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Everything posted by dre

  1. Well then, they would be out of luck, just as with anything else that uses voice recognition. This is entirely possible, since a remote would need a very small amount of words to use and the technology for this is readily available. I just doubt a lot of money will be made off of this. If you're too lazy to press a button, how much lazier can you get? I mean at this point you might as well buy yourself a self-feeding spoon .
  2. I use 100% organic toothpaste called Desert Essence and I love it. I get no nasty taste in my mouth after brushing and my tooth enamel suddenly became much better (said my dentist). I usually pick flavors like mint and wintergreen, although I think they have 6 different kinds.
  3. Dude, the 8800gtx is probably 20x faster than the 9800 pro... It's not even close to the same category as the nvidia card. You're trying to compares something that's like 3 or 4 years old with something brand new, never going to happen. Seriously, check out something like techreport.com or xbitlabs.com and get up to date with new video cards and cpus.
  4. Research hCG on google or something, it's a human hormone that releases fat into the system. Also, this releases mostly the abnormal fat reserves and moves fat around where necessary. About 2000 calories of fat and nutrients can be released if Dr. Simeon's protocol is followed correctly, or about a pound of pure fat lost per day. The best thing about this is that you will not be deprived at all (maybe a little during the first days of protocol). See a natural health care practitioner if you're interested in this, it really is a miraculous way to lose weight, no exercise or change of diet needed. Food and drug companies pray that people will not find out about this but since the release of Kevin Trudeau's book, this information is easily accessible.Doctors will try to tell you some BS that it's dangerous but it really isn't: most M.D.s will not give you hCG so don't get too hopeful that you can just stop by Kaiser and get this done.
  5. You shouldn't keep your real feelings from her, tell her how you feel, but don't rush things unless she's comfortable. Try to tell her that you wouldn't want this to ruin the relationship you already have, and if she says no, she will probably still be your friend.
  6. Internal hard drive brands will most likely make the same quality external products. I'd say go for Western Digital, they have never failed me before whereas I hear stories of other people loosing their data because their drives fail or stuff like that, nothing along those lines happened to me. They are usually slightly more expensive then other brands, but are way worth it.
  7. Any non-stop action sport will make you lose weight if you play hard enough and long enough. I've had a weird experience one time after playing about 3 hours of basketball per day for a week: I started craving fruits, which never happened to me before. Anyways, tennis is fun and a good aerobic exercise, and things like basketball and soccer fall into the same category. In my opinion, football has too many breaks that last too long, and you're not running around nearly as much as those other sports, so don't expect many results from that.
  8. I don't understand why people are so willing to kill others over religion. I'm a Christian and surprisingly enough, I'm not that into throwing grenades into my neighbors houses... Religion is religion, what people do with it is their problem, not the problem of religion. Stop blaming religion for the acts of the conquistadors because we are in no way them. These religious wars are didly squat compared to what Hitler and Stalin did to the Christians and the Jews (11 million people killed, combined). You show me any other time in history where so many people were killed in such a short period of time because of religious reasons. This right here just pisses me off... Hmm if you decide you want to go out and break some laws, what do you think is going to happen? Ah yes, consequences. God is a just god; follow what he says, and you will be blessed, turn away, and you will be cursed. If you think you will be blessed for screwing around and doing anything you please, well then, I wish you luck in the remaining years of your life. BTW if you think the people God punished were innocent, they weren't. Umm, no Germany in those years, sorry, they would come later. So when you say German people, you can mean as many as millions or as little as thousands. Nobody called themselves German, it was just a language. Also, religion wasn't the main reason for this, it was mainly the Habsburg dynasty struggling for power. Nobody is really sure on how many people were killed, but it's certain that the wars of the 20th century had exponential damage and losses.
  9. Hmm doesn't look like it's enough to challenge the big players, at least not yet. Also, it's very hard to get even basic information about their project, the site really needs to get better.
