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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. check your email for xtron.. let me know if anything was sent.Password ResetResetting password for xtron: A confirmation email has been sent to the email address on file.Password ResetResetting password for sgater: A confirmation email has been sent to the email address on file.Let me know if you got an email :PNils

  2. Are you using this link to ge to your cPanel?



    This is my ftp setting in SmartFTP ftp.ngc.astahost.com : nilsc


    This is your username in cpanel and ftp sgater

    and this for your ftp:

    this is your ftp setting in SmartFTP ftp.sgater.astahost.com : sgater


    This is your generic ftp setting ftp.sgater.astahost.com


    Did you try to have the password sent back to sgater or xtron ???


    If you put what you are trying to use then I don't have to guess where you are going wrong or what settings to give to you.


    Let me know if this is the settings you used or if it worked. Remember your username and cpanel name are not the same...



  3. rapco, "static internet address" means static... it stays the same :P

    dynamic IP address changes everytime you go online and both are fairly easy to block :P


    For residential dynamic IP ranges you just block the whole CIDR range that belong to that ISP. It's a measure that punishes both the offender and all other users of that IP range. So most of the time webmasters and mIrc operators ban the range, send a complaint to the ISP with date and time from the logfile and you may have your service terminated if you are in violation of the TOS :P


    Some users have the MAC address showing (or the MAC address of their cable/dsl modem..


    Here is a test if you want to see how fast your connection are. It's a free / paid service if you need more than 3 tests a month.



    My speed with 22 other users sharing the bandwidth to day was:



    344.7 kilobits per second

    Communications 344.7 kilobits per second

    Storage 42.1 kilobytes per second

    1MB file download 24.3 seconds

    Subjective rating Not bad




  4. NOTE:RAndom GameFaqs Spinoff Is going down for the next few days because my host makes you post on THEIR forum, so this will be gone for a while ;_;!

    very funny..... :P

    nice site, you need some artwork where your banner is. :P

    Random GameFaqs Spinoff! Message Boards

    could use some color, maybe a logo.. just my opinion...


  5. I didn't add to my previous post. This way those of you who helped can see what was done.


    xtron and I worked this out using PM's. What happened was the path to where the files reside on the server. Looking at the .gif uploaded it looked like the files where in a subdirectory called www/smf <sp> (I don't have the image in front of me so this is from memory)


    I started going through all the options where the file could be logically and I ended up with http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as the correct path to the setup files. So looking at the info we had when we started out I think we did a great job finding the files.


    One more thing you need to do are create an index file and place it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that way your welcome page will not show up when users go to your site. I'm not sure if you need to setup a "forward to your forum" or you can use that as your welcome page and have a button for users to access the board. Then it will be somewhat like the Xisto community where most people see your index.html once and then they create a shortcut directly to your forum.


    All this is a different issue and I'm closing this tread and if you need help with something else setting up your forum, start a new tread in the appropriate forum.


    Good luck.



    ***TOPIC CLOSED ***

  6. I know what you're saying. Our domain name was registered that way, and it's been for sale for $1500 but we just registered the same domain names with a different ending, so now they can sit on it. If anyone start using the domain name for our kind of business, we'll get them them because the name is and © copyrighted. The only thing we don't have is the short version of the domain name..Nils

  7. Chris, did you setup the mx record. I'm not sure if you are using our own domain name, if you do I don't think the MX (Mail eXchange) record is setup automatically. you have to add it in the form "mail.mydomain.com" where mydomain is the domain you are using. If you are using a subdomain of the domain they have (like here on Xisto) then it will be in the form of"mail.ngc.astahost.com" (this is my MX record here)SMTP = simple mail transport protocol and it's just that.PM me if you don't feel like posting specifics and I'll help as far as I can.Nils

  8. You should be able to do that with a cookie or a token that are set when you have a correct login, then the secure pages would have that passed to them as verification. If no cookie / token then direct linking is not possible.Here comes the important thing, since I'm a beginner when it comes to this the real answer would have to come from someone with more knowledge than I have. I'm looking forward to see the suggestions you get, because I'm planning to use something similar :PI'll look up and see what I can figure out, so if you don't get any other solutions maybe we can work this out as a joint project :P :PNils

  9. You need to post enough to have 30 hosting credits for a moth with 30 days, 31 hosting credits for a month with 31 days and 28 hosting credits for February, unless it's a leap year.How many posts does it take to get this number, that depends on you and the quality of posts you make. If you have a lot of one liners you may never see the 30 hosting credits. A good post or a good tutorial with more than 300 or more than 600 characters count a lot higher than one and 2 liners. Keep in mind that BBcodes does not count, if you have a lot of posts with no "serious" content but they are just posted to get the credit... And a Moderator or Admin deems your posts as spam, your hosting credits may go to zero...Hope this answered your question and I moved your post to the help section sine this is not a What if... statement / issue / interests alot of posters but it should be here.Nils

  10. Since we are on the spyware issue, and start lost utilities. I have a couple that I use to clean up computers and I setup on "LUSERS" that are infected for the second time.

    Apart from Adaware, Spybot S&D, CWShredder, and HiJackTHis I at times use.


    About:Buster Website : https://www.malwarebytes.com/ Forums : https://forums.malwarebytes.org/


    LSP-FIX - Winsock 2 repair utility (Not a malware removal tool, but it can be used to correct Internet connection problems resulting from buggy or improperly-removed Layered Service Provider (LSP) software. http://cexx.org/lspfix.htm


    MS JAva Removal tool to remove M$ version of Java and then install http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html Microsoft removed this utility from their website, so you have to download it from the web, use a Google search or PM me for a copy.

    SpywareBlaster3.2 and other tools from Grisoft.


    Winpatrol another protective measure https://www.winpatrol.com/


    Most utilities and tool should be used with care so you don't render the computer useless. There are forums the have a lot of specialists working and posting answers to people posting :HiJackThis" logs and that is safer than you just removing an entry because you don't recognize it and then remove a file that is needed.



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