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Everything posted by HoRuS

  1. Thanx FlorisjuhYea it's a clan for rp games as well as for video games... (still playing Q2 myself lol) Ofcourse it's a bit of showing my creation, but still it belongs here
  2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you might see, we are mainly a Role Play clan, specialized in Kings of Chaos, Fall of Empires and MediWar. We try to keep a mixture between RPG and "normal video games". We don't recruit by skill, but a good attitude is required. You can visit us @ Realm of Chaos or on miRC Peace
  3. Well to be honest, if you ever had sexual education, a sperm swims towards the egg... They both move, how can anything move, except for mechanical man-made things, without having awareness, it knows it has to do what it does. So yeah a fetus is alive, it is aware it has to grow, most importantly it can become a whole being, in this case human.Murder means "to take away life","to kill another human being", as far as I know is even a fetus a potential human being. It struggles to survive, if it doesn't have the capabilities to become a human, Nature does her work, called miscarriage.We as humans don't have the right to take away the right to be born from a child, to take away it's life, wich the fetus has fought for since the sperm and the egg came together.Tip: watch a video about the growth of a fetus in it's mommy's belly
  4. At the moment having the song Land of the gun by Immortal Technique playin
  5. HoRuS


    Hmm that leader build up a great nation my friend, but due to some "diplomats" he was pushed into war and tirrany... Anyways if you join the army remember this point of advice: Don't die for your country, they don't care for you neither
  6. Wow, I'm happy to see Netherlands have vote NO! but 63% Now I can sleep in peace, who knows what have happened to many countries (and people) if that Constitution came trough. Would have caused many people to suffer and politicians to go on with their selvish and ignorant agenda's Oh and it wasnt't the people who founded the EU, but the diplomats and see? When the people get to vote they want different things then their governments
  7. Immortal Technique ~ Industrial Revolution... Really nice lyrics
  8. Well ummm... I still haven't done anything wrong (I think)But I wanna ask admins to keep an eye out, I did install a script last night called "Legend of The Green gragon" but as far as I know it wouldn't hurt anyone nor anything, but just in case... Only use 36 mB of the diskspace and 2,32 mB of the SQL space. So if there would be anything, I sure want to hear Peace
  9. HoRuS


    It seems that you're influenced by the media as well Saddam wasn't building those weapons (at that time) they haven't found any till now. Yeah he used such weapons before on shiites and Kurds but that was after some US diplomat told Saddam they wanted to take over, as well as when he attacked Kuwait, when a US diplomat told him Kuwait stole oil from him and showed him satallite photo's of it. And the US sold Saddam weapons to invade Iraq and then blamed all on him. I'm not saying he was a good man (Saddam) but the US is as bad as he is. Thanks to the US government, Iraq is in anarchy and they stay there for heir next invasions, probably on Iran and/or Syria and Korea is on their list as well, since they want to give Israƫl their "promised" lands As tyrant gone? Before the GulfWar in the 90's began Saddam made a fine country of Iraq and was even more wealthier then most others, THATS why the US wanted them down and the oil has a big part in this as well. The UN told mr. Bush not to invade and what did he do? So the UN shouldn't be blamed as well. I have nothing to add
  10. Hmmm...Personally I refuse to believe we "accidently evolved" from lizards nor monkeys rofl and no I won't believe the story of Adam and Eve as well...Even if we "evolved" from moneys I would rather think it had something to do with genetic manipulation, because we have this extra thing in our DNA wich made us the way we are now and till now no other species have "evolved" such extra DNA provided by Nature itself.Might be weird and I'm sure most people brand me as maniac, but I think we are not what we think we are
  11. Thanx for the advice guys...I altered it in config.php and now it works again
  12. Heyhey, I have a really dumb question... I recently changed my accounts password and now i get this error on homepage: Where can I change it so it can read the new pass? Thanx
  13. No worries (I think) I got mine from flaming with another member here about some weird game You really have to do bad things to get this warninglevel. Rofl... Can we only see our own levels? Cause I can't see yours
  14. Yeah... Same hereGood it's back to normal, so we can't make any mistakes
  15. Well those words are in color because in one of the many different bibles it is quoted like that with "us" and "our", wich for me implies man is not directly created by God. I have many reasons to believe that but I dunno if I'll "bother" you all with that lol plus I'll need more time to write a post... I just think Mr. Darwin was terribly wrong. Yeah I'm getting sick of all these fights about religion, maybe we are all wrong...
  16. lol I've chosen the "All above" because it depends how long I'm on it.Currently I'm building a board so last night I was on it like 6 or 7 hours but at times I'm bored online and I turn my pc off within 15 mins, so it really depends...My personal record is online for 12 hours rofl <---was like this the day after
  17. uhoh... then I'm allready just 90% removed from that Naw... I can't even remember why I have this 10% except it was for a trhead i made lol.But seriously... What is needed to remove the warnings?
  18. Well All these relegions are only based on one thing... or being that is... That what you call God. All religions lost their origins and their essence nowadays and nobody remembers what they all really were based on, except for an Upperbeing, could be Upperbeings as well, wich "created" us. Even read a thing a while ago wich quoted the Bible: So what I'm trying to say is really not to believe in "religions" these days, because they all say different things and then fight over it, but just to follow your heart and believe in yourself, only then the answers will show. Just my 2 cents
  19. For me phpBB stays best, because it's the kind wich I "grew up" with...Otherwise I would need to learn other codes and I like it as it is now lol
  20. Haha what could i possibly do? No just kidding... I'm only at 75.66 mB and most of it will be gone soon because I accidently erased my boards database. Only have this one now wich I want to mod with a phpBB rpg game if possible, but it could never be more then 150 mB. (I will post about that script soon as well) My current board only takes up like 8 mB WITH the rpg allready installed... Only need some addons. The clan I'm in has her own server as well, so we can share the space. They make a discussion and I an rpg board (if possible) so don't fear me... I'm still a n00b when it comes to scripts Peace
  21. Heyhey... I just logged into cpanel and what do I see? Is it me or is this correct? rofl maybe I should read more instead of play with php Notice from snlildude87: Use a more descriptive title next time please
  22. Isn't there an rpg for phpBB at all???Hmmm maybe I'll do a wide search on it...Keep you posted lol
  23. LoL... The American SpongeBob is better then the dutch one Like most cartoons. All are synchronized here, but it sounds really newbish.Since my lil son watches SpongeBob I learned to like it somewhat
  24. Same here... One time it even saved my life A few years ago I worked at an auction, in wich we drive little electric carts to transport the orders. One day I was having a dream that I had to brake to avoid a collision with a collegue and the whole order fell on me (The carts are open on the backside)... The next day I went to work, thinking it was just another nightmare. After the break it happened, I was driving trough the main hall with an order and suddenly I saw the same collegue in front of me, remembering this dream, I did brake but this time I streched out my arm to avoid the order from falling upon me. Man... I remember this as if it happened yesterday, real weird...
  25. HoRuS


    Allready got 1 now haha, I'll rather wait till he's older and maybe then a 2nd child, but for now 1 is enough to raise on my own
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