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Everything posted by thebluekirby

  1. Good point, Cerb. But there are people who have devoted their lives to music. Like... musicians? Such as myself...and since they devoted their lives to music, do you think they're going to not fight for it when someone disses it?Maybe, in a way, rap is fine as long as theres SOME singng in it. Or, they're trying to get a message across. But theres more music then just rap, and to me, rap is getting too old that we need a new kind of music genre to fuss about. (and probably a new genre that leads kinds to no robery, gangsters and such...)
  2. I like how it's written up, good job . But i think that the tutorial is kinda simple, and lots of people can do it. So 7/10
  3. i like their music, the songs are very catchy. But the band scares me. With the way they look, I mean xD. Too gothic, I'm not all that "medival". (hope i spelled that right). Plus, I think this should go under entertainment
  4. hulunes, i'll just rate your current sig. Looks awesome, gaara is so cool XD 8/10can the next one rate my current sig (i've never really changed my sig....so...yeah...)
  5. I think theres already a topic for this...but...oh well.I agree, text speaking is baaad. It's really annoying too. Especially when you use "lol" or "lmao". People even use "lol" when it's not funny, they just have no other response. It's so stupid. And then when you tell someone a joke and their only response is "lol", you start thinking your joke wasn't that funny because "lol" isn't much of a strong response, if you know what I mean....But, anyways. Like someone mentioned, the cell phone text messaging limmits your characters, so it's reasonable to have things like "r u doin ok ther?". But on forums and chat boxes, even emails, I don't find it nessicary. It's hard to read, you have to think hard in order to read it (I have to read it out loud in order to see what they're saying...). I mean.... it's not that hard to type. "R" and "U" are only three letter words, it doesn't take much. And internet talking with people shows you've never taking typing lessons or have and never had computer lessons.Spelling errors, I don't mind. Chat speaking, it's just plain annyoing. If you're trying to be "cool" by chat speaking, then go get a life. Thanks for making this topic.
  6. Man, I totally agree with you all. The only thing on is rap. I mean... does it even count as music? They're just talking and speaking their minds... which is money, cars and sex. Can you write down Rap songs as sheet music? Is rap a whole series of musical notes put together? Rap is definatly not, so it doesn't count as music and I don't know why the heck they put it on MTV. They should have a seperate channel with just rap because Rap isn't even music, so it shouldn't be going to "Music Television". And other then that, MTV should be playing various songs, not just rap, rock, and pop. Not that I'm saying Rock and pop suck (because rock is awesome!!!). MTV hasn't been keeping in update on what's popular and what's not, so they'll just stick with the old stuff that's been around for like...20...30 years....That's my opinion. Sorry if this offended anyone...
  7. thats really cool, which program did you make it with? BTW it's "avatar" ;)8/10, I think it looks kinda pixelish. But that's just my view
  8. Oh god, thanks for making this topic XDYes, I use to be OBSESSED with Hamtaro!!! But they took it off!!! along with all the other good shows!! whats the deal with that? And most of the shows they have already air on Kids WB. And all these old Hanna-Barbera shows?!! I mean...who watches them!?! Especially the fact they play those old shows on the weekend where everyone watches it. I think the only good thing about Cartoon Network would be Toonami and adult swim... which is like SUPER late and toonami only comes up once a week!!! And they have.... miguzi!?! With all these stupid and lame shows?! Come on!!! They even have like...2 hours of Baby Loney Toons!! Sheesh, they could at LEAST get better baby shows!!Even their commericial "jokes" stink. I'm like.... 14 and I don't even get these jokes. I don't even think little kids get them!!! I mean.... Kids WB come up with MUCH better jokes. Ok...I let it all out... so...yeah....I'm done.... sorry if this bugs anyone...
  9. I am in middle school 3rd year @_@>>I like everything about school!! School is awesome ^_~ and our school does a lot of cool activites and field trips, it's totally awesome. I just hate the early get-upsBut what I like best about school is acting and preforming. Especially preforming on my violin. It's really fun and it ACTUALLY gives me something to do over the week.
