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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. beats me.. i was on 97.78% for 5 days now.. there are 17 people who have full data and that segmet is present in 46 chunks around me peer swarm.. problem though is that 15 of them is on dial up.. well that is what my torrent client says.. dial up speeds... i ended up as one of the uploaders instead of the downloader..
  2. i dont know if this will work.. there is an IPtables configuration in your linux box from there you can create rules on what will you do for each connection that is being requested into your computer. -- i use quad slot NIC each slot is a new IP and new Mach address i identify the connections via the source and destination mach address.. judge what to do to the connection all via the IP tables rules.. well LINUX rocks... --- cant explain fully here..
  3. Fedora Core have a robust security.. they keep on pacthing that one i remembered that fedora have blocked my access on the same machine when i tried to modiy some settings.. -- i like the fedora displays.. much more fin-tastic
  4. 1. login to gmail.. 2. find the settings link. 3. locate Forward and Pop 4. click Forward a copy of incoming mail to and enter the email address at the box provided --- viola.. your email will be forward.. oh, dont forget to save the changes.. it is for controling where the incoming email messages will be process or receivd..
  5. hve you considered on which part of the file are you downloading.. most torrent users assume that the speed will aways be good if there are more seeders and uploaders and if the file torrent is healty.. well it is just the piece of cake but there is a more complicated slice that most people ignore.. not all seeders and uploaders have the same exact content or pieces on their harddrives.. thing is.. the segment blocks that you are download maybe own by too few people and that the downloaders have gone so big in population.. -- here is what to be consider in torrent download. 1. torrent health more seeders/uploaders 2. seeders and uploaders net speed 3. your net speed.. dial ups or people with less than 50kpbs may choke down using torrent accelaration.. no matter how many peers you got, the max speed you can have for all of your connections is still dedicated by your ISP and same goes to priority level. this is the advantage of the DSL and broadband users, the speed cap can be increase by splitting chunks. 4. the file segment that you are downloading must have a high ratio or availability.. [i have been in a situation with a very healty torrent and i reached 45kbps on my 100kbps wireless connection only to go down to 1.5kbps for the last 17chunks. Reason is that out of the 40+ uploaders i got, there are only 3 persons having that 17 chunks i need. -- you must also check the tracker since the client cannot get new connection list if there was problem with the trackers..
  6. all i can say.. COOL..old but still KEWL..--can be enhanced by using AJAX..
  7. i dont know why this was revived about according to the post much much above that this flaw have been long patched.. meaning this no longer worked.. perhaps just a flow in there ajax that causes the system to execute the scripts/..
  8. actually not all servers are configured like that.. i use to exploit that stuff by having different pages appear if they visit the www. version of my site and the non www. version..
  9. maybe he well use the forwarding email as the public email he will handout to other people and make the destination email address as the private email address. so if someone is spamming the forwarded adress, he will change the forwared emaill address name and since it is just forwarding. he dont need to have a new email address on the private side.. sound confusing? i got confuse too in my explanation.. that wont work in the long run.. except if you can live your life by not replying to any emails you got.. 35% roughly of the spams came from you people that have you listed in their contact list of emails once there computers got infected by viruses. meanin that if you reply, you will show your real email address to those people. email forwarding just forwards.. it wont send emails..
  10. dont know if the translations are wrong. there are new graduate diploma courses going on and different from country to country. yes i can repair computers but i do not master that one.. it is enough for me to design a circuit board having skill to repair the most common problems that does not require pulling out small electrical parts from the mother board. that part is the job of the technician.. As the architect, he is knowledgable on how to put the bricks.. but he dont need to put the bricks in position.. it is the brick layers specialty.. it will be also slow letting an architect put the bricks together.. -- on my side, since new hardware needs newer drivers and programming.. if we are not allowed to touched the software parts of hadwares.. or like.. how can we explain to the hardware programmer what to do and what should be done.. those programmers needs a clear idea on what we need to make the new piece of hardware work.. just like the ones in your post. people on your course must be teach the general programming skillz.. specialization is not needed.. it is the programmers job.. well unless you want to challenge youself!..
