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Everything posted by round

  1. Still don't know where to check my credits so i'm at a loss and or how to get my poor poor site unsuspended so.......no i don't like these new posting/hosting rulesround.trap17.com
  2. use the cloning tool. I can't really explain how it works. just play around with it and you'll figure it out. I use it all the time to get rid of water marks on images and it works like a charm. Now it's a more advanced tool but if you play around enough or look it up on google i'm sure there will be a step by step, with images that will show you how to get rid your lines.If your still having problems then your best bet is to pick another picture, which is a much easier solution.round.trap17.com
  3. I just got suspened, or at least i think i did. God at this point it could have happened days ago. Wish i would get a message i was getting close to it. But i need to know how long before it's back up. I kinda need this site up.round.trap17.com
  4. Business websites need to be pretty but fast. No one will take you seriously if it doesn't look professional. Just make sure whatever it is your selling or pitching is prominent on the front page and everything else is secondary, like who you are, what you do, how long you've been around. That kind of stuff is really just fluff and for search engine mostly.people just don't carehope this helps!
  5. Mine got suspened, god knows when cause I didn't get a message. Wish i had known.Does anyone know how to fix the problem.thanks
  6. Made the site, not sure what you mean by template??
  7. Hey! I'm thanking everyone for their help. Thought for awhile there that my post was dead. I'll check out the links. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. just my own portfolio site....i've changed it abit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. Here's one simple tutorial. https://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/hyperlink.htm but you should really check out flashkit.com
  10. Replying to the post above. I make all animations in photoshop and then gif them or save my movie frames then import them into flash. Flash is the best but not for drawing and animating stuff.I learned flash on my own. Flash is like the pickest program around....
  11. Alright here's the deal - I'll try and be very clearI have a text box which pulls .txt files (all good, no prob)The .txt files have urls<a href="java script: window.open('img.jpg', 'windowname', 'toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=450,height=600'); void(''); "> Image Name</a>for some reason (unknown to me) some of these pop and others don't, some like me to name the window some don'tI've tried the onclick method but i get a weird error saying the program doesn't support it.When i try to put a complete url it's a total no go!!Anyone else run into this problem?
  12. i have both flash and director right now, and noticed that director allows you import 3d objects and all these built in funtions. Like collision detection which i've barely managed to get working in flash so i was wondering still which one is better at games. I'm ambitious, i want to make a very tiny quake clone game for my new site. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. hey thanks for replying. It's my favorite flash site too, everything there.
  14. in reply to the two comments above! I worked on the site this weekend and i'm still working out some kinks!thanks for the suggestions
  15. Hey thanks! http://www.flashkit.com/ it has everything from tutorials, to fla files you can download and examine - play with to see how things are done.
  16. I use photoshop to make animated gif's but i was looking for something more geared towards making cartoon animation, like toon boom which i can't run on my mac
  17. Drawing in flash takes forever, i was wondering about something easier to so cartoon drawing
  18. canada and i would rate it 9/10but i also live in the only french speaking province which i would say right now totally sucks. Large province, small population and we have a language police. It's way too political here, for the dumbest reasons.
  19. I'm not in the us, but i would love, love, love to go to bali. Mostly because except for dr in the carribean, the carribean sucks, but it's the closest and cheapest vacation spot.
  20. I've been to europe, traveled around and that was all fun, but i've been dying to take up surfing.Hawaii is pretty much out of my range right now, 10 hrs away and all. I found that there was surfing in dr (dominican republic) plus it's super cheap.I have to say it's the most beautiful place, sort of under developed but great. They have reefs everywhere, scuba diving right off the beach, no early excursions and bus rides like in mexico.Parties on the beach, super fun.I would recommend it to anyone who can't afford hawaii.
  21. round


    I've just started watching witch hunter robin http://www.witchhunteronline.com/ since cowboy bebop got cancelled, seems like most of mine get canned. The shows ok i guess, the english translation is kinda lame makes me want to take up another language just so i can avoid the dubbing. But still and always cowboy bebop is my fav.
  22. Your kidding right. I think most have gotten better. I love the new nike ads they're not the usual just do it stuff. The ipod ones are always fun, and i loved the smirnoff off ones. I could go on and on.
  23. I'm looking for hosting with php mail() functions active for sub domains. It seems that most have it disabled because of spammers which i can understand but........any idea's, cause i'm alittle tired of signing up for hosting only to find it doesn't work.thanks again
  24. Now i'm going to try and be very clear about what my problem is.i have a button when clicked, using the tell target method, plays an animation. That part's all good.Now the animation also has a tell target method in it, once it gets to a particular frame it's supposed to start playing another bit of animation but it doesn't and i'm still not sure why.help!
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