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Everything posted by Yacoby

  1. It really depends on what you want to do. e.g. I spend more time modding for games rather than playing them, and as you cannot make mods for the games I like on consoles, the PC is the only option. I also like RPG, RTS and TBS games, and there are not that many of them on the console (For example Gothic is PC only)The upside of the consoles are that a game is guaranteed to run on them, you don't need deal with upgrading.
  2. A couple of months ago, if I recall correctly. It is mainly due to the fact that I don't have a TV, which in a way sucks, but most of the stuff on there is junk, so it isn't that bad. Also, you can watch quite a lot of TV programs via the Internet, which I have been doing recently.
  3. Well, if this is true, it is great news, as we are starting to have a problem with energy, or the lack of it. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have given out much information, which makes it seem unlikely that it is true.
  4. I am an Atheist, I do not yet believe there is a god, and to be truthful, I don't want to worship a god. Sure he/she/it has my thanks if he/she/it does something good for me, but worship is abit to far.What does piss me off it people trying to convert me to their religion. I am not interested in living by someone else's rules based on a being that I don't think exists. Why the need to try and force people to worship god? What I want to say is mostly covered in DogEater008's post, and that post was frazed alot better than I could.
  5. Waay, I am -J-, so totally totally fu*king marvelous!Now if only I believed in this sort of thing
  6. Mine, although I hope to be getting a new one soon.1.5Ghz Celeron Processer256MB Ram16Mb Geforce 4 Go18Gb Harddrive
  7. I admit in my veiw Muslims overreacted over the cartoons, but they are much stronger in there faith than we are. I did not notice Muslims killing people. The crime doesn't seem religion related, so I will not go into it here. EDIT: What I mean is that they are not committing crimes because they are Muslim, it is because of other factors Is this something you have cooked up in your head? Why do you think that? We are starting most of those wars though. The Crusades, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't get it. You are trying to make a few extremist Muslims the whole load of Muslims. It couldn't have been that we invaded them? Anyway, their veiw of freedom may be diffrent from yours So you think that bombing Jerusalem would solve the problem? And you accuse Muslims of being Violante. Could you show me an case when the governments of Afghanistan or Iraq attacked America? One case. Look at this artical, all westerners commit hit and run attacks. In many cases Britain/America/Whatever is the Muslims home country...
  8. I have looked up your quotes, and you seem to be quoting the bits that suit you: So basically, if you attack a Muslim country, the Koran/Quran says you can drive they can attack you back The other verse is very clear. I have added notes. [Y: Note] I suggest reading the sections around your quotes rather than what you want to read, and reading the verses you quote properly. You however seem very set in your view that Islam is set in violence. Could you provide proper quotes (and source) that I cannot pull apart like above. What is the west doing? Attacking countries under false pretences (Weapons of Mass Destruction), killing civilians and calling it collateral damage. Torchering Prisoners. Trying to re-right the the Geneva conventionIs this not another form of terrorism? What was the first religion to attack Muslims enmass? Christians in the crusade. You cannot claim that Muslims are naturally violent, when christians are not. Even the word Jihad has multiple meanings, most not related in any way to violence. You cannot say the same for the word Crusade.
  9. The first computer I was able to go in my house on was a old 386, I didn't really learn to use it that much as I didn't go on it much. I got the gist of it, but nothing beyond thatThe first computer in my room was a Win95, which I learn how to use by doing whatever I wanted on it. No-one was bothered if I broke it
  10. @cwaldenYou make a very clear explanation of what to do which is good, what you don't do is say why this method is better than just making totally separate pages?So please could you/someone say, I would be interested in knowing.
  11. Four years ago, I heard that the religion that has done the most suicide bombings is in fact Hinduism. Protestants and catholics have been blowing each other up in Ireland. The Spanish had the Inquisition, the Crusades killed hundreds of thousands of people in the name of christianity. The Jews are blowing up Palestine and Lebanon. You cannot claim that Islam is the only religion to have committed horrendous acts of brutality.
  12. I am still playing (and modding for) Morrowind (Elder Scrolls III), from what I have heard about Oblivion it is a step forward in some ways, and a step back in others. Its combat is moving towards a FPS based system and away from a RPG based system, there is no mounted combat for some strange reason. There is also apparently a lack of quests Anyway, when I get it, I will most likely enjoy it.
  13. Wow, that is a lot of domains, it must cost them a fortune. (To me it would be a fortune, to Google, it is probably small change ) Microsoft didn't do this, and someone else got IE7.com.
  14. The best way to make your computer secure is to use Linux for browsing the Internet, as there are only about 10 viruses written for it. (or something like that). I myself am not that bothered about Viruses etc, although I do scan for them once a month.
  15. My computer is dieing just looking at those screenshots. The trailer looked great, but I am more interested in game play. As it is EA, and they have a habit of screwing up games, I will wait for the reviews before I decide to buy the game.
  16. I broke my computer power management , but as it is a laptop, when I am away from it I close the lid, which is easy to do and causes the computer to go onto standby. My desktop is rigged up to go onto standby after 10 minutes of no-one using it.
  17. If the thread is a long one, I will usually just read the first couple of posts and the last couple of posts. On shorter threads I try and read everything. What sometimes anyones me is three posts in a row saying exactly the same thing, but with slightly different wording.
  18. It does take quite a while to load, but I think that is due to my net connection speed (I am assuming) it doesn't cause my computer (1.5GHz Celeron, 256MB Ram) to lag at all. It may be worth testing your site on dial-up or something to see how it works on that. When I had dial-up, I used to just not look at sites that took along time to load, and they are still quite a few people (At least in the UK) who still have dial up in rural areas
  19. @berakdSeat belts do stop you going through the windscreen, but they do wreck your ribs/chest, and if you are going fast enough, as you said, you can die. If they hadn't been wearing a seat belt, they still would have died, as they would have gone through the windscreen.My grandfather was in a car accident (Another car came round a corner to fast and hit them) and his ribs were heavily bruised. But he is still alive.If you are going fast enough when you are hit to die because of a seat belt, you would probably be dead either way.
  20. For my email I use a .btconnect account, which goes straight to Outlook. I also have another email that I use that is re-directed to my .btconnet.com account. I then have a hotmail account, a g-mail account, and several yahoo accounts.I use MSN for instant messaging, as it is what everyone else uses, and it seems to work fairly well.
  21. Why does it matter? If one is free, why not use that, and if you can afford Spy Sweeper, get that as well. It is good practice to have two or more anti spy bot programs on your machine anyway, as they all have slightly different databases. For example, I ran spy bot search and destroy, and it picked up some malicious programs, I then ran Adaware, which (I hope) picked up the rest.
  22. No, I pay for Google by seeing their adds, and I am happy with that. As soon as they say "also pay me $5" I would switch to Yahoo or another one of the big search engines.They could however, say that if you play them $# a month you don't get any ads, which I think would work, as most people would stick with the normal free version, but I imagine they would still get a few people paying to remove the adds.
  23. I have had programs that stopped working due to dates set past 2038. It is something to do with some of the old time/date routines that use 32 bit integers and can't convert dates too far in the future. I would hope that most recent programs wouldn't have this problem, as (hopefully) most serious programmers are aware of this problem. Another solution would be someone writing something into OS's that prevent just allow the program to run normally.
  24. Thanks for the link, it seems a really good idea, as it avoids the issue of spam bots finding your email address. It is only a pity that they don't have any BT custom email address images. (I have my main e-mail address on a BT account)
  25. Never mind, I have solved this issue, I obviously needed to spend another 3 hours trying to find the answer.
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