  10. I regularly use organic toothpaste, and neem is one of their flavors. Ever since I've been using it my dentist tells me that my teeth became a lot more resistant to cavities, ect. because my enamel was strengthened. @ narutorasengan17: I've had asthma when I used to live in Ukraine, but ever since I moved, it disappeared on its own. The trick with asthma is not to find the magic cure for it, but to eliminate whatever is causing it in the first place. This can apply to every disease. A black seed oil deficiency isn't causing the asthma, it's something else. That something else may be as simple as a preservative in soda or as complex as something in the air, which is a bit harder to get rid or, or get away from.
  11. I use a combo of Adaware and AVG free 7.5 to get all viruses and spyware out of my pc. However, I haven't had many at all so I just use it in rare cases.
  12. I don't have any case fans in my pc and it runs just fine... a problem will only arise if there is no airflow at all, or you have abnormally hot components.
  13. Except the Motorola SLVR series, those are...softies. Anyway, I dropped my Motorola ROKR E1 plenty of times now, it looks like a war veteran, but it still works perfectly. I haven't dropped my N80 and I don't plan to
  14. I'm care more about reception and quality (while talking) then I do about phone apps and features, so that's why I'd have to choose Motorola as my favorite brand. They always seemed to get more bars that all my friends' phones did, while using the same provider (Cingular).
  15. By that I'm thinking that you mean clean water? Water doesn't just drift into outer space. If water somehow did start "disappearing", then most life would end way before that because water dramatically affects global temperature (water has a high specific heat, therefore it takes lots of energy to heat it up, which explains why the earth is able to maintain a fairly constant day-night temperature, compared to something like the moon).
  16. Not a good idea to get your knowledge off of commercials...(Jared is still fat...looks like his subway diet failed). Why would any company advertise that their particular product is crap? They never would. Like I said before, this is something that's beyond calories and exercise.
  17. I tried out the demo and all I can say is nice, real nice. It's sorta like Generals style of play mixed with Tiberian Sun units (and a couple of new ones), which makes for a pretty good game.
  18. Good point, however, the metabolism tends to stay higher when a constant amount of food is eaten. Therefore, when a person is hungry for 1/2 the day and then floods their system with food, the body gets overwhelmed. Then it slows down the metabolism so that the food can be used for a longer period (i.e. if you were held in a concentration camp). Appetite remains high even though a large amount of food has been consumed; this is the basic human survival mechanisms. Also, since he will be eating most of the food past 6 pm, the digestive system will not be burning any of it during his sleep; therefore, it has to become fat. A low calorie intake will not make you lose weight if at any point you are deprived. Hopefully this clears it up for you Android.
  19. The whole proccess having permanent weight loss takes about 90 days. I'm not going to list every single thing, but I'll give you tips on what you can start doing now. +Eat more than the 3 traditional meals a day. -The meals have to be smaller meals. -Breakfast should be your highest priority meal, as it lasts the whole days. It should also be your biggest. +Eat organic foods. -Organic does not mean all natural, as these days, anything can be called all natural. -Do your best to avoid any genetically modified foods, or anything that had growth hormones used on it. -Don't eat fast food. If you abselutely must, go for the places that do the least amout of advertising. +Drink 1 gallon of water per day. -This is very important as it allows your body to flush out toxins (and eventually, fat) from your system. Toxins are the reason why you are fat. -Drink 1 glass of water upon rising. Also, if you notice that you tend to wake up extremely thirsty (like I do), drink a little bit of water before bedtime. +Walk 1 hour nonstop, per day. -After I did this for about a month, it wasn't really the minor weight loss, but it was that I had a hard time gaining any weight back. This changes you weight set point. +Do a full body cleanse. -Read about things such as liver cleanses, candida yeast cleanses, ect. You want to make sure that you get rid of the toxins or weight loss will be close to impossible. -Out of all the things in this list, I would consider this of top priority. +Take digestive enzymes. -You digestive system is most likely very inefficient due to all the toxins inside of you. Taking digestive enzymes will help you burn all the energy from food. There isn't neccesarily a magic bullet here that will take care of your problem. Every individual has a special cause of their weight gain. What you're trying to do is not to address the symptom (fat), but address the actual cause of this weight gain (toxins, intentionally modified hypothalamus by the foods you eat). When the cause is addressed and taken care of, the symptom will go away. I hope this helps a bit, maybe you can post your results later on if you want?
