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Everything posted by thebluekirby

  1. meta tags can't work all the time for me. It might either appear in the last pages, or you're using the wrong key words. Just because you submitted it early doesn't mean it goes straight to the front page (although we'd all like that)
  2. I say laptop!!!Pros for laptop:-You can carry it anywhere-Even if you don't like the touch mouse thingy they use, they have a mouse jack for all you ball mouse lovers XD-If you have DSL, you can go on the internet anywhere -You can show your friends cool stuff on the computer without inviting them to your house to see it on your desktopCons:-You don't get as much space as desktops-They can get lost, stole, or broken easily-If you don't have DSL, you can't go on the internet everywhere T__T-You have to recharge it every once in a whilethis is all I could think up of
  3. ball mouse. But my little sister gets the laser mouse
  4. Huh. Can't believe no one made a topic about this yet. You don't have to reply what grade you're in if you don't want to. This is just another pointless poll. And I'm really curious anways XDI'd go under 6th-8th grade, I'm in 7th grade
  5. i think mine is 750k, but only about 30-40 $$. I use comcast, so anyone correct me if I'm wrong about the prices XPAnd even though AOL and Netzero say "We're faster then DSL" DON'T trust them!!! After a few days, the internet gets slow and crappy. Trust me, I've had experiances...
  6. it's illegal in japan, but only the first 60 episodes are liscenced. It's not gonna suck THAT badly, I mean, Shopro dubbed Inu Yasha. Even though I hate inu yasha, I don' t think they did a bad job with the dubbing. I doubt there'll be name changes, theme song replacements, or content changes. I just think they'll make the blood black (most of the blood was already black XD)Over all, I sort of look forward to seeing how they do with Naruto. But I'm just hoping they don't do any thing bad with the voices. I'd literally kill them if they messed up Neji's voice *prepares fist*
  7. reading emails? thats to cheap, i don't think you'll get to far with that. Sorry, but it sounds stupid and it seems like it'll rip us off
  8. i've won a lot of contest, but none of them are really major. They're stupid "Guess the author" contest that you win coupons in and stuff ;)I am about to go to an orchestra festival in a few weeks and i'm hoping our orchestra can get straights so we can go to state festival. You can wish me luck
  9. i've been to your deviant art before, your drawing are very lovely <3I wish I could draw like you
  10. you can either---write it down on note pad or microsoft word-Make all the passwords the same!! I do the second one <3
  11. next time try spelling the topic right =Pyou don't need to know everyone's last name, it's personal and if you got a hold of our last names, you can do a lot with it
  12. it's ok if i post here more then once, rite? XD5/10, too simple and boring
  13. my goal in life is to graduate from collage with a music degree, get married to someone neither handsome or ugly, become a professional violinist and pass down my violin though my family. Have 2 children, girls would be preferrable, and die in a normal way. I planned my life ahead just like everyone else XD
  14. i've have bad experiances, but most of them aren't emarrising. I found this lump in my leg and my mom took me to the doctor. They had no clue what it was until i got surgery. Then they figured out it was a tumor and that I had a cancer called "synovial sarcoma". But it's all gone now, they were able to remove the tumor and cancer cells. But I have to go on crutches. And I'm still on them. It was my worse experiance
  15. i really don't have any heroes, because all the heroes don't acomplish what i wish would be done *sigh*
  16. internet... Internet... INTERNET!!! *jumps up and down like crazy* I can't live with out internet! and my computer lol. And naruto too Yup... that's probably it... i have a boring life
  17. lol, that's really cute XD great job
  18. wow... that's so evil... you have to think of a way to get back at them
  19. wow, that is really weird 0_o but the effects are cool! great job
  20. ha.... that really stinks... you still able to walk, right? I've never broke my toe, i don't know how much it hurts. But i had surgery on my leg
  21. how can you sell luns for free? i hate people like you who just wanna annoy us users
  22. life=> You really don't relize it's true meaning until you get older. You have to figure it out yourself, no one else can tell you what you're meant to do in your life. Everyone has a different meaning in life.Natrually, I hear once you figure out the meaning in life, you're prepared to die. It sounds scary *shivers*
  23. is that tuturial for photo shop?oh, btw, that looks really cool, I should try it on some of my graphics
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