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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. In cPanel you have to enable the anonymous ftp using your ftp manager.
    You have 2 options there:

    Allow anonymous access to ftp://ftp.yourname.trap17.com	Allow anonymous upload to ftp://ftp.yourname.trap17.com/incoming

    change out the "yourname" part with your subdomain name. You upload the files you would share to the public_ftp folder. If you allow anonymous uploads to the folder you check the second box.

    You can create ftp accounts for people that you give permission to upload ftp files that way you have more control over the ftp space. With anonymous ftp upload turned on you may use up your bandwidth and diskspace fast if someone start uploading huge files. :D

    You can also setup an anonymous ftp message that are customised to your needs and that will show up anytime users try to ftp to your site. :D


  2. Webguide, you need to post enough to get hosting credits up to +3 for your account to be unsuspended.


    :? I realy don't know what happen, it's more than 3 days and nothing change?do you have any problems with the Server or the accounts?


    Thanks for any answer :)


    Did you send a PM to OpaQue with your problem? you have 10 hosting credits so I don't see why you can't use the account. Unless there was another issue. That would be for OpaQue to look into.



  3. I found this link http://www.checkupdown.com/status/E406_de.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 406 errors in the HTTP cycle Any client (e.g. your Web browser or our CheckUpDown robot) goes through the following cycle: * Obtain an IP address from the IP name of your site (your site URL without the leading '/'). This lookup (conversion of IP name to IP address) is provided by domain name servers (DNSs). * Open an IP socket connection to that IP address. * Write an HTTP data stream through that socket. * Receive an HTTP data stream back from your Web server in response. This data stream contains status codes whose values are determined by the HTTP protocol. Parse this data stream for status codes and other useful information. This error occurs in the final step above when the client receives an HTTP status code that it recognises as '406'. Resolving 406 errors - general This error occurs very infrequently in Web browsers, because most browsers will accept any data returned from your Web server. If the client is not a Web browser, then anyone can only investigate the problem by looking at the Accept headers generated by the client system and the data stream returned by the Web server. If you do not have access to the source code for these systems, the only thing you can do is refer the problem to technical support people at the companies that developed the systems. Resolving 406 errors - CheckUpDown This error should simply never occur in your CheckUpDown account. If it does, it typically indicates defective programming of our systems or of the Web server which manages your site. We do not use accept headers at all, so there is no reason for your Web server to generate a 406 error. Please contact us (email preferred) whenever you encounter 406 errors - there is nothing you can do to sort them out. We then have to liaise with your ISP and the vendor of your Web server software to agree the exact reason for the error. CheckUpDown logo We monitor your site for errors like 406. Please click any of the buttons below for more information. More about the service we provide Look at some examples of live accounts Try our service free for 90 days How much a LIVE account costs We respect your privacy More about our company and the Web sites we run

  4. I'm using a 21" NEC monitor and a Dell 19" LCD monitor. I change the resolution around as I'm testing to see what it will look like in different resolutions. I never go below 800x600 and while working I try to create so it looks the best in 1280x1024 (My default screen resolution) I know most people say to create for 800x600 but I'm aiming high :)I tried to setup different CSS pages depending on the visitors screen resolution, it ended up not working on my first try. I have to work some more on that. :)I have seen a couple of nice sites that have one setting for a user with the 800x600 and another for 1280x1024. Not sure if they hard coded the width of the page and centered or if they used css to create that.Nils

  5. When you have 10 hosting credits you can ask for hosting, It's not guaranteed that you will get hosting at that time. I depends a lot on the quality of your posts. If you have quality posts you can have 3 posts and 15 hosting credits, go ahead apply. There are some with 20 posts and 4 hosting credits, don't bother :) asking.


    Here are the links for hosting credits that we answered already. Do a search and continue the questions on a topic already opened.

    Searcg result using "Hosting Credits" as criteria.


