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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. Are you using the same OS as your dad, are you using the same browser as your dad, are you on the same network connection as your dad.If your dads browser can access the cpanel, what setting is different in you computer / browser.You have to look for the problem on your computer. Answer the questions and you will be one step closer to your cPanel. :DNils

  2. are you on a static or a dynamic IP address. It looks like someone is hammering your IP address. Did you recover your computer from a trojan recently or did you have a lot of malware / spyware? If you did you may have a lot of "static" noice or handshake attempts.If you are on a dynamic IP disconnect the computer tonight, turn it off and remove it from the net. If you have a cable modem or dls, unplug and shut that off also. In the morning you can start it up again, see if you have a differnt IP address than now. Write down the current IP address, If you are on a router or dsl cable modem make sure you write down the IP address that is on the router / modem it may be different than your internal network IP address. (I'm assuming you know all this already)Clear the history files in ZA and with a new IP address see if the intrusions come back, if they do you may still have a trojan that are broadcasting your IP address. I only have 6 intrusion attempts on a static IP address so there is definitely something wrong with yours. I updated ZA about 14 days ago, so it's not that long of an uptime.If you are saving your log files you should be able to look at them and see what the intrusion attempts are and what IP they originated from and what ports they scan. Turn on logging if you have not done that already.Nils

  3. err, if a topic is posted in the wrong forum you can have a MOD move it for you.As for editing a post that feature is removed. If you have to have a post edited or or deleted then you have to ask a MOD to do the changes for you.So it's imperative that you (and everyone else) read your posts before you click submit that way you can edit any glaring errors before you post.If you ask to may times to get your posts edited you may start loosing hosting credits :D, maybe we should make a rule that say you loose one hosting credit everytime you ask one of us to edit your post... <jk> :DNils

  4. This issue is now solved, the cPanel username are only visible to the user and to Admin / Moderators. This is so we can help faster like OpaQue said.


    DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT remove or alter your cpanel name. If you need it changed, ask OpaQue to reset it and he will (It'll cost you around 30 hosting credits so make sure you are sure before asking) Any account with the wrong cPanel username or missing the cPanel username will be deleted without any warning. When the script is run that terminates accounts with more than 30 days of no activity, it also removes accounts with missing or not matching cPanel names.


    When your account is deleted that way there are no way that we can retrive it, it's gone. You will have to start all over with 10 hosting credits to get a new account, 50 for standard. It's not our fault if you mess with your cPanel name so don't come crying :) when the hosting is gone.


    And just to remind you, there is NO warning email sent out to let you know your account is blocked due to inactivity. If you need a babysitter, ask your mom to remind you so you're hosting space don't get blocked due to lack of hosting credits. :)


    If your account goes over bandwidth and we find movie or song hosting but no web-site to support any content, your account will be deleted or you will not receive bandwidth in the beginning of next month (That will be the same as a useless web-space)


    Thank you,


  5. It was removed because of abuse. I know how the abuse happened but that is not for me to tell. Soo, someone didn't like to post a lot and because they figured out how to cheat, everyone lost the edit button.Double and triple posting are still considered spam, take the time and put down everything you would like to say and then wait for at least another post before you reply. :D Nils

  6. One thing you need to know about CD & DVD's the data are close to the label side and for DVD's (2 sided ones) close to the foil in the center.

    A CD even one with deep surface scratches can be restored and read. If the scratch is on the label side the data may be unrecoverable. The laser beam goes through the clear plastic and bounces back from the foil layer (close to label surface) and is reflected back to the optical eye. With scratches in the surface the laserbeam may be deflected to much to read that particular sector and you get a skip or data read error.

    The trick with the oil on a clean cd is restoring the surface integrity so the laser beam go in a straight line and will reflect back to the optical eye. There are tools and utilities out there that can be used to restore the surface area on a CD. Most of them are plastic restore and polishing compunds invented for the automotice industry and when sold for CD restoring you get the same product in a tiny can / spray bottle for 4 times the cost of the same product sold to restore plastic on the car. I'm going to list one company that started with products for cars and they are sold for all plastic applications Plastic_Polish

    This is a way to do this with products you can pick up in a jevelery store (emery cloth) and automotive store (plastic restore polish):
    So using emery paper (Only do this on CD's you don't care about until you figure out how to do this) to remove part of the surface you will end up with a cloudy surface, looks like its destroyed but when applying the surface material (Plastic restore polish) the cd will come back clear and ready to use.

    You need to polish and remove surface you have to have a tool that spin the CD for you, straight scratches will make it that more difficult to fix the cd.

