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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Honestly, I wouldn't have expected anything less of Xisto but to use the best version...The service is always top notch and something like this would not be as per usual...I would say OpaQue has picked the best version to use and so wouldn't worry about it! as long as you have taken care (as you said ou have) to set the file permissions nicely, then viola!! it would all be happy and dandy!GOOD LUCK ;D
  2. Thanks, I have done so.All I really want to happen is my Qupis account to be deleted, i am 99% sure that will fix the problem I have.
  3. very, very funny. great stuff here!
  4. Sheer brilliance, you say they actually released that? If so gates got a rinsing!!!good to see some companies have a sense of humour.
  5. LOL Very funny you just gave me all the ideas I need for my new video :(Setting all the alarm clocks to go off one by one is an insanely good idea!!!!!what a great way to test out my new video camera
  6. I have a problem reverting to using my domain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ after putting it up for hosting by qupis.I would like to use this on my hosting plan instead of the subdomain of Xisto I currently have.I used the domain change script, but it fails each time I use it.I have tried this multiple times and on two different computers, one at school and here at home. But it still guffs out on me!I have changed my nameservers back to (ns1 & ns2).trap17.com Although even after a couple of days for the n.servers to switch back, my site hosted on qupis (and nowhere else) is still there, going strong.This is how far I can get with the domain change script.-----User Data Verfied Successfully!Changing password.. This can take time... Please be patient..(Do not hit Reload or Back). This can take a lot of time.. Please be very patient..Connecting...Domain Change Failed!-----If you would be able to help me out thatd be great. thanks.
  7. As elevenmill said, the money you were charged to change your paypal plan and process a $200 payment was a little over 3%, seriously thats good value. They probably do have to pay someone somewhere and therefore they need to get their money from somewhere, like everyone does, you get charged a little bit for the convenience. Its not a rip off. If it was a poor deal, they would charge $20 or more for their service..The only annoying thing must be that they didn't advertise clearly or tell you when the transaction was about to go through of the cost you would get. Now you know, remember for the future!
  8. lol very funny i do believe I saw this thread but only read it till today!! that was a well thought out plan. post back and tell us how it goes. If you get only one phone call and no internet in the high security prison, call me and I'll post the news up for you :P
  9. 9.999999999999999/10!!!!seriously great effort. (thats not including the fact it was your first background!)the extra 0.0000000000001 would go if you made the edges of each picture slightly less sharp, but thats nitpicking.From here on out I ban nitpicking in this thread! anyone who does so shall be subjected to pounding with hard rotten fruit in a small cell.
  10. WOW! that looks tres cool, but... what happened to the site you geve the adress to, it appears to not be accessible by me, as it looks like its not on the net... been taken down because of apple lawyers??? is anyone else able to get on the site http://www.ipodlinux.org/...?
  11. Norton Is great, it only uses a lot of processes as it checks almost everything. provided you keep it up to date as with any checker it works very well.Only problem I have is my printer remote scan function won't work until I disable it. no biggie. (it will work if I can find out from somewhere the printer software ports needed to be opened - not a firewall problem nevertheless)It has protected me from countless viruses and cut off downloads that were "bad". Has not done anything unspecified and hasn't been a hassle. My comp still runs nice.Its your own problems. I'm sure many people have had problems like you with the other ones. Just go talk to them.AND MY OWN SUCCESS STORY!!!:In fact while using macaffee I obtained quite a few viruses. The ony way they were picked up is I scan with norton as well and this picked them all up, deleted most, I had to get rid of a few (I have yet to find software that succeeds to get rid of all files) and there you go. Macaffee has not been good to me.Stop bashing nice software and just use what you like.Thousands of people are satisfied, a few may not be, thats just always the situation with anything.
  12. So is it possible to mix PHP coding with some xhtml, for example <div>s...?
  13. There's your answer - its all good!
  14. The google search. it has made my searching so much more convenient, looks way better than anything else and finds stuff well.Google Earth is very good, although I myself have no special use for it so search wind hands down!
  15. err, sorry to shove a bee into your hive, but you might wanna check the facts next time you post something like that. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ take a look at this. I know what your first thought would be; this is from an xbox style site therefore it cannot be trustworthy. wrong: I have researched the specs and reviews in depth over both and concluded that they are very close in comparisons, also the ps3's processors are technically a bit more powerful than the ones in the xbox, but physically its not the case. If implemented properly they may function well, but the truth is that it will be a while before any games can make full use of the power as it is so complex that making a game to take full advantage of them with the very specific programming is hard. And of course there are many other factors that come into account. Sony do make a habit of over-doing the specs to what actually gets physically produced. also, you may say that its quite short, so cannot be trustworthy, or contain the whole truth either. They have merely tried to make it reader friendly. And everything else over the topic is covered in other areas of their site. It is a close match between the two. If you want enjoyment, with value for money, go for the xbox. I guarantee you'll be tremendously pleased with what you get! I won't buy the ps3 when it comes out, I may also not buy it even a couple of years down the line. I'll probably get a new wii maybe a newer version if it ever comes out, as that'd be well fun!
