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Everything posted by thebluekirby

  1. ha ha.... 5 hours doesn't cover it for me... on the week day, because of school, I spend 10 minutes on the computer in the morning, and then 5 hours the rest of the day... then on weekends... i stay on the computer from around 9:00 in the morning to around 10:00 at night, which is a little over 10 hours because i get off the computer every once in a while for lunch, dinner and bathroom breaks ^__^;; until summer break... i'll stay on the computer MUCH longer...he he he...
  2. I have a blog on Xanga: http://xanga.com/ but i barely post in it. It's no one's business to see what's going on in my personal life. Especially online. That's why I'd rather have a journal. But hey, an Xanga is fun to personalize ^__^
  3. My opinions on the biggest issues today? none. I don't pay attention to the news because I don't find it interesting, I mean, is it interesting that people are losing thier homes, dieing, or war? I'm not that type of person to see stuff like that, so I barely update myself on what's currently happening. I only hear the news around school by overhearing people's conversations.
  4. face to face talking. It's better because the person is right there, instead of waiting for that person to be online to im them. And you can change topic, unlike in forums where you have to stay on topic, sometimes the pesron doens't reply to you back, like on email, or the person is never there, such as phones. It's easier to show expersion and talk to him/her when they're right there. But, if I wasn't able to see that person, then I'd vote email or IM.
  5. heh... i'd like to know which "URL" you're talking about before I answer the question. Is the the URL as in the adress of a site? That's very basic information, so I doubt that you're asking what that means.
  6. i like fish because they don't bite... or jump on you...or lick you... they just...stay there XD I'm not the type of animal person. The only thing i don't like is cleaning out the tank. yucki also like frogs. they also just sit there... doing nothing... they don't bite you... or jump on you... or lick you...well... at least my frog doesn't XD
  7. i barely travel, so i don't go to that many states^__^;;; but i'd have to say my hometown state, maryland ^__^ and flordia...but those are like... the only 2 states i've been to... besides virginia... but i like maryland and flordia
  8. Oh god, thank you for making this topic XDIt gets so annoying...there are so many Christian obsessed people, and I'm so afraid to answer them when they ask my religion, that they'd think I'm a bad kid for not being Christian (I'm not going to mention to you my religion ^__^).
  9. heh... for me.... it's a love/hate relationship. Sometimes I LOVE the jokes because it makes me laugh like crazy, and I hate it because it's to childish for me. I really can't decided, it's a great and sucky show. But, if I chose one, I'd be love. Theres not much to hate about sponge bob, really
  10. my favorite web site would be animefanlistings.org because i'm ADDICTED to making fanlistings and joining them XD But I haven't made that many...bleh... but I don't visit that many sites, I'm a boring person
  11. Holy Crud, you're splash page looks awesome XDOk, the layout looks very nice, but it looks a little pixel-ish. I guess that's my computer's falut :lol:It's very nice how you've added a lot of graphics, especially the wall papers. Your avatarrs and signatures are very nice ^__^Theres not much about your site to review, because your web site is very VERY nice ^__^ Awesome job, 8.5/10
  12. i'm only 13, and i only plan to have 2-4 kids. My parents can get stressed out with us ;;but if i did have children, i'd hope to have 2 boys and/or 2 girls, because if it's 1 boy and 1 girl, they'd most likely not get along ^__^;;; heh... when i was a little kid, i was hoping to have 10... now i think that's too much... and i'd only make the kids about 1 year apart... or else they won't get along either... heh... I planned my life ahead of me XD
  13. i go on newgrounds.com, they're games are really good. just try to avoid the nud stuff ^__^;;; (my perverted cusin introduced me to it )
  14. Oh yes!! Thank you for making this topic!! now i can burst how much i hate dial up XDgawd!!! It's so freakin slow!!! I can't watch a video file with out it pasuing to buffer every second T__T and then you have to wait for it to connect.. and you can't use the phone... and it cuts you off ALL THE TIME!! I HATE IT!!Oh, btw, I use to use netzero. Now you know to NEVER use it!! Get comcast high speed internet, it rocks!!!
  15. Ok, this isn't written by me, but I love it so much!! And if you guys have boyfreinds/girlfriends, it'd be super sweet if you read it to them. i got this poem off funnypic.com. Isn't this a cute love poem == Notice from BuffaloHELP: If it's not yours please don't forget to use quote tags. Added "quote" tags around.
  16. *sigh* Okie... sometimes noobs are easy to hate, only because they don't really know how to post in forums. Or chat. But, just give them time and they'll learn the proper way. Theres no reason to hate a begniner ^__^ Unless they spam... but all you gotta do it tell them to stop ^__^. Yes, it will get annoying if they keep on spamming.... but think of it this way... they'll get banned eventually XD haha
  17. on ms paint!?!? oh... wow... you're amazing then... those are like... super awesome... I could NEVER do that on paint no matter how much I tried!! Are you sure you did that on MS paint? Because those look so professional!! So awesome!! Sweet job!! I love them!!!
  18. that's easy!!-making websites-making graphics-chatting on boards-making friends-making fanlistings-getting a head start with HTML for computer class-homework-develpoing my common sense (because of the internet, i learned to use more common sense!!)-wasting time collecting pictures from random animesand... that's about it. I'm such a low-lifer.
  19. If there were no internet, I'd be some kind of spory-active-happy-smart people which I do not EVER want to be. If I lose the internet and never ever get it back, I'd kill myself because there'd be no more point in life for me. Besides the violin... but the computer is more important to me!!! I'll no longer have my wish to ever make a professional profit making site!! NO!!!! Don't leave me internet!!!oh, this is an awesome topic btw!!
  20. Yeah, seriously, chat speaking can REALLY get annoying. It just shows people are super lazy. But even if you are going to chat speak, you need to think harder to know what to put because you're always used to putting "this" than "dis". And it takes more thinking in order to read it. So, the best solution. Just don't do it. It shows you're annoying and you just wanna get on people's nerves. Sometimes it's ok to go "WTF" instead of "WHAT THE F----" because it sounds less offensive, but nothing like "ph3@r m3". it just gets annoying. And it's ok to make a few gramar mistakes, the hand works faster then the brain. But, if you're doing it on porpuse, just don't. Thanks for making this thread btw.
  21. yeah, like what psychic said, ask what "this" is before clicking it. and thanks for the heads up. I wonder if anyone does it on yim... then i'd better be careful 0_o
  22. i use Norton Internet Security and spy sweeper. but, Norton Internet Security seems to work really good. (technically because syy sweeper doesn't seem to be doing anything to my computer at all)
  23. i vote dragon ball Z. only because i haven't seen neongenesis evangelion, but i still think DBZ is totally awesome
  24. vanilla, i'm addicted to it XD strawberry is my second favorite . then orange. tastey. ice cream is so addictive... i stop by mc donalds every friday to pick some up...so weird i haven't gotten fat from it... not that i want to... stupid metabablism
  25. *tilts head* whats a script kiddie 0_0??? and shouldn't this be in the vent? well...it's closed i guess XD
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