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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. About The Commonwealth Games Contents Of This Article ????[/tab]> A Brief Summary Of The Games ????> A History Of The Games ???????? # Name Changes ???????? # Countries Participating ???????? # Boycotts ????> What Goes On At The Games? ????> What About 2006? ???????? # How Long? ???????? # Mascots ????[tab] # Honoury Coin A Brief Summary Of The Games The Commonwealth Games is a sporting event held every four years since 1930. The competitors come from all areas of the Commonwealth. Many countries have competed but to date, only six nations have competed in every one of the Commonwealth Games. They include: England () Scotland () Wales () Australia () Canada () New Zealand () A History Of The Games The games were set up in 1930 by the name of the British Empire Games. Eleven nations participated. They were: Australia () Bermuda () Canada () England () Guyana () Ireland () Newfoundland () New Zeland () Scotland () South Africa () Wales () The games then ran as planned every four years until Sydney 1938. It was stopped due to WWII until 1950 where they then decided to restart the games in Auckland. Four years later, the name of the games was changed once more to the British Empire and Commonwealth Games. Wherefore, the British Empire Games flag (see in images above) was abolished. Later in 1970, the name of the games was again changed. This time is was to the British Commonwealth Games. At that point the BCG seal was created (see in images above). Since then, the games has had many threatened and enacted boycotts. In 1974 a boycott was threatened because of South Africa as well as in 1982 and 1990. However, in 1978 one was enacted in protest of New Zealand's sporting contacts with South Africa. Boycotts were also carried out in 1986 by 32 nations from Africa, Asia and the Caribbean due to Margret Thatcher's government attitude towards South African sporting contacts. Just eight years after its previous name change, it was shortened once more to what we know the games as today. The Commmonwealth Games. What Goes On At The Games? Nowdays many sports are played at the games which range from swiming to lawn bowls. However only 7 of the current 24 games have been played since the beginning. Since 2002 EAD games have been added. EAD means Events for Athletes With A Disablity. Below is a list of all the games that are being played in 2006 and when they were held in previous years: Athletics (Men) (1930-) Athletics (Women) (1934-) Athletics (Disabled) (2002-) Badminton (1966-) Basketball (2006-) Boxing (1930-) Cycling (1934-) Diving (1930-) Gym (1978, 1990-) Hockey (1998-) Lawn Bowls (1930-1962, 1968-) Netball (1998-) Power Lifting (Disabled) (2002-) Rugby Sevens (1998-) Shooting (1966, 1974-) Squash (1998-) Swimming (1930-) Swimming (Disabled) (2002-) Synchronised Swimming (1930-) Table Tennis (2002-) Table Tennis (Disabled) (2002-) Triatholon (2002-) Water Polo (1930-) Weight Lifting (1950-) What About The 2006 Games? This year the games will be held in Melbourne, Australia and will last 11 days. They will begin on March 15th and end of March 26th and will be a momentous event for the city as this is the largest sporting event ever to be held there. The mascot for the event is a red-tailed black cockatoo which is a threatened species. Both the opening and closing ceremonies are going to be held in Melbourne Cricket Ground. To view the games, all you need is a TV. Many broadcasting stations have decided to record the games such as BBC1, BBC2, BBCi, TVNz and FoxSports. Australia has also produced a lovely 50-cent coin in honour of the games: [hr=noshade]So, whatever country you're in or supporting, good luck![/hr] *Images courtesy of wikimedia foundation inc
  2. Ditto. Probably won't last too long though. Usually when this happens it only lasts for no more than 12hrs....
  3. Happy PI Day! Probably because of the American dating system. Today would be: 3/14/06 Which are the first three digits of pi! I have a feeling there's gonna to be an extra-special celebration in 2015
  4. SiteAdvisor - Firefox's Answer To IE's Phishing Filter? A site-warning plugin for ie and firefox [hr=shade] Name: Site Advisor[/hr] Url: http://www.siteadvisor.com/final/index.html Download: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Rating: 9.75/10 Improvements: Not all sites are on their database but many of the popular ones are so index all webistes.[hr=shade] SiteAdvisor is a simple and easy to install extension created for firefox which checks to see if the site you are on is "bad" from its database of urls. Once the results have reached your browser a notification is displayed or your browser's status bar. It is either one of the following below.[/hr] Furthermore, when you search using popular search engines, for example google and yahoo, the ratings come up there as well as with details on the test results for that site. A green website is totally safe to surf on, a yellow website is one which may deal extremely little pieces of malpractice and ergo you should proceed with extreme caution when visiting such sites. Sites given the red rating induldge in high quantities of malpractice and should be avioded at all costs. Reports suggest that approximately 2% of all websites tested have been given the yellow raring and 5% the dreaded red. It is of no surprise that when searching for popular keywords such as screensavers and p2p, red crosses appear for many of the websites. As a user of this extension myself for a considerable amount of time (all of 4 days), I recommend it. When searching and browsing the siteadvisor results come back in all of 2 seconds, bearing in mind I'm a dialup user. I should expect the information of the sites it collects to be very accurate although some safe download sites such as softpedia is in many's eyes, unjustly certified as red . This extension is a very useful guide to new and ignorant web users who'll download spyware for sure and an excellent resource for those helping to maintain their systems free of malware. Whatever critics say, this extension should, in my opinion, be included with the next version of firefox.
