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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. the suspension script works very well, infact it works perfectly. Its the hosting cancellation script that plays up, it doesn't remove you from the [HOSTED] group, but still kills your hosting. The fact that he has gone past the +4 credits you need to un-suspend your account and it still hasn't worked (after a few hours) leads me to believe that there might be something wrong with the script.
  2. bundling a usb key or such could prove rather expensive with the amount of sales that Microsoft has. Sttill its a good idea! There would have to be a reason why they aren't using this already though.
  3. im, not sure how long its normally takes, luckily i've never had to contact them before!
  4. you can always email support@Xisto.com and see what they can do for you
  5. Have a look at RoundCube (http://roundcube.net/), i am assuming this is what you are looking for?
  6. Thats a nice introduction tutorial. Thanks, got anything else for us anytime soon?
  7. I had a look at the HTC website, and i cant say that its a phone that i like, just by the look of it. Otherwise it looks (in a technical perspective ) pretty good, i havent had a look at the specs yet! I am assuming it it much like any other windows portable device, allowing you to put anything that'll run a windows mobile device on it?I would like to have a organiser/blackberry style phone so i can put appointments addresses etc onto it. My old palm (m505) is getting very old, even though it still works! and i would like to combine the two (its hard to carry around both of them going from site to site at work!)
  8. by the sounds of it, you do not have permission to save to the 'Session Save Path'. The php.ini file will have where that path is located, then it is a case of chmoding the directory so you can save to it!
  9. I don't seem to be having these problems, my 'reply' mail appears like normal in the compose text. Try clearing the cache before loading live mail.
  10. I am looking to purcahse a new phone (old ones had it and works willing to purchase it for me) and I was looking at getting the Nokia n95. Looking at the specs it doesn't look that bad, plus the gps will be very useful for me! The only worrying thing is the battery life. I had read a few reviews that have said that it is pretty pathetic. Is this true? Also, are there any other suggestions that you want to put forward instead of the n95.Thanks-jimmy
  11. I think its a good idea to have a Xisto - Web Hosting group (shows your support for Xisto ). But the only problems is that if you start having different groups for different types of members, you will end up with heaps of groups. I saw a forum somewhere (i forget now) that had litterally hundreds of different groups and it just looked messy (and no one wants that to happen here!)
  12. the simple solution would be to work on the files (at home or school) and then when you are finished upload them to the server (then the server and usb/home partition will be the same as the server version). then when the 'beta' preview is ready to go, upload it to the live server.
  13. At least its still under warranty, and lucky that microsoft are going to value the warranty even though the extended warranty is for a different issue. Still, its a bit of a bummer that you have to go get it fixed and all (lucky its a short walk!! )
  14. is this the kind of thing you are trying to do? https://www.howtoforge.com/debian_bind9_master_slave_system. i believe it is as easy as finding a spare computer and set it up as a dns! i've never tried it before, but how hard can it be (famous last words ) good luck -jimmy
  15. you can modify anything in the registry through the My.Computer.Registry namespace. for example, if you want to delete an entry in the local machine driectory, you would enter My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.DeleteSubKey(key here) and change 'key here' to the key you want to delete
  16. when you say that entering the address gives you a page not found error yet entering the IP gives the right page, my guess would be that there is a problem with the DNS and getting the ip address for websites! Can you ping any websites like google etc?
  17. I go by the old saying, nothing is in this world is for free (not even the hosting here, you have to post for it!) and getting a xbox 360 for free, is defiantly out of the question! I hate putting my credit card details into the backs website let alone some other website from who knows where!
  18. I did a bit of digging and apparently they don't actually hosting anything, they don't even run the servers. They are a hosting reseller for a company called hostgator. http://www.hostgator.com/. HostGator looks like most of the other hosting companies, offering huge disk spaces and even larger bandwidths for a huge price (well huge compared to Xisto - Web Hosting!)
  19. so you are linking new domain to the Xisto hosting? if your registrar lets you have a single free web page, you can put the redirect script (above) onto that page and set newsite to chessoscorner.com. That will bring traffic from your new address to this hosting.
  20. You could try using the manage redirects in cpanel by entering your new address into the redirect field. You could also use <html><head><meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=newsite"><title>Please Wait</title></head><body></body></html> and change newsite to your new address.Good Luck-jimmy
  21. the idea of a web host with 10gb disk and 10gb B/W sounds just too good to be true, and it is! this service is very limited, firstly safe mode is turned ON, there is memory restrictions on php (you can't run big php files), there is no mail (nothing at all) and you cannot use a .htacess file. If you want to, you must upgrade to one of their paid plans!
  22. maybe its a problem with vista, see if either openafs or microsoft has any idea on whats happening!
  23. I have to say that is my favourite too - I was going to post it, but you already have! I believe the way it types it out is by javascript. have a look at the source code for the page, it'll all be there!
  24. is openAFS still installed? It might be not letting you remove the connection because AFS is not installed, reinstall it, then try removing the connection.
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