  11. Actually it is not.. I have my modules and it worked whatever the case is..Maybe in some tweak settings or in safe mode the PHP parser turns into case sensitive one. I am using a self compiled php 5 and apache 2 bin/cgi -- well the error was simply that on some flavor of PHP.. using define with variables in different files yields nulls.. I never use a define statement when the variable value is easily available.. I only use defines if the variable will come from the database.. --- cheers.. define("HOST", "$localhost"); // define host name (default: localhost)define("USER", "$lonebyrd_razmo"); // define database usernamedefine("PASSWORD", "$****"); // define database passworddefine("DATABASE", "$lonebyrd_ftv"); // define database name $db_host = "localhost"; // define host name (default: localhost)$db_username = "lonebyrd_razmo"; // define database username$db_password = "**** "; // define database password$db_name = "lonebyrd_ftv"; // define database name please see that you have define a variable $db_host and yet the variable you pass to the define HOST is $localhost. $localhost is not the same as "localhost" since the first one is a variable named localhost and the last one is the value localhost. please see also the username, the variable define to hold the username is$db_username and yet the one use in the define is $lonebyrd_razmo which is a new null variable.. and so goes on.. define("HOST", "$db_host"); // define host name (default: localhost)define("USER", "$db_username"); // define database usernamedefine("PASSWORD", "$****"); // define database passworddefine("DATABASE", "$lonebyrd_ftv"); // define database name must be coded as define("HOST", $db_host); // define host name (default: localhost)define("USER", $db_username); // define database usernamedefine("PASSWORD", db_password); // define database passworddefine("DATABASE", $db_name); // define database name which passes all of the variables to the defines.. see, we must pass a variable not a string constant.. most user confuses between the variables and sting constant declarations.. =)
  12. I am a computer engineer myself and I dont like the fact here in my country that we are for designs only. I made myself learn programming, all bits of it from database, desktop software, and till to the web.About the computer science engineers, it is a little new for me since this is the first time i heard that this exist. no offense bout that since i was just preoccupied in my self studies.As a computer engineer, I can design new system boards and logics.. but what the heck.. i was not allowed to repair broken computers nor program new systems. I cant find it logical for my job to be devoided of that simple task. How can I know the system flow much more accurately if i cant program nor even touch the hardware..--I have this on my mind also, I do not study long just to guess at what the potential problems are.. i want to fix it and prevent this stuff to occur.. --on my opinion, you must have the skills and potentials of general programming.. how can you perform your job if you are not skilled about that field.. just my few cents..
  13. wow this topic is still going on..seems alot of people is interested in the xmen mutation stuff..i still prefer the cybernetics human parts..this is much more possible since more and more men are having machine parts for arms and legs..some for vision and locomotion..--maybe, in the near future..you can just get yourself new cybernetics arms..if they got broken.. you can just buy new ones..plus i can use my two cans of metal polish..
  14. I dont know what is going on there but I use to have and still have as of now a remote killer for windows. what it do is implant a daemon server service in your wndows server specially windows 2003 and i can remotely connect to the daemon and order the server to [1]kill certain threads [2] reboot. There are also alot of RPC flaws that we have found out from the win 2003 and there are lots of problems with it also that we have encountered.. Win 2003 is "not" using its native libraries instead it uses the libraries of *Nix system. The problem is that windows retains all of its RPC functions and libraries from the older versions such as the windows XP system. I have no idea if this goes the same to ordinary windows 2003 installation. this is only base on the windows 2003 server vesion. We have also found out that windows 2003 gives you a "blue screen of death" and a "white screen of death". The white one is much more common. There are also some updates that does not work well for 2003. This is the reason why I always have a spare linux on my arsenal.