  20. If you're willing to gain weight at any cost do this:-Don't eat breakfast or lunch-Eat ice cream from about 3-7 pm-Eat McDonalds from 8 pm to 1 am-get less than 4 hours of sleepDo this for a month and you'll gain youself some nice weight. As a bonus, this will affect you in your entire lifetime!Not that I seriously suggest it, but who am I to control you... You are free to do anything you want, just don't blame me when you get to the surgery room.
  21. Since you're so enthusiastic about this, how about you go first... It's not the people's fault they were born. Way to bring back Hitler with your extermination crap. The way to deal with this is to control birth rate so the problem will sort itself out. Also, the U.S. would actually be decreasing in population if it wasn't for the immigrants (and illegal aliens). Now, back to the topic of this post. McDonald's food, as with any other resteraunt that uses heavy advertising, is loaded with chemicals specifically manufactured to try and get you addicted to their food. They are counting on the fact that it's inevitable for a person to not go to a McDonald's in their lifetime. Therefore, they will make sure that once you get a taste, you will come back for more...most people do. Then McDonald's will go out and invest in or start a weight loss diet which is a complete scam, but they just add the magical phrase "along with diet and exercise" and they're all good to go. The FDA also loves this because they get huge payoffs to keep this crap secret and deny that it had anything to do with it even though it's staring the truth in the face. Then you might decide that the specific weight loss diet or pill doesn't work, so then you start exercising in hopes of loosing weight. Most people will find that even though they exercise very hard, weight is barely lost (unless you're morbidly obese, then anything will make you lose weight). And when you do lose weight, it takes about 2 days to gain back what took you to lose a week or more. That's another magical effect of MCD; chemicals are included to mess around with your hypothalamus, which regulates metabolism rate, apetite, and secure fat reserves. The result they're trying to achieve is low metabolism and high appetite. Back in the 1950's, ect., it was possible to lose weight with calorie control and increase in exercise. Obesity was really rare back in those days because the food corporations did not find out about chemicals that could be put in the food to make their profits skyrocket. Now that things have changed, you have to do a lot more before you can lose any serious amount weight, and keep it off without depriving yourself with starvation. You'll have to detoxify your body to get rid of all the chemicals and crap inside of you and flush out your fat cells before you can begin to start loosing weight. If you are skeptical about this, just ask yourself why 80% of Americans are fat and at least 40-50% are obese... Don't go by today's standards, look at what they were 40 years ago. They're being changed all the time so that it will seem that Americans aren't that fat.
  22. You must not judge high-speed internet only by its transfer rate. For example, cable has a much slower ping then dsl and fiberwire, which can result in a bad online gaming experience even though you can pump the data through just fine.
  23. If you really want to make money, you have to be a member. Anything a free-to-play player can earn, a pay-to-play player can earn 10x more with 10x less effort. If you're too lazy to train skills, thats not a problem, just go kill those zammy priests, collect a bunch of un-identified herbs (which will probably be crap, but don't tell that to whoever you're selling to), and sell them. Last time I played (years ago), they were worth 1k each. Any noob was able to collect like 1k in 2-3 days and get a million easily.
  24. It is typical of Intel and AMD to leapfrog each other with new technologies, but it seems to me that when AMD comes out with a new architecture, it dominates Intel's products more than Intel dominated AMD's older series. This is probably the case right now. The X2 and FX series aren't exactly getting rocked, it fact, they're usually just a bit behind, but also lower in prices.If AMD is focused on the "family market," then I'm all fine with that. A proccessor of that kind is more likely to be made for the overclocking communities, sort of like RAM companies like OCZ handle their business. I bought myself 2 AMD cpus so far and I'm very satisfied with them. They cost me chump change and perform beautifully; random crashes, ect. is a myth to me now. They readily run anything I throw at it and never ever overheat.
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