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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. Panzer

    Ww Iii?

    If there was one, china would side with N korea and Iran. US, UK, most of europe, australia. I dunno, US side could win (nuclear weapons) but the other side will do some damage with their nukes..
  2. My favourite is Al Alamein, with the trenches. Being UK is the best i reakon, good starting points and tactical points, also get the good deal with the trenches.I always start going up the left hand side, sprinting with the nub gun (shot gun). I always try and get to the truck and hop in the back, so you have cover against up and coming germans, you can get 2 or 3 before they notice you and with your few grenades you can get a sniper.
  3. ogame.org is always a fun one, battle other people's space ships, colonise, talk on the discussion boards.
  4. Just to let everyone know my board is up and running and everything is fixed.Thanks to Albus, he helped me alot.
  5. France were the better team Did you see RONALDO (Christiano) he was on fire weaving through the French defence. Zidane pulled though once again with his mad skills as well. Anyone see the wonderful save that Barthez (french goalie) made in about the 9th minute?? He was fully stretched outon the ground. It was great That was unfair. The aussie player was already on the ground and then the italian striker ran over and tripped over him... I have my money on Italy for the final, even though im supporting France, Italy has solid defence and can make some excellent plays. (not to mention the best goalie in the world)
  6. I think you made a little mistake while doing that. Remember invisionfree hosts free forums from THEIR server and put ads on it. You should review IPB not IF.I like IPB the best
  7. How do i get to the installing screen? Ive tried MYURL.com/forumsMYURL.com/forums/install/installer.phpand a few veriations
  8. Well i click on it and a new screen came up, dont know how to take a screen shot on the computer that im on Albus you have MSN? it'd stop spamming the forums.. EDIT: I did grant those permissons, like yours.
  9. Lol think what Bill Gates will be able to do with his system :)It would be pretty cool though, it will be annoying as well. When it comes down to an affordable price there will be an even bigger one out .
  10. Well... I have uploaded the entire IPB 1.3 into the public folder. I tried to follow the 'how to make a phpbbfm' guide but i am stumped on There is no such thing. I tried following the rest of the instructions but the same thing happened, NOTHING! I am disheartened and confused can somebody please help me? (or write a guide on how to do it)
  11. I know its not new but its really really cool! Instead of having fans cool your computer down (and make a noise) there are water 'tubes' throughout your computer shell. It looks outta this world but i guess you'd be in trouble if one of them burst or dipped...
  12. hmm, i sorta followed that how to set up a phpbbfm forum tutorial. I am uploading them in the public_html folder. Thats alright isnt it?
  13. Not bad at all.I like the borders around the text bodies and the logo/button set. Colours go well together.You could: Put buttons on left hand navigation, unless your changing them to drop down.Add one more colour, 3 colours always goes well (notice IPB's blue,grey,white) and mayby get a lighter shade of green for the background.Other than that pretty good!
  14. I 100% agree.Entertainment is a big part of our lives. I make websites for the fun of it!
  15. Well, i made a new directory called forums. I uploaded the enire content of the IPB folder (unzipped) onto it. I tried going to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ are 'this page cannot be displayed'Can anyone please help?
  16. I play that as well, im in universe 20. Im not very rich only 16k metal and other stuff. What are some other ways to get energy apart from solar plants because theyre getting too expensive!!
  17. I tried logging in just with my google account. It seems you have to register on orkut as well...Are there any spam related issues/lists?
  18. I have my hosted account. I have a IPB 2.0 script that i want to upload onto my account.What folder do i upload it to and how long do you think it would take? (56k)Also how i 'mod' them, i know where to get the codes but where do i insert them?thanks
  19. Panzer

    Free 3d RPG?

    Is knight online US only?Also what system specs do you need?Thanks in advance
  20. Woohoo.I watched the game early this morning (6am local time) and it was a goodie. Probably the best game played in the world cup so far. The first 90 minutes went by, still no goals scored. Lehmen( German goalie) made some terrific saves and kept his team well in it. The Italian goalie also made some good saves, respect to an Italian defender (his name sounds like demovarra, the type of coffee sugar) if it werent for him the Italians would have been 3 goals down.Anyway the 90mins went by, then the first extra time. About 7 mins from the end of the second extra time Italy scored!!!! It was a great set up. 3 man attack. 4 men defence + goalieThe Italian attackers were lined up in a diagonal from the outside box left corner to the inside box right corner. They passed it, beating the 4 defenders. Totti (italian striker) struck it, it curved pass lehman (german goalie) and straight into the goal!!!!!!So the Germans went on all out attack, they got close to scoring. The Italians got hold of the ball, AND SCORED ANOTHER !!!!Excellent defence by both teams and both were very close to scoring alot of times.I cant wait for the Portugal France match :( Notice from mayank: Please note that the topic description has to be descriptive, next fault will lead to warning
  21. Well first of all, i know a lil bit about this stuff :)Let me explain a little something. Theres pros and cons about having a dual processor.Most of the older applications only optimize the single processing unit. The technology in the applications is poor and it will only pick up the single one, thus making the computer slower.However if your using new-er applications. Microsoft office 04/05/06 etc, they optimize the dual, thus making it faster!I suggest your parents get dual processors as the market is changing, practically all applications made can recognise the 2nd processor and eventually, the applications will ONLY run on dual, or triples
  22. Well here in New Zealand, we have the WORST mobile phone operators. Since its pretty small theres a monopoly on the mobile phone market. Either Telecom, or Vodafone.Gettin broadband for your phone is $50 a week. The worst thing i hate about mine are the prices! Everything is soooooo expensive. Telecom spam you and you cant really complain since they
  23. Yeah, i saw that happen as well and the commentators mentioned it, no suprise. I wonder if Rooney and C Ronaldo will ever get along with each other again in Manchester United. Beckham is good, even though he's had his bad moments he always seems to pull through.
  24. Sweet, i love tintin.Good job 10/10
  25. I dont think it will work.You would have to set aside ALOT of space, and continue adding more links.
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