  5. Your site is at HTTP// It is functioning properly and ready for you to use. The problem lies with the way you set up the .tk free framing thing. You set the url to when really you should be using the address which is in the first paragraph. Seeing as we share an ip address, you need to tell it which site to load by typing in: HTTP//IP-ADDRESS/YOURCPANELUSERNAME/ Otherwise it won't work.
  6. I wonder how long the invisible batteries last! Umm, how comes you can't find this 'timeflex' anywhere else on the web? I've traced it down to a business in Hong Kong with 14 employees. It's not April Fools is it? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. *bad'joke'* Looks like shutmail's shutdown */bad'joke'*Closed then.....
  8. If you want to request a sig, please post a new topic in the request a free signature forum using the format set out in the pinned topic.
  9. It looks basic. What's the picture of the girl for? If it's you, then it shouldn't be the first thing you see on the page. It's the kind of thing you'd expect to see in an About the Author section and even then it'd be a 50x100 thumbnail. When you click on your state and receive the name of the car insurance company, it would be nice if you posted links to the sites of the people who provide the car insurance. How about a profile: name, age of company.... With a nice and well-thought out colour scheme, a few pictures (I mean a header image on each page and stuff like that) and a good css sheet, you could make the website look more professional. That's what'll bring in more visitors. One of things people assocaite with badly-done webpages is a badly-done service. 6/10 [hr=noshade] edit: If the name of your site is commonly confused with porn, perhaps you should consider a rename. People confusing your site for porn won't help traffic. [/hr]
  10. LOL Anyhoo, for those who can't see it using google video, watch it here! on the creator's website... EDIT: Okay. Ipb wants to put part of the url outside of the url tag so the above the link won't work. Instead, copy the below into your browser: mypartypost.com/watchvideo/1095/Why_Macs_Suck!
  11. I wonder how much the schools would fine parents in their son/daughter lost theirs. For books it's around 50p but for laptops. I can imagine what some people would do the laptops of people whom they hate.Anyway, carrying them round between lessons wouldn't be convenient. And imagine 1000 people trying to log on to the school network at one time, five times a day.
  12. Hoax. Google would never refer to themselves as Your Email Provider, have such shoddy grammar and spelling and write their letters in an informal style. Remember, google's a multi-billion dollar industry and if they did want money, they wouldn't do it through gmail emails.
  13. I came here originally for the free hosting but then found somewhere else. I kept posting and staying active as I fast realised what a vast source of knowledge this was. Through this forum, I've greatly improved my coding skills. Many opinions have been put forward which have and still do challenge my believes and opinions.After realising that and having my old host go paid, I reacquired hosting from here...EDIT: Just realized, 800th post
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33316-show-credits-on-all-pages-not-just-the-home-page/ The answer was no last time so I'm guessing 12 days later it's still the same With the many 1000s of page loads Xisto gets every day, it's not worth it. In lieu of having a quick search button on each page, you could use the search plugin for firefox for Xisto that m^e created.
  15. Make it: <a href="index.html" target="_top"> The target attribute tells it where to load the link. Having _top as a value tells it to remove all the frames...
  16. After some googling, I found one: cPanel User Manual
  17. I would say the second one, ( one one z z dot org ), pointing out that the two "ones" are numbers.
  18. I don't mind food that's fallen onto the floor in my house. Anywhere else and I wouldn't eat it. I don't think I've ever found a spider's web on my food. Anyhoo in order.... Food that's sneezed upon (by someone else) Food handled by a disgusting person Food fallen on the floor Hair on food Food coughed upon (by someone else) Nothing else there bothers me much....
  19. The member broke a rule and then apologized using the note tag in his signature. Then I edited it with the message, No more note tags either.
