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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. To make the system tray icon reappear in the system tray when connected..... Go to Start --> Connect To --> (right click on your dial-up connection) --> Status --> Properties --> At the bottom there should be Show icon in notification area when connected. Check that. Anyhoo, it works on my system, may not work on your's....
  2. Well a simple google search for 0x800CCC19 brings up this page. Follow the instructions there and see if they work.
  3. Good explanation. Some comments: This code: <?php$mybrowser = "Fire Fox";if ($mybrowser == Fire Fox) { echo " You are using firefox!"; } else { echo " You are not using firefox"; }?> Should be: <?php$mybrowser = "Fire Fox";if ($mybrowser == "Fire Fox") { echo " You are using firefox!"; } else { echo " You are not using firefox"; }?> With the quotes around if ($mybrowser == "Fire Fox") { Otherwise, you'll get an error like:
  4. It is not against the Xisto tos to put google ads on your site. Moving from Google Adsense / Adwords........
  5. When I visit the Xisto the forums ( http://forums.xisto.com/index.php ), I get a forum page and no ads although I did when I visited the site earlier today. The only explanation for this (that I can think of) is domain propagation or something. Don't quote me on that.
  6. Unfortuantely, because of the vast amount of people who have GMAIL invites and such we do not allow any new topics which offer them. If you wish to offer GMAIL invites, please post in this topic. /~ Moving from Freebies /~ Locking
  7. Try this code: <?$thisuri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];$noSubDir = str_replace("/global_rs", "/", $thisuri);header("location: http://globalrs.com" . $noSubDir);?> $noSubDir uses php's str_replace function to replace all instances of /global_rs with /. Should work properly.....
  8. ======== NO MORE ENTRIES ACCEPTED THIS WEEK ======== VOTE HERE: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/29673-sig-of-the-week-13-voting-voting-reason-here/
  9. Apparently my elf name is Angrod Melwas?l. Interesting. Anyone have any idea how a ? would be pronounced? edit: lol, accidently put my name in the FEMALE box. changed
  10. You could do that but if a page has loads of flash movies and large images, the page would and all the images would take a long time to save. Providing you won't use this for illegal purposes, here's a quick way to get a flash movie off the web: Look at pieces of text or images surronding the flash movie you wish to download. If there is a piece of text surrounding the movie, copy the text and if an image, copy its url. Right Click --> View Page Source. Click Ctrl + F and paste the text on the clipboard. Click Find Look around this text. Near it you should see something like this: <embed src="http://site.com/myflash.swf"> </embed> Copy the url (so in this I would copy https://www.salesforce.com/products/platform/overview/) and paste it in the address bar. Press the enter key and the flash movie that you want to download should come up and take up all of the browser window OR you maybe prompted to download a file. If prompted to download a file Make sure it is a flash file and if it is click Save If the movie appears Make sure it's the one you want and then go to File --> Save As So that's how to do it
  11. Possible Solutions Option #1 Add *.trap17.com to your trusted sites list. Option #2 Download an alternative browser such as firefox or opera and try accessing your site from there. ============ I assume that you are using ie and get a cannot find server error when accessing certain sites. I, and others, have got that and found that either of the two above options solved the problem. edit: fixed size tags
  12. Try this: <a href="javascript:window.close()">Close this window!</a> I think it's the same regardless of what size the window is.
  13. This topic has already been discussed before. Please search and check that a similar post has not been made before starting a new topic. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/22501-whatre-you-listening-to-now-whats-playin/ Please continue your replies in the above link. ~/ Locked
  14. Prodigy (I believe) was an ex-admin of Xisto but his account has been inactive for such a long time that the member pruning script removed his account.This may be an old topic but it is still relevant to today.
  15. Post count: 500 Member rank: Ultimate Member Post count: 1000 Member rank: ==== Post count: 2000 Member rank: ==== Post count: 3000 Member rank: Addicted Member Post count: 4000 Member rank: Devoted Member Post count: 5000 Member rank: Inseperable From Xisto ^^ Well there are my ideas. The multiple equal signs represents where I can't think of a name for that field ^^ edit fixed spelling & grammar
  16. What sort of error do you get? Try uploading the image using a free image host like xs.to.
  18. Okay so what happens is that I spot what the two listed words have in common, post what I think that is and then two more words which follow that pattern. For instance in this case I may reply something like this: They both have a double - o and two more words which following this pattern would be "poor" and "loo". Yep? Moving to entertainment........
  19. I seem to remember having that problem. Try making or yoursite.com (if it has propagated) a trusted site. Alternatively, download another browser such as firefox or opera. If you have the same problem as I did, you shouldn't be able to connect to cPanel on any site.
  20. Changing The Text In The Bar (IE and Firefox Only) This will allow you to change the text in the title bar of either msie6 (may work for ie7 beta or earlier versions) and mozilla firefox 1.0. By default this is set to Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by ##### or Mozilla Firefox. Here's how to change that..... For Internet Explorer (6) Warning! Changing the title for internet explorer requires editing the registry. Making changes in the registry in keys or values that are not listed here could cause your computer to crash or slow. Follow the following instructions exactly as shown and do not make any other changes unless you know you're doing. Don't hold me responsible for your mistakes... Go to Start --> Run --> Type regedit OR if you can't find Start --> Run, open C:\WINDOWS\system32\regedt32.exe Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main On the right hand side move down to the value Window Title. Right click on it and click Modify Replace the text under Value Data and edit it to what you want. Click okay. For Mozilla Firefox Users Download and install firesomething. This tool will allow you to randomise what goes in place of Mozilla Firefox. If you only have one list of words to randomise then every time you load firefox you'll have the same custom title each time. [/br] Go to Tools --> Extensions Select FireSomething and click Options. It should be pretty straightforward from there If you ever run into any problems then post a reply, but if no-one can help here, you can reply in this topic. Yep, so that's it. Any comments or questions? Btw google search hide real url or hide image url php or protect image url php. Surprised?
  21. If condition OR condition2 etc is.... if (condition1 || condition2) { performThis(); // Sample function} else { performThisInstead(); // Sample function} And you can combine the two... if ((condition1 || condition2) && (condition3 || condition4)) { performThis(); // Sample function} else { performThisInstead(); // Sample function}
  22. JohnBoy, You get improved security. Firefox does not come with the activeX plugin which is one of the ways which spyware/adware can get onto your pc. If you feel you need the plug-in then you can download it here. Firefox has an automatic update function (which updates about once every 2 months - more often than ie) which fixes the security problems ff has. Then of course you can download the security extensions. I recommend using this web browser after you run all the tools mentioned on this page because each of them pick up adware their competitors don't. Sonyguy, if I remember when I installed realOnePlayer I got prompted to install some extra programs (newDotNet, weather program etc...) which would nearly all contain some sort of adware.
  23. Search Xisto for firefox and you'll find it's been done lots of times before. Search before posting.//Locked
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