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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. Shipping, handling and cost of cd's. Buy enough cd's and you pay 10 cents a piece or less.10 cd's is a dollar shipping one cd is from $1.00 +sleve to $2.50 + sleve and if they send you 10 copies and you didtribute them that is 9 people using the software and no cost for them to distribute to the other 9.If only one out of 10 people distribute the spare copies they are still ahead of the game. Look at it as a promotion and an advertising effort that cost a lot less than paying for the ad on a tv station or radiostation. Now they have the Internet community spreading the word for them, this will lead to more links pointing back to them, Higher ratings in the search engines. etc. etc.Nils

  2. What happens if you've never been able to log into cPanel and you then reset your password? Since the email address in cPanel never got changed, wouldn't the new password get sent somewhere else? That might explain why I (and some other people) haven't got their new password. So what do we do next to access cPanel?


    It will go to the email address you supplied in your post to get hosted. The same account we send the confirmatiom email to.


    Issue solved as far as I can see. PM me if you have more questions. :)



  3. There are a couple of things you need to do, apart from the options that you received from other users here on using the different cleaners to remove the recurring adware / spyware.


    The most important is to have an up to date virus scanner. Then as a added precaution download NAI Stinger Stinger for windows and for those who use MAC computers can go here and read up before downloading http://www.mac-net.com/183869.page


    If you have a problem accessing the different antivirus companies websites or accessing Microsoft update you may have a Trojan that changed your "HOSTS" file and pointed all those websites to localhost In this case you should go to another computer and download stinger and put it on a floppy or a CD before you start with anything else.


    Now your computer should be clean of virus and Trojan's and ready to disinfect for spyware / adware. A couple of important steps if you are using XP home or pro is to turn off system restore and make sure all browsers are turned off.


    Install and run AdAwareSE make sure you update the "Definition" Files before you scan the computer Download AdAwareSE here. While scanning don't go online. When done scanning select all the entries and remove them. It's OK to do as long as you don't delete the quarantine file you can restore anything that you would like to keep ;) . If you get the message to scan on next restart (bot), accept and restart the computer. This will only happen if there are processes running that AdAware can't stop. A running process can not be cleaned. When AdAware comes up clean you are ready for step 2:


    Download (Unless you already have) Spybot S&D from one of the sites that have the latest version.Download Spybot S&D Ater the install create the registry backup, download the definition files and Spybot S&D will restart before it scans the computer due to a major upgrade. This will brind you back up to the scan page, what happened was that the immunizing are not finalized so you have to immunize manually. Scan the computer, again do not browse the internet while scanning. When done remove all entries in the list, if you get the message again that Spybot S&D need to run on next bot, check OK and restart the computer. Spybot S&D comes up clean and you are ready for step 3:


    Here you are going to need help from experts that know what is OK and what can safely be removed from the startup list. There are multiple utilities here Merijn.org and you can start with the CWShredder and install and run that to make sure you don't have any of the CoolWWWsearch exploits that was not removed by the other utilities.

    There are a lot of other utilities on this site that are useful if you know what you are looking for. If you would like to try them but need some help let me know here or on Xisto.com and I'll be more than willing to share.

    The next utility to use are "HiJackThis" and it will give you several options and unless you know what you are doing "DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING" util you have posted your list on one of the forums that analyse the log files for you. This is the forum I use for my log files that I need help with: SWI Forums and there are a whole list or different support forums here Links to different help forums. so you can get help wit the different utilities.

    Read the instructions before you go posting your log file and be pationt while waiting for answer. All the forums are staffed with volunteer helpers and moderators just like Xisto and Xisto. If 24 hours go by and you have not seen an answer bump your post and ask if it was missed. :P Someone will get back to you.


    Ohhh, just a little tip... Don't start the post with "HELP" in the subject line... 99% of initial posts are people asking for help. Use something descriptive, "Removed adware and 2 websites still hijacking browser" This will let them know that you have tried on your own first. Then in your post let them know what utilities you have used and what the outcome was. Put the specification of you computer, OS, RAM, CPU celeron, P4 AMD etc. what patches you have, if you have sp2 for xp. What browser are you using, version and service pack, if you are on dialup or have DSL, Cable modem. This will get you help a lot faster, there is nothing worse than trying to help someone who you have to drag every little piece of information out of. I know I skip a lot of posts with little or no information except for the big initial "HELP" because that just shows the ignorance of the person asking.


