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Everything posted by thebluekirby

  1. I got a few:GamecudeTwo game boy SPXboxPlaystation 2Nintendo 64PCI'm probably gonna get Xbox 360...
  2. Wow, Xisto.com is only 1 year old? And it has sooo many members!!! Well, Happy Anniversary!!!
  3. My name is Lisa. But, my little brother calles me "wesa" because he can't say the "l". then my friends started calling me "wesa" because they thought it was cute -__-;;. Then it changed to "weso" then "whistle". My friends are strange. And I prefer thebluekirby. it sounds silly, and that's what i like abou it.
  4. Ha, I'm weird. Yes, I think that gay marrage SHOULD be allowed. Everyone has the right to get married to who ever they want to, regardless of gender. Who cares about the bible (sorry, not religious). It's not even real. So, like I said, everyone has their own rights and gay marrages should be allowed.
  5. oh, the first comment i made was for the first layout ^__^ yes, I agree, the second layout is MUCH better. It's plain in a way, but not that bad, very nice ^__^
  6. I voted other. I like sugar. And i can't eat chocolate T__T life sucks for me
  7. the only ones i've ever used is windows media player, real player and music match. I think all of them are pretty good ^__^ there's nothing bad about them at least...
  8. I prefer head phones because my brother is always playing video games and i can't hear music from my computer. Problem is, my stero has no head phone jack >__< so... i'm foreced to listen to music without head phones... until i get a new stero set...
  9. Very nice layout!! Maybe the banner should have more images, but other then that, it looks awesome!
  10. probably a ps3... i want it.... i want it... well... maybe an xbox better because they're two different systems and i already have a ps2. I can't choose!!! I'll wait for a few games to come out... and if my favorite game canb only be played in that system... then i'll buy it
  11. Hnnn.... I like the color blue ^__^ It's a nice and calm color, compared to all the others. It represents neither light or darkness and that's what i like about the color ^__^ So, I go with blue. Green is my second fav.
  12. Quit school once you graduate from college. That's what I'm planning to do XD Once I get my 2 year degree... theres no good reason to drop out of school in high school. If you don't mind being a loser, that is. And expect to make money off the internet. People who drop out of school clearly don't care about their lives and think they have "better" buisness to do. Geez...
  13. School is awesome man. Not the fact that I like learning new things, becasuse I don't. But it ACTUALLY give me something to do during the day instead of boring myself with my computer. I get to see my friends. What more is there to that? It's better then talking to them over the internet!I give something for me to feel proud about, like grades. If I get good grades, I can feel theres something good about me!The lessons can be fun, boring, but in a way... fun!The only thing I hate about school is the 6:30 get up in the morning. And boring classes where time seems like it slowed down.... If school was at about 8:30 in the morning and we had better teachers, I would concider school being AWESOME.
  14. The classes I like are...Orchestra ClassBecause I ACTAULLY get to do something that doesn't have to do with taking notes on, or learning much new. We just get to play songs and play songs, and it's very fun. Even though my teacher makes us play the same measures over. and over. and over. English ClassI don't like reading books, but I like doing the book reports and writing poems. Especially because now we're on our creativity unit, we get to act out and create our own sotries, it's really fun
  15. Yay!!! My school will be over in less then 17 days!!! It's good...and kinda sucky...I like school... because my teachers are cool... and I like a lot of the stuff I study... and I won't be able to see my friends... the only thing I hate about school... is waking up in the morning... and boring lessons. Sometimes, I think summer break should be a month because it can get old for me and I want to get back to school again. But as you get older, school seems like it ends a lot quicker then the last year, don't you think?
  16. oh my gosh, wassie!!!! That's horrible!!!!! I mean... losing someone who won't ever be able to come back... or think... or have a future... or have a chance to start over again!! I just can't bare it... that's so terrible...
  17. ha... yeah, like everyone else says. I'd like to listen to the song ^__^ the lyrics are cool
  18. thebluekirby

    Php Sig

    wow, that's very impressive ^__^
  19. Argh. The things people do these days. Seriously, it's worser then breaking into a bank. People these days don't have brains, what the crap were they thinking when they raped that little girl? That's just sick.
  20. XD i'm suprised I don't have glasses yet now that you mention it XD I can see perfectly! and after getting off the computer, I don't see a blur!! But... I know I'll get glasses eventually... but I don't mind... because all of my freinds have glasses... from staying on the computer too long XD
  21. oh wow zentron, you shade in soooo good T__T I'm not worthy of your highly experianced skills... i am not worthy...
  22. Every once in a while when you get bored and have no where to post... just come here and post how much hosting credits you have XD you can even make it up for all I care...anyways... i'm at around 17 hosting credits XD but it always seems to drop down so quickly...
  23. XD sometimes, having celebrity crushes seems too mature for me, I don't think I'll fall for clebs until I'm around 16 0_o. For now, I fall in love with anime boys because they don't ever mess up their lives and/or star in other movies and/or become broke and everyone will think you're crazy because you use to have a crush on such a loser. Meh... but sometimes it can get into trouble like that for having crushes on cartoon charactesr 0_o
  24. i won't be in collage for a nother 4 years... you guys are lucky... getting your degree and all...
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