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Everything posted by HoRuS

  1. Nice topic On this I get cursed upon as well. I believe Godis the "power" with drives us, wich makes us think, talk and walk, in my eyes God is Life itself, He/She/It has been here all the time and always will be. I think God has no beginning and no end, in other words too much for our simple human minds to comprehend. Nice said, Religion is just a way to gain power over other people and make them do things the "Elite" don't want or don't dare to do, like suicide attacks or wars. Remember leaders always saying "God bless you" when they talk to soldiers or suicide bombers when they go out on action. When "Religious Outsiders" read all those "Holy" booksand put them all aside, they are exactly the same, the only difference is how it is told (and of course the scrapping and adding leaders do to benefit themselves). But people who are fanatic believers of their faith, don't see it or dont wanna see it. And whenever a "New Religion" rises it's told that they are some cult, but infact all religions like Christianity, Catholicism and Islam are then cults as well. So in my opinion Relegion is just a hypocrite way to opress and control peoples minds. Thats why I do believe in God, but in no religion at all.
  2. Yeah they are replacing it, but my thoughts are when someone buys a pc, it should work from day 1 and not to wait again for 2 weeks lol. It's a rather professional company though, wich I won't mention, but here in Holland they are a well respected company so thats why I was so annoyed by this.It's a Compaq Deskpro P3 (866 mzh). When I get the new system and that one is also messed up, I'll post the company name
  3. Here's the story... (almost a soap)My old pc died like 2weeks ago, when I ordered one over the internet.They delivered it rather quick, within 5 days but the problem is... It worked only the day it came. It began with the blue screen about vxd components and now not even 7 days later it won't even boot properly, it won't even boot at all!Now I got to wait till they bring another new system (free) wich will take almost another week. Argh! So after this is over, I will just go to a store and buy my stuff there, on internet only god knows what they'll deliver.Just my vent
  4. I think there is no way virusses can be stopped eternally. As long as there is soft-and hardware, some twisted minds will find a way to create a virus. The only way to stop virusses to get on your pc is to permanently disconnect is from internet
  5. lol somewhat weird of the guy, but maybe he isn't self-confident towards women.I can remember myself a few years ago, when a pretty woman asked me something I was like "uhhmmm" and no way I looked her in the eyes
  6. Haha untill they also give you the wrong orders :ph34r:I don't know wich chain it was, I never heard of it before
  7. Heh I had that feelijg like crying last night... I bought a new pc on Thursday and that was the only day it worked well (100%). The next day was full of blue screens so now I got the OS reinstalled and there are moments (like last night) the whole pc doesnt work. The weird thing is that there can't be determined wether it's a hardware or a software issue
  8. Yeah, I know the feeling... I wonder what will be next though, I just read that they introduced a whole new drive-in here in Holland, a supermarket drive-trough how weird does it get?
  9. Hmmm my most time fav top 3 would be:Land of the Gun ~ Immortal TechniqueAngels of death ~ OuterspaceFirst Rebirth ~ Jones and StephensonThere are dozen more though, but these are played grey by now
  10. Using win98 SE (blah) but it's the only OS I know insideout
  11. HoRuS

    George Bush

    Gotta agree to that, Bush also did terrible things and still does.I just didn't like him since the day he was elected, and got even more with his grin when he told he was going to war. To me he's just a 2nd Hitler with his war against muslims (just like Hitler did with the jews). He rather spend his money to buy weapons and nukes then to spend it into a decent educational system, bah!
  12. I come at GUA a lot and there they have one simple rule, ones sig only may be 80kB or it gets banned. They really live it up because I once had a 85 kB sig and got banned. But still there are ways to spam a sig
  13. Have to agree to that, we as humans became way to destructive with our "civilized" ways. We forgot where we came from and where we will end. I also would like the end of this Era, the world as we know it and make room for our children to build a new world, free of money, war, racism, hatred, polution and destruction. A world in we are truly free. *dreams on*
  14. Haha soapbox :ph34r:No serious, most graffiti stinks, like those simple words, but sometimes they make real graffiti wich I think always is a pleasure to look at, because some are ral artwork. Most walls are just dull concrete and such a piece can make it way "happier" lol
  15. HoRuS

    What To Do

    I wouldn't know what to do, I can say to keep him/her alive, but maybe he/she is in such pain that he/she would be better off beyond. Good luck and strenght to your friend, let's hope he/she gets better soon
  16. Cursing with the f-word isn't as bad as cursing with terrible deceases, like most dutch people do They curse with the most awfull things here, not knowing they can hurt people who's family died of such a decease, like cancer or similar. I did it myself too when I was in puberty, but I'm glad I gotta kid now, so I can't curse that much.
  17. Horus is the Egyptian God of Life and son of Isis and Osiris, The eye of Horus protects against negative influences and is a symbol for guidance wich we (I) have trougout life. I use this name because I feel a bond with the Ancient Egyptian culture and especially this Deity. I use it everywhere, on every forum and game I'm on. Maybe some will remember my old avatar
  18. Your bandwidth was clocked at105.40 Kbps And I have a 2Mbit cable connection, must be windows :PAnyhow, here we have our sites hosted and I'm running 3 sites now on Xisto but I still have like 3 Gigs of bw left, I use many pics and have many visitors (I think )
  19. They should add Quake 2 as well, that old game is dying, but with freeness it might get a new boost. Here's a link to the legal Q2 game http://www.zyclan.com/, just browse the site for the download pages. I'm not allowed to post direct links to the files. Hope to see you on Quake
  20. Haha for real I'm happy, and found out why my old HD died...2 years ago I also had a HD wich died and now a few days ago... I happened to dl Age of Empires from p2p programs, both had that game for a few days on it when they died, so I figure it has to do something with that Because when I did so on this pc, I almost had it die too... So be warned for using illegal software, learn from my mistakes
  21. Hahaha well it's somewhat an older system.The one wich broke down was 400mzh, 96 mb RAM.This one is 500 mzh and 191 Mb RAM
  22. LOL! Nah, he can't see me trough the window, he lives next to me and I could have it, not buy it
  23. Could be a second moon if it's true it is there, or maybe just an asteroid wich is trapped in orbit. It's possible there are thingies out there, even in our solar system, that we don't know about. Since they never tell us anything new
  24. Yesterday something weird has happened.I tried to boot my pc in the morning to check out my mail and all when suddenly the HD crashed and died. Trying to revive it didn't work so I went looking for a new HD, wich is hard because my system is from 1999 and new HD's won't be recognized. The same evening when I gave it up my doorbell rang and guess what... My neighbour stood there with another pc and asked me if I could use it Is it faith? Or just coincidence? (I don't believe in coincidence though) rofl weird how things can go
  25. Haha, well I'd be ashamed, guilty, honored and innocent all at the same time.Ashamed and guilty of some mistakes I have made trough life, innocent because God always forgives and loves and of course honored to be worthy of his presence.
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