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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. have you used an installer from mambo to install this module? if you have use an installer.. package installer from mambo... you also need an upgrade installer not just overwriting it.. mambo scripts sets up the default user i think to apache for the modules it have installed.. our accounts here are using only ordinary user accounts so meaning, you cannot access those files created by apache.. Please dont confuse this one.. I believe that using the control panel.. you can change the ownership of the files.. I have not done this or tried this yet with the current hosting of Xisto.. I just delete all or use an installer script to update the configuration and files created by apache scripts.. ------------- when you use scripts to install modules.. the one process running is apache and it is running on its own account.. if it creates a new file then it is the owner.. i hope you get what i mean..
  2. it was 143MB on my account when i erase all.. that is.. i have an email account setup with contents and a database around 1mb in size.. maybe the overhead was around 5mb.. not sure..
  3. i still have 97 invites.. before there was a registration via cellphone.. gmail always reload my invites..
  4. the site is an ajax powered one.. that made it slow...i think this is the Yahoo Ajax Kit they are developing..Guess google have made a trend in using Ajax powered browser email client... Thing is.. Gmail version are faster due to lack of focus of complicated graphicswhich yahoo email now is using..--------Errie stuff..When I load a proxy connection and my IP falls into Taiwan.. Yahoo Beta wont load after login..Swaping to any other country solved the problem..
  5. The IE stuff was a windows OS bug.. another example of why do browsers must not be embeded in the kernel OS.. it was resolved when a cache correction patch was released by microsoft.. Windows is trying to established an offline sync of the web.. nice thing that i change to firefox since with IE bug.. if i browse a 10 page website.. all those page will be cache in the local cache and into the special temp location.. on the other hand.. my old ISP is using a windows proxy server.. another reason how windows fast proxy setup and bandwidth increaser is actually messing up.. i still go for linux for all time sensitive data transaction such as desicion making on the cache..
  6. i think those starting with a dot are support files.. i dunno.. i never had them in my setup of apache.. this are the folders that can be purged.. public_html <-- all pages are here do not delete cgi-bin inside that folder.. public_ftp <-- the ftp server without that you share to public.. can be purge.. tmp <-- scratch.. temp folder.. mail <-- plain emails.. i dunno if you can just delete this one without deleting the corresponding email account.. on my fedora it was safe to delete all contents here since my fedora rebuilds the email accounts after wards.. fantastico_backups <-- i know you can remove this also.. need some verification first.. all folders starting with _ in the public_html must not be deleted if one of your program are using them.. i dunno what they are but when i have a frontpage support with my fedora.. those files appeared.. ask the admins if they can be deleted.. --- hope it helps...
  7. i wish that only thing they customize is a voice over IP button that once you click will connect you to microsoft and talked with them for support.. i just blew my windows installation a few hours ago and i need to call microsoft.. i will try first to activate by net since they keep on bothering me to ask why i am using phone activation for my copy.. i dunno which one of this sentence they can understand well.. just said to them.. and i paid for the 15mins phone bill for my cellphone use with instruction to email them instead with the reason.. --------- Reposted.. there was a problem with the board when i tried to post from australia and submit the post in china.. -= [ proxies ]=-
  8. for the record.. MS Office is bugged specially if you open them in Office 2003.. Please take note that even that you are not saving a file in Office 2003... the system saves that for you automatically to create a crash point retrieval.. [in case the program crash you can recover the data after it].. the feature of Office proves to be an annoyance since who would want your files to be saved automatically without any information.. This happen for all documents created with Office 2000 that was opened by Office 2003.. the far best and worst error Office 2003 have is that on the first release.. specially on the OEM versions.. when you create file on Office 2000 and buy an upgrade of Office 2003.. Once installed.. it will tell you that all your documents are corrupted.. Fact is that it is a big LIE.. M$ is such a liar about that.. call them and they blame you.. a quick fix is to download OpenOffice at OpenOffice.org and and perform a save as "Office 97 or 98" format.. this will fix the program error but if you got access files and Power Point.. it is totally useless.. Open Office have a different algo when it comes to Powerpoint files and Access files.. ---------- Here is the big reason.. Office 2000 and Office 2002 are similar.. but the backend software was a little modified in the 2002 version... the big problem arises when Office 2003 was released with a totally new backend program.. Seems that M$ want to squeeze so much money out of the user by giving announements that they will stop support for Office 2000.. I got that email twice from microsoft.. They give discounts on my country for bulk buying.. They have stated that Office 2003 have fix alot of glitch and bugs from the unstable 2000 version.. turns out that the 2003 version was NOT fully tested by M$.. weeks by weeks a new patch come and go.. they even released a service pack for it.. darn M$... On the record... I still have Office 2000 and a handy OpenOffice.. I do most document on the OpenOffice.. Since I have a Fedora server.. I just can send the document to samba and open it in Fedora OpenOffice.. And you still can get Office 2000 on M$ here.. so much for the unsupported and unstable stuff they are saying.. M$ = bugs... The only reason now that M$ is still popular is that the elderly cant use the OpenOffice very well since of its new interface compare to M$ Office.. One more thing.. graphs in OpenOffice are not as good looking as the one in M$ Office.. And those creating presentations on OpenOffice are having a hard time showing the files to M$ Office users... But I prefer OpenOffice since it have a built-in PDF writer..
