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Everything posted by thebluekirby

  1. eh... sometimes i think metallica's songs are too hard core... but it's still cool to listen to. I like the gutaring for Blackened, i wish I could play like that
  2. I think it's kinda stupid to find a bf/gf on the internet. It's better to get with someone who you already know and admire. It does't have to be someone with good looks basically. You can't trust people on the internet, especially because you don't know they're background life. Like I said, find someone you already know
  3. it looks good!! but some what, un professional. But I like the text, just not the backgorundi'll give it a 7/10
  4. Do comic books count? I read dozens of those each year But I don't read books that much, in school I read so many boring books, there are no books that seem interesting. But I'm into Shakephere's plays (I read them in books). I like A midsummer's night dream, it's a nice story <3. Most of the time, I read fanfictions made by teens. Those are much easier for me to understand, and most of the time I'm on my computer anyways.
  5. wow!!! Pretty layout!! <333 I can't make layouts lake that, even if I attemped, it would turn out crappy :lol:Like what everyone else said, you should get hosting here at Xisto. Sure, you do have to post constantly, but it's worth it when you get really good hosting. And I don't think Xisto has ads. If they do, then I didn't notce them because i have an ad block. Bummer
  6. yes, I do play an instrument!! I'm opbsessed with my violin, i've been at it for 6 years (right now i'm 12). I'm the second best in my orchestra, I can tell, there are only 2 7th graders in first violin and I'm one of them. Which makes me the second best out of 7th grade . But I don't take private lessons... must... take... private... lessons...anyways, I also play the piano but rarely. If you ask me to play a song, I just won't. I can't play piano right, i just toy around with it. But i use to take lessons
  7. welcome to the board!! you'll have wots of fun here!!! it's great that we're getting new members ^__^
  8. I like anime a whole lot, it's probably just the art style because they look so cute XDI love a whole bunch of animes, like Naruto (OBSESSED!!!), Get Backers (ALSO OBSESSED) and K2 Kill me kiss me. Basically, when you see a show with anime art, you know it's gonna be good. But I'm not trying to be biased or anything. Most of the animes I watch are really good and theres not 1 anime i hate
  9. vegitarians belive that not eating animals save their population. But it's all a part of the food chain. The lion wouldn't have survived if he didn't eat the mice or the fox wouldn't survive without eating the chicken. Animals eat other animals, whats wrong with us eating animals? Vegitarians are just... dumb. No offense
  10. yeah, the news goes nuts. But, I don't take it as a big deal. But it's not a good idea to have a baby when you're a celeb, you really won't be able to spend must time with the kid. And the kid will grow up spoiled. Celebs should think twice about having a baby
  11. i think i have 720k, something around there, it's DSL. we pay around 70 $$. but it goes pretty fast and i'm satified. NEVER use netzero or aol, those suck
  12. for some people who want to take a picture of a video scene with real or windows meadia player 9 and up can't do it, it'll show up black. do you know how to fix this? great tuturial btw
  13. I've been hospitalized twice. Only because I had cancer in my leg (and still do ) I was on crutches since december and I'm still on them. I might not be able to get off crutches at all 0_o my friends figured out about this and made a web site for me, it was really nice. If you want to visit and contribute a gift, that would be nice. Even if you don't know me. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ thank you a lot!! So... have any of you guys been hospitalized?
  14. ha ha... does this have anything to do with school?I can't bring manga to school, they get taken away. Only because someone broght in porn manga. idiot. Anyways, you HAVE to read Naruto or get backers, they're so AWESOME!!
  15. I was only wondering. What if my site was suspended about 5 times. Will my site be terminated? It was just a quick question that I'l like to know so I don't have to worry.
  16. try requesting more space here>> http://forums.xisto.com/topic/176-forum/ don't come to the member boards, admins don't really check to see requests here. But you also need a lot of credits in order to upgrade i guess.
  17. i am OBSESSED WITH ANIME!! i've liked it ever since first grade, it was the only cartoon i'd ever watch!! he he he!! i like naruto and the get backers!! so awesome!!i watch Naruto both raw and subed, but i like subed because i'm still learning japanese ^__^ I download the episodes every week!! so aweseome!!!once i get obsessed over an anime, i can't help it. I change my site layout, wall paper, avatar and apply for fanlistings just to do that subject. I absolutly LOVE anime!!but aside from anime, i don't like those shows that try to be anime. it's just so annoying, the shows aren't even good and try calling anime "animation" because it seems less offensive. because it IS animation, not just "anime" and it's mean to put it aside from other animations just because it's japanese. only my opinion. over all... ANIME IS AWESOME!!! ( i wrote too much )
  18. super simple, yet SUPER AWESOME!! i love it and i love the pictures you used!! He he... I should try doing those effects on my graphics ! awesome job!!
  19. yeah, what does it sound like? lyrics don't help XD it sounds really funny, yet repitive. it'd like to hear it in music <33 if you could put it in sheet music, i'd be able to understand it ^__^
  20. those signatures are good, but maybe you should add a lot more to make your post a signature give away. But the sigs are nice <33. (btw: I like love hina too )
  21. yes, i do agree with that part. i was on a forum one time and i was talking about something that was really REALLY sad in my favorite show and the next person posted "lol". I was so angery because I didn't find anything funny about it. But I don't hate the phrase, I just don't like it when people use it at the wrong time.
  22. whoa.. that didn't need to be said 0-o. anyways... when barbie was first created, it was made for older girls who didn't want to play with baby dolls. they just want someone to dress up, but back then, no one expected it to effect 6 or 7 year old behavior. seriously. they just want money. instead of money, they should get... i don't know... a life?
  23. thebluekirby

    Sponge Bob

    you have a friend who likes sponge bob? well.. the next time you get a spongebob gift, say "you know i'm not into sponge bob". but sb isn't much of a show to hate so badly. it's for kids, yet it has wots of adult humor and it's funny. no need to hate it hate it man...
  24. i can't help it, i have to use lol XD i mean, it's better then saying AHAHAHAHAHAHA~! (sorry about that ). but i think it's nice to say that, just to show that you think its funny just a little. lol , for me, is used like... for a small joke but for big jokes, i say something bigger like "OMIGOSH!!! THAT'S SO FREAKIN FUNNY!!! XD" (sorry bout that too ). So... it's no big deal really, you don't have to hate it or anything, it's just some popular internet phrase
  25. yeah, those "your mama" jokes are getting so old plus, it's offensive, even thought your just making a joke. but it can be a good way to stand up for your mom, lol. but it's still inaporperate and i hope that gets out of fad soon, it's so old
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