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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. Banner / Logo Contest.

    To all talented members on Xisto and Xisto, we are looking for a set of 4 banners to use for promoting our paid hosting site https://xisto.com/ and the banner set accepted will be the property of Xisto - Web Hosting.com. To be accepted the banners have to be of professional quality and any banner accepted will have to meet this standard. Proportions, colors and fonts need to match and give a feeling of professional pride on the creator.

    We will look at the banners submitted and the banners that are still in the running will not be deleted from the tread. When we delete a post you will not lose hosting credits but it's a way of showing what banners we are still considering and it will give the creator(s) the opportunity to resubmit an updated or different version. There will be a tread used for questions or answers to this promotion.

    The creator of the banner set will receive 31 hosting credits that will be added to his / her account when the banner set is chosen.

    Banner 1 to 3 is for use when we advertise on other sites or as a ad banner on our sites. This should promote computing.com and the slogan and wording is to promote our paid hosting.

    You can see example banner / logo here and you can use animation if you want to: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, http://www.hostreview.com/ or http://www.hostsearch.com/.

    The last banner is to be used on Xisto.com and Xisto.com and the wording:

    âHosted by Xisto - Web Hostingâ

    Has to be part of the banner.

    Here is an example http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can use this slogan or create your own slogan.

    You have to submit 4 banners and you pick the theme and color scheme and slogan but there should be continuity in the series. Submit your banners in this post, you can submit more than 1 set if you like.

    For promotional use:
    Banner 1 should be 468x60

    Banner 2 should be 728x90

    Banner 3 should be 160x600 and

    For use on Xisto.com and Xisto.com:
    Banner 4 should be from 88x31 to 150x50 (You can select the proportion that will render the best.

  2. This tread is for commenting on the "Create a Banner" post

    The start and end time for the promotion will be 15 days and the tread that you are going to submit the entries to will be open for replies. Use this tread to suggest any changes to the format or for us to clarify anything that is posted in the other tread. We will update the unclear parts.

    Remember the judging will be subjective and does not reflect on anyoneâs ability to create logo or banners.

    Any comment on a banner or submission should be done here and not in the "Create a banner..." tread.
    Add your banners here

  3. This is how it works, Change-In-Hosting-Packages-For-All-Members

    You need 10 credits minimum to apply for package 1 and 30 credits minimum for package 2 (the only two options here are 1 & 2) so you apply for hosting and when you create the hosting account your hosting credits are reset to 3. So with 3 hosting credits you post until you have a safe number.

    OK, to answer the standard question, "Why is my hosting credits reset to 3", that is because when you are not hosted you can build hosting credits and they will never diminish. so you can take a month and build up 100 - 150 credits and ask for hosting and leave for 3 to 4 months. A hosted user in the same situation looses 1 hosting credit everyday so he has to post to stay ahead of the game. So to keep it fair we reset the hosting credits to 3 when you ask for hosting. The posting prior to hosted is just a way to see if you will stay active and what subjects are interesting you. :)


  4. No it's not to bad at all, you can get t1, or a fractional t1 ar even a t3 line for a fair price. :)


    All Price includes local loop:


    Dedicated Internet T1, 1.5 Mb - $500 to $900


    Dedicated Internet Access, DS3, 3 Mb to 45 Mb, - $2,500 to $4,500


    Managed Internet Access T1, 1.5 Mb - $700 to $1,200


    Managed Internet Access, Bonded T1s, 3 Mb to 6 Mb, - $1030 to $4,800


    Managed Internet Access, DS3, 3 Mb to 34 Mb, - $3,000 to $12,200


    DS3 Price Per Month

    A DS3 translates to about 45 megs: $4500/month on a three year term


    An OC3 translates into 3 DS3's, or 84 DS1's or T1s =155 Megs: $16,184/month


    An OC-12 translates into 12 DS3's, or 336 DS1's =622 Megs: $48,982/month


    An OC-48 is 48 DS3's or 1344 DS1's and = 2.49 GIGS =$117,558/month

    Request Quote


    * Expect to pay higher prices if your business is located outside the metro area.

  5. When you use IP deny it can deny a single IP address or the whole octet(s). There is no way of blocking using a CIDR range so you can block 256 IP adresses by placing the * in the the last octet, or if you need to block more networks by typng in the IP address as 205.204.1. it will show up as

    205.204.1. and there is a dot after the last octet. You don't have to type the * you only have to type 205.204.[b/] and that should block any IP in the range: to will be blocked. (total of 65534 IP addresses)


    CIDR range  Netmask  Wildcard Bits  First IP in range (network address)  Last  IP in range (broadcast address)  First useable IP in range  Last useable IP in range  Number of useable IPs in range	65534


  6. So, Nils, Package Two is the highest you can obtain now?


    Yes it is the highest package, it's the same as the old package 4 with 5GB Bandwidth. That makes it a higher package than any of the previous ones.