  9. my windows was also installed from scratch.. and yes.. most HP machines before starting the OS have the F11 keys for the BIOS.. Most common key is delete but an F8 is also reserve for bootstrap code.. All i can deduct from this is that.. maybe there are more stuff involved in the F11 and F8 keys.. and windows is releasing zone specific OS.. when i tried that F11 yesterday on a laptop that came from a refurbise shop in california.. the key wont work.. [F11].. i tried some testing thinking the key was busted and turned out that it is OK.. I just cant get it.. why do some version of Windows have the F11 keys and some dont? ----------- @xboxrulz you can go to the bios by pressing the F11 for HP while the BIOS is booting.. you need to wait for the OS to boot.. not the BIOS.. can you please try again to confirm my theory on customized regional versions of Windows OS.. the last thing I know was that the difference is in the language support and keyboard support.. I was never aware that there was an Issue about the F11 key. ---------- @all If your windows is not part of a domain or active directory.. Having an admin password is not that safe and wont spell a difference if you have one or not.. Windows is so buggy that it will just create a newer admin when you use a new user name that is non existent.. Best thing to do is to disable the login screen since it will just create new users.. If in case you are concern on your data.. Use NTFS partition format and lock the access on your folder to your current account.. this can be achieved by rigth click on the folder then selecting something like a access or privelage.. i was not sure about the name.. i store anyway all of my data in Samba server i setup.. It is linux..
  10. this discussion got me curious and now i have an IP platinum..I am now peacefully downloading stuffs from rapidshare and megaupload using the free access ticket without he fussy.. "please wait an hour" or so for a new ticket..i just swap IP now and then.. currently downloading 7 threads of data using flashget..--------cool soft. using this program i no longer need to buy platinum account from rapidshare and megaupload..-------------NOTE: my firefox still knows that i was trying to redirect to a proxy server.. please check your firefoxes if the same phenomenon is occuring.. my firefox still uses the real IP and all information.. wont budge in place..I manually change firefox proxy but it still knows the real IP.. kind of weird.. though it can use the proxy i have inserted.. not good for me to browse with firefox with IP platinum.. it have no effect and just adds a mirror to download the site which is physically ends up to the same website.. -------------
  11. so in that case.. all out of topic here is on topic..awww... it messed my mind.. OMG.. OMG.. OMG..information overrun.. need to reboot brain..-------it is really good looking back.. i never have noticed how long i was in asta..first time i applied hosting.. i got denied by m^e.. that was a year ago.. i just post.. then ask hosting.. then post.. never checkedwhat happened to my application..when i checked it after 7 months.. i was denied.. then i reapplied after some more months..and m^e remembered me..
  12. hmmm.. i guess it depends on the package.. that work on me.. except on the compaq p that i got..do M$ release OS customize with some functionality.. no idea.. the said technique was not tested on windows 2000 here.. but it do work on NT..on windows 98 SE it also works but not on windows 98.. the f8 works on all versions though..-----------Yup.. a system flaw for windows is to create a new admin account with no password for non existent users.. it even provide as a security loop hole on all IBM secure chip setups.. the secure chip disable the entire system until you provide an IBM securechip passkey phrase.. but it still allows you to login to windows.. the IBM secure chip is totally powerfull and intrusion is imposible, that is if windows did not messed all stuff up..when IBM brings you back to the windows bootup password screen in case that you need to login using a non IBM secure chip locked username.. windows will dutifully create a new admin.. woa.. it even ignores the DNS rules and the active directory..windows = loophole... tons of it... IBM secure chip on linux dont have this flaw... same on ubuntu..
  13. yeah.. some proxies use cache.. this speeds up the download and display but some proxies are set up in a dumb manner that is forces you to see the cache and not the live site..i have used a proxy some time ago.. it was a nice setup.. it checks if the current website changes and creates a cache version.. if the cache looks different from the live one.. it will redirect you to the live site.. there was a flaw in it however.. if you are browsing a site with one dynamic page.. [a php page or like].. and the rest are plain html.. it you visit the php page first.. then the static html's.. all page data will be loaded from the live site.. nice though.. since that is the only flaw i have encountered.. too bad the server was abused by spammers.. it was now blocked on some websites so i stop using it..
  14. @dhaneshaww man.. that cant be... who will I annoy in the future then?hmmm.. maybe i can help you with Jeigh for the meantime.. LOL
  15. i have noticed that lately.. a lot of old topics was being dig out back on top..i check that out and my images was lost..anyway.. those are just vacation images that i use to have...nothing fancy anyway..
  16. yeah.. i want you to be mod.. when you do.. i will be the one to mess with you and annoy you until someone will be curious to ask and wish that i will be a modcircle of life.. i mean power..
  17. nice point dhanesh.. i have accidentally activated my windows from a preview version and used it for 3 long years.. that is the time of windows XP being sold at pirate stores 3 months ahead of release schedule.. i was browsing all setups and landed up on registry config.. done some searching and replaced an unknown {442ddao0131.. blahblahblahblahblah} registry entry.. first it crash my windows.. i tried to figure it out and get random guessing.. anyway my copy was a preview a trial.. after flickering some more.. my windows said it was activated and it thanked me for buying windows XP.. ----- I wont be surprised where the FCK string of pirated copy of windows came from.. maybe from the preview also and have just figured out the loop hole..
  18. i also have that problem but most of the time it was ISP side who creates cache of the sites i visited.. i hate them totally.. that is why i change ISP..sometimes that cache is irritating.. on the early days of firefox.. it uses cache.. it totally mess my life well.. so i use mozilla.. and things work well..on IE.. i totally hate that browser.. it turned my life into hell.. i have already cleared all but it still loads an old version of the site.. when i checked what is going on.. my copy of IE is loading pages from temp folders..plus it is trying to create an offline version of the page.. and loads all data from the offline page.. ------i remembered myself using the old mosaic just to check emails.. irritating..
  19. i always enjoy free internet access from random strangers wireless network.. makes me spend less for leissure.. and yeah.. better secure that connection if you dont want other people to take a peek and literally hop in into your nettwork.. i dont know in your location but here... wireless cards are now cheaper.. thanks to cisco and linksys.. G card is a common standard here also.. i dont know if this is a sad thing or not.. but the increase of wireless networks here is not proportional to the increase of wireless capable admins.. --------------- while writing this.. i am connected via wireless access from my ISP... connection cost only $20 for 1 month with unlimited download..
  20. but i still wish dhanesh to be a mod.. i mean to be an uber l33t oh my gosh.. super powered.. guardian of teh board.. i can wait for the wars.. /joke and when that happens.. dhanesh can call Jeigh little girl all day long..
  21. 0.01 is much better comapre to a 1.00 that way all can have a shout rampage but no one will be warn with shoutbox spamming...and it is fun having those 0.01 incremets..-----------------
  22. lucky for you or you are less exposed to the net and do less task.. being a webprogrammer and also using setup programs on the net to control remote computers.. IE crash at least once in every 4 hours.. i think there is a memory leak somewhere.. my memory usage skyrocket to 400mb or 600mb from 200mb usage... where do that memory go? with firefox or opera.. my memory skyrocket to 400mb also but it slowly drop slowly.. maybe the firefox extension causes the memory usage boost while starting.. opera stayed at around 100mb increase in my memory usage.. neither firefox or opera crashes on my transaction plus they can render a lot of stuff that IE cannot..
  23. f11 goes to safe mode unless you have a moded windows.. dont get your windows on crack sites.. some functions are NOPed [no operation]. a moded windows install can also blocked this function..there are also computer brands that uses f11.. take one is a version of compaq that brings the boot sequence when pressing the f11..f8 wont bring you to safemode.. it will prompt you to select a boot up sequence or to skip some configurations..--in win98.. f8 is a step by step confirmation of all sysconfig and autoexec.bat commands..--and some windows versions.. mostly those that came up from out of the box have this bad habit of turning all new accounts as admin.. so literally.. if you can login with a non existent account.. windows will create a new admin one..great stuff for windows.. i love them for that since i can logged in anycomputer without knowing the admin logins...--if a computer uses DNS or active directory.. then this may not work.. depending on how good the system admin is.. but this does not mean that it is impossible to create new admins if a password is forgotten on a DNS controlled computer station... it is windows anyway.. 1001 loop holes..
  24. i hope you wont get as lazy as i am..darn.. i think i misunderstood a line or two of that saying..------if something is hard to do..then it is not worth doing it.. LOL
  25. i wish that will include installing dhanesh as mod.. i want to see how will Jeigh react when dhanesh is no longer a mere mortal..and can we have 0.01 credit for posting on shoutbox.. ;)so we can solve problems like having 29.99 credits.. or perhapsa 34.99 credit.. for hosting application..just ramdom things in my head..
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