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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. We have many useless things in our bodies - tailbones, male nipples, et cetera. It wouldn't be a suprise if the appendix is just a lump of tissue which was left over from the development of the intestine, but I guess this is an interesting possibility, though people obviously can live normal, healthy lives without the thing, unlike, say a kidney which can reduce the lifespan of the donator IIRC.
  2. For me, television these days is all junk - junky junk junk junk, especially on MTV, VH1, and G4. I would still watch TV if TechTV existed. It doesn't anymore and G4 has damaged or cut any good shows it had in the ratings race. Sometimes I watch Mythbusters, but I don't really, anymore. It's all internet for me now, and I can choose what I want to see on the internet anytime, almost anywhere.
  3. I prefer not to have a complex design. I feel they're rather ugly. Plus, fancy-looking designs don't attract visitors; easily-excessible, good content attracts visitors, and nothing shows this better than Maddox's site. A freind of mine made a site called Phat Code, and he doesn't have a fancy design either. However, he has tons of content which is easily excessible and rather cool, and that made his site popular with its community.
  4. Google is great for text searches but some say that Yahoo is better for image searches. Ask.com supposedly has the best image search and I have to agree. Ask even has AJAX to an extent so I feel that it's even greater. I really like Clusty for text searches since it allows you to wade through the crap you only want to wade through. For example, if you were to search for Half-Life, and you wanted information about the scientific phenomena and not the game, you can choose which one you want to search for. There are better examples, though.
  5. I'm not suprised I screwed up on that. I've always had trouble detecting sarcasm.I've seen that forum before on digg, and people blasted so many holes through that theory it makes me wonder why they still believe it in the first place unless they were die-hard conservatives.
  6. The word Googol describes a number which is followed by one hundred zeros. Google is just a bit of corporate twisting onto that word. A Googolplex is a number which is followed by a googol of zeros.Google's HQ is named the Googleplex, so it is implied that they named it after the number.
  7. There are so many holes in the flat earth theory it's not even funny. How do S-Waves which are triggered on the opposite side of the world travel to the other side of the world, with noticeable slowdown in the center where the core is? How do we travel from New York, to Australia, to Africa without chaning direction? When plate tectonics is in effect what's going to happen to the plates as they move? Do you really think they're going to fall off the face of the Earth? What about the fissure in Africa which shows that the tectonic plates are shifting? How is water contained, or does it float out into space? That ice wall just proves that there was a shift in the crust somewhere in its history causing a dip and reattatching. How did the Japanese sail to America through the Pacific, and the Europeans through the Atlantic if the Earth is flat? How did Shackleton make it to the south pole, and Byrd in the north? How do you explain the change in seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres while the equator stays constant? How does wind blow in a generally consistent direction (the westerlies, the trade winds, et cetera)? Where are the magma pools for volcanoes? Why do different stars show up in different seasons, and the stars shown in each hemisphere differ completely (well, there might be one or two of the same stars)? How does the moon crescent and how do lunar eclipses occur? I'm sure more qualified people could give you even bigger holes.And why would the government want you to believe this? There isn't a good reason why they'd want you to believe this. It doesn't rake them in any more money and it doesn't rake them in any bigger than they are now. Heck, people are complaining of cuts due to the Iraq war even though they don't really do anything productive anymore. And how would NASA fabricate Blue Marble in the 70s? They'd need a Michaelangelo to get that much detail, perhaps more, and painters like him aren't exactly walking down the street every day. Even better is how did they fabricate this without a frame of reference? I call shenanigans on this. It's just a nutty conspiracy that scientifically doesn't make sense from even a geological point of view. I can take the a banking conspiracy but this doesn't even have any basis whatsoever on anything other than centuries of superstition, and I'd like to see a bit more proof into the whole banking thing as well.Once you give me something that doesn't look like some generic crevass, you lay out solid evidence, you conduct an expiriment, and follow the scientific method to create a respectable theory, maybe I could believe you, but I can't because there isn't anything that you have proven.
  8. I don't really think that there is a browser based game that is overly fun. You have to run things on your computer if you ever want to have something with decent, quick, gameplay. If you're willing to invest a little money and run something on your computer to have something of decent quality try Guild Wars, or Counter Strike depending on your preference. If you're willing to just rung something on your computer of decent quality try GunZ (that's a real good action game).Start up HyperTerminal and create a new connection. It can be any name you want. Then in the first box scroll down to "winsock" or "TCP/IP", then type in the box hdcbbs.net, and connect. Welcome to the world of the BBS and more importantly Hard Drive Cafe. When you're able to get to the main menu, press "G" to list the door games, and select "LORD". LORD is probably one of the funnest games you can play if you don't want to install anything on your computer. It's much faster paced than a browser based game, too, because the BBS style of connection allows it to do that (real time loading with ANSI graphics). The original LORD or LORD (with IGM) would be the best. LORD II isn't really that good IMO.If you REALLY want a browser based MMO game, there are three ones which I know of that don't suck as much as RuneScape (well, I personally think they're on par): Urban Dead, Kingdom of Loathing, and Legend of the Green Dragon. The last one has graphics, but all three of them for some reason are fun for them to play. I personally think they suck because the gameplay is too slow and "action points" are just plain annoying. Legend of the Green Dragon fails to clone Legend of the Red Dragon (LORD) very well and ends up with slow witted gameplay as well, only it has graphics unlike the other two.
