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Everything posted by Yacoby

  1. I would give him a life sentence. I disagree with capital punishment mainly because sometimes innocent people die but also because we have no right to take someones life away from them. Unfortunately it is not for me to decide, it for the the Iraqi people
  2. That is one weird bug, but I suppose it is Microsoft, who can't make a simple program without bugs . Trust someone to come up with a anti bush thing to put in it though, so great .
  3. I can't see that anyone would manage to use 30GB of space, that is bigger than the hard drive on my current computer for gods sake. I am happy with Google's 2.5GB, and I haven't managed to use up that much space at all. It also seems like they are just hoping that none of the registered users reaches the 30GB mark so they don't have to provide 30GB of space for every user.I am also wondering why you would need to be 18+, every other site says 13+, so it makes me think they are doing something that requires users to be 18+, which doesn't encourage me to sign up at all.
  4. Yacoby


    In my opinion communism is a great idea, it just encountered one problem, the fact that humans are in most cases greedy, and have a liability to get corrupt. Based on the idea of how a human works, capitalism is a better idea. That is what happens under capitalism, except people get payed a different amount, and the guy who "sits on his butt" gets a huge bonus at the end of the year. One of the problems with communism was that shopkeepers had no incentive to sell you things, there are stories of people having to spend 10 minutes to get the shop keeper to admit to the fact that he had something in stock. There is no motivation.
  5. I am sorry to hear that. I have 3 pet rats, and have had between 3 - 4 for quite a time. as the average rats lifetime is 2 - 3 years, I get a death of a rat on average every 1 year, which isn't very good. In my opinion, that isn't very good, why shouldn't I get fully attached to my parents, I enjoy their company and friendship, and I know they will die at some point, but does that mean I should base my friendship around that fact. It sounds rather morbid.
  6. The problem is that not everyone has fast enough Internet connection to be able to distribute it over the Internet, and in Britain, which is a "developed" country, there is quite a large amount of people who don't have broadband. I only have a 512kb connection. (The fastest I can get) Having said that, there is quite a lot of content being distributed over the Internet, like games via Direct2Drive, so you are quite probably right that things with be distributed via the net in the end, but we will still see things on hard copies for a while yet.
  7. Wow, I didn't notice that coming, I will have to download it at some point, probably not soon, as Media player 10 does what I want, but maybe when I get a new computer.
  8. Google has an huge amount of information about us, the problem is this information is useless, as they cannot match a set of information with a person. It also fails if more than one person uses the computer, as you get two bits of information differing widely.It is a bit like a shop, when you buy an item, or walk into the shop, the shopkeeper will remember you and what you have bought. Tesco and other big supermarkets are building up databases on what specific customers buy, so I don't think Google is hugely different, apart from what they do with the information.
  9. My mum seems hooked on these, I can't see the reason as they seem pretty boring, but I suppose their must be some fun value in them somewhere. The craze will pass just like any other.
  10. The only time I have ever found use for energy drinks is coming up to exams and getting coursework finished. I don't really drink it any other time because I have seen how much coffee dad needs to drink to just feel alive in the morning, and drinking like that is something I want to avoid.
  11. I love roller coaster tycoon. Back when I was about 10 I spend an awful lot of time on it and managed to complete the entire game (Including all the expansions). I built things like four synchronized roller coasters, and a 2 mile roller coaster with an average speed of 200kmh.Unfortunately I don't play it as much now, I prefer real time strategy, but I plan on getting Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 when I get a computer that can support it.I was going to get Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, but I didn't hear that it was that great compared to Roller Coaster Tycoon 1, so I decided I would just stick to playing One
  12. I am not homosexual, and I don't know anyone who is, but I doubt they are any different from anyone else. What people do in their private time doesn't concern me. Some of the arguments like this: If I were to follow this argument, Humans weren't made to go into space, or fly, but those things aren't considered wrong. Another common argument is that it is "against christianity", this is true that the bible mentions homosexuality, but it also (in the same chapter) mentions that men shouldn't shave, and you shouldn't wear clothing made more than one type of material.
