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Everything posted by thebluekirby

  1. i don't mean to barge in, but don't do quotes of the first post because the scrolling can get annoying >.<that's a really good script, I was looking for something like that
  2. wow, that looks really cooli think i can try to do it on paint shop too, looks really cool
  3. you're an idiot, those pictures aren't that funny and it's in the wrong postdo you WANT to get banned or something?
  4. do you really need to post this in the vent? try googling a few tuturials before you go on here next time, it can be annyoing to see pointless posts. Sorry if I had to be so mean
  5. you did those graphics with photo shop? Man, those are really good. The only comment I have is to change the layout, it looks really boring and simple. Sorry, I don't have a web site that's realted to your subject T__T
  6. i don't play that many action games, but you should try these out:-Legend of Zelda Series-Final Fantasy-Shinobi-Kingdom HeartsSee what I mean by "I don't play that many action games?"
  7. no way!!! omigosh, blink 182 is awesome i can't believe they're breaking up T___T
  8. holy crud, those siggys are awesome ;)I cannot make graphics like that, those are so awesome!!!!! But, everyone can make good graphics on adobe photo shop... i wish I had adobe photoshop T___T
  9. hmmm... not sure... might have to think that over...
  10. i have a lot of kids like that in my class, they're all just trying to be funny. And I go to a magnet school, so they MUST be acting funny.But don't just get to conclusions that he's stupid. He just wants to be annoying to have a little fun I guess. I mean... I can get like that if i drink cola in the morning. And it's a little funny too, espieically the msn messanger part XD
  11. dude...you didn't need to really tell us about this. lots of other people are going throught the same thing but like... don't post itif you don't think you'll be able to post at least once every month, you should see an admin about it instead of comming to the members
  12. thebluekirby

    Gay Marriage

    men who marry men are just plain idoiots who hve nothing better to do in their lives. But I don't think it's anything religious.. .i mean.. it doesn't really seem like it. If men hang out with men too long to the point where they start lovin each other... that's where it gets weird. Men who marry men probably don't look foward to having much of a successful life and are most likely drop outs or drunk. As I said before, It might not be anything religous.
  13. i added tons of new avatars, and i even changed mine :Dbut it was resized and now it looks blurry *sigh*I just LUFF my avatars so much!!! I just wanna hug them!!!! But i can't I feel so proud *sniff* (sorry if i'm braggin a little, didn't mean to)I'll post a few of my favorite avatars up on the first post when I get the chance. And I'm not that much of a signature making person, avatars seen much more easier to make ;;;
  14. just face it, all girls do that. Even I do that stuff (besides the recording stuff). They're just saying what they believe, even though it sort of is mean. And if you don't like those girls, just go out and find new friends. Everyone doesn't stay the same just because they're growing up. That's why you have to get all the good friends in middle school where everyone is nice or it'll be hard in high school @_@ (i feel like i'm getting off topic for some reason...)
  15. i totally agree with what ill said, a a lot of people aren't getting jobs, not just whites. And don't just single out Mexicans because other races have been getting jobs, ok? I bet most of those Americans might be children or something (hey, children can be American citizens XD) and the rest are either too lazy to get a job or drop outs. And it's not nice to ban people from jobs because everyone needs one to survive and it's not nice just to do it to Mexicans or other immigrants.
  16. if you really look, there is a site builder if you have frontpage installed in your computer...in the file manager, just upload a file, or create a new file called....whatever you want. then click on it and you'll see a new page to the site. if you click HTML editor, it'll take you to a frontpage editor. but sometimes it messes up your site if it has tables, so i'd say learn HTML, but page builders are still good starts too
  17. ok, i'll admit it. I'm 12 but i'm turning 13 in march!!! yay!!!! And Februarys is short!! So I?ll be 13 sooner!!! More yays!!but lots of people don't believe I?m 12 i've only done web designing for less then 3 months and i've gotten too good at it XD (don?t mean to brag or anything?)everybody is pretty young, but older then me, it makes me scared *runs and hides in corner*
  18. never heard of Angel Sanctuary, but it sounds really interesting 0_omy fav. anime is Naruto!!! I must have mentioned it a LOT in this forum, i'm over obsessed, but i can't help it, it's too freakin good!!! XDthis is probably the third anime topic ever posted in this forum if you do a search (yes, i'm THAT nerdy). but a lot of people like Japanese anime, it's getting really popular
  19. i've never really had ME, but my friend has and she seems to really hate it. must be really bad
  20. so...are we allowed to have mp3 files in our sites?
  21. wow, that video game music site has a lot of music 0__0 it has all the video game music i've been looking for!!! now i don't have to do anymore google searches XD this site is awesome. if there are any songs that have no singing in it that i like, it has to be video game music cuz they're so freakin good!!! That site even has music from the crappy games!! i'd give this site a 7.5/10, i'd give it a 9 if it weren't for the poor layout
  22. i forgot to put cow boy bebop on my list, but oh well :Dlots of kids around my school are saying they hate anime and i don't know why, the only differance they have with regular cartoons are the huge eyes 0_0. i was thinking because it was getting too popular and everyone loved it so much that someone had to hate it. Someone mentioned that they hated yu yu hakusho and thats why they hated anime, but that's crazy. Just hating one of it's shows doesn't mean you should hate the whole thing so easily
  23. consoles are much better then pc's, i mean, there aren't even that many good games with the pc that have good graphics. and plus, if you have a slow crummy computer it'll effect the preformance of the game. consoles are better cuz there are much more games and the controls aren't as complicated. Plus, you have a bigger screen and you can play it with your friends. the only thing i like about pc's is making graphics and web develop ment, which most people do. Computers aren't really used for games if your a game freak anyways
  24. i just got a play station and the first thing i bought was final fantasy x. it's really awesome so fari also got final fantasy 1 and 2 for the gca, and it's really fun for a sort of old gameoverall, final fantasy is awesome and should get a 8.5/10 just for some boringness and hard areas that i can't solve which gets me frusterated and makes the game more boring until i figure out the puzzle:angry:
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