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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. I'm sorry but almost everything about that post was wrong; except of course it was in readable english. Why would anyone want a console version of runescape? It is possibly the most pathetic game alive. I mean pac-man simply tramples all over it. And Habbo Hotel... Don't know about you, but I''ve never heard about it and it sounds to me like another poor online FREE game!!! Er, less hardware failures? That really gets me; since when has the xbox had more hardware failures? There was only a heat sink problem with the first few batches when they forgot to remove some covering/sheathing on the heat sink, resulting in those ones overheating. There are NO other hardware problems at all and don't forget that it was released over 1.5 years ago, so its really unlikely a working original that was faulty is still around! (they've all been sent back to be fixed) THIS WAS UPDATED OODLES AGO!!! - So the xbox has had no other problems over 1.5 years, --> that's pretty much 1.5 years more fault-free than the PS3... (btw it's unlikely that any release console has no problems, and the one problem that came with the xbox was simply fixed and not botched) Graphics better on Xbox?! Er, technically the graphics are better on the PS3, but this really makes jack all difference as it is 99% to do with the game. Both have graphics so good, the graphics of either system it not something to bother comparing. What's more important is the quality of games so think about this: Are the games rushed titles made purely to extend their line up Would they have good gameplay How good is the online part of each game as once you've completed each one a couple of times online is great addition. (I've been playing Call of Duty 2 online for months and it's still my top game. This is on xbox btw! I have almost forgotten it has a single player campaign as the online is so great.) Are they fun to play? I've played the halo 3 beta and it's all hyped up. Gears of war is good on xbox and xbox has other legendary titles. Yeah one good game for PS3, but most of them are copies from other consoles/computer systems simply for the PS3 with nicer graphics - NOTE these will also be on Xbox so ignore these games when choosing.) I would definitely say xbox, even when looking at the two honestly. I spent ages deciding myself, looking at the actual facts not warbling a descision like everyone else seems to have done whether they love sony or microsoft. Bear in mind Xbox360 really doesn't feel like a microsoft product (or look like it) if you hate microsoft. And if you hate sony, get an xbox anyway!!! The xbox is not cheap mate!! but neither is the PS3 which is certainly one almighty step up in price.You say the PS3 is excellent and the xbox is ok. Pretty sure you based that on absolutely nothing. Specs are almost identical (xbox out performs PS3) so the only difference is games. As you say xbox has the more games (might I add the better game selection is for xbox) so why bother with a PS3. Get the fun console. That is an Xbox 360
  2. The menu, colours, and top banner are absolutely great for all pages! The front page is very good, I would say nothing to change there. The about us page is good. Except one small suggestion; it might be an idea to let users choose to view the video bigger if they want, I would have watched it larger!! - I'm no old man with poor eyesight either! hehe For the stallions/mares/foals page, the photos and banners are good. I just have a little quibble with that brown background, the one with the browny-yellow stripe running down... Is there any way to make the stripe blend slightly more as it is a bit harsh, or maybe experiment with moving the stripe / making the colour more subtle so it doesn't stand out as much? It just seems to interrupt the page a little bit! On the geldings page, its all nice and looks great. One piece of advice may be not to repeat pictures. You re-used some pictures on that page quite a lot. Yeah, theyre great photos!, but it gives a sense that it doesn't completely show the actual horse if you know what I mean! Even if the horses look similar it's important to have a different photo for each!! Blog page is nice. So is the contact us page! JUST ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING... Its all good and couldn't be better:GREAT SITE!!
  3. I was thinking I will go off to study cybernetics / computer science at a uni. Trouble is, most don't offer cybernetics and sometimes the computer science deps. are lacking!I was speaking to a couple of people, and it turns out for that combination Reading university is definitely the best. I kinda want to go somewhere a little further away though, as I live quite near... Might be worth a look.Uni. of York is also looking like a fine contender!!!
  4. You're quite right Rval!!!I wonder what's going on here... I doubt a mistake in certificate, so was this intentional?
  5. Just getting this extremely useful thread back on top after I've been looking for it again!!! msinfo32 is VERY useful - it's the detailed task manager we never got... To get to a window displaying processes, their running locations PID numbers (PID can be shown in task manager, but location can't) and the other general stuff; simply go RUN --> type "msinfo32" --> Expand the software environment category --> Click on running tasks from the drop-down menu --> Look to your heart's content! This is exceptionally useful if you suspect a nasty task may be running and want to find out where it's put on your computer! Also, if anyone knows a way to create a desktop shortcut to the system info pane (by doing run, msinfo32) I'd appreciate your help!
