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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. Although everyone would like to say that racism doesn't go on anymore, it does. Even on TV it is still allowed (take for example fat fighters on little britain).Racism in my opinion is caused by hatred and all hatred is caused by misunderstanding and ignorance. In theory then, if you educate people about different races, then you can stop it. Unfortunately, that probably won't work as well in practice, but I believe when the younger generation grows up it will die down.
  2. May increase the speed but I wouldn't install it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Basically, it increases your speed if you install it but after you uninstall it, your speed is decreased by more that it was increased in the first place. And you get a bunch spyware. Unless you have the patience to uninstall all the malware, steer clear!
  3. I haven't seen these strange lines between the buttons or the blue banner which everyone talks of. In fact this is all I see: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Even with ie6 (and neither with ff1.07), I don't see this banner. The only difference is that the images have a coffee coloured background because of the transparancy bug, which I may fix. So, erm, can I see some screenshots of this sky blue thing? The main critisism seems to be the tiling background and that the gradient is too dark. I'll alter that over the weekend when I have more time.
  4. He probably has norton ad-blocking on and has configuired it to block all tags with certain words in. Amongst those would probably be banners, ad, ads or anything which would suggest an advertisement of some sort.It's all manually configurable so each set of strings would differ between users.I stopped using its ad-blocking ages ago. It was too difficult to ad new banner ad strings and nearly always blocked useful pictures. It also added javascript code to html documents.
  5. Such as? Find a better product than msword, excel and any of the other products included with msoffice. If windows has got so many security holes then why do you use it? Ms Antispyware is a good program and I use it. On its first run it caught over 30 different types of spyware. Sure, it catches next to nothing when I run it daily now but neither do any of the other anti-spyware programs I use. So, why critize microsoft when you still use their products? Repeating what Spectre said, they made the o/s, they know most about it. All this time and the program is still in its beta stages (which is why it is still free), as soon as the final version is released, they will probably charge for its use. Moved from General Talk
  6. Maybe it's the way php had been set-up or something. Problem answered = topic locked. Any new questions, please start a new topic.
  7. So I created another website. Hopefully this one will be rated a little more highly than my last one. (Very few rated me above 5 ) Here it is. Please rate its design and not what the site has in it (its content). http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ** PLEASE DO NOT RATE THE CONTENT OF THE SITE **
  8. Banned This user's account has been banned. If you are unsure if an admin/mod is real or not, just click on their name and if don't see a Xisto ADMIN / Xisto MODERATOR image under their avatar, then they are fake and please report it.
  9. I remember using wanadoo. Didn't take me long to figure out how you could remove the intruding frame they put at the top of each page! Heh, it (my site) still exists. Guess that's the only good thing about that host, no inactivity limit!
  10. Real Web Talk - Free Domains Good Points Although they are primarily a free domain service, they also offer various methods of free advertising, such as having a topic stickied (pinned) about your site and sitewide banner rotation for a month. The admin there is very helpful and responds to all support questions very quickly. He sets up the domain very quickly and meets the promise that your domain will be set-up within one day of your domain name application. Unlike most competing free domain services, they allow you to register more than one domain name. In fact they allow you to register up to three and all of their domain names are regsitered until the end of your life (or their site's closure, whatever comes first). For those you are unwilling to make the required 30 points to maintain control of your domain, you can place a 125x125 google ad on your site. Bad Points The discussions there are very free/paid webhosting oriented. There are about 4 or 5 forums there which are aimed at hosting discussion. Perhaps, later, this will haunt them when they find out that their traffic is less than competitors who began their services later than their's! Points are arguably hard to earn. To earn a free .com (without paying money or referring), you have to make anywhere between 50 and 250 posts. Comparing the cost of buying and maintaing a cPanel license and that of a domain, there's no competition. cPanel's more expensive by far. Maybe domains will cost less when the forums become more active. ==================================================== Altogether, this free domain service is very good and it's the first I've found which actually registers the domain. I give this service an overall rating of: 8.5/10 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (please enter cmatcmextra as your referrer, thanks)
  11. Haha. It turn out that spread internet explorer is just a joke . Guess the only give away was the text on the front of the homepage: It's really funny actually but it's got a lot of people really pissed off haha.
  12. Nice site. Just registered my free .be domain name If you still want to keep your original yourname.trap17.com and have your yourname.be domain name at the same time without paying 15 credits, then you can park you domain at the address below: http://yourdomain.com/frontend/rvblue/park/index.html Just add your new domain name in the text box and click Add! and the domain will point to your site.
  13. Try this code fix: <?php// The error message if there are one or more fields not filled in$error = "There are some fields not filled in, <ahref=\"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ here to go back</a>";// Let's check if all fields are filled in!if($sender_name == "" || $sender_email == "" || $message == ""){// Lets echo that error!;)echo $error;}/*if after all everything is filled in correct, lets start doing the mailscript...Edit the variable's below to make them fit your needs*/else{ $yourwebsite = "zaccynetwork.com"; // Your website$recipientname = "ZN Support"; // Whats your name ?!$subject="Support Form"; // The subject of the mail thats being sended$recipient="support@zaccynetwork.com"; // the recipient/*The headers for the e-mail, no need to change it unless you know what you're doing*/$header = "From: $nickname <$email>\r\n";$header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";$header .= "X-Priority: 3\r\n";$header .= "X-MSMail-Priority: Normal\r\n";$header .= "X-Mailer: PHP / ".phpversion()."\r\n";/*You can change the text below to whatever you wish to havefor the way the mail is gonne be outputted, you can use HTML!*/$content= "Dear " . $recipientname . "," . $sender_name . " has sended you an e-mail from " . $yourwebsite . ".<br /><b>Message:</b>" . $message . "<hr noshade=\"true\" size=\"1\" color=\"#000000\" />You can contact " . $sender_name . " back at " . $sender_email . ".";// Lets send the e-mail by using the mail() function, no need to change below...this // can be edited above!mail($recipient, $subject, $content, $header);// Message the user will see if the e-mail is succesfully sended :)echo "Thanks! Your comments has been sended succesfully, " . $sender_name . ".";}?>Okay should be fixed now The main problem was that backslashes weren't used.