    If you have a one of a kind CD that you need restored there are a few companies out there that will do that for you. (cost to be determined by the quantity of disks you need to restore)


  7. Thank you, the hotlink protection is still on. Because the images that I hotlinked from his site say "User Posted Image" in a couple of the previous posts. The image show up everytime he turns hotlink off.Anyone know why we can see the site correct and not the creator? could that be a setting with his ISP? Why would he loose a few pictures every refresh and not all at once?It confuses the daylight out of me. :)Nils

  8. Hello svtl,welcome to Xisto. If you are looking for hosting you should be happy to know that one of the options you have when hosted is to install PHP-nuke. :) it's supplied ready for you to setup.I know that didn't answer your question and I don't know if I like it since I never tried it :)It's an option and there are a lot of supporters here,Nils

  9. Moved it to the lobby, don't post junk in the what if section. post it here in the lobby. If you are posting to get hosting, then find some topics that matches the forum. Continue to post junk in the what if forum, and I'll remove more hosting credits than the post gave you.

    read the TOS and other instructions, if you don't then you may end up with not posting rights and no hosting.

    If you need a lighter forum to post and you don't feel like participating in the forum you can post at (and receive the same quality hosting) http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?
    This is another afiliate forum that are a little lighter on the forums and not as strict as here. :)
    If you decide to stay, be serious and participate and we will do everything we can to help you get hosted. If you have a question ask and we will help (if we can)


  10. Dooga compiled all the rules here Rules for hosting It's a great tool and the quote is from his site :D

    Offered Packages and Options
    You can opt for Domain Hosting or Sub-Domain hosting. Xisto.com Recommends members to go for Sub-Domain hosting. Members are free to point their favorite short url address to Xisto.com sub-domains. Sub-domains are activated instantly, they do not need configuring or do not involve Advanced Settings. They don't have to be Propagated, so they are fast and quick. Any changes to the accounts involving DNS reflect instantly. If you still want to go for Domain hosting, You are free to do so.

    As is stated on the 'Services' page, you are required to have a certain number of posts and credits to be eligible to receive hosting. (Note: Xisto.com is an Advertising supported Website, but we do not put ads on your website. We put the ads on the forum which you post in.)

    Package 1: Requires 15 posts AND 15 credits; 20 MB space and 500 MB bandwidth (DOES NOT SUPPORT DOMAIN HOSTING)
    Package 2: Requires 25 posts AND 25 credits; 50 MB space with 1000 MB bandwidth
    Package 3: Requires 50 posts AND 50 credits; 100 MB space with 2000 MB bandwidth (DEFAULT PACKAGE)
    Package 4: Requires 100 posts AND 100 credits; 150 MB space with 3000 MB bandwidth

    It is absolutely required that you reach the minimum post count before applying for each package; if you request a package that you do not qualify for, the application will be ignored. You can upgrade your account anytime you have reached the requested amount. However, it is appreciated if members only apply for additional space or bandwidth if they really need it. If you are only running a small web site with a couple of images and one or two pages, then you don't really need a lot of space or bandwidth, so you shouldn't really ask for it.

  11. You don't want to give them access to your cPanel. If you do then you gave up your control over it.


    In cPanel you go to "SubDomains" under the "Site Management Tools" create the subdomain and then:


    f you wish to grant virtual ftp access to this subdomain, just create a ftp user with the same username as the subdomain base name that is listed inside the ( ).


    If you are recieving errors about the subdomain not resolving to a valid ip address, subdomains are not enabled on your account.


    Let me know if this is what you were looking for?


    You can set quota for the ftp accounts you create so they don't eat all your bandwidt... :D



  12. That should give you package 2 and yes, the cost of hosting are all your hosting credits except for 5 :DYou are doing OK, Account validity exists for 11 days. so a couple of more posts and it's vacation time... :DAnd unless you you have a month and a 1/2 for vacation you don't need 50 days. Your hosting credit is decreased by 1 every 24 hours. With 11 hosting credits you can take a week off and still have credits to spare.Nils

  13. I use a lot of RAM from Kingston, you will see a lot of people claiming aftermarket RAM is inferior, I don't agree. If you buy matched RAM from Kingston you will pay a lot less than buying OEM, and the OEM will most of the time be inferior.. :)


    As an example I use RAM for a Cisco router, original 36MB (Yes 36 is correct) cost from Cisco just over $500.00. Same RAM from Kingston, was $24.95 and the partnumbers and chipset are the same. Cisco buys them ffrom Kingston, slap their sticker on top of the Kingston sticker and jack the price up.

    Get HyperX or DDR2 if you are starting from scratch.


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