  13. Thank you for the links SM, I have installed most of those, and they should prove very useful. I usually work out comparisons in load time by looking at file sizes, but the Load Time Analyzer should make it more streamlined.
  14. Yeh, I know, but I was just pointing out that FF makes more sense the Fx, as when it is said aloud you put more emphasis on the Fs than you do on the first F and the last x. I misspelled "aloud" as "allowed" (now corrected) in my previous post which may have caused a changed the meaning slightly.
  15. It seemed fairly annoying, I did get it done after the third try. Ug, a lot of it seemed the difference between between a square and a rectangle, oh, and having a DVD running in the background so when it said "Don't press the red button", you spend 5 mins watching the DVD and come back to it I must admit that I did have to write some of the sequences down on a piece of paper*, but my excuse is that it is 2AM, and I have been going to bed around 3AM - 4AM for the last week. Not good *Everyone always tells you to use your initiative, until you write a program in C to do your maths homework and distribute it around the class
  16. At last, I will get this in a few days, once most of my addons are compatible. I have got to a point where it is hard to live without them. The only reason I use FireFox is the addons, else I would have switched to Opera along time ago. The spell check that is in the new version won't make much difference as am using the spellcheck on Google toolbar (Without the toolbar), which has served me fine. @Amezis The rest of the world don't seem to be getting the message that abbreviation is Fx, I have only seen it abbreviated to a FF, it just confuses everyone if you use Fx. I am wondering how they came up with Fx anyway, it doesn't make much sense when FireFox said aloud
  17. Hopefully some day it will become afordable to the general public, as I doubt I will get near having $100 Million in my lifetime.Having said that, even if I did have $100 Million, there are alot better things I could spend it on
  18. Quick into on .htaccess .htaccess (note the dot) is a text file, each command is meant to be placed on a single line, so if your text editor has word-wrap, make sure it is turned off. When you upload it to your server, make sure it is uploaded in ASCII mode rather than binary. What is mod_rewrite? mod_rewrite is a apache modal that allows you to rewrite URLs at a server level. For example, when a user requests the page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ mod_rewrite could rewrite the URL so that the sever really gives this page http://www.domain.com/index?page=disks Why should I use mod_rewrite? The problem is that search engines used to not search urls when they had characters like ? and = in. These characters usually occurred when you had a dynamic website, with URLs like http://www.domain.com/index?page=disksāˆ=246, it created a nightmare in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). What they used do was chop off the URL after the none standard character, so if you had a set of URLs: http://www.domain.com/index?page=disks http://www.domain.com/index?page=paper http://www.domain.com/index?page=somepage Every URL would end up as http://www.domain.com/index? Thankfully, most search engines can crawl dynamic URLs, unfortunately, they don't do it as efficiently as they do it with static URLs and in some cases they don't crawl every page. It also has benefits like allowing you to change the language the site runs on. For example, it you converted your site from asp to PHP, no urls would need to change, so you wouldn't have any problems with 404 errors How do I use mod_rewrite? The first thing you need to do is check you have mod_rewrite installed on your server. Create a php page that looks like so: <?phpphpinfo(); ?>Upload it to your server. Load the page in your web browser and perform a search for mod_rewrite, you should find it under the "Loaded Modules" section. If you can't find it, you will have to contact your hosting company and ask them to add it. Note: Xisto has this modal, so you don't need to do this if you are hosted at Xisto. Basic Example The most basic form of mod_rewrite is like this. RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^apage.php$ anotherpage.phpThis would redirect someone who loaded apage.php to anotherpage.php, without changing the URL that they see in their browser address bar RewriteEngine on Turns the Rewrite engine on, without this we could do nothing RewriteRule This is the name of the command ^apage.php$ The ^ and the $ are the beginning and the end of the anchors respectively. They are called anchors because they "anchor" the RewriteRule in a specific position in the URL string. anotherpage.php This is the page that the URL is re-directed to. More Complex Examples Example One RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^cms/([^/]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1 [L]This will redirect a URL like:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://www.domain.com/index?page=disks ^cms/ If the URL requested page begins with cms/ ([^/]+) Anything within brackets is assigned to a variable like $1 or $2 etc. This gets one or more characters that isn't a forward slash, and assign it to a variable. /?