  9. I think he is trying to prove a point that our policies have gone waaaaay too far recently, and the whole sueing thing has gone too far. If the only way people will pay attention to this is through him making a fool out of himself, so be it. I applaud him if this is what he's doing. If not, well, he's probably just another nut we shouldn't have elected anyways.
  10. If it's files that were messed with just permission them to 444. You yourself won't be able to overwrite them unless you manually change them but your site is safe from script kiddies. I've had a site hacked once - a person added adds and redirects on the site to various advertisements in key PHP scripts. I just overwrote them with the originals and permissioned them to 444 and everything worked out great. Apparently they couldn't figure out how to use Unix. The hacking stopped after that after two days of that in a row of that issue happening. A changed password also helps a lot. The more it looks like you rolled your head on the keyboard, the more secure it is. I wouldn't be too concerned about changing the password in Joomla as the password to your FTP. That's where it looks like they did the damage. I stupidly had my index.php of my forum script set to 777 and they just replaced the thing with text. Usually it's nothing extremely harmful like lost data from my experience - just guys that like to replace things in scripts so they are noticed. The MySQL database isn't even touched. You can easily fix those problems by overwriting the scripts.
  11. All entertainment is a complete waste of time. When you could do something productive like working, you're having fun and doing something that's not promoting and supporting your country, or even better yet, humanity. Posting here is a complete waste of time as well. You could be outside, focusing on a small world expressing your opinions in a medium which won't matter nor will your friends care about especially when it comes to political ideas. Anything that can be considered a complete waste of time. Speaking from a completely philosophical point of view, it makes no difference if you sit on your butt and play Halo for all your years or go out with a lady and spend money on a marraige several years later. In approximately 75 years after your birth you'll still die in a rather pointless cycle of existence. Whether you die happy or not is up to you and your interests.I feel the video games are probably the best of all entertainment mediums, because they're actually interactive and invite the person to participate. In the case of RTS you can play a game which stresses you to actually think (which I know for many people, can be very hard), and FPS games might help advance your reflexes. Heck, video games are said to improve vision.There is one genre which I feel would be of no help to you and that is RPGs. They take no real amount of skill to play and wouldn't enhance either your mind or reflexes since everything is based on a random number generator, and not actual skill. Take the pokemon games for example - when you battle pokemon it's all predetermined for you pretty much - whatever strategy you choose you will win or lose based on a few numbers and luck. When I play Barren Realms Elite I only get this feeling when I battle the pirates. Other than that I feel that I could win any situation by playing my cards right.
  12. What? You want an auto-responder? It's going to be complex, but it's going to be just as complex as any spambot, if not more because you'll need to check if there's any new messages.You need Linux with a cron job running every few hours, and I suggest programming it in C or Perl rather than PHP because it will be just a bit more easier for you to use the server for contacting other servers. I suggest running a Virtual Machine with Linux on your own computer for this because otherwise you might just get your cron deleted or it might not even function because the server does not want to host a bot.As a rule, I don't give people source code. They must figure it out themselves. You must know sockets programming in C and you can base a Perl based bot on a Wikipedia bot framework which you can modify for the intended purpose.
  13. The design looks decent. However, the real question is whether the code will be decent. It's another question whether it will load during a decent time frame for users of dial-up and other lower speed (but better than Dialup) connections like IDSN. Will you use XHTML or HTML? Will you use the new CSS3 attributes to ease your design or stick with the currently well supported CSS2 and CSS1?This also seems like a design which will use Javscript. Will the javascript degrade gracefully when you have it turned off? Will the site look good with a text-only browser?You must ask yourself these questions.
  14. Protiens are the things that make up every single thing about you - it's the building block of the amino acids which chain into your very DNA. I've always heard that protein is very good for growing muscles with proper excercise. However, you're not going to be growing taller by building your muscles. When you're still growing the effect is quite the opposite - your bulky frame will stunt your growth. The same goes for fat. You can control to a certain extent how tall you will become by managing your muscles, and managing drugs like caffeine which will stunt your growth. Since bones grow spindlier with less weight, avoid body building and stretch and take care of your bones and avoid situations which cause higher impact (this also means managing your weight). Have a proper diet as well. This will ensure that you'll grow to your maximum height. You're not going to be a very strong person this way, but at least you'll grow to your maximum height should you want to.
