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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. Strange. I thought of a cat in the Dominican Repubic eating a tangerine
  2. Popular Applications Are Creating Holes In Your OS Nearly every computer owner nowadays knows how to keep their computer safe by running regualar virus scans and keeping spyware scanners up to date. Well researchers at Prinston University say that this is not enough. They have found many popular applications which open doors up to allow various attacks. Among the discovered culprits were Adobe Photoshop and AOL Instant Messengar. Fortuneately, these products which had the worst written code out of all those which were found, have fixed their code. Earlier this month, Ed Felten who is a professor of computer science and public affairs, responded by saying: However, none of these vuneralbilites can be exploited over the web but require local access to the machine; it goes to show that even the most conscientious of computer users are ultimately at the mercy of the programs they use. LEARN MORE: http://www.neoseeker.com/news/5347-popular-applications-drilling-holes-in-your-os/
  3. The computer has a beep code which is how it communicates with the user to tell him what's wrong. When a computer beeps like that (continuous high-low beeps), it means that the cpu is overheating. There are many other beep codes which are listed here.
  4. THE SITUATION: Whenever I visit wikipedia with adblock, the page comes with no images or any css. IE: Whereas when I visit it with adblock disabled, the page displays perfectly. THE QUESTION: Can you write the regexp code which will whitelist (allow) all images from en.wikipedia.org?
  5. It means that you have 3.97 credits which is equivalent to 3.97 days worth of hosting.1 CREDIT = 1 DAY WORTH OF HOSTING
  6. Thanks Opa! Really nice to have an admin like you.Can't wait for the upgrade to be complete.....
  7. I'd like to learn more French, enough to get into a basic conversation rather than just being able to ordering food and such. I'm learning Spanish at the moment as well which I'm finding very hard, "tengo unos anos"* is about all I can say I don't really want to have to learn that......BTW, out of interest, what country speaks Telegu?// Added French option to the poll* Means I'm one-year old
  8. Okay then, in view.php change: $id = $_REQUEST['id']; To: $id = $view_var; And also, I forgot to add in the last post. Change this in index.php: include 'view.php?id=1' To: include 'view.php'; And making the changes shown in my last post in this topic, your problem should be fixed. edit: fixed typos
  9. Actually, include "bla.php"; is a perfectly good way of including a file. Here's how to fix the problem: First Open view.php Find: if ($_REQUEST["id"] == "1") And change it to: if ($view_var == 1) Secondly open index.php Find: include 'view.php?id=1'; And above that add $view_var = 1; And that's it ========================================== The reason why it doesn't work is because php looks for the file view.php?id=1 on the filesystem not view.php.
  10. Well, these are the marks I got at Christmas (or at least the ones I can remember): Maths => 7CPhysics => 6BChemistry => 7BBiology => 5A (haha I'm crap :))History => 7CArt => 4AFrench => 5BSpanish => 3C For all those who don't live in the UK, level 7 is the highest mark and anything less than 7 is worse. And also 7A is better than 7B but 7C is lower than 7B. For some subjects (ie French) the highest mark is lower because we've only started that recently. edit: fixed typo Notice from cmatcmextra: In future, please post all your marks in CODE tags. Your marks contribute nothing to community.....
  11. Thanks for the comments I guess when it comes down to it, what rating you give an image depends on what floats your boat. I just drew a few lines / took a few of the images already on my computer and filter whored them as rejected said using the built in PSPScripts.
  12. For a start we wouldn't be posting here Life would be a lot harder than it is now. Many businesses would slow down dramtically or become inoperable and Alex wouldn't've earnt his first $million moving to computers.....
  13. You were banned a while ago by me. You need to PM an admin to unban you via the admin CP as atm I can't unban you via the mod controls.....edit: fixed typo
  14. Here's a very simple banner I've created: Rate / comment / criticise
  15. What Is Code 431.322.12 Of The Internet Privacy Act? On many sites' terms and conditions, you may've seen the following statement or something similar to it: THIS INTERNET PRIVACY ACT IS NONEXISTANT This fake message is displayed on many sites which offer their visitors to opportunity to download illegal items such as warez and cracked software. The quoted paragraph provides no legal protection for any of its browsers or owners. If you download any of the contents offered on these websites, you could be prosecuted.
  16. Then surely a better time for the world to end would be 6/6/6 (6th June 6AD). There's just as much chance of the world ending or WWIII starting on the 6th as much it strating on the 7th May 2008. Besides, you're all overlooking the fact that different religions use different calendars. The Islamic calendar at the moment reads 14/12/1426, so who's to say what calendar this spirit will use to judge the date the world will end? Friday the 13th didn't bring me any more bad luck than any other days and the 6th June won't bring more death than any other day of the century and if it does, it won't be because of what the date reads. http://www.religioustolerance.org/end_wrl1.htm
  17. Well, after some googling, I found a player called Real Alternative. I tried to find reviews for this product on Download.com but instead found RealPlayer's reviews. Most of them hate RealPlayer and recommend Real Alternative....
  18. Here are two abstract 1024x768 desktop wallpapers I have created: Rate / comment / criticise
  19. I believe you get more credits if your posts are presented better. Ie: [size=8][b][u]My Tut On Widgets[/u][/b][/size]Widgets come in many different colours..... Would get more credits than: My Tut On WidgetsWidgets come in many different colours.....
  20. I don't think that this is possible with php but you can do it with javascript. This code goes in the <head> tag: <script type="text/javascript"> function goOnwards() { window.location = "http://bla.com"; } setTimeout("goOnwards()", 3000); </script> <!-- Provide an alternative for those without javascript --> <noscript> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; url=http://bla.com"> </noscript>
  21. It looks mainly like a permissions problem. Go into cPanel file manager and make sure that Settings.php has 0777 permissions. That should clear the fopen(), fwrite() and fclose() errors.
  22. Here's an asp --> php converter. You just have to register and then copy and paste your asp code in the box and it translates it. Some things can't be translated but most php functions can be found by googling php <what you want to do>.
  23. Santa, the guy who lives with me 365 days a year (aka my dad), yes. Santa, the guy who can miraculously fly around 1/2 the rich North in 12 hours and somehow mimic the handwriting of my mum, no.Hope I didn't ruin Christmas for you
  24. Sorry dude. Surfjunky is a scam and they'll never pay you. Even google agrees with me Click here and they'll proove that surfjunky could never pay you without closing down.
  25. 3: The earth is in the universe, so if the universe ends so will the earth. 4: This topic has been posted before. Please click here.
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