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Everything posted by Yacoby

  1. Your link has a www. in it, if you removed it, I think the link would work. Like So After I looked at the screeshots, one of my first views was that it looks annoying that the text goes over the edge of the text box (the Headless Man text). Also, is there going to be a full screen version, as that would add to immersion. Apart from that, it looks great. What are you using to make this?
  2. I had Norton for a while, but it seemed so bloated, I removed it. I now run a full scan with AVG and Avast once a month. I also run a couple of anti spyware programs once a month. I don't think viruses are much of a threat, as long as you don't download illegal stuff etc. When it is in quarantine, the Trojan cannot harm your computer in any way.
  3. Most of those emotions I wouldn't use, however I do like this http://forums.bethsoft.com/ emotion. The only others I would use is the nodding one, and the shaking head one. I am happy with the ones this forum has at present, but adding more couldn't hurt
  4. I have never noticed any difference in download speed. I have also downloaded the "Download it all" plug in which is a big improvement on the default download manager. I have noticed a decrease in the time it takes pages to load with FireFox, which in my opinion is the most important thing. I use FireFox all the time, I am considering giving opera a try as it is said to be faster, and even more secure, but all the extensions have been keeping me with FireFox. On what other browser can you play Pong on
  5. I was suggesting putting it in a bank or something, whcih in my opinion would be much more secure than a house or a hotel room. She could always take the last 50 pages with her.
  6. I have a picture somewhere of the worlds first hard disk. Yours is nothing compared to that. It weighed a tonne, and could store a huge 5Mb.
  7. Or maybe trying to make it so it was written on the hat. I would have though just tweaking the colours and alignment a bit would do it. (EDIT: Grammar)
  8. The main thing I do is Sail, faster boats the better . I go sailing with the Sea Cadets, so it is dirt cheap. It does have some downsides like the uniforms but the sailing outweighs that.I did at one point collect Warhammer, and I still have a large collection. I also have a small collection of model trains (00 Gauge).I do also spend quite a bit of time modding for a game called Morrowind.
  9. I find dreamweaver very easy and to use with a nice clean interface. One thing dreamweaver does seem to struggle with is very large (500k) text web pages, although that may be related to my POS computer. ( I don't edit write 500k pages by hand I needed to import it into dreamweaver to sort out a bug in the code)
  10. I mainly play Morrowind, although play might be the wrong word. I spend most of my time writing mods for it, and then go and test them. I haven't managed to get a character past level 5 in about a year :)I do sometimes play Diablo II, mainly as a break. It is still a great game even considering how old it is. The one problem I have is you have to put a lot of time in to get the good armor etc.Anything else I play just for a day or two, things like the Dark Crusade Demo, and Winter Assault Demo.
  11. From the limited amount of games I have played, I would have to say any game out of the Elder Scrolls series, living in Morrowind would be great I doubt I would like living in any 1st person shooter games particularly, and The Sims, I got board of the Sims in 2 hours, so if I lived in that world, I imagine I would commit suicide after the first 2 days.
  12. I leave my computer running most of the time, although I put it onto standby overnight, as I don't want to kill the electric bill. It does get a restart once a week to give it a refresh.I mainly do this because it seems to take ages to start up.I have never managed to get a virus via the Internet, so I don't view that as a major problem, and if I was worried I could just disable the connection while I sleep
  13. There most likely is other life out there, but I doubt it is as we imagine it (Films portray it). If we do find life in this solar system, it is most likely to be bacteria, or some sort of small organism.I doubt we will manage to find a alien race outside are Galaxy in the near future, and even if (by sheer fluke) we did, we would have no way of getting there while their race still existed.I doubt I will live to see an alien.
  14. If I had the choice, I wouldn't buy from any of those brands, as some of them are crap, and some you are paying for the brand name as well as the kit.Having said that I don't have any experience with Voodoo.If you live in the US, and don't want to build your own computer, you could always try a site like IbuyPower.com, which will custom build your computer for you, and the prices are good. The downside is I have heard their customer support isn't very good.
  15. Google is the search engine I use, as it seems to give the most accurate results out of all the ones I have tried. I also find it very easy to navigate, although that may just be due to familiarity. There is a FireFox extension I use that also helps, as gives some added options to Google, which improve it even more (If that is possible)One of the problems Google is going to have is that it is very easy for people to swap the search engines they use, so if Google didn't do very well for a few months, people would just switch to Yahoo or whatever, this is probably one of the reasons why Google is trying to diversify so much.
  16. The main thing I search for in Google is websites I have forgotten to bookmark. If I am searching for anything that I don't need a huge amount of detail for, or I want an overview of it, I will use Wikipidia. If I am going to use the information seriously I will go and find another source (Usually via Google) of information, so I can confirm that the Wiki is correct.
  17. Well, there are 6 Billion people in this world Anyway, could someone send me a gmail invite please. dvc6.(a).btconnect.[com] Many thanks
  18. One of the main reason I don't like the GUI is the system requirements, I don't have a computer anywhere near being able to run that. In my opinion they should scrap the fancy GUI, and make it so it don't use quite so much VRAM.
  19. Dad works in engineering, so if he goes on a site visit, and forgets to measure something, as long as he knows a dimension of something visible in that area, he can do the measurement. It saves him quite abit of time, but it does only work in areas where the detail is high.
  20. When I get really annoyed with my sisters, I just go somewhere else to calm down. I also have a habit of taking the dog for a long walk, which also helps.I normally get on quite well with my sisters so it is not to bad.
  21. A game I am looking forward to is Dark Crusade, which is an add on to Dawn of War, which is in my opinion one of the best RTS game out there. It is based on the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and Dark Crusade will include two new races. Should be out soon. Late October I think
  22. I cannot say I wasn't expecting it, I hope it lives up to be as good as the first three were. It always seems to be a problem that most sequels seem to be a letdown .
  23. Microsoft will, and always has been a big target, and I don't think they are particularly good at making secure operating systems, so why should it be different for websites?I doubt Microsoft.com will get hacked, as it is probably in the "Worst Nightmare" list for Microsoft.
  24. I would have though that it was more dangerous to carry it around with her. I would have though a vault or something specialized would be way more secure.*shrug* It is her fault if it gets stolen.
  25. Where is the "all three" option? I use my computer for all three. I surf the web a lot, mainly on forums. I mod for a game call Morrowind a lot, and I sometimes even play it . I do most of my school work on it, and then I use it for programming (VB, PHP, C++).
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