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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. That's a good point, but I think NASM has a compilation mode designed for creating functions and whatnot for gcc. I'm sure the NASM forums have helpful info on this. (I am just about to get Fedora Core 3 and will be able to provide more info soon).
  2. I'm also switching to Linux (dual boot system). Be forewarned that getting your network to work in Linux may be harder than in Windows XP. However, I'm sure microscopic^earthling would be glad to help you out.
  3. Another thing to try is NASM, which I believe will compile into the AT&T style and let you create libraries and what not for gcc (it is mainly designed for linux). Here is a link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ~Viz
  4. A screenshot of the settings page for the router would help me out (people with D-link routers don't need one). Also, if you don't have it already, I recommend SP1, it doesn't have half the faults of SP2, and soon microsoft will not support your computer unless you have it. I do and so far it hasn't given me problems.
  5. A wiki would be a very good idea. Two concerns however, how would we provide credits to those who update the wiki, and do we need OpaQue's approval to set one up?
  6. For Bubble sort it stops early, and for my method, it goes through the steps and just doesn't switch anything. But I took another look at BubbleSort and continued the experimentation with my method, and for large numbers of items, my method quits being as effective, and with a couple modifications done to the assembly code BubbleSort becomes really fast and can take at most about 1.5 times as long instead of 2 times as long.
  7. That'll do it. Whenever you need to debug a script, remember the die() function. Most scripting languages have it and it is very useful.
  8. Try filezilla as an ftp program. It is the best ftp client I've ever used and it works really well with Xisto. Also, be aware that occasionally Xisto has ftp problems. Recently, ftp ws down for a while, but it is back up now, so try again.
  9. We have a thriving tutorials section here at Xisto. This section is subdivided into numerous sections, and as required, new sections are created. If we ever have enough tutorials on one program, then there will probably be a new section created for it. Until then, please utilize the handy dandy search function.Another reason not to create a new section for each program is that many of the ideas expressed for one program (such as photoshop) can be used in another program (such as the gimp).~Viz
  10. Also, z80 assembly does not differ that much from x86 assembly used on computers, and it is a great steppin stone. All of your tutorials that you mentioned here are great, especially the 28 days one. I would recommend to everyone interested to find a more recent version of TASM than the one provided with the 28 days tutorial. The most recent version is version five and is packaged with Borland C++, but version 4 can be found elsewhere. Keep in mind that Borland has never given permission to anyone to distribute TASM, and other free assemblers allow assmebly of z80 code as well. One of those would be a better alternative.
  11. Just because It seems to happen to everyone does not mean it is supposed to happen, it means it is a glitch. My computers don't do that for either XP Home or Pro. Try searching the microsoft database for help, and as a temporary fix, see the post on shutdown shortcuts: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82716-topic/?findpost=1064295030 Viz
  12. It used to be 2, now it's five, Xisto keeps making changes for the better. Viz
  13. That actually looks like a better method, but yeah, you need to save the id to a variable so that it can be passed to a function. So I would still stick the whole <div> in a php script to make that easier and use the print <<<END feature. Then you could do onClick = onClick="toggle($id, event).
  14. PHP also provides a mysql function to determine the error. The function is as follows: mysql_error(). It takes no parameters. If you want to use this information, you can either store it to a file or display it on the webpage. Follow this code: $variable = mysql_connect(); //This assigns the connetion to $variable, on failure $variable is null and there is no error messageif (!$variable){ //If variable doesn't exist, there was a failure//code to either display the error or save it to a filedie(); //end the script}
  15. Um, yes, you are absolutely right, it should be <span style="color: $fore; background-color: $back;">And I wouldn't mind a subforum on this as long as people used the information to create custom BBcodes.
  16. The short answer, yes it's possible depending on your adapter. Some adapters passively receive radio signals and cannot broadcast them so they cannot be used as a router. Some adapters active search for signals through the use of their own weaker signal and can be used as a small router. However, this requires a lot of messing with system settings and probably some third party software wich may or may not be free. So in my opinion, it's worth getting a router.
  17. Hmm, two things I noticed, one, the okay button is in asian characters and the text is in English, do you have windows set up for an asian language, or is this a weird fluke. Two, the "unusual way" part of the message. See if you can write an error trap in the program (In VB it's on error goto, I don't remember for VC) and get it to output the a) error message and exit code of the program.
  18. I had the reverse problem when I first got XP, it restarted instead of turning off. What I did to correct it, I believe was modify the power options. This can be found under the control panel. Make sure the computer is set correctly under the advanced tab. I believe that is how I fixed the situation, but I am not sure. I will look into it for you.
  19. If any of this works, be sure to let us know, and if it doesn't let us know as well so we can try to provide a different solution.
  20. Thank you, and you don't have to explain it if you don't want to, I understand the code. THis isn't what I was looking for for this form, but it is still useful to know.
  21. It is always better to know the code you are working in, even if you are working with the code through a WYSIWYG program like Dreamweaver. So yes, learn HTML.
  22. Make sure your laptop has a wireless adapter, either a PCMCIA or bult in one. If it doesn't, there's your problem. If it does, make sure a) you have the most up to date driver for the adapter and you have the exact same settings set on your wireless adapter as you do on the router. Then try running the network wizard using the option for a network hub (you must choose other on the first page then click next, it is on the second page). Make sure you try and connect both computers to the same network (the same name) and give each of them a unique ID. To share files and printers, use the wizard to enable sharing. I would also recommend referring to the D-Link knowledge base and seeing if anyone there has this problem and has been given the solution. http://support.dlink.com/supportfaq/
  23. Thank you so much for your quick and informative responses, I will make the switch hopefuly today and let you know how it goes.
  24. If it's a website, then HTML is pretty much a requirement. For simple client side scriping like rollover images and such, I prefer javascript. For server side scripting, a mix of perl and php.
  25. What is the connection setup of your attempted network? Is it as follows? Computer -----Ethernet----------D-Link Router--------------Wireless Adpater-Laptop | | | | Printer Internet What kind of wireless adapter do you have? Have you properly configured the router? (If not, try going to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ on a computer that can access the internet through the router)
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