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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Can you say what you did on the site just before it stopped working for you, say did you post anything on forume, or download an item from a list? It is most likely to be something on your computer as you would probably have to do something REALLY bad to get banned. The best possible solution would be to cleat cookies and temp. memory as the other guys said it is also worth trying a proxy: A free no-ads proxy What is this site to be certain??? - it is really hard for anyone to find the problem just by guessing all possible solutions if we don't know the site to be able to find out something about the way its working! good luck finding a solution
  2. I like it, cool style, just the chief is a bit hard to make out, he gets a bit blurred.I suppose you have to merge the two and blurring the edges works well... maybe take it down a bit, but the hazy effect is cool.Good job
  3. haha I saw these things a few months ago, and they do rock! only trouble is they cost about Ł1500 for their top model that can melt a bit of tape at about 1mph. Still they do look pretty cool, and don't get me wrong I would definitely buy one if I could spare the cash. I wonder how long these would take to blind you... 15 mile range? haha you could set people's work on fire from that far away anyhow does anyone actually have one of these? if so i would like to hear about them, not just from the companies' "site". looks cool, probably is, and probably is just as dangerous... thats what we like to hear!
  4. Hmmm... I quite like that sig, apologies if you wern't wanting suggestions, but I reckon you could do the text a bit bigger, and finish off the whole name cos it looks like "Siob" not "Siot..." maybe write in full. Green for the "toxin" bit could look kinda cool too
  5. Ah... interesting. Always wondered what it did and why they copied across, but never had the confidence or time to play around deleting stuff from there to see why ;D
  6. ah! you've hit it bang on! I placed it outside those public directories... That would be why ;D Wasn't paying attention! sorted the problem now and all works like a Saint! (pun intended) Thanks Av. (and Saint for the whole codey thing) P.S. your reply was like only 36 (Sorry! 34 ) mins after my question - You're all nuts! Have a Nice Day and I'm Happy!
  7. Erm... Sorry to bother. I have tried to get the code to work, but have had no luck. What I have done is: 1. Copied code into index.php 2. Made folder on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ called images.png 3. put various png images in said folder and also the index.php file (images are allowed size) 4. Linked to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in my edit signature area under my controls? I just get a message saying IPB image. What have I done wrong...? is there something I should allow on trap hosting to prevent hotlink or leech protect on that folder to get them to display? or is there some other mistake. In the meantime I'll re-copy that code to make sure its right, but??? Thanks James
  8. OK kl... I do remember searching but I get a lot of deja-vu !!! Maybe it was just that :lol:Thanks Avalon For such a quick reply... can't remember when I posted this... was it earlier today or yesterday P.S. The quick reply is definitely something to do with the uncompromