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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. The answer is no, a site with that kind of name/content will attract hackers. Even if you don't have that intention they would be trying to see if they can. And in order to hack your website they would hack the server that everyone is hosted on. Anytime you setup a server like that it has to be dedicated or you will trash other users data also.Nils

  2. Adware / spyware / malware / viruses / trojans. It's important to keep your computer clean (I don't mean wash it in soap and water) and free of all pests. We had the same topic in Xisto and I'm not going to repost the whole tread here but the link point to some instructions there on how to deal with the various issus you will see when houskeeping the commputer.
    Spyware And Adware Removal

    One that is not mentioned much is PestPatrol, that may be because it's a paid program.


  3. Ok, I see only one problem :D where is the art going to be hosted. Everyone only have a limited amount for uploads and I think it will be used up very fast uploading images.Astahost don't have a Photo Gallery for the same reason you need to preserve your website (This is me not OpaQue and he may correct this statement :D ) the disk space and bandwidth is not here for that. So hosting the images would be the first hurdle and then let me know when you have an image host and I'll setup the forum!Nils

  4. Vagodeoz,when you put up a poll like this you should at least look up the background of the major religions, spelling etc. I don't understand the facination with everyones religion when you didn't even take the time to do a little research before you posted it. :DI edited some of your spelling and added (Edited) the options. To those of you who read this and realise I did not put your religion there, that is why I did other.Cheers and happy voting.Nils

  5. That you can't see Xisto from home but it works from school can be due to multiple issues (one or more):

    Your firewall is blocking Xisto

    your ISP is blocking Xisto

    your ISP's DNS server is querying a non authorative name server

    You may have a setting in your computer for a nameserver (DNS Record) that is obsolete (should not happen with dial up)

    You are typing the URL wrong

    Someone using the same ISP abused resources on Xisto and the CIDR range is blocked (Range (block) of IP addresses)

    Check your HOSTS file to make sure Xisto is not listed as a localhost, remove spyware and adware from the computer. Update antivirus and scan the computer.



  6. I'm not going to post the same issue / solution on both forums. If you have a Mozilla based browser it would be in your best interest to read this story.


    Browsers affected by this exploit are:


    Mozilla 1.7.x

    Mozilla Firefox 0.x

    Mozilla Firefox 1.x

    Mozilla Thunderbird 0.x

    Mozilla Thunderbird 1.x


    Security Issue in Mozilla based browsers


    Thank You


  7. This exploit affects Mozilla based browsers and versions listed:


    Mozilla 1.7.x

    Mozilla Firefox 0.x

    Mozilla Firefox 1.x

    Mozilla Thunderbird 0.x

    Mozilla Thunderbird 1.x



    Eric Johanson has reported a security issue in Mozilla / Firefox / Camino / Thunderbird, which can be exploited by a malicious web site to spoof the URL displayed in the address bar, SSL certificate, and status bar.


    The problem is caused due to an unintended result of the IDN (International Domain Name) implementation, which allows using international characters in domain names.


    This can be exploited by registering domain names with certain international characters that resembles other commonly used characters, thereby causing the user to believe they are on a trusted site.


    paypal spoof


    This link will bring you to Secunia's browser test page.


    Read the security advisory here.




  8. I'm not going to post the same instructions here, I gave some instructions on tools to remove spyware and protecting your computer. Xisto and Xisto are both OpaQue's so there is no need for me to double post :angry:
    Spyware and Adware removal

    There are some suggestions there that may need to be explained better. If you need any help with anything there, just reply here so we know what topic we are working on :blink:


  9. hars53,correct, anytime you have to work with registy files you should back the registry up.One more thing you can do if you are using XP is to create a restore point, back up the registry and then do the editing.when you are done editing registry, restart your computer and make sure everything still works :angry:If you are using XPP you need to understand the startup process and how to "Restore to last known good configuration"(This is registry setting). You need to remember that if you have problem starting the computer after a registry edit you should do this first, if startup in safemode, that is OK because it does not update the "LastKnownGood Control set". Last Known Good configuration can be restored until you have a successful startup at that time it's updated.Nils

  10. It's fill, and a way of keeping the competitive spirit up :angry: You can look at it as an avatar, or a signature file it's something to fill space.


    Ranking and reputation, its a way to feel you met a goal :blink:


    I was going to add some more user levels: :ph34r:


    Out of Control, 500, **********

    Way out of Control, 750, ***********

    Uncontrolled, 1250, ************

    Need a Life, 2000, *************


    I think it would be a challeng to "Need a Life"



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