but of course it comes with price, and one must pay for that extra thingy. However, camera phones - in order to have a high quality picture one must buy a very high resolution camera phone which is costly.. otherwise its just for fun and nothing more. Regular camera will take care if one wants a proper and clear picture.
  3. After browsing around your site I must say the layout design is awesome and it looks quite professional at first glance which is a very good thing for the site, because the first impression is also very important. The area which I feel where your site should consider are:1). Vertical Scrolling bar inside the body: This can be annoying because people are used to scroll-up and down the main vertical scroll bar but not the one inside the body. This may be uncomfortable for many users or visitors to your site.2). Menu and links: Below Menu Principal which seems to mean MAIN MENU you have four to give more menu, and if we place our cursor we can see that you have named them as index-1.html index-2.html and so on. I suggest that you name them signifying the pages. For example, Event link page file name doesn't need to be index-4.html but you can name it has events.html so that it will be easy to find when you want any modification to be made in it. This is not only good for you but also for the search engines. It becomes search engine friendly URL which is good for the site as people can find easily through search. That's my review of your site. Nevertheless your site is looking nice... all the best!
  4. After reading all the posts I come to the conclusion that you need to scan your computer and check if there is any virus in it. It looks like it has got virus. 512MB RAM is strong enough to run your system smoothly. I'm using the same configuration and its quite fast here. Well, hard disk is 160GB that is quite a lot. Mine is three times lesser than yours and still my system is quite fast... you don't need to delete any files since you haven't even used 50% it should be fine too. Finally, I suggest you scan your computer of spywares as well.. Virus and spywares can cause much troubles for our systems. All the best!
  5. Both of them are really excellent but still even excellent works also still invite some comments, I hope you will forgive me for those lines of comment on those two great sigs. And finally I would pronounce which sig I go for.. Well, the first one looks very polished and smooth. Though the background color could have been a little brighter than it is right now... that's just my wish. I feel that if the background is something romantic it may match more.. though it is looking great right now also.Second one is not very common. It stands apart and the background itself which isn't very smooth make its own class. However if it is made smooth I want to see how it will appear. It may well be very good. I just want to see it in smooth look.My favor goes to the second one. It is romantic and not so common.
  6. The URL you are showing and the true url behind what you are showing are now different. While click the url you've given here it leads us to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this page and this page is empty at the moment. But I typed http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it redirected me to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ where you have installed php-nuke half-closed open source content management and you are using vipixel free theme. I've checked out everything and it seems that every blocks are showing normally. May be you have installed new php-nuke or have shifted to another folder. Everything seems to be working fine now. Tell us more about it if you need further help. I like php-nuke, the only problem with this software is that footer copyright which Mr. Burzi wants it to remain, he doesn't allow even any modification to be made there if its used as a free software.
  7. I agree with this. Their site itself is very professionally designed and it looks like they are actually doing it very professionally as well. For the first post unless I check it out its hard to judge whether they are reliable, good and whether messages are being delivered instantly or not is to be still checked.
  8. Firstly, you haven't searched enough on this topic. As you can see trap seventeen has thousands of posts before you even join the community and forum. This topic has been discussed before and mods and admins have decided not to allow EDIT simply because there are people who misuse them in the past. From now on, before starting any new threads, kindly search first, it might have already been posted elsewhere because this forum is quite old and many members have opined their thoughts about almost everything which you and I know about and what a huge forum used to contain. I hope this helps.
  9. Probably every webmasters who had managed to come here know about webhosting specially one like Geocities as much as you know. But let's hope it is still useful since others don't bother to write about what most of us have known it in reality. I think you can include freeservers with geocities. The good point of freeservers is that it is very search engine friendly.. which geocities will not match... though annoying pop-ups and endless ads add upto the hate list.