  6. Hope this helped you all!I know there are newly setup companies offering free audits around, try and google em! Join The Anti-Spam community - put this link at the bottom of your page: <a href="auditmypc.com/freescan/antispam.html&%2334; target="_blank">Anti Spam</a>It will give a list of duff email addresses for the bots to harvest, and at the bottom is a link to another page of duff links, and then another link to more, and this repeats essentially forever!Sending the bots into byebye land, it will simply overload them... hopefully.
  7. Take a look at https://www.instantssl.com/ They offer a free 90-day one. That's 3 months that you can see how hard it would be so set up / decide if you want your own or if you should use paypal!
  8. Now that was a quality post to ignore!!! The most important thing is not to worry about it. Do what you can, but try not to become hung up on the height issue. And I think there is something you can do... Exercise. I know it sounds stupid, but it does make a difference. Don't get me wrong, the exercise doesn't make you taller, BUT, it will make your growth times last for longer, and definitely grow quicker. I made the mistake of becoming more lazy, and I can tell you, when you actually do some exercise there is a noticable difference in the time it takes to grow! If you've slowed down the amount you think you're growing, just do a little more exercise and another growth spurt will come'at'cha! Give it a whirl. And it doesn't have to be all the usual types of exercise, just do what you like, play a game with a friend, go cycling or swimming (as suggested already!) or just walk everywhere instead of getting a lift! - Anything is better than nothing
  9. Well, I kinda wanted to do this too;I know you need to pay for a ssl certificate from a (big company is better) such as visa or verisign etc.Then get the page to use encryption.You get the encryption to work yourself, but you need a certificate that costs a tiny bit f money!!!I think trap DOES support SSl for you, but there's not a simple, automated setup...
  10. I love it!It's a great banner, elegant, simple, yet somehow relaxing.The best thing is that its not like those In your face banners that force you to avoid them. It sort of looks like a part of the page if y'know what I mean :)Good Work!!!(I really don't mind if you want to keep this for yourself as it's such a nice design, but is there any way I could convince you to possibly share the psd file or just pm it please!!? I'm rubbish (I can't do anything) at animations in photoshop, but if I had something I could easily edit it and change it all around would really help me out - My edit would bear no resemblance!!!, promise! Thank you.)
  11. Well, I went on a brief moment of insanity and decided I didn't care and bought the templates anyway!!!so dailyrant.org.uk now has a new template. I have sort of moved things around / made some changes
  12. Have to say the forums look very nice now! and somehow slightly brighter - maybe the orange does this to the eyes!!! It certainly makes it easier to be on those forums :unsure:The main page looks better, and that drop-shadow background works so well. It makes a huge difference!Nice
  13. Does anyone play on Thunderhorn EU server here? If so I'd like to team up, thatd be cool :unsure:Got a fairly-high lev char that is okay for helping people out too!my new main: 19 Mage - goes by the name of Cranius, itd be awesome if your around or near that level for a team!
  14. Hey garbage! I just tried to send you a message from your site, but I got a 403 forbidden error when I clicked send! I don't know if it went through or not, but I lost the message: so here's pretty much what I was saying! Your site looks nice, and I see you got that new template from joomlajunkie! - One improvement would be to make the text colour slightly darker, its a little difficult on the eyes 0_o I'm not blind though!!!! Other than this slight improvement, its really nice and I like the content. Good job! I was wondering if you want to trade links, my (and some friends) new site should prove to be really well filled with content and achieve a nice pagerank in google As I like your site, itd be cool for us to swap links! I'd put your link (one of the only ones as far as it goes) in the links tab displayed from the main menu on every page... The site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - *Almost forgot to put it in *) mail me at james . mcguire {{[ a t ]}} talk21 . com without the spaces of course, sorry if that looks stupid!!!! (I recieve more than enough spam already, I'd rather not get any more) Looking forward to hearing back!
  15. Are you still having the problem with user's not recieving their activation email?If so this may be because you havn't got the mail function to work!If your contact me form (providing you enabled it!!!) works for you,then this is not the case! just another idea hope it can still help you.
  16. Thanks everyone for the comments! Nah, the joomla logo was simply a jpeg that I photochopped! But I'm glad you think it won't matter - I even stole their font too Its great you like the idea Smack, we've had it for a while just never got round to doing it until I came along with my expertise (and I found about joomla) :(!! Thanks kery for the positive enthusiasm and voting on the poll!!! I'd really appreciate the help for the templates!! and I'm sure you'd appreciate some credits I have had a very long look, opening millions of tabs in firefox! but found no decent templates (free) I'll keep looking nevertheless. to SM: I already know about the wrapping problem and it has been fixed in all areas of the site... but thanks for pointing that out! Its completely fixed now, there should be no problems... please tell me if it is still not working properly, as it seems fine now to me and ben. The problem was long titles. The rantings section suddenly started using columns once the third article was published. (1 main, rest in columns) So I changed it back to 1 as it should be. (this allows longer names for the titles, preventing the problem!) I had already changed it to single column for blog where there was already more than three articles and I had seen the problem, but hadn't noticed the others until like 10 mins ago when he posted the new rant!!!! Hmmm. I have decided along with Ben to keep the standard template. Its very clean and not too bland, so It will do! I modified the background colour slightly from blank white to a slight blue / grey colour. This makes an absolutely HUGE difference, as it differentiates the main content part from the background! If you use the default template I suggest doing this, it really makes your page look better! just use colourpicker on the colour I used if you do like it... All text wrapping problems gone completely! and the daily e-Mail section looks pretty cool! biggrin.gif does anyone else have any views on our site?
