1) True 2) True 3) True 4) True I totally agree on these conclusions and I want to ad a little extra. And before that I want to say: I don't judge the citizens from America, just the government (as well as my own). 1)The whole thing about 9/11 is one big "theatre" set up by the Bush Administration itself. (Bin Laden was a CIA agent a few years ago for cryin out loud, and they fouded Al Qaida themselves for billions of $$$) And I'm sorry if I hurt people with this info, many lives were taken by this evil deed. Here's a survivors story I found :
--Teresa Veliz, Survivor get a whole report here 2)Democracy is no more... Well the term is Democracy but the government like to mess with votes, that's clear by now. (look @ Bush 1st election) This is democracy in my eyes: "Look, it's real simple. We lie to you and if you don't believe us we lie to you some more and if you still don't believe us we go ahead and do it anyway." 3)These radical who call themselves the government try to judge on other radicals... How can you judge about others when you ignore your own bad characteristics. (yea I'm radical too if it comes to freedom and truth, but I don't start wars to get what I want) 4)They planned this war many years ago, right after the 1st Gulfwar. There is lots of oil in the Middle East, that's why they want to have that region so bad, Iran is next ask Rice And again, I am sorry if this hurts people. I know it hurts when everything you was told in your life is a big lie Respect & Peace HoRuS Edit: some of my resources: BiggestSecret InfoWars Reopen 911 PropagandaMatrix