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Everything posted by Dooga

  1. But that doesn't solve the problem. Maybe change the ads?
  2. HOSTING CREDITS : 63.48 DAYS. I am happy :DI post quite a lot in the last few days... maybe I should rest...
  3. Windows actually isn't that easy. I get confused with the registry... maybe they should invent a stupid person's version of windows?
  4. My lucky number is 64 because it's been my army system rank since 2004...
  5. I use windows XP Service pack 2.Although I would like to try mac minis!
  6. I think gmail is the best because you can give invites to people who don't have them (and get a lot of flattery and bribing on the way)It makes you feel important
  7. Happy Chinese New Year Everyonegung hey fa choi(or if you speak mandarin)gong shi fa caiAnd I can't type the chinese out for you because my computer changes the encoding... And i'm even using XP...I'll try: 恭喜發財GR....
  8. Because I always check if posts are duplicated from another site, and if you post a post the same as another post, I won't accept the tutorial until you prove that you are the original author. But I trust you to be telling the truth.
  9. NOW I SEE THIS! You should of told me that you wrote it! Now I have to go back and redo all the stuff I did to prevent copyright...It's ok.
  10. Wow, I would love to run a webhost that cheap. I heard they have free reseller's sites... I wonder where... got to check them out!
  11. It's not copying, the other sites got the definitions from actual dictionaries, and they reference them. And there is a firefox toolbar! Either go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and click on install firefox plugin, or use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/');' target='_blank'>THIS LINK
  12. Dooga

    50 Invites?

    OH my god! I didn't notice that! Thanks for telling me! It's quite possible that gmail might just go public!
  13. I agree too! I think that it's just easier to use WMP because it's simple, easy and free.
  14. How much do they pay you? And if google pays you when you reach 100, do they do something similar? I think google isn't bad though, since when you reach 100, it means that your site has a lot of visitors! And that means you get more money!
  15. Save your invites for bribing old teachers because most people have invites anyways... but I'm not saying that it's bad to not have gmail. Gmail is pretty cool! Enjoy your gmail!
  16. We've all heard of wikipedia, the free enciclopedia... better than a search engine who finds links to other websites. We know about dictionary.com... the easiest most popular dictionary online. We know about thesaurus.com. the simplest thesaurus you can ever find. But do we know about answers.com? Answers.com can be your fastest resources when it comes to research. Unlike wikipedia, this website also offers software, such as "one click answers" for free! Unlike dictionary.com, the answers.com dictionary doesn't offer popups, only google ads, and has features such as "pronounciation key" and actual pronouciation of the word in a midi file. Here's an example! Just click the little speaker! This is way better than dictionary.com! Click here for an example of answers.com For the word test, there's this definition: A procedure for critical evaluation; a means of determining the presence, quality, or truth of something; a trial: a test of one's eyesight; subjecting a hypothesis to a test; a test of an athlete's endurance. A series of questions, problems, or physical responses designed to determine knowledge, intelligence, or ability. A basis for evaluation or judgment: A test of democratic government is how Congress and the president work together (Haynes Johnson). (Source: http://www.answers.com/) Compared to dictionary.com definition: A procedure for critical evaluation; a means of determining the presence, quality, or truth of something; a trial: a test of one's eyesight; subjecting a hypothesis to a test; a test of an athlete's endurance. A series of questions, problems, or physical responses designed to determine knowledge, intelligence, or ability. A basis for evaluation or judgment: A test of democratic government is how Congress and the president work together (Haynes Johnson). (Source: http://www.dictionary.com/) What's the difference? No difference! Except... Look at the amount of picture-bandwidth hogging ads you get in dictionary.com! And try clicking on that little speaker... got money? In short, I think dictionary.com just isn't good enough for answers.com One last thing to prove it... Click here to go to google's searched page on "test". Click on the word "definition" on the top corner... what site does google use? What site did google use BEFORE? And this is what answers.com says to us about using their service... 5 Top reasons: 1. The right tool for the right query. 2. Nothing beats the speed of 1-Click Answers 3. Who needs overload? 4. You can count on us 5. Bigger, broader, more dynamic than any encyclopedia Don't get it? Click here to go to their page. It's time to make the swich! Stop using dictionary.com! Also here's a flash demo! More, here's something for you webmasters! And in conclusion, why don't we just commemorate* this great new acertainment* ? ~ D O O G A
  17. Let me make a suggestion. Create some pictures for every link, and place them vertically That's what I do... sometimes But as you can see here, I used a normal text link
  18. You're lucky you get so many hits... cough mine= 10 visitors per day if I'm lucky.About the upgrade: if you have package 3 or lower, I think your post count will allow you to upgrade. Unless you really need it, you can just wait until next month... in... 22 days
  19. Boy that sounds like fun! But I never actually played WoW before.
  20. They say in the future, uni.cc will let you change it, but now, you can use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. How about some live help? Everyone loves live help!There are some free ones, that you can change the layout to fit your site!http://www.hotscripts.com/ has someCheck them out:D
  22. I really hate those ugly frames on the bottom of some hosts. And geocity ads are destructive, because they cause errors!
  23. Should I tell you?...ok fineI'm only 15Turned 15 last week
  24. Everyone has one now... I can't get rid of my Gmail invites either!
  25. If you have Norton Internet Security or any other banner disabler, please disable them. It is normal to see the "index of/" (the directory home)
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