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Everything posted by HoRuS

  1. Hahaha I hear ya...I also use 'lol' as when I don't know what to reply and sometimes it becomes a bad habit, like typing it in every sentence. People are like "stop that" then I go "lol ok" Funny thing is... In Dutch lol is a real word, meaning fun, hmm coincidence? (bad spelling bite me) Anyways... lol is for those using it (not all) just a habit, to type lol instead hahaha to express that you're having fun. I prefer rofl tho but leetspeak is waaayy different, 2 years ago I hung out with some "hax0rz" who were using the word pwned 10 times a minute and some sentences were almost unreadable. (pwned is pronounces as powned, as from what I heard) so there is a biggy difference between 'bad' habits and leetspeak. erm were that 2 cents?
  2. Hmm there is a whole topic about that on freebie stuff, I believe. Try googling it, it will pop up a lot of sites with free fonts http://www.1001freefonts.com/ ]http://www.free-fonts.com/ http://www.fontfreak.com/ These I think are the most populars around. Peace
  3. Hmmm Lamborghini's are my ultimate dream, but if thats not do able I'll settle with a Ferrari Testa Rossa
  4. I have tv on for background too, only shows I like to see are:StarGate, StarTrek, Pretender and some movies
  5. Yeah I have the same thing with mine... even sometimes when I'm in an important convo on my cellphone, it shuts down the connection.I don't know why, maybe due to satellite postitions or just because it's a cheap one, it still sucks. Almost got big trouble due to this.Once and important company tried to call me for a fine I had to pay, they couldn't reach me so they send me a letter in wich they wrote I had to reply within 24 hrs or I would lose my home . When I called them the next day and explained it, they were like:"yeah right". I'm glad they weren't too harsh, but next time I would be in trouble
  6. Another new piccy Don't mind the Platypus tho... It's a mascot of the clan lol JFiC = Japanese Food inspection Commité rather weird name for a clan lol
  7. Maybe this will be of use: Its the simplicity of phpBB with many pre-added features... I use it too on 2 sites now and people keep requeting on GUA lol You can get it from IntegraMod and I wrote a tutorial here The hardest thing is the install wich isnt all that hard
  8. Haha same here... I would like to hear how American/English people pronounce the last part of my name... Leijden...
  9. In my opinion richer nations should share wealth to achieve one world. We all have to share this one planet, so why not make the best of it? Too bad I see only people sharing when there is suffering, but when it's over, the support is gone. I would agree, but the problem is when stuff is bought or saled, it goes to the government of that nation... Nothing to the suffering people, since most rulers of poor nations keep resources and money to themselves.
  10. Ok made me 2 new ones... tried to use different things as much as I could This one is made for a clan on GUA This one for my rpg clan lol
  11. Rofl... I dunno why but women and girls always call me "puppy-eyes", but as long they say it's cute, I'm ok with it
  12. I melted my teachers brain like a popsicle
  13. Hmmm I use this sig on some forums, but it's still embossed and all Next ones will be different I hope
  14. lol thanx guys :PWell the 1st too are banners on my site, they fir in background lol and the last one is a sig. And yeah, I'm a bit of a bevel maniac, but trying to explore more (Ima n00b )I'll post more when I have some (other then bevelled lol)Thanx & Peace
  15. The lyrics I spit are better then cool
  16. Well true... and it depends on the child itself, but remember it works subliminal (subconscious) so traces will be still within their existance troughout their lifes, our lifes. I'm an adult but at times I find myself as well "brainwahes" after playing a game for some time. Like when I play NFS, I drive faster myself afterwards then before I played it... (cought myself red handed once ) That's not what I meant lol, more like they persue, sue and put people to prison when they have used or carry marijuana. When it would be legal, crime will lower, not because people won't use it but people don't have to do stupid things to obtain it... Only thing I disagree with on this is minors using it. Peace
  17. Made me some images and sigs for my rpg clan... Photoshop still rulezzz
  18. Anyone rippin it would be a fool
  19. We all know how easy kids are to "brainwash" with games and TV right? Yesterday I was watching TV and there was a program on called Gammo (about computergames) and it was about a game called Grand theft or w/e, about stealing cars... In this game you are a criminal stealing a car and being a thug, shooting and looting on it's way. The irony was that after this program there was another called "police chases" (dutch=politie achtervolgingen), about the police chasing down adult and kids wich did the same thing as the videogames they make I think its sick when you first let children play these games to become criminals and then chase em down and send them to jail. Just like the use of marijuana, wich is proven not be a hard drug. Here in Holland it's legal, but everywhere else it's looked at like it's the same as coca?ne and all and long times in prison are given. So here in Holland the crime rates are way lower then other nations, not only , but mostly due to the fact marijuana is legal here. Also with all this economic mess going on it's hard for poor people to put food on the table, due to the fact everything gets more expensive and salaries and wellfare remain the same or get cut off. For some people who have nearly no money there is no ohter way then to steal food or do other stupid things to make sure their children can eat. Maybe they need prisoners to keep the governments paid ...
  20. lol gotta love these discussions Well the constitution is good, for the rich... For people who ain't that lucky it's just a living hell. They should tell the truth more and publish all chapters and articles. Rather weak? It is written in the constitution. How can you force children to learn by taking them away from their parents? This is just production of criminals + Terrorism is just a fictional thing governments made up to rule people with fear. If it's not an issue of the contitution, why did they put a penalty after the no-voting of ?5000,- for every person who can't afford healthcare anymore?
  21. True, the media only shows things from one side (e.g.Western Side) so people will follow their views. Always look at both sides and then make conclusions... Here in Europe they also only show the US side, they don't show militaries shooting children (aimed!). Wow what a freedom and humanity eh? The people there still die for there former leader... Wow dictator eh? And where are those WMD's??? Injustice is bad, especially when people die because of it...
  22. I agree with this, there is a world we can't see with our 'normal' eyes.I think both Matrix books and movies are based on this but heavily shrouded in a fantasy-sci fi story. I liked the movie a lot because I agree with it on one exceptional thing, that reality can be molded by our own hands and thoughts.
  23. Hmmm I myself was one of the people who voted no with the referendum in Holland. Let me explain: First of all, they left many agreements out for the public and only showed the good part of the constitution. If they got trough with it most prices will rise even more then they allready did... For example, the price of only 1 bread before the Euro was 1,90 guilders, 1 Euro is 2,20 guilders so the price now should be around 0,90 right? No! Now we pay 1,70 for the same thing and everything changed like that, but salaries are cut in half... The Euro is a big rip off for many people, and with their constitution they were planning to rise those prices even more. Healthcare... With the constitution healthcare would rise up to 100,- a month, twice as much as we pay now, for some even more. Freedom of speech? In Belgium, European HQ, the government voted for the people with yes... No votes were held there. And on top of this, our pm told on TV he maybe will go trough with this contitution, no matter how many people are againt it. Just my 2 cents... well 2 euro's
  24. HoRuS


    I know a few Iraqi refugees here, they all were complaining about this. The were all more happy with Saddam, they said he became a dictator after the Desert Storm bs. And Bush is the biggest terrorist himself, he should be overthrown with his grin on his face when he goes to war and his lies about more sensitive things wich I won't mention. He uses the best way to rule a nation, fear... And the sad thing is that people are buying this %#@*. Remember the Bush administration sponsored AlQaida themselves for billions of dollars and Bin Laden was a CIA tactician a few years ago, rewarded and all. Sorry if I seem angry but this injustice been on far too long now
  25. Well said... We have to share the same planet all together,the last thing we need is another war to worry about.
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