  16. It'd be a surprise if you found out it meant something different in japanese! anyhow you seem to be a decent person who will improve the forum just by being here... welcome and enjoy!
  17. Interesting... its surprising they convert pages to framesets with different frames. Nice to find something interesting in the evening!
  18. I don't think it would help anyone, although it would pose useful to avoid an over-zealous teacher that likes to hand out punishments that definitely don't fit the crime (if can be called a crime at all). Maybe if you had reasons for not getting a prep or work done in time, but reasons you know a teacher is too up their own a-s-s to understand, this would be a uesful resource.Trouble is it would be overused by those people who shouldn't actually use it and get their own work done.As there are site like this already, you may as well go and do it! - to provide a nice resource - as those ones already out there aren't so nice, but are certainly used anyway, there is really not much to lose.good luck!
  19. Ah I think I see now. So a php site is mainly a css coded one that validates (or not as the case may be!) as xhtml... the php merely dictates the code to the browser...??!
  20. I'm sorry. but I don't agree. The most likely "thing" that happens after death is well, nothing. No matter what that person had been thinking throughout their lifetime. It really depends from which point you are looking, if you are looking onto the person or creature that has died, then obviously there may be some feeling of compassion, or "humanity" as it has been labelled, or you may be feeling guilty about the bad things that happened; They really shouldn't matter! over time those things will die out with you / them. If you are trying to imagine yourself looking from the viewpoint of the person that died, then it is (for most people (and for all, although some may not see it that way as they are very single minded and know what they want to see)) quite difficult to imagine what would really happen. Quite simply nothing should happen. All different religions have ther different (some similar) beliefs but simply religions are something created by us every religion is the same. They believe that their religion has some part in the world or maybe had some part that took part in everything even before this world was created / occurred. Because of this, religions should not be taken into account when looking from a dead person's viewpoint seeing as we have come up with them, and as there are so many different ones, they most likely can't be used to describe life, or the lack of after death. And reverting to the "energy is neither created nor destroyed" quote referred to earlier. True, but think about your context. When something dies energy is not destroyed... it merely changes to a different form: the energy in the materials of the dead body (if buried goes back into the soil... I've said a lot, but nowhere near enough to back up the reasoning and the reason and the actual answer to the debate. Well, I believe that nothing happens. Its hard to imaging what nothing is as we simply aren't used to considering that ort of thing. But all thought sieces (therefore including every belief the person in question carried with them. ) and everything for the "person" in question, life merely continues for those of us remaining alive here.
  21. I like the image at the top..The overall design is quite bright. Thats is good, although the entire thing does look slightly overexposed, maybe consider making the overall tinge slightly darker, and by darker i mean really slightly!!I noticed you're using frames with different html pages in each:-These are really bad for robots to follow and just bad anyway (i did this with my old design - scrapped it! plus its difficult to follow / edit and also posed some problems when into certain situations with frames disappearing from links etc.), maybe consider merging the html (php or css) content of each one into one main bit.... then itd be niceIf you look at my request for a website review, you'd know I'm no expert so i really can't talk!!!! :(just a couple of suggestions... looks good overall though!
  22. interesting... I thought JAVA was the same as JAVASCRIPT!!! nope, I'm not experienced in java, so I'll see what google toolkit can do for me. anyhow I had used the cpanel built in thingy to generate the html code for the countdown!! I just noticed that when validating online, my site actually isn't valid... the ads put in after the html tag at the end invalidate the thing. Another problem I have is I cannot get my RSS feed to be accepted as valid (so it would work) through sites like feedburner, which I want to get the latest topics on my home page and be able to incorporate my feed into my own designed "blog" page. I'm pretty sure the reason my rss feed won't validate is that the php file it is in has the ads put in a table at the end. this wrecks everything. Also, those damn one line ads aren't actually one line their 2x 1 line ads and a 3 line add in recent activity on my blog page!!!!! > dammit! I'm gonna hang up qupis and go back to good old Xisto' no ads And just out of interest if I get my site changed to php and css coding, is that acceptable for xhtml? or is that acceptable anyway as a web design standard?! If I do this I can smoothly include my wordpress blog well with my site...
  23. Yeah thanks Getting some nice feedback.! I only just got the page up so those links are temporary, so I can just see the layout I may end up with.. they'll be gone soon as long as I can get the content done I'm in the process of setting wordpress going, may need a bit of help..!! we'll see..
  24. I thought the first two books were insanely good. A great read for anyone.I didn't ever get round to finishing the third book, I got kinda bored, plus it was the largest book of the three and not as gripping as the first two I thought.Just my opinion though - definitely worth reading.
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