    When someone answers you he/she will tell you what steps to take next.


    Hope this will help someone get rid of some pests :D :D


    The Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta1 are nothing but the "old" https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/default.aspx so until Microsoft put their programmer on it it should be a good alternate option to download and try on XP and w2k computers. I'm using it on a couple of test computers and there is no difference yet from the original (except for icons and splash screens) Try it befor M$ ruins it.



  4. This is a post of this same topic discussed on Xisto: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82073-confused-with-the-system-about-the-free-hosting/
    The rules maybe a little different here than at Xisto but basicly they are the same except for the ranges that you can get the hosting. So staying active don't mean you need 10 posts a day, one good post with 300 or greater than 600 characters will increase your hosting credits more than 10 one liners. This will be true when your hosting credits are 10 or more. At that time you may get only a fraction of a hosting credit for a post of 10 to 100 characters. ;)

    You start out posting. If you have quality posts your "hosting credits" will increase faster than your post count. In that case you can ask for the introductory package at 10 hosting credits or 10 posts.
    If you have 10 posts where the quality of your posts are deemed insufficient, you may still be denied the hosting.

    If you have 5 posts and 15 hosting credits, you are a very proficient poster and take the time to explain / expand on your posts. You can apply for hosting and will most likely be approved.

    Now you go for the normal package. Again, you have a lot of one-liners your hosting credits will not increase at the rate your posts does. You will need 50, sometimes 60 posts before you ask for an upgrade. Again, the upgrade may be denied if post quality is lacking. On the other hand you again have a lot of quality posts, and your hosting credits hit 50 or 55 in 25 quality posts you can apply for hosting upgrade at that time.

    In both instances your hosting credis will be reduced to 3 or 5, I'm not sure wich of the numbers we are using now. But as soon as you post again the hosting credits go back up.

    The only times you will loose hosting credits apart from upgrading or asking for hosting are:
    1 Your hosting credits are reduced by one every 24 hours, normal reduction.
    2 If you are deemed to spam or your posts are not following topic, you may loose more credits than you gained posting them. If I have to go in and edit or delete a post you will loose at least the double of what the original post gave for hosting credits.

    Edited this post. This post increased my hosting credits from 4 to 6.28 that was a 2.28 hosting credit increase for one post :P

  5. friso, you should stay and with the 33 posts you have you should be able to ask for hosting :P Unless you already did it. :PThe hosting credits are how long you have before you have to post when you are hosted :PUnless you have a lot of oneliners you should get the hosting, you just have to ask. :PStay here, and grow old with the rest of us... :PYou have some good posts, some bad... :P remember "english" :P so ask for the hosting and you should be on your way to a great website...Nils

  6. I'm working on setting up my website without tables (very slow comming) The layout are with containers and no tables, unless it's data that are expected to be in a table :P

    I use CSS for styling and layout with as little or no java-script unless needed for support of IE. The problem right now with CSS is that it's evolving faster than most browsers so no browsers are 100% compliant at any given time. CSS will be easier to maintain and work with when more browsers are compliant. Changing a whole sites layout is easier with CSS than with frames as far as I have experiensed. One of the issues are how the different browsers don't show the same layout for your web site. Gecco based browsers support the rounded corners when you create a box other browser will show the same box with square corners unless you slice a circle in 4 and use them as images or you can use stacked 1 pixel <div>'s for the same effect.

    this code will show up with curved edges in mozilla-based browsers.

    If you create a class for the curvedbox in your CSS stylesheet it will look something like this.
    .curvedbox {    width: 200px;    padding: 1em;    background-clor; #CCFFCC;    border: 2px solid #33527A;    -moz-border-radius:25px;}

    not to much to it when you code for compliant browsers!


  7. Whoa... This seems really complicated but i think i do understand,


    It's not that complicated, but you are rewarded for quality posts. :P And I don't think your hosting will go away anytime soon. :P because OpaQue have Xisto that give free hosting also and they are not going to force you to switch because they have a paid hosting company for those who would like to upgrade to more disk space and bandwidth.

    The posting criteria at Xisto are not as strict as here. Xisto is meant for serious users that will share of their knowledge. Xisto is more casual and the topics are on the lighter side :P


    There have been some users that switched from here to Xisto and others that have switched from Xisto to here.


    When you look at the downtime, most of the time that happens when new users are hosted and they start using scripts that is malformed and they bog down the server or kill the bandwidth. The rest of us experience an issue with logging on or accessing our websites.