  20. 1. Probably. I don't have the GIMP so I wouldn't know. As long as it can deal width gradients and has a good selection tool then it can. 2. Yes
  21. How To Create A Userbar In Jasc Paint Shop Pro What Are Userbars? Userbars are rectangular images that are found in most people's signatures. Generally, they depict a product's logo on the left hand side and some text on the right. Here are some examples: Many of these can be downloaded for free at sites like userbars.com but in this tut, I'll show you how to make a simple Paint Shop Pro Addict userbar. This tutorial assumes you know very little about Paint Shop Pro 9. Once you've opened PSP, you can begin... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create A New Image To do this, press Ctrl + N Set the width of the image to 350px and the height to 20px. Change the colour depth to 16 million colours and make the background colour transparent by checking the Raster Background box and checking the Transparent box. Your screen should look something like this: Now click okay. Add the background The backgrounds of userbars are usually gradients. I'm going to create a yellow and red gradient as that is the colour of the Paint Shop Pro 9 logo. If you know how to add a gradient background, skip onto point 3, otherwise carry on. Double click on one of the colours in the Materials section. Unless you moved it, it should be near the top right hand corner of the application. Click on the Gradient tab and then the Edit button. Your screen should look something LIKE this: Now click the New button on the top right hand corner of active window. Enter a name such as Paint Shop Pro Colours. Next, you should click on Button A (as shown in Figure 1 below) and then on Button B. A colour picker comes up. I used html colour #A74933. You can put this combination of letters and numbers next to the HTML: box. Press OK. Figure 1: Then click on Button C and Button B and input a new colour. I used html colour #FACC91. Press OK. If you want to add a new "button", click anywhere along Strip A. To change the colour, repeat the process used earlier in points 2d and 2e. Press Close and then it should prompt you to save the changes you've made. Click Yes. Your screen should resemble this: The lightest colour should, idealistically, be on the top. If it isn't, adjust the angle until it is. Note that the select Style of gradient is the one furthest to the left. Press okay. The gradient you just added should be selected in the Materials panel. Click it once again. On the left hand side of the application, you should find a picture of a dripping paint tin (). This is the fill tool. If you cannot find it then just press the F key on your keyboard. Click on it and then click on your image. It should look like this: Adding the logo To do this, maximise Paint Shop Pro and press the [PrtSc] aka the print screen key on your keyboard. Press Ctrl + V to paste the image. At the top left of the image, you should see the paint shop pro 9 logo. Press the S key the activate the selection tool and select the logo. Use Ctrl + C to copy it and Ctrl + V to paste it as a new image. Under the Overview panel, press the magnifying glass with the plus sign in it until the image takes up all of the window. On my computer, that's 3500%. Click on the arrow next to the dashed square on the left panel and select the image which looks like a lasso. This is known as the Freehand Selection Tool. Now, this is the hard part. The background of your title bar is a particular colour. Using the selection tool, select every part of that image except all instances of that colour thus selecting the logo with a transparent background. My title bar's background colour is a deep red so I'd select this: Then, once you've completed this, press Ctrl + X. Minimize that image and restore the image you made the gradient on. Press Ctrl + L to paste a new layer. Move the tiny icon so that the left of it is about 20px in from the left of your 350x20 image. You can tell that it is 20px in because the bottom right hand side of the status bar will show x: 20px when you put your mouse over the left of the icon. You should have this: Adding the text For this many people use the Visitor TT1 BRK font available for download, here. To add the text, press T on your keyboard. Then, anywhere on your 350x20 image, press the left mouse button once. Type Paint Shop Pro 9 Addict. Highlight that text and at the top of the application you should see a font dropdown menu, rather like the one in word. Adjust the font to your choice and change the size to 10pt. Further along the right of these menus, you should see a dropdown menu which says Anti Alias. Change it to Sharp. Click Apply. Right click on your text and select Properties. Uncheck the box which says Stroke, if not done already. Click on the coloured box under Fill and a colour chooser should come up. Most userbars either have black and white text. Change the colour to the one you desire and press OK. Move the text so that the right hand side of your text is about 335px in from the left and is vertically aligned in the centre. You should now have this: Finishing Touches Finally add a border. To do this go to Image --> Add Borders. Click OK if an alert appears prompting you to flatten the image layers. Click on the coloured square. Change the colour to black and click Okay. Select Pixels in the dropdown menu on the top left of the active window and change the width of every side of the border (top, bottom, left and right) to 1. Click Okay. There you have it! Your very own basic userbar. Many userbars have diagonal lines in them and white, elliptic transparent parts. You can add those as well.
  22. If you need to delete your forum account, then you'll have to ask an admin to do that for you. There's no way that you can do it yourself. However, if you want to delete your hosting account, click here.
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