    There is a pinned post in the forum you asked the question! Pinned Hosting and Points


    Pinned: Post Count and Hosting Credits


    Confused with the system


    And there are a lot of other subjects that has an answer already. Do a search and add to those posts. You get the same amount of hosting credits starting a new topic as for adding to one that is already started. The only place you may make more credits is when you post a good tutorial. Remember tutorials have to be approved so don't double post them. If you do you will loose more points than the tutorial was created. :)




    *** TOPIC CLOSED *** continue in one of the open topics.

  6. It's in the Photoshop topic, Nils... :)

    that's just a con of the 'active topics' thing on the bottom of the page, but if you take a good look around *hint-hint* you can see it...




    Geee wiz, did someone slap me with a wet fish... I stink...


    Sorry about that, I'm scrolling post by post... Didn't even read what the specific forum was. ... :(


    The reason it's good to put what software you are using version and all are for googlebot, when the pages are indexed and you perform a search on google nobody will know that this topic was in photoshop... :(

    I'll be more specific why I ask the next time... ;)


  7. If you had taken the time to read some of the writing on Astahosts homepage you would have found this link to search for free webhosting :)http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    And how come Xisto and Xisto didn't make your list?

    Did you ever read about some of the horror stories that are out there when it comes to free hosts and hosting? Guide to free - web - hosting

    And what are the different hosting packages? http://forums.xisto.com/package.php

    And here are some of the catches placed upon you here... :)

    Announcement http://forums.xisto.com/topic/3-forum/

    Enjoy the FREE hosting here at Xisto.com or Xisto?


  8. I like the image map when I have an image for menu options. I agree that you can define the map to be the whole image... That is a good idea when you don't want the blue highlight around the image. Sometimes that blue highlight show that the image is a link and not just another image.It's nice to use the logo image with the map feature. Then anyone clicking the logo are brought back to the index page. I know I don't want a blue highlight around my logo. ;)vizskywalker, thanks for the map information. I'll be using more of that :PNils

  9. When your account is suspended because your account hit 0 credits, and you stay away for another 7 days you have -7 hosting credits... That should answer #1As for number 2, Why should you get a warning email? If you stay active you know how many credits you have and that you need to increase them when they get close to 0. How many warning emails do you think would go out everyday to the same people who can't keep a sufficient number of hosting credits. If you need a babysitter to track when your hosting credits are supposed to be up. write a note with date and time that your account expires and tape it to your monitor.If you read OpaQue's post just previous to yours the answer would be obvious. Did you ask it just to increase the size of this post... !If you are not hosted, they just increase... that is why they are called "Hosting credits"as for the second part of that question, it's been answered in several of the other posts. You loose 1 hosting credit every 24 hours, or 1/2 a hosting credit every 12 hours or 1/4 hosting credit every 6 hours...Now it's up to you to calculate out how many hosting credits you loose in 3 hours... :P ;)Nils

  10. canute24,what os are you building the computer for. Sometimes the suggestions you gt would be specific to the OS you are going to use. If you use a M$ product you have to calculate in a lot of extra RAM to make up for the waste that that os has.You can get away with different options depending on use, game computer verus an office desktop. etc etc.Nils

  11. All hosted users have a cPanel username. Those who deleted it will loose their hosting account when we prune and update. If the name is removed or changed the hosting will be deleted and the user are out off luck.That happened last time the script was run. All users with no cPanel name lost the hosting accounts that they had worked for. As another user said, the cPanel user name and the username here are for the most part the same... unless your username is longer than 8 characters :)Don't use the same password in cPanel as the one you use here for your user name.Nils

  12. I just changed all the servers over to trend-micro's antivirus from Symantec enterpise edition. Trend micro is better when it comes to malware that are not directly classified as a virus. NAV don't catch all the Trojan's around and I had a lot of problems.I use cisco pix hardware firewall and ZoneAlarm pro for my desktop. I have looked at a couple of others but I like the ZA personally. ;)Nils

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