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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. Credits is what we use to give out free hosting. You contribute to the forum that increases your credits and when you have 10 credits you can apply for hosting package one (1). When you recieve the hosting package your credits are reduced to 3 hosting credits (Call it a fee to receive your hosting) after you are hosted you need to keep the hosting credits over 0 for your "hosting" to stay active. If you go below 0 your account is suspended and you need to get back up past 4 hosting credits for hosting to be reinstated. We recommend that you have a minimum of 7 to 10 hosting credits, that way you can stay away for 7 to 10 days if something happens and you can't participate.After you are hosted the hosting credits go down by 1 every 24 hours.Nils

  2. You can download and use any FTP client you like. I'm using SmartFTP so that is what my instructions are for. Anyone using another client and they would like to create instructions for that let me know and I'll pin it. :D

    You can dowload a copy here, it's free for private use and no nag screen until you used it for 30 days :Dhttps://www.smartftp.com/

    With the new FTP client installed you have to access your account on the Xisto.com server. If you are using a subdomain the FTP address will be ftp."yoursubdomain".astahost.com (Replace everything between the " ") The image is from Xisto but everything else is the same.

    next is your cPanel username (this is for the main FTP account) and last your cPanel password.

    Middle part is the files and folders you should see for the default setup.

    Third field down you see connection messages including login errors.

  3. You can start with the PestPatrol scan, they don't remove anything... (they want you to pay for that) but the online scan is fairly accurate and you will get a place to start from.
    Link is in upper right hand corner of page.

    You can download NAI stinger, this finds some pests that NAV are not even looking for, Norton wants to sell the system suite so the AV don't detect TROJANS Download stinger from here

    I made a post on malware / pest /trojan removal on Xisto.com
    Pest removal


  4. Moved the post here, this has nothing to do with making money.I agre with whyme that your first post may look like promoting your business more than a warning to others.I'm leaving the post open for cooment :)Stay active, educate us on the scams you have encounterd and when you prove you are here for the long run, post the link again and we will be more likely to accept it. As a first post it looks like a lot of other first posts "Promoting my business" and I'll never stop back suckers. :) I'm not saying or accusing you of this I'm just stating an observation.Nils

  5. So you received the email with confirmation that you are now hosted. What is the next step to take so this can be activated and give you the website of your dreams.


    Follow me down this road and I'll try to take you down the process step by step and show you how to create a new hosting account.Step 1:

    This is when you click the link in the email (or copy paste it into your browser)

    This is what you should see: (click thumbnail to view larger image, will open in new window)


    The option you are going to use is #1 "Create a Hosting Account"



    Step 2:

    In step 2 there are several fields you need to fill in correctly.

    This is where you type your Forum Username.This where you type your Forum Password.

    Your desired subdomain name goes here or domain name if you own one. I'm using testuser for this examle and you need to change that to your own (sub) domain name. So I type: testuser and I'm creating a subdomain called testuser. In field #3 I type "testuser.trap17.com" (without the " " semicolons)

    When you exit the field you will get a confirmation, click "OK"

    Fill in username and password in the next section. This can be the same as your username for the forums (Can NOT contain any special characters and have to be 8 or less characters long).Now you create your password for cPanel. You can use same as for the forums but I recommend a different one in case that way it's not as easy for others to guess it.Check every fied and confirm that the data is correct. When satisfied that it's all correct and to your liking click the "Submit" button.

    Step 3: The next confirmation is the server checking to see if this is a "subdomain" or a "domain" name. click "OK" to continue

    This is the last chance to cancel the creation and start all over.

    This is where most users fail, if you are not patient and you hit refresh or the "Back" button, you may have to start all over again

  6. If you look down on the "Proposed Maximum Aggregate Offering Price (1)(2)" that Google filed with "SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION" the excact value of the offering have a significance to Math "geeks"

    The number is also known as "Euler's number", which is used as the base for natural logarithms. :D

    Its know as the mathematical constant e.

    the number is $2,718,281,828

    Form S-1 on file with SEC Scroll down to the first set of numbers below the "Bold text" :D


  7. I feel for you, loosing your job is not easy. It does not matter what the reasons are. In the course of a lifetime the average of "jobs" a person holds is eight. Most of the time looking for another job is because the company goes under or lay people off to avoid bankruptcy. (Long Boring Article Named "Eight Careers in a Lifetime of Work" it's based on an American study so it may not apply to you) so it's not necessary reading :angry:

    As humans we are creatures of habit and we bog down in the narrow space of world (real or imaginative) that we are in now. So the job you had may not be the ideal job, but you know what you had and changes are hard and most people dont like the unknown that change brings. It's a lesson here since we don't know what the future brings we should open up to it and grow from the experience. So here is an opportunity to take a step back and evaluate the direction you life is taking, you are given the means to change course and maybe find something better.

    This comes from a guy who's worked for the same company for 16 years and yes I know there are better jobs out there. I just fear the change....


  8. There is a perfect solution if you don't want to participate and post. Go for paid hosting...Hosting for the least expensive package is $9.95 per year, most people pay 3 times as much or more per month for a cell phone.It's state in the TOS and the signup agreement that you will participate in the forums in exchange for "HOSTING". Why do you come back and complain becuse we now enforce the TOS. You made a promise to post, now you feel like you are not treated right because you have to follow up on the promise.Dawid, what are you afraid of? we encourage free speach and you can voice your opinion as much as you please. In return, we will voice our opinion and the TOS. If you follow the rules and keep your hosting credits over 0 your account will not be shut down. If your hosting credit goes below -30 then the script will delete your account automaticly and there is no backup on our part. The script run once an hour and deletes any account with more than -30 hosting credits.Don't rely on others to start a topic for you, be creative. Have an opinion on your own, if you see a news story that interests you, write it down in your own word. Everyone of the articles copied could have stayed if he had written this in his own words.Nils

  9. there should be a folder already in public_html/userfiles/ , unless you created the userfiles directory in the www folder directly.. Just look for the images and see where that directory is. your domain-name.com/ is your root folder.Download a free copy of SmartFTP and you can manipulate the files easier (I don't know filezilla it may be just as easy) and you see all directories and subdirectories and you can set permissions etc right from the ftp program.Nils

  10. OK, the confusion is when those who got hosting under the old rules see the question "How Many Hosting Credits Do I Need To Get Hosted?" The following rules are for initial hosting and not for upgrading an existing account.By the ?new? rules you need to have a minimum of 10 hosting credits to receive hosting Package 1 also known as the ?Starter Package?. The nest step for initial hosting is when you need more space. This need mere effort on your part with quality posts and you can then apply for package 2 when you have 30 hosting credits. You have to show that you have the ability to post coherent posts in English and willingness to participate in the forums and contribute.. (I?m attaching a thumbnail to show what the ?Hosting Credits? screen look like for new users that are not hosted)Thank youNils

  11. you can also add style sheets in your head. refer to style sheets guides over the forum.


    OK, so it took me about 30 seconds to figure out you were talking about the head section of a web page, when you said I could “add them in my head” I had a blond moment and was ready to be sarcastic.


    But then as I started to reply it dawned on me and here is my 2cents of nonsense. If that makes any sense… :D

    (I just can't waste a post)


  12. Tutorials already get bonus hosting credits. :DThat's why we encourage good non copy paste or plagiated tutorials, because if we find one that is copied you loose a lot more hosting credits there.A user with 1 to 5 hosting credits will get a lot more credits when posting a good tutorial than a user with 50+ credits. We are trying to be fair and help someone with negative or low hosting credits gain them fast then taper it off.If you have 50+ hosting credits, you will get 0 for a one liner :D if you have 1 hosting credit you may get .8 to 1 credit for the same post ;)

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