  15. If you are running windows then you are better of dead as of now. I can bet 101% that your OS is now infected. base on your next sentences, I assume that you are using Linux but are you aware dear sir that even if you dont visit illegal sites, that you can still get worms and viruses. There are programs that are lurking and scanning all IPs that they can find that responds to pings.. better turn off that ping reply from your firewall. And there is a 70% chance that you are connected to an ISP, if you are not then you are one of those lucky guys that have big bucks to run your own connections. ISP's most of the time are clogged by viruses since they always identify themselves on system scans to enable the subscribers to see them. I dont know if on some countries a turn around for this flaw was implemented. And since you and the ISP have a full trust connection then I can safely say, that once your ISP get infected then you can get infected too.. that is from a trusted zone that may go past your firewall. I have written virus from the past and still testing on better ways to avoid them and the next best approach is to use Antiviruses and firewalls.. the best option and not the practical one is to write your own Operating System and believe me that I have undergone that path since I was totally pissed off from MSDOS viruses way years ago. In the end, I just get myself an AV since I do have a virus free system but I need to rewrite all system programs that I need. From text editing to image processing.. The process alone will make me thousand of years behind in terms of technological improvements. Just my few cents.. NOTE: I have succesfully planted a worm a couple of years ago using port mapping.. better find much more secure way to run you firewall.. I bet that you need to turbo charge your IP rules.. I dont know exactly what it is called on your Linux system but on my Linux it was called IPtables.. If you got more spare money and your ISP uses windows as server for IP leasing, you can even use IPtables to mask your pc and let outside connectiosn to your PC directed to another unit. That is logically you can have two computers using the same IP, one is hidden using the IPtables rules and the one exposed to be seen [no rules].. I will no longer tackle this stuff since in our country, this is a matter of dispute about its legality..
  16. Pop-up or pop-under surely makes me feel not to go visit a certain site again..
  17. i wish they will develop an OS compatible with windows but free and text ads. So i can throw away this Windows system.. Upgrading to newer versions of windows cost me much more money and eats up the bills i need to pay each year.
  18. Gmail is an Ajax follower.. It uses Ajax to silently monitor and control your browser.. that is the reason why Gmail nags you to have a compatible browser and javascripts be on. on some other reason you wont Gmail control your browsing experience.. just use the html version and see what Gmail is when everything is stripped down. Ajax is method in which a webpage is devided in segments and the chunks is being fetched from the live server. This content is being read by javascripts and inserted dynamically on their <Div> tags. This will give you the effect of browsing and searching stuffs whithout leaving the browser windown or changing pages.
  19. for my side and on most of gmail users, IMAP4 is not a requirement, most of the users only needs the webaccess and the POP support. on the column for sizes, you can check the attachements sizes on the fly while attaching files. it is also a common that some free email providers give you a miniscule of 1mb less for attachments and email size. unless that you are going to send a very long novel via email or a big attachement file/s then this will provide a problem. I have been using gmail to send 800mb file in chunks in to a 10mb message size max capacity email account and each chunk 1 sent is 500kb less than the limit. I have never seen a problem and all except 1 chunk get through. the one that failed is due to server restart on the receiving side. the add contacts was automatic on my side. each time that I send an email. Gmail silently adds the email address on my personal account. at first i mis understood this as a cookie but this was not really a cookie. rather something like a backgroud silent process since i can retrieve the email addreses that i have not added regardless of where i login. on the forwarding part.. i can forward the emails using filters.. i dont know about the original headers since i never bother to check them but the common details in the header is intact. like the from: to: and subject: fields.. ---- i have no comment on the skinnable CSS. Never need it anyway.. And if you are on the themed email then why just not use an email client and set it to send HTML emails. Just my few cents.. --- on Email usage... I have reached 890MB of used space in Gmail as of now and have already deleted around 1 Gig of email. and I notice something about Gmail a few months ago, the archieve is not counted on the total size used. Maybe a bug.. never have time to send very large data anyway..
  20. i would like to reply but Quatrux have given all hook and sinker.I agree with Quatrux on his view and the landings was all fake, there are alot of proofs on the feeds and the photos that they are not real.--at that time, russia is the best in technology and the one in the the lead may it be in space travel or sea travel. they even manage to create a nuclear powered submarine on times that america is still using old fuels.imagine harnessing nuclear power to use in vessels that carries potentially more danger since it travels at high pressure under the water.--now to come back to the landings, it was also a fact that russia have already sent live specimens to orbit and have minimal flaws on their designs unlike US who made alot of errors and most of the attempts exploded before it reach orbit.i guess that US landed on the moon a few more years after.why they will fake the landings? economics and politics.. the most powerful and advance nation will have much more investors and will be heard much more by the smaller nations. on the count of small nations, that spells out billions of people having an eye on you and attempting to invest on your country and live in your country.after russia beleived that they lost, the development on space travel on their side was slowed down.