  15. I'm sure you know these instructions pretty well : Yeah. IKEA's instructions are a bit vague but they at least create something so they don't have to repeatedly translate manuals and waste money that way. It's decent furniture, however. It gets the job done in a way which is as plain as I like it and that's all I'm concerned with. One time I was viewing instructions and they had a picture of a person on it and it ended up confusing me because I'm not quite sure what that person is supposed to represent. After that there were a few odd instructions I didn't get until a few minutes and a few wood glue bottles later, but I eventually got it.
  16. That's sort of like drawing?a?picture in jagged edge pencil, then scanning it in to your computer, and printing it out on high quality paper expecting that it will have a better picture. It's not going to happen. You can blur it in an attempt to kill artifacts, but you end up making it poorer quality to curve poorer quality. JPEG2000 would fix this issue but no! Browser developers won't even touch the format so web designers and camera companies can slowly phase out JPEG for it's superiour successor. Even though I don't usually reccomend this, if you can't find anyone you might need to ask the salesperson. If nobody in this forum can help you there's a freelance programmer with experience in taking photos named Glen Campbell responsible for the creation of SiteFrame. I don't know if he can help you, or is willing to help you. You can contact him at broadpool.com?or?even?siteframe.org, possibly.
  17. ONLY use JPEG as a conversion from RAW or TIFF for the web. JPEG is certain to lower the quality of the image no matter what you use due to how it compresses images. I've never had a perfect JPEG compression even at 100% quality. JPEG smears colors, particularily bright red (or so I see most of the time). RAW formats will probably give you the best quality while TIFFs will be more accessible for computers, and I would suggest that (TIFF) to be used zipped in emails and archives. Either one is good for archiving but NEVER save pictures only as jpeg unless you want to do a real quick one. I don't think you should mind the minor processing time if you really want a good picture (it might be inconvienient for small children if they don't smile the first try, though). I've waited for downloads longer than that, and I feel that that shouldn't be a terribly long time.
  18. I've seen many computer illiterate people in my day but your brother just seems to be...well...no invented word can really describe it other than a typical stingy computer illiterate businessman type. I've dealed with several of those people but they usually just sit there and let me take care of whatever situation it is.My family has people who are computer illiterate. They've gotten ticked at me before but that whole freak out session of his was simply not right. It was downright poor and childish. He needs to be talked to about his behavior in this situation because pompousness should never be that bad.
  19. The only way you're going to stop double posting is if you stop clicking the post button twice. If you don't do this, you'll never have a double post. A notice can do that very easily, although sometimes I doubt that people will read those notices . There are many times where I've had similar issues but since I never press the submit button twice, I never have the problem. I just know I need to go directly to the forum topic to find it.
  20. A function would be what you are looking for. I'm sure there's one in the standard library for it called abs which will change it to an absolute number.
  21. Paint is probably one of the best pixel editing programs I've used. I'd rather use static smilies as they aren't as distracting anayways. The only issue I have with it is the fact that when you make images for it, it can only support one tone as a background color because of its lack of alpha transparency fo any format.I personally think it's a waste to get a seperate animation program, especially for a smiley. GIMP can animate gifs using layers. Fireworks can do it too, but you can differentiate between two layers of layers AND frames.
  22. I've never seen a more pointless game than Habbo Hotel. Second Life doesn't even beat it. There is simply no redeeming value to it, and all its graphics were ripped off of Be Incorporated's graphic style of 3/4 perspective squarish objects.
  23. Sadly, when I went to school all I saw were ignorant and irrisponsible youth who wold rather hang out with friends rather than focus on their future. I still see it now, but it's magnified - the window of sensibility in youth is shrinking with stars as idols. I know only one kid that actually knows what a paradox is. I don't even know one that knows exactly what communism really is - they all think it's Stalinism and China when it isn't. Maybe I'm expecting too much for them to look ahead into the future, but I don't see anything respectable about many youths, so I'm not going to return any respect back to these kids. Parents should, however, be sensible, and give their kid some slack if they're an exception.
  24. For normal sites, Siteframe is my absolute favorite type of CMS to use. For Wikis, there's no rival to Mediawiki for most of my purposes. There are times I've used Dokuwiki successfully because it just works, however. These are for primarily documentation situations. I absolutely dispise Joomla, however.
  25. If you're good at math and solving equations and such, you'll be good at programming as it requires a lot of knowlege of math, especially trigonometry if you ever get into 3D programming. It will be much simpler with only 2D programming, but still, it requires knowlege of math. If using C, it might require a decent knowlege of computers, or memory management will be confusing to you. I prefer to not try and deal with memory management, and if progtramming applications it's just a hinderance. C++ does have memory mangement, but it's a bit harder to debug than Pascal or FreeBASIC.Please, don't take a course in Visual BASIC. VisualBASIC is an utter joke and a waste of your good time. It produces poor, bloated, non-cross platform applications.
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