    You guys are awesome.  Thank you very much!


    Thank you, If it was not for all the contributing members here we would not have this great community or the ability to offer the hosting. :)


    It's a good change, but I don't need the extra space and bandwidth, however, I need more than package 1...Anyway, that's still very great!  Seems like it's easier to get the highest package now.


    You have package 2 and if you never use it that's OK. We rather members have a little to much than far to little. And everyone here are helping us achive this. :)


    Why'd you change it to only 2 packages? Get tired of accepting so many requests?


    ..don't blame ya.


    great service, (when I can access the site! (1 hour a day probably the other it is unattainable, the site won't let me sign in! freakin overloads and stuff :@)


    keep it up men.


    Hmmmm, you are partly right, it's a lot easier to Administrate 2 packages than 4 and it's a way of creating uniformity across the different hosts we have. It's a way of saying thank you to all of the contributors here and we hope that everyone will continue as members and enjoy the community.


    What site are you talking about that you can't access? Your site here? please PM or email us when that happen so we can check the logs and see what is going on. We found a couple of issues last week but when we split up the servers it should have been taken care of.



  7. Yes there is an option to buy hosting credits if you are planning an extended time away and you don't have enough hosting credits.As I said in the previous post, Just PM OpaQue with how many days / hosting credits you need and he will give you the cost.Is it paid hosting, no it's not it's a way for you to keep your site up if you can't post for awhile. Is it recommended, no it's far more expensive than paid hosting and should be used as a last option.I'm closing this post since the question is answered (twice if you count my first post)Nils

  8. To all members of Xisto.com,


    Management is pleased to inform you that we have made this great hosting even better and easier to obtain.


    There are still 2 plans offered:

    Plan1 is an introductory package for those who can’t wait to get started. 20 MB with 500 MB, 10 hosting credit.

    Plan 2 is the new default package and is based on the old package 4 but with more bandwidth. 150 MB with 3GB Bandwidth, 30 hosting credit.


    Part 1 is for hosted members.

    The changes are to the packages and to the way they are obtained, users with package one have no changes. If you have package 2 you now have 150MB-diskspace and 5GB of Bandwidth. We still have unlimited email and databases but it will show only 99 in cPanel. If you need more than 99 databases or email addresses you can ask for the change when you have 95 working databases or when you have 95 active email.

    Hosted users with package 1 can ask for upgrade to package 2 at any time after you have 30 or more hosting credits. No more post counting, everything is based on your hosting credits and the quality of your posts.


    Part 2 is for new members.

    There are only 2 plans now, you can post and ask for hosting when you have 10 hosting credits and you will receive the introductory package (Package 1) or you can wait until you have 30 hosting credits before you ask for the default hosting (Package 2). What you have to keep in mind is that you must follow the rules and not have any warnings or negative reputation. If you are found breaking the rules you will not receive hosting until you follow the rules.


    This part is for both new and hosted members:

    If you apply for hosting or for an upgrade and we deny it, you will know because we deleted your request. If your post is closed with a reply from an Administrator you were approved and an email will arrive shortly.


    If you ask for hosting or upgrade and your profile is not correct, fake email or non working email and you ask us to re-send the token you will loose 10 hosting credits and have to make that up before you can setup or update the account.

  9. To all members of Xisto.com,


    Management is pleased to inform you that we have made this great hosting even better and easier to obtain.


    There are only 2 plans offered:

    Plan1 is an introductory package for those who can?t wait to get started. 20 MB with 500 MB, 10 hosting credit.

    Plan 2 is the new default package and is based on the old package 4 but with more bandwidth. 150 MB with 3GB Bandwidth, 30 hosting credit.

    Part 1 is for hosted members.

    The changes are to the packages and to the way they are obtained, users with package one have no changes. If you have package 2, 3, or 4 you now have 150MB-diskspace and 5GB of Bandwidth. We still have unlimited email and databases but it will show only 99 in cPanel. If you need more than 99 databases or email addresses you can ask for the change when you have 95 working databases or when you have 95 active email.

    Hosted users with package 1 can ask for upgrade to package 2 (old plan #4) at any time after you have 30 or more hosting credits. No more post counting, everything is based on your hosting credits and the quality of your posts.


    Part 2 is for new members.