  17. Hi, I've got a website going with a group of friends with 2 of us managing atm - I'm the admin and design guy, although I'm sure I will be ranting as well review here The site is for us to write ranting articles and also for users to submit their own annoyances. I think we've ironed out all the problems, and it seems to be running very nicely. I've done it in Joomla, and our site also has a shiny new template since this edit... Please review this site at the above thread and what you think of the idea, also possibly even send some of your own rants to us!! They can be on anything, and don't hold back the anger! I'd appreciate the help! Thanks
  18. lol thanks! actually I had changed the design, and the one that you can see on the front page is the "newer one" lol, it just got gunned down no offence taken! The old one was my own produced one, and yes its different for the contact me form, as I don't know how to write strict xhtml valid forms, so I just left that page!!!! Is smiling, pacing around smoking 10 cigarettes a good thing for my site lol, or does it mean that its a bit dingy Unfortunately I let my site drop. It may not work for you as a couple of days ago I'm gonna stop it. The new site I'm managing: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks about the photos! I've got two nice ones of squirrels if you want a cool background the cheeky blighters get so close I could almost grab its tail >:# A mod may now close this topic please!
  19. Try to send them another message! They responded to my support requests (5) within 1 hour most, during the day, maybe your message got lost ot them (try using a different subject this time to avoid it being flagged as spam
  20. In the title Imtay! anywhoo, I must say that I think the design looks fairly nice overall. 1. Maybe try to make the outer solid background grey for your homepage slightly lighter. By this I mean the thick borders either side of the main content area 2. Your homepage takes years to load, this is because you have saved the entire page as tonnes of images! Yeah, I'm on relatively fast broadband, but still it even timed out whilst loading and I had to refresh to get the rest!!!!! This is the largest issue, as most people visiting your site may simply go elsewhere if they can't get it to load within 8 or so seconds (average time people are willing to wait) For your forums: 1. The ISA top banner image you have for your forums is really nice and clean... I like it! (then again its quite a large image, so maybe try compressing it, as far as possible withought it looking any different.) KEEP YOUR TOP BANNER IMAGE!!!!!! 2. I don't think the red design of the forum is great though. This could be made better by applying point 1. in my first paragraph here and also try to get less black on the page, or either change the red. OK, hope this helps! Basically size of your site +l oading times is the issue, but thats a lot!
  21. Lol nice to see this is spreading quickly. I saw this video this morning, as teachers have also been passing it around at my school!!!Very funny stuff OMG Don't put any more stuff in the iRack, it will collapseoh... you want me to take things out of the iRack?Yes... Yes!!! yes!!!errr. No I think I'll put some more stuff in the iRack lol
  22. Hmmm try conkers bad fur day - pretty goodor for xbox 360 - Kameo its a great gameAlso possibly consider:another xb.360 - try the final fantasy game thats coming out (if thats your sort of game)
  23. Rval... Nice Butterfly II sig there... looks cool! I just added a 1px border around the images (using css) I was thinking of doing it and it does make everything and those images look significantly better. Its especially nice using css so that I don't have to photoshop it into the actual image - also means I can compress my images more without blurring the surrounding border! this is the css it takes - for an external css file: change the bit where it says imageborder (leave the dot) if you wish to change the name of the class to link images that you want a border around. } .imageborder img { padding: 4px; border: 1px solid #999999; } Put the img in a div with a class like this and it immediately adds the border! <div class="imageborder"> <img src="yourimage.jpg" alt="image" /> </div> Any more suggestions? maybe change each header colour from grey to something a little more colourful?
  24. Imperial Stormtroopers... LOL! thanksThanks for pointing out the CSS errors rval (Warnings? I got six warnings and no errors when I ran it just now!? - interested to hear what errors you got) I'll get on it... If it was the warnings you mentioned, I decided to ignore them as theyre all "same colors for color and background-color in two contexts .. and .." or "same colors for background-color and .."As you can see it looks ok in the actual thing ;)So do you reckon that the main body text colour is clear and readable..?I was sorta thinking (its OK for me, but..) that it may be slightly difficult shade of grey to read?
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