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Everything posted by thebluekirby

  1. ROFLOL!!! XD those are funny, especially the first one XD who'd sell a mcdonalds bag? XD
  2. wow...i never knew about that... but i don't think that many people would use it well... at least i wouldn't...the emocions are weird lookin 0_o
  3. wow... don't you think that's a bit long for a sub domain? i say change it to something shorter, like just richycorp.trap17.com sounds good enough
  4. 1gig? wow... that's too much space, don't you think? (thats why i don't use gmail...)i highly doubt any of you are going to use THAT much on email space but it's your choice, it really won't matter. but i like gmail and yahoo, only because i really don't get any problems from it XD
  5. 80's? ha ha... i don't know any to tell the truth XD i wasn't born back then!!! so...i don't know any sorry
  6. I don't know about you guys, but when I log into my control panel, it shows up as a broken link! I've tried to log in to my control panel from my other sites, but it isn't working!Is anyone having the same problems?
  7. sounds interesting, not like the ones that'll rip you off. I might sign up ^__^ thanks for the link -_^
  8. Hmmm.... I don't think it's an accident, theres a script doing it all :)Maybe if you keep posting, eventually your site will come back. Sometimes it takes about 10 minutes. But if your site doesn't come back, try private messaging an admin.
  9. i choose dell because it's the only kind of computer i've ever tried XP. Nver tried HP, so I don't know what it's like. And it'd be bad to compare if I never tried HP. so... dell for me
  10. usually it takes around 5-10 minutes (or more ) to get your site back up acfter you reach the amount of credits. it happens to me all the time XP. What I do is just keep posting
  11. i like both, but i vote mcdonalds. i just like burgers over chicken and i stop by mcdoanlds everyday to get ice cream, it can be a habit (but i'm not really getting fat from it....hmmm....)
  12. i like windows xp. proably because it's the only type of computer i've tried . i have a virus block thingy, so i don't worry about those. and my computer goes sooper fast, and i like thatbasically, i don't think theres anything wrong with windows XP
  13. ummm.... *he he he...*-make web sites-post on forums-watch/download anime episodes (like Naruto )-read manga-watch anime on demand-eat-play violin-play piano-continue my comic-draw and sketchyeah... that's pretty much it
  14. death. just plain old death. I'm not a very exciting person . Ok, maybe some dogs or scary animals scare me too. And seeing people get stabed. Yes, I'm a wimpy person T__T
  15. i like hamburgers and chicken (not much of a veggie person ). I always stop by mcdonalds after school to get a burger, mcdonals is right down the street, lol. But, usually i don't. I just get ice cream. I have this BIG obsession over ice cream ^__^
  16. isn't this tutural a little too basic?anyways, it's pretty helpful ^__^ well... now i know that you can combine css codes in 1, lol (yeah, i didn't know that before )
  17. who knows, sometimes people refer to using google as "googling" or "googled". or maybe the "s" was but there by mistake :)anyways, I choose yes. It has a lot of good results if you ask me. Before, when you searched something in images, there was always adult content. that pretty much drove people away. But now there isn't and I think that google is a great search engine ^__^
  18. those are really good, I could never write as good as you if I tried . Your so creative
  19. I think the people who make these dolls should go out of business. They can SERIOUSLY effect the way girls act. Perky and spolied. Plus, they way you can undress the dolls and make them have no clothes is just bizzar and they company is giving them out to LITTLE KIDS!!!Have you seen the one with Kelly and potty traning? No, that's just wrong. Who'd want a doll that would pee water? Seriously!? Don't the makers of these dolls think "Oh, we're giving these out to 8 year olds, MAYBE we shouldn't do this."It's just annoying how little girls carry around the purses and dress just like dolls to be "popular". It just spoils the girls minds, people should just get rid of dolls.
  20. wah... i don't have it yet... basically because i'm broke... but I heard the PSP isn't any different from PS, it's only portable
  21. is this really a "what is...?" topic?jkanyways, Japan facinates me the most. The way they can talk and how their technology beats ours . Their anime art style is what I also like the most <3. But besides any asian country, I'd choose Ireland for the way they can dance. Yes, I'm obsessed over irish music. I can't help it, their music is so fun and jummpy XD
  22. Well, the matrix is something that a bunch of film writers came up with, so it's just some made up story. but then again, it could be real. And it'd be scary if it were real because then the great life I'm living is all fake . But like what gunbound said, it's unlikely. Only because we humans are just some nevere system in a body. Theres really no possible way that the matrix exists, espcially when the matrix was jsut made up.btw, good post idea. It's really interesting <3
  23. Like everyone else sasy, it looks pretty professional. But try to make some of the colors match so the layout looks nicer :PThe wizard is really cute and helpful <3 but it can get annoying after wards when it won't go away and you have to make it go away yourself . But very nice! The prices are very cheap! Me likey <3 But maybe you can offer a few more hosting plans for cheaper, like around 500 mb. I was about to sign up, but I thought 2500 space was too much Oh, some of the top part of the page is cut off...maybe you should fix that ;;;Overall, Good effort and awesome prices! Nice layout and great conent! I'll give you an 8/10
  24. i;m on crutches, so i get a good amount of exercise . Especially because I go looonnng distance, I get a good exersice. going on crutches can make you buff
  25. meh...not into sports... but i watch it with my dad a lot. It's getting pretty good
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