$ This makes sure that the requested URL ends with a / or nothing else. In more detail, the / is the character that it checks if it ends with, the ? makes the character optional, so it can be a forward slash or nothing, and the $ is the end of the anchor. index.php?page=$1 This redirects the page to index.php?page=$1. The $1 is the text that is in ([^\]+) . If you had more than one set of brackets, like ^cms/([^\])/([^\]+)/?$, the second set of brackets would have the backreference $2 [L] This makes it so that if the RewriteRule is successful, it is the last rewrite rule to be executed. Example Two RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^download/([^/]*\.)(zip|exe|bat)$ files/$1$2This will redirect a request for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ RewriteRule ^download/ The URL must start with download/ ([^/]*\.) This matches and assigns to a variable anything that isn't a forward slash, and ends with a ".", the "\" before the period is required to signify that the period is a character rather than a command. (The period on its own matches any character, not what we want!). Notice we have uses an asterisk (*) instead of a plus (+), this means get zero or more characters rather than one or more characters (zip|exe|bat)$ This matches a zip or exe or bat, and assign it to a variable files/$1$2 This redirects the request to real file using the variables assigned. Example Three If you have a dynamic URL that contains numeric sections, like so: http://www.domain.com/index??id=231&page=1 If you don't want any non numeric character, you can use this RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^articles/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1&page=$2This would re-direct a page request like:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://www.domain.com/index??id=231&page=1 The only new part in this is this: ([0-9]+) This gets one or more numbers between 0 and 9, you can also specify one or more lower case characters using ([a-z]+), if you wanted uppercase, you would change it to ([A-Z]+). Tutorial Copyright Jacob Essex 2006 This may not be copied or mirrored without permission ------------------------------------------------- Any comments on this would be appreciated, as this is the second tutorial I have ever written, so I would welcome constructive criticism.
  19. I still play diablo II now and again. I don't play it a huge amount as I there are other things I prefer doing but it is good to play in moments when I can't think of anything else to do. The graphics in my opinion are fine, it is great, for once a game runs smoothly on my system. I have a level 70 Meteorb sorcerer, a level 36 skellimancer and a level 24 Bowazon.I don't understand how you can compare Diablo and Runscape, Diablo is infinitely better, and its community is better (In my experience).
  20. You may be thinking of Dawn of War, which is warhammer 40k based, and is just getting its second expansion pack. I am not going to get it as from what I heard it requires you to pay per month, which rules it out straight away.
  21. The integrated graphics chip uses 32Mb of your ram, leaving your computer with 224Mb (out of an original 256Mb of ram) The brighter text is definitely easy er on my eyes. On the Schedule Your Build! page it would be good to put a gap between the check box and the computer case name, as they are a bit hard to read at present
  22. I can load the page fine, but the suggest URL doesn't work. I also tried some more "suggest URL" links on other parts of the site, and I couldn't find any that worked. As it is so widespread, I assumed they will fix it as soon as possible, so it may be worth waiting a few days and trying again then.
  23. Google will remain the Number one search engine until it slips slightly. The problem is that it is very easy for people to change their search engine. Google has gone some way to stop this happening by having lots of extras like Gmail, but it is still easy for people to turn to some other search engine like Yahoo.I doubt it will happen any time soon, as Google has better results than every other search engine. It also has things like Gmail.
  24. I really enjoy eating meat, and it is what we have been doing since we evolved into humans, unfortunately, I don't like they way the animals are treated. it does seem however that we are starting to treat animals slightly better, with free range eggs and things like that.If I could chose what I ate, I would be more likely to buy food that wasn't reared in a way that wasn't good for the animal. Like how they raise chickens.
  25. I can see the attraction of making them, as they seem fairly fun to make. Worryingly I can also see the attraction of spreading it, but I doubt I would ever do that. However I doubt I could ever spread a virus if I got round to making it, as I would feel guilty about the people it affected.
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