  10. In the beginning I didn't think that there will be worth clicking the link you have provided here.. since many people have replied I took a chance to take a look at it and found how interesting it is. And I wonder if that is any aircraft at all. Looks like something strange from some other planet is up there watching over the people of the earth. But the picture is very blur. One cannot say if that is any object nor proof it. Its like people claiming UFO around, hard to proof.
  11. yes this was true for Yahoo small business domain registration, however it was two months back I supposed. One of my friends was asking me about cheap domain registration and I had suggested him Yahoo small business domain registration when it was a mere $4.95 per year and he had booked it for 5 years. Lucky, now when I'm planning to buy my own domain name that offering Yahoo gave two months back was not there anymore... now it says its $9.95 (US) per year.... I've lost the time and money.... I managed to book from another company at $8 approx but without control over A, CNAME, MX............
  12. I always go back to the site which has many resources, including tricks and tips and a site that offers free stuffs for example trap seventeen dot com. And also a site that has a very lively forum where all kinds of stuffs are discussed with ease and enjoyment where there's not hatred, no simply playing with words like kids stuffs but where real things are discussed lightly. I also always go back to a website which has got a very good design, by seeing and visiting such websites give me more ideas how to improve my design skill. And I find that people keeps coming back to our site if we keep something which is interesting to them as well. This could include news,gossips or rumours of celebrities, people just love them.Finally, games - if a website contains games I keep going back there to play more. I would love to play different kinds of games from time to time. And these sites must not contain pop-up advertisements, they put me off - I never visit them again. And a site that contains 'you need to download this software to proceed' they put me off and I never visit them again even though the above mentioned stuffs may be available on their website.
  13. This seems interesting to me but where is the link to the site. I would love to see the site and review it as well. or do you want us to fill the form right here? Isn't it better if we visit your site and fill up the form there?
  14. A very informative website and lots of ways to keep growing because learning never stops and the same could go with your website. It is a very interesting website. And the simplicity of the site attracts me. Though it looks simple but it is easy to navigate around which is the best part any website has to offer to the visitors. My only wish is that you edit the header of the forum where you could keep all the navigation links to the mainpage menu and this way when the forum is clicked it will not open in a new browser, it could be opened in the same browser because when pop-up blocker is in place opening in a new browser will not open at all, this could be annoying stuff to the site visitor. Secondly, the cell-padding should be in place so that the letters don't touch the margin of the border. The rest are very good. Keep up the good work!
  15. The issue you've raised here is a natural phenomenon for *person* sapiens be it in the United States, Asia, or Europe - the tendencies of sellers like diesel, gas, etc are all the same; the same greed and avarice can be found in them. As soon as there was food supply cut off in the area where I live in(Asia), the price of rice was not just 200% but it rose 500% and there was nothing we could do about it. We can't help but have to buy them in whatever price they quoted. It doesn't quite look like America where people are looting and stealing things and there was chaos everywhere until the troops were dispatched by the President of the United States to restore the law and order for the Hurricane Katrina aftermath.
  16. Dragonfly

    The Gloria Scandal

    Partly what you've said is true. Its sickening to have a top leaders like Presidents and Prime Ministers who is full of scandals whether it is Phillipines, USA or any other countires. But when those big figures are in controversy the opposition will try their best to bring in more atttention to what they think is not quite right. And even though they know that the President will survive the scare and impeachment - putting the highest and top leader of the country into impeachment processes itself is a disgrace which they want it to bring to the light. Even though the President is not impeached they want to give a bad name to her which they think is what she deserved. Democracy is struggling in third world countries. And your country is no exception. Corruption is the order of the day. All we can do is just pray!
  17. Hi JEM ! Welcome to Trap Seventeen community. As you've said there are lots of forum and its very easy to get credits without spamming since there are already many forums and threads to respond. I hope you will enjoy if you are looking for post per free hosting, even if you are not looking for free hosting there is https://xisto.com/ a paid hosting site from Xisto owner. They have varied plans to meet the need of all kinds of needs. Still if you are not looking for any sort of hosting, still the forum is really rich to equip webmasters in various ways. Enjoy!!
