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Everything posted by HoRuS

  1. hmmm nice thinking :)hmm all i need would be the 2007 model cell-phone, with implemented camera, radio, tv, fridge, laptop, lighter and nightvision goooo nokia
  2. Hmmm my best way of waking up?When I wake up I first go make me some coffee, then I wake my son, drink my coffee, make breakfast,check my KoC account,freshen up myself and my kid,leave for work.Pretty much the same every day
  3. Hehe, for real, Xisto is the best community/hosting around. (I should know lol)After trying like 15 other hosts I came here and the only way to get rid of me is by an admin banning me :)Welcome to Xisto, don't forget to vote
  4. Many women might hate me for saying this... Women do have rights... But a child has the right of birth from the moment it's concieved (typo?)! If people don't want a kid, they should kep their legs closed. And for the issue when a woman is raped, it ain't the kid's fault, so adoption might be the best option. I even heard of a girl who was raped and she gave the child birth. Allthough she hates the guy who did it deeply, she loves the kid more then anything.
  5. Hmm these are good ones... Better then the ones I found at http://www.softpedia.com/ I tried them all there, freeware and shareware and most of 'em really aren't clear nor easy in use... Thanks for the links
  6. Girls are always mysterious and what they feel, we will never know (as men lol) Have had some experience myself, like one day she cries out that she loves me and next day she left for a 46 (!) year old guy I hope you'll get over it soon and as jlhaslip said: Good luck
  7. Hmm I want to use DreamWeaver, but I can't find a version wich is compatible with win98SE... Everywhere I look I see only win2000 or winXP And I fear that I will mess up my pc when I install it on my current OS
  8. This is one of the reasons why i love the Quake series (well Q2 and Q3). All enemies are loaded into the map before you start and sometimes they do hilarious things, like fighting eachother I think ID software has one of the best game-engines around.
  9. There are many topics about this and in all I say the same thing, it was an unjustified attack, based on lies and false propaganda. The US and Europe had/have no reason for doing that, except for unstabilize the area and build their pipelines. There were no wmd's and the Iraqi people were happier back then when Saddam ruled then they are now.
  10. HoRuS

    Hosting Credits

    Why not request it to the mods and/or admins? And no, at least not when you activate yourself again soon, I never lost anything during my suspension.
  11. HoRuS