    There are only 2 plans now, you can post and ask for hosting when you have 10 hosting credits and you will receive the introductory package (Package 1) or you can wait until you have 30 hosting credits before you ask for the default plan (Package 2). What you have to keep in mind is that you must follow the rules and not have any warnings or negative reputation. If you are found breaking the rules you will not receive hosting until you follow the rules.

    This part is for both new and hosted members:

    If you apply for hosting or for an upgrade and we deny it, you will know because we deleted your request. If your post is closed with a reply from an Administrator you were approved and an email will arrive shortly.


    If you ask for hosting or upgrade and your profile is not correct, fake email or non working email and you ask us to re-send the token you will loose 10 hosting credits and have to make that up before you can setup or update the account.

  10. Also, your credits can drop as low as 7 without your site and its content being deleted.


    Wrong, nothing happens until you hit a negative number... so below zero your web site would be blocked until you have more than 3 hosting credits, if your hosting credits go below -30 your account is terminated by the script.



  11. The solution is paid hosting, or you can find a host that splash a huge banner on your pages. It's not difficult to find another hosting option.Anywhere you go there are requirements, ours is that we require you to post instead of us plastering a huge adbanner on your site. If we did that we would propably make more money than we are now. This is because we put the ads on our site instead off members sites.There is nothing hidden, when you ask for hosting you should have read that the requirement is to post. We have an option to pay for credits if you need to be absent for an extended time, that will keep your account in good standing. And some users have over 100 hosting credits and are in no danger if they take a week or 5 off.Nils

  12. It's one of those things that have happened to a lot of people... not just you.I guess, plagiarism and your definition is correct, but here we use the term in a "net" sense. (May not be a correct sentence... or definition)Everyone uses text and articles that gave knowledge. If you write it in your own word, it's OK. If you think a paragraph or quote is needed to emphasize the post there is nothing wrong with that either. If you do that put the quoted text in a quote and give the link to the web site you quoted.What's responded to posts and how we define a post will be up to the user reading that post, they have no way of knowing if it was done on purpose, or accidentally. So a moderator or admin or user sees the post, finds that everything was copied and no reference to the original post.. Then it's easy to assume that the poster is copy / pasting with no regard to where the material was originally created.I didn't read all the posts in question and I think we treated the situation fairly but then again that is in the eye of the beholder.Most websites have a © or in their text and they ask for material not to be used without permission. So what we have tried to do with our TOS is to prevent that kind of material to be posted without the owners permission.Maybe we need to change the TOS and update the wording, so we don't have this kind of misunderstandings again. Then it will work only if everyone reads the TOS.Nils

  13. This notice is for hosted members, and is meant as a fair warning to let you know that we are using a script to validate all hosting credits. The script run once every hour and has three parameters.


    1, it checks to see if hosting credits are below 0 and if below 0 the account is suspended.


    2, it checks to see if an account has <= -30 (Less than or equal to negative thirty) hosting credits and if an account is found it will be terminated all data will be removed and the hosting space will be cleared for others to use.


    3, it checks to see if your hosting credits is >= 4 (Greater than or equal to 4) hosting credits. A suspended account will be reinstated at that time and you will be able to access your cPanel again, ftp and web site should be back to normal (It may take an hour from the time you got +4 hosting credits until the account is reinstated)


    There is no warning email sent because you should know how many hosting credits you have. If you don't copy paste or spam your hosting credits are safe, if you plagiarize other peoples work you may loose hosting credits and the time you think you had may not be right. If we delete large copied and pasted content your hosting credits will be decreased with more negative points than what you gained from cheating. If you end up with -30 hosting credits due to this, your account will be deleted the next time the script runs. We do not back up your site so don't ask if we have a backup of the material you had there.


    If your posting rights are suspended because of spam or other violations, your account will be suspended when you reach 0 and terminated at -30 hosting credits. So it's important that you do not spam or use other peoples work. (If you are using your own work from another site, then you should state so in the post and include a link to the site and your username there. We do check to see if posts are copied from other sites so without that you may be accused of stealing your own work.)


    If you lose your hosting and you come back and stay active you can PM an admin and have you account reset to 0 so you can start gaining hosting credits and then if you ask for hosting again it will be reinstated when you have enough hosting credits.


    Before we used to post a list of users who had the hosting terminated, that will no longer be the case. So if you stay away and hosting is terminated, don't come back with an excuse for why should get your hosting back.


    What this means that you as hosted members are the responsibility for your accounts and your hosting is in your hands. We don?t have time to go and look at every account and then warn people that are going to lose their hosting.


    Thank you


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