  18. Yes, I saw the same news in Al-zajeerah some days ago. They even interviewed her when she went to Dubai city in United Arab Emirates. And I wonder how mature she speaks. If you visit al-zajeerah.net website I hope you can still get this new piece. Kids wonder usually become a dull one when they become mature. I hope she will not become one of those.
  19. The overall design is cute much like Cutenews. Why Cutenews changed suddenly and started displaying the footer copyright in the latest version? Is it because WYSIWYG thingy? And allowed to be removed if registered only, but registration is nothing but paying some money - its a very clever move though. I prefer to click their ads than to pay them.... Getting back to your site, I think you should fill up the top banner space soon, but the empty space isn't any standard size of ad display... make is a standard, otherwise you have to manually resize every advertisements there. Your forum is nice too. YOu've worked hard on adding mods like latest topic or posts. My only wish is that Cutenews takes back the footer's thingy...
  20. It is really sad to hear how things have turned up with the people who are living in this so-called modern day and advanced world and especially a place like United States mostly we in the developing and poor countries thought you are all rich and will be generous enough to help others - specially the type of one you've just mentioned.... like firefighters and others. I called the traffic police behavior nothing but sort of stupidity. The law is to protect its citizens but in this case he is not using his common sense to prevail it for good in this kind of extra-ordinary situation.
  21. YOu could give secutiry updates link of phpbb dot com homepage. Not only phpbb 2.0.15 has security exploits even 2.0.16 also has one or more problem and phpbb has already released 2.0.17 sometime ago fixing all the exploits found so far and have advised all the software users to upgrade their forums/boards as soon as possible. I was updating one of the boards from 2.0.10 to 2.0.17 it took more than 2 hours to finish all the updates and now I can sleep peacefully. Those who haven't updated their boards can look for upgrade mods which is good for those who installed many mods in their boards. Look out for those mods from phpbb dot come homepage.
  22. Those who search google will ultimately go to their website and thus increase their website visitors. It is somewhat difficult to understand the stand of perfect 10. But people are very clever today. They don't want to pay when they can actually see the same pictures through google image search if that is true. Google search are also like photo album. One of the websites I'm looking after has a photo album which is not programmed one, it is updated manually using dreamweaver each time and google has indexed all the photos. And since google way of displaying images is actually very comfortable to see, I was surprise that google has presented the pictures in my website with a better view and angle... lol And they bring in more visitors to my site which is a good thing. May be perfect 10 doesn't get anymore paid customer and peeping toms are using google search only!! lolzzzz
  23. Let's say the proposition goes forth and the war takes place, who will be the worse loser. It is going to be China. I don't think Chinese government will be that foolish to take chance to go to war with Taiwan. United States will definitely help Taiwan to many extend and possibly bomb cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and other important cities within China. And more damages will be incurred by Chinese people. Whether they destroy Taiwan or not - Taiwanese too are CHinese not Americans. If they want to let their people (Taiwanese) live peacefully they should never interfere, rather allow them to grow manifolds as Taiwan has been doing for the past to three decades. And Taiwan's growth is good for China too. And I don't think China can match United States within another 5 years. They may have more ground troops but ground troops don't count much in today's quite-modern warfare. United States also has more friends than China did. Of course, United States will probably know that attacking China shouldn't last for long and will strike with a bang. I think China will only raise her concern in words like the general has outpoured his frustration but will not attack Taiwan. I hope..
  24. Very good. I am noob at graphics and I easily like what others have done for their sigs and other graphic works. This sig looks somewhat different from what I've seen earlier and that makes it somewhat special. The coloring on face which is not that smooth is also looking quite good. And the finishing touch - borderline it is smooth and looking professional too. Keep e'm coming...
  25. Excellent. I like it very much well done. By the way, it is the work of Saint Michael and it has to be in that level. It sounds like a heap of praise but its true, few graphics experts are here and they are all superb...
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