    Hosting Credits

    Hmmm it's not that hard to keep credits positive on these forums, there is something for everybody and why not think of some topics of your own? Ok I have been suspended 2 times now, but rl takes too much time from me at the moment so I have only like an hour to do everything I wanna do on internet, but I'll be back . But there are forums about technology, free stuff and even this vent. Other hosts with pbp (payed by posting) only offer 2 or 3 sections and this system is needed for Xisto because of the ads in here so they can pay what we use. Or would you like ads on your own site? Just my 2 cents...
  12. I don't believe in ghosts... I know they exist, I have seen them with my own eyes, I have seen guardian angels, I have seen spirits of nature. And no, I wasn't under influence of drugs or anything nor was it my brainchemistry. When I go into meditation I can still see them. It's somewhat arrogant/ignorant to think we only live once, since ancient civilizations also have written down there are spirits/souls and a afterlife. This may sound radical, but for those who say the bible says there is no afterlife or come-back after death, read again or read the un-edited bible No offence
  13. For real!!!MTG is the best card game wich they ever made, gameplay rocks and the graphics are really awesome. Only bad thing are the new rules, but oh well, gotta live with it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. If people don't have the means to fight a "normal" war, they try to find other ways to get their own freedom. Since the Western World (I'm ashamed) want to own all of the eastern world, they see this as their only way to fight back. I have to say terrorism is just wrong, but I can understand. Also, terrorism is used by our own governments to spread fear amongst their people, what is easier to control then frightened people. I think they set all this up to create this fear and hatred, since they also know resources are to be gone soon and we live here with 15 billion human beings. My ideas are somewhat radical, but I refuse to hide from the truth, wich is our own governments are telling lies to us so they can go to war and we kill our own neighbours if they have a different color then us. I saw it last week again, when a czech friend of mine went home after a beer in the bar. Two "neo-nazi's" approached him and worked him with a flail type of weapon and since police here don't mind, they did nothing to bust those guys. Here in Holland I see every day how the anger between races is growing, more and more skinheads pop up and some of the "black" population also does illogical things. I have a kid, his mom told me I have to tell him he has to stick wth his own race.. heh no way! And for muslims... Here in Holland we have to thank them for a lot... They did all the dirty work wich we didnt wanna do like for example working in sewers and cleaning. And people forget where we get all our wealth from... We STOLE it hundreds of years ago from Arabic and African lands. Notice from BuffaloHELP: I understand what you were TRYING to say but your words got in the way and came out all wrong. I have placed a black highlight but did not censor your words. Next time please use better judgment and proof read before making a comment like yours. Anyone using this portion of the quote will be warned and post deleted. Thank you.
  15. Hmm my list would be too big -Age of Empires III-Quake IV-BattleField 2-Football Manager 2006-Halo 2-Guild WarsAnd like 50 more hehe
  16. Hmm all I use are my MP3 player (home) and Discman when I'm away lol.I'm at home most of teh time so my Media Player works overtime
  17. My favourite games... There are several.FPS: Unreal, Enemy territory and of course Quake II.Strategy: Age of Empires and Football Manager 2005.RPG: World of Warcraft.Browser: Kings of Chaos, Legends of Elveron and Dark Throne.
  18. lol here in Holland we also had cents, then the euro came and we had eurocents and now they banned all those so all I can add is a 5 cent coin hmmm I feel I've been lifted
  19. There are two sides to this.It is proven videa-games, TV and even music influence people to do crazy stuff, but it's all in how much you are open to influence. It's clear that a lot of kids do immitate what they see, but I also see kids who play games and watch those TV programs, but they don't bother with it in RL. I do play FPS games as well but only when I need to vent out my aggression, so my idea is that games can be a pain in the *** as well as a relieve of stress for some people.
  20. I just can't stand this and this bothers me for years, so I better vent this out before I go coocoo.Over a hundred years ago, man invented the turbine engine wich runs on oil and gas. So for over more then a hundred years people have been polluting the streets, skies and seas with this toxic gasses (exhausts). We have the knowledge to invent cleaner engines and transportation vehicles wich go with it. Engines wich can run on hydrogen, electricity and even normal drinkwater. Now this is what bothers me,All those big corporations and oil syndicates like Shell, Esso, BP you name 'em don't want these engines/cars to reach the market, or if they do those are not affordable for 80% of the people, only because of the fact that when these vehicles become common, those companies become absolete and loose their profit. They buy out factories wich can make those vehicles, they influence the media so those (like me) are being laughed at when they speak their mind, they promote their turbine engines trough commercials wich are almost Utopic.Millions of tons of oil waste are dumped into the oceans, millions of cars produce a toxic air and worst of all, they steal all of our Earth's blood. We complain about illnesses, a bad airquality, earthquakes and filthy drinkwater but most of the people don't see (or don't wanna see) these are all caused by our ways of life, the cars we drive in, the factories wich produce all our luxury.Do our children need to live on a planet on which they can hardly breath, drink nor play?What the **** are we doing?EDITED : TOPIC TITLE
  21. HoRuS

    George Bush

    Well If I lived in the US wouldn't vote anyways since they do cheat. If the "elite" wants one man to win, he will win no matter what people vote. And it is Bush' fault 9/11 occured since he and his own re-enacted the whole massacre just to create more hate and war. I can recall there were over 4 anti-terrorist excercises at the exact same time 9/11 happened and Bush' right hand Cheney was in control that day over the USAF wich couldn't get there on time, since the exercises confused them to where they should go, this isn't coincidence.
  22. HoRuS

    Why Did Bush

    As I can remember most people voted against him, untill they had to 'recount' the votes. We have to be afraid, true, but not for your own people, you need to be afraid for the people behind the scenes who use Bush as puppet for them needs, they're the ones who made sure he was elected. Yes, but what most Americans do not know (more are becoming more concious though) is that Bush coordinated those terrorism attacks and funded their training. (yes I don't only watch the'news', I read too) Finally they can use their expensive weaponry with support from the people, wich is truly very wrong. Don't get me wrong, I like the Americans as people but them government is evil. I can rant 24/7 about Bush but I better leave it with this
  23. Hmm I had an account a year ago wich was prettynice, but it got boring. I can't remember username nor pass so it won't have any use to say that you can have mine...
  24. Well the processor is only a bit better. 1st one was 733 mzh, new one 866 mzh 1st RAM was 128 mB, new one 256 mB 1st HD was 10 gigs, new one 20 gigs. I know compared to all new made pc's this is nothing much, but hey, it's the best I ever had Well I don't know if it will be of use, it's a Dutch company wich don't operate overseas (yet). They buy used pc's from companies and fix them up with all new parts and sell them for cheap $$$. Mine was about $159,-. I also did ask for a certificate, wich they had, so they're registered at the kvk (Dutch register for companies). Well if you still like a review just let me know
  25. Whoa! I just got my replacement and I think they thougt they had to make up. They now "gave" me a pc wich is twice the specs as the broken one had. lolz I guess I just got lucky
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