  10. ANIME ANIME ANIME!!!Tee hee hee mainly i watch "anime network" which can be found on comcast on demandthese are the particualr animes i watch:1. Get Backers2. Full Metal Panic3. Princess Tutu4. Pretear5. SaiyukiFor other animes, I just download them. I don't really like watching TV
  11. My name is "Lisa", which is short for the hebrew name "Elizabeth" which means "God's promise". But everyone calls me "wesa" which means aboslutely nothing... either that or Hotaru, which is japanese for "firefly"
  12. I use to have a blog. Well, I still have one but I haven't updated it since EVER. Like wise, I'd rather make a useful site then one where people can just read about how I feel and my private life. Although it's a better way to make friends online and have communities, I think a blog is just wothless. But, if any of you are interested, I have an xanga. That I don't update.... http://xanga.com/
  13. Omigosh, noisy toys can get so ANNOYING~! Well, it depends. It only gets annoying when I'm watching TV or listening to something. And then my little brother comes in and starts playing with his noisy gun. ARGH!! It's so annoying!!!
  14. Wow, that is some really good internet researching!So, basically, in everyone's site that have image off TV shows, or even posted game images, that would be concidered illegal? Then if that's already illegal, why is it such a big deal to have MP3 (that aren't yours) on your site if you give them the correct credit? Just a question I was wondering about ;;;
  15. Actually, I have a dell, napster, mini ipod and a 60 gig ipod. I cannot LIVE without music XD
  16. Yes, a friend of mine is a second hand smoker and she's less then 18 years old. I find it sad how people smoke that like. But I can't blame them, they should have a good reason to be smoking. If not, don't feel sorry for them and just keep your distance from them. I don't hate smokers in general. I only hate particular smokers who ruin other people's lives with second hand smoking, especially little kids.
  17. Oh please. You people who hate school are simply pathedic. Oh, I hate school, lets drop out! God, something must have driven you mad. Seriously, thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with school. All my friends go to school, and it acutually give me something in the day to do. Sure, you sit around in those boring lessons, but come on! There are MILLIONS of kids out there who are doing the exact same thing you do. And who who said sucess doesn't take any suffering?I think that the only thing I really hate about school would be the early get up. That's it. Sure, some of the classes are boring, but it's for your own benifit. You won't be able to be sucessful in your life, or have ANY meaning in your life if you don't sit around and learn something or get away from it all. And after a while, once you have all your fun all droped out and everything, you'll find nothing good in your life to do. And you have to get a job. A sucky juob. And you have to live under stress if you work part time, or even full time. So think your life ahead before you say "I hate school."
  18. ok, thanks a bucnh it really answered my question ^_~
  19. You know what, I regret what I said before. After opening my eyes on what Xanga is like, I totally agree. Xanga isn't all that great. Especially because everyone uses skins that everyone else makes and no one will belive you if you make that skin (it happened to me T__T). Xanga is for non-graphic-experainced losers. I'm sorry ^__^;;;
  20. The Sims 2= AwesomenessBut compared to the first one, theres not much difference. They can do lots more stuff and the graphics are better. Still, it's a really addictive game XD
  21. I think the banner looks really nice. Quite catchy (I mean with the advertising) and it looks very nice and simply. Well done ^-^
  22. yeah, I've played fire emblem a little at my friend's house I like the music to it. Roy is my favorite character (not orignal with my choice, but who cares). Raven is hot <333 yeah, he and Lucius are cute together ^-^. I like rebecca, she's pretty cool fire emblem is awesome
  23. Yes, it would be a good idea to have an edit and delete button. But like what everyone else said, it'd be complicated to work out with the credits calculator, and I'm guessing it's hard to code ^__^;;; but, not many of us make that many mistakes in our posts, ne? Well... at least... I don't...
  24. Naruto's daddy is Yondaime and his mommy is Tsunade. Self explainable :lol:j/kI don't think they'll ever show Naruto's parents, because it leaves us in suspense or in curiousity of the show. If they showed us Naruto's parents, it'd just give us not much to wonder about in the show
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