  14. I am sure Xisto doesn't support the mailing lists feature. The following is the url where it would probably go: http://yourdomain.com/frontend/rvblue/mail/lists.html However, you maybe able to create your own mailing lists using php's mail() function. You can still use Xisto's cPanel to send and receive mail, create email domain forwarders and auto-responders.
  15. If you ever choose to move hosts, all you'd have to do is change the nameservers to those of your new host and tell your new host what your domain is. It is not necessary to change the domain on your old host because your nameservers aren't connected with that host anymore. You cPanel url will always be http://www.mydomain.com/ regardless of what host you have.
  16. I would try changing the permissions on all the directories in which the file movement involves, the directory where it is being moved from and to, to 0777 permissions.
  17. I have never touched xhtml colours (and if they're the same as html ones, it proves my ignorance even more ) Anyhoo in this cascading style sheets document, you have the code: body {margin: 1em;background: #00f url(grey.gif) repeat;font: 0.85em Arial,Helvetica,Verdana, sans-serif, serif;} If I'm right #00f must be the XHTML colour-code for blue and therefore your site is displaying that background before the background image is loading.
  18. Site Review Okay the first thing I see when I load the page is a glaring blue background which burns my eyes. A couple of seconds after which I see the proper background image. So, I think the blue background should be removed. Secondly, on the navigation menu you have headings which group the links. There is nothing defining the difference between a heading and a link (ie underlined text etc). I like the way that the site works well in firefox and isn't one of those "ie only" sites and how the pages load nice and quickly on the 56k <20s on first page load and <8s thereafter All in all a rating of: 9/10 Suggestions: Remove blue background, define the difference between links and headers on the navigation menu and maybe create 403, 404 error pages etc for the site...
  19. Topic already made about 12dailypro: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/25680-make-money-by-autosurf-in-12day-autosurf/ /~* Locked *~\
  20. I can't see any yr7 having the guts to call any teacher a f--ker be she a supply or an ordinary one. Whatever. I can't really see that happening. Maybe the odd one of two but "strewn", not likely. How does this teacher know that the cleaner didn't clean it up from the day before? Remember this is her first time at the school.... This article's written by some paranoid parent who's exaggerated the truth. Like a substitute. A teacher you have when your usual one isn't here.
  21. Site Review Well for some reason, in firefox your site just displays the source code and nothing else. << proof >> So I guess I'll have to review it from ie6: The site is very basic and simple and I like that in a design because that means it loads quickly on my 56k modem However I think the main problem with the site is the link colouring. On the links page for example, all the links are invisible because the default colour of your links are black which matches the main colour of your background. Another example of this can be found on the home page and the bottom where the top of page link is invisible. My other suggestion would be that the counter should appear at the bottom of the page rather than right at the top. The header of the page should be the first thing which users see. However, I do like the background image you have used and a small graphical header, rather than text at the top, would really make your site look 100% better. RATING: 7/10. SUGGESTIONS: Modify the width and height <embed> tag so that you can turn the music on/off. ????[/tab][tab] Change the colours of some of the links so that they are visible when viewing the page.
  22. Spread Internet Explorer - A Rip Yep at first I truly believed that this site was a joke when I first got there, but after looking around at some of the blog posts, I found out it was for real. Trouble is that half the people there have registered with name like IE sucks and posted things like this site is pointless which it is. Why? How can you spread something which most computer owners already have? Anyways there are other reasons I hate this site. It doesn't take a lot to realize that this site is complete RIP of spreadfirefox.com. Lol, some guy even posted the proof that they use linux servers Aside from all of that, their aim is not to prove how great internet explorer but to prove how crap firefox is. Never have I on that site found one word of opera's bugs or netscape's problems. Finally, there's their buttons. Take this one for example: I know for a fact that most large organistaions' software was built so it would work with internet explorer. Firefox has been around for only a year now (happy birthday btw) which was long after these organisations began building their software. Meh, this has turned into a vent more than anything else. Anyhoo here's the site: http://spreadinternetexplorer.com/
  23. If you want you can buy credits for money. I can't remember what the conversion rate is so you'll need to arrange that with OpaQue.At one stage (before I even became a member), you were allowed to PM an admin and then they would make it so that you did not have to post to keep up your hosting. What, however, they didn't realize was that half the members would pm them saying that they were gonna go on holiday for a month :)So, because of the abuse of this, we do not allow you to pause your hosting account.
  24. There are lots of errors which the w3c validator picks up. The most common one is that alt attributes are not placed inside img tags. Eg: Wrong: <img src="image.png" height="20" width="200"> Right: <img src="image.png" height="20" width="200" alt="Divider"> Even if the alt attribute is left with nothing inside it, it still has to be there or else w3c markup validator will pick it up as an error. There are loads more but it would helpful if you posted links to your validation results.
  25. Meh. Since this topic has topic has become into a discussion of the browser itself even though it was cleary asked not to talk about the greatness of the browser in the first place, I'm locking this topic. /~ Locked
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