  21. system restores must be off and purged of all its contets since the virus can be reboorn when the system is restored or even if it is being clean.a worm is a virus that most of the time do not require a host infected file. it will just put a call to itself either in your internet relay chain the ones use by all programs using the internet or windows explorer. this can also add itself on the bootloader sequence and make itself run while being booted. since windows have this new feature to load data from registry, a virus can hide in the system registry also. killing the process wont solve the problem since a program can have an emergency cleaning code which may be a call to the worm again. this can go on endlessly until system resource rans out.--yes there was a ccapp or is it ccapps memory resident agent for norton.--i personally hate the pc cillin AV, once it get infected, it will spread virus like wild fire. It also have a lot of false positives and on one of my installtion nag me that AVG antivirus and Trend Officescan are viruses.on one occasion it keeps on popping that i have a trojan that blocks my internet connection, funny thing is that i dont have internet connection since it is a remote computer station. --AVG is best or if you have cash go zonelabs netsuite.. it is better to prevent than cure..
  22. Hi, I checked your domain and have found out that you are just using a free redirection/domain mask and the real domain page you have is https://sites.google.com/site/minzawaung/ this is a big problem since in order for you to have emails like ----@minzawaung.uni.cc you need to have control on the minzawaung.uni.cc domain which is i think you dont have as of now.. the first thing to make things work is that to set the MX records in the domain.. tech stuff.. the MX record is part of the DNS structure which tells the domain where to send the email and what emails to accept. I guess that Gmail is doing its job sending emails to ---@minzawaung.uni.cc and all of them now are hanging or being returned to the sender since uni.cc domain does not know what to do about them. our Xisto accounts here once hosted have a MX entry setup that enables us to have ---@member.astahost.com emails. that is the reason why even if we are on a subdomain, the main host/domain still now what to do with the emails that we sent and receive from our subdomain accounts here.. Hi, sorry for the double post but i have signed up for an account at uni.cc There was a DNS service in un.cc --- Select DNS service from your domain controller then select configure or next. I never paid attention on the button anyway. After being brougth to the DNS configuration system: Check "A" and "MX" (at UNI.CC' DNS) This will bring the MX controller Info for your main domain. Main server IP address: <-- this is the IP address of the mail server [put here the IP of the DNS that gmail provided] Mailserver name: <-- no idea what this was but the default value was your dubdomain. On higher level domains this is only for identification. They also have an external name server setting --NS (For external name servers)-- On high level domains, this is used to join server accounts from other hosting company. This is the method i used in the past to have a webiste that have IIS, Apache and a Tomcat. People never stop asking how i have done it becoz they think they are all in one hosting. =) sorry if the post is unclear.. just that my browser wont support the formatting GUI of the forum so i can use that tools..
  23. well, there is no exact difference anyway on having mySQL in a non *NIX webhost and on a NIX webhost. the creators of mySQL have made the program to behave the same under different environments. on the other hand, if you can setup your mySQL to allow you to connect using your very own IP, SQLyog is a much better tool than phpmyadmin. SQLyog provides a full system GUI that have all of the functions of the database in a point and click method, plus the results are sorted in a nicely ordered display list. it also have a SQL query window which will eats up 30% of the display on default install and can execute multilines and or only a selected line of query. the SQL behind it is displayed orderly in the history window. in case that you dont have control of allowing access to your webhost then you are much better wayoff using phpmyadmin. -- phpmyadmin is a great tool, the one i hate about it is that the more recent versions have more and more features and functions added that you cannot easily shutdown. and the installation time is starting to be of a hell since sometimes, it cannot read the configuration files that it have created due to server variances. the fix i found bout this problems is by installing old versions of phpmyadmin a few relase ago just to make it run. on the general, phpmyadmin is still a great tool and i always have one handy in each projects that I have. my test servers, Apache / IIS both have phpmyadmin NOTE: on some servers, phpmyadmin is not readily installed and i avoid using a pre installed script since most of the time, they can be problems when you notice the very little control you have and the task that you must perform needs a much fuller control.
  24. mySQL is a relatively easy one database system to use. It uses standard SQL commands to create and build databases and tables. -- If you have any database background, you will be amazed on how this software handles data, plus it is free and have the capability of the other paid database systems. [ver 5 that is] Maybe you have a difficulty in visualizing how you will translate your real world data into a structure of tables. And perhaps connecting together this data. It was also my first wall in my early years in programming database system.
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