  8. on an unrelated topic....




    how come your linux counter badge shows up like that, but my linux counter badge shows up as "user posted image"


    also, mine is white.. how did you et your gold ? i assume you made it yourself ? i just got ine from the counter page.


    Your image link gives a 404..
    there is no picture there or you don't have the right to link to it.





    the page cannot be found

    The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


    Please try the following:


        * If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelt correctly.


        * Click the Back button to try another link.


    HTTP 404 - File not found

  9. Here we go, :P

    You start out posting. If you have quality posts your "hosting credits" will increase faster than your post count. In that case you can ask for the introductory package at 10 hosting credits or 10 posts.

    If you have 10 posts where the quality of your posts are deemed insufficient, you may still be denied the hosting.

    If you have 5 posts and 15 hosting credits, you are a very proficient poster and take the time to explain / expand on your posts. You can apply for hosting and will most likely be approved.

    Now you go for the normal package. Again, you have a lot of one-liners your hosting credits will not increase at the rate your posts does. You will need 50, sometimes 60 posts before you ask for an upgrade. Again, the upgrade may be denied if post quality is lacking. On the other hand you again have a lot of quality posts, and your hosting credits hit 50 or 55 in 25 quality posts you can apply for hosting upgrade at that time.

    In both instances your hosting credis will be reduced to 3 or 5, I'm not sure wich of the numbers we are using now. But as soon as you post again the hosting credits go back up.

    The only times you will loose hosting credits apart from upgrading or asking for hosting are:
    1 Your hosting credits are reduced by one every 24 hours, normal reduction.
    2 If you are deemed to spam or your posts are not following topic, you may loose more credits than you gained posting them. If I have to go in and edit or delete a post you will loose at least the double of what the original post gave for hosting credits.

    If you behave like a troll, I'll ban you. :P
    If you you post junk or spam in a post not originated by you you may get a warning and on further review you may loose the rights to post and you may loose your hosting account also. If that happens you will loose anything you had on the site because we will not back it up for you.

    I hope this explains how the post count and hosting credits work. :P

    Just remember, I'm speaking for myself as an Admin. OpaQue have the final say in any decision and he may overrule any action done by the rest of us. The rules and regulations here are not cast in stone, they are minimal. They are to protect you, the members, and is a guideline for us Moderating and Administrating the board. The rules and regulations can change so keep an eye out here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/3-forum/


  10. Rudy,Thanks. I'm not sure what I did to deserve it! but thanks anyway. As for the policing. I think the quality on this board is going in the right direction. :PIf you wan't to help you can, by clicking the report this link on any post that is spam or does not follow the rules. It's anonymous, we don't give up who sent us the complaint. :PThat way one of us will see it and can deal with it.I know OpaQue appreciate the help and support he gets from users, moderators and admins here. I definitely do. :PI had a fast car, a Corvette road racer. RED....To expensive to up-keep. So I'm stuck with a taurus... :P

  11. A little update on the Honeypot project!

    One of my spamtrap MX addresses had it's first confirmed spam harvester. This is one of 5 MX addresses that I have supplied to the project. The MX records go onto other users websites if they would like to host a spamtrap but don't have spare MX records to use. So far over 69,000 Honey Pot Addresses Issued. This sounds like a lot, it's not. What is needed are more websites incorporating the Honeypots on their websites. I's not adding any overhead, just a little disk-space. The spam harvesters come anyway and they do not obey the robots.txt or metatags that you have.

    Identified spam harvester - Malaysia

    Look at the Honeypot website to see if this is something you can participate in. Click my sigfile to read up on Honeypots :P


  12. Hey everyone.Welcome to the Xisto Art forum. With Xisto constantly expanding and seeing all types of new people, we've decided to make an art forum. Here you can post your own art to receive feedback and exposure, as well as discuss all things art related. With our community growing so fast, this is a great opportunity for both aspiring and experienced artists to get there stuff on the net for all to see, both here and on there own sites that can be hosted by us once they've established themselves as productive members of this community.The rules:- When giving feedback, please be as constructive as possible. If you don't think someone's art is the best it can be, say so. But please do so in a courteous manner. We're all here to learn.- No 5 minute doodles. Post your finished and refined works, or at least works in progress that you plan on finishing. We want to maintain a level of quality here. Remember, with everything you post, you're representing yourself as an artist.- Do not post art of a Pornographic nature. Tasteful nudity is acceptable (until I'm told otherwise) but please place a nudity warning in your thread's title.That's all for now. And with that said. Enjoy yourself and show us what you got.

  13. If you are into wardriving, you should know that there are a few places here in the US that there are "traps" setup to catch you.In the town I live there are 1 such trap and it's monitored by the police. They use a directional transmit /receive antenna that cross over a major road where it illegal to stop or park. Right next to the road is a huge private parking lot where you can park out of the way and out of view from trafic and bypassers. Most of the wardrivers use the wifi locators that companies use to find the optimum location for an antenna so just driving by on that main road will spike the meter. It's only one way in and out. As soon as "snort" goes of, the police put a cruiser at the end of the road. If you don't go onto an illegal site they just leave when you close the transmission. If you go on an illegal site, dispatch calls the cruiser and you get nabbed :P4 people caught last year, 1 was an eBay scammer.

  14. Domain Hijacking: A Dirty Business


    All data from this site: ScamBusters


    Here's the worst version of this -- and it can hit anyone if they have enough traffic and don't pay close attention to when their domain registrations expire.


    In this situation, someone grabs expired domain names and points them to "those" kinds of sites. This is a "no lose" for the hijacker, as they will profit from the traffic even if the previous owner doesn't pay the requested ransom for the domain.


    The more traffic the URL gets, the greater the clickthrough value to the hijacker. This means more potential damage to the original owner -- and a higher ransom to get it back.


    In effect, your own popularity is your worst enemy in this case.


    The solution to this one is simple -- and very important: Don't let your domain names expire!

    Useful Resources

    If you find yourself a victim of domain hijacking, there is hope for correcting the problem.


    For a more formal explanation of the legal aspects of this problem, visit



    For specific information on the UDRP (Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy), the procedure for taking domain names that are being used in violation of a trademark, see



    For information on taking action under the Anti-Cybersquatting Act (A US law that provides for damages in addition to the less severe penalties of the UDRP) see



    If you have a famous name or trademark, the best defense is to make sure that you register the main variations in both the .com and .net form. The .org is probably only necessary if you are heavily involved with charitable activities.


    Protect yourself. Scammers come up with new schemes all the time...


    So, keep your eyes open.

  15. If you reply to your own post and the Moderator deletes you post your post count stays the same, and your hosting credits are reduced. If I find you or someone else post answers to your own posts I wil remove hosting credits from you as a penalty. More credits than you made by posting twice. So answering your own post is a nono, you can hit the edit button to edit your original post.If you are replying to someone else that posted after you, then it's OK to add another post. If a moderator see you answering your own posts or you have to many one liners you will get a warning, and this may result in multiple warnings from differnt moderators that see your one liners.If you have any questions you can ask a Moderator or an Admin, if we can help we will help. Another problem are the multiple posts about the same or similar posts that are answered 10 times a day. Use the search feature to see if there are any similar questons already. If you see that there is a cPanel question up already, then don't start another tread on the same issue. Add to the existing one and we don't have to hunt down the same answer 2 or 3 times.Since I'm in such a great mode right now I just want to add... We, the Administrators or Moderators are not babysitters. :P We have to look up or search for the answer the same way you could have done yourself. We may not know the answer to all your questions because we started here as users and we started helping others. So Administrator and Moderators ane not all knowing when it comes to this board, we just took the time to figure some of it out. Because of this we were noticed and then cursed :P since we got the promotion to Maderators, and for me Admin. The person I go to is OpaQue because he's the person with the most knowledge when it comes to issues with the board. You should realise that none of us are here as full time employees we are volunters (voluntered) to the job. Including OpaQue, he's not doing this as a full time job. The free hosting is something that is done because he wants to not because he have to.When you have an issue or a question, be specific what you did and what the problem are. Sometimes we can spot the error by what you put down for info while asking the questions. Lets say you uploaded files but can't find them. Then you should put your domain name down, what forlder you put the files in (Or thought you put the files in), the name of one or more of the files that you placed in that directory, include if you put a index.php, index.htm(l) file there.If you have an ftp error, put what client you are using, what is the location you put for your connection. what is the username you are using there. All this can help us spot where the error is.cPanel issues in 90% an user error when typing the location. if you do not specify your subdomain you will still see the (a) cpanel but it will not log you in. If you try to have your password resent from that location there will be no password sent, because you are in the wrong location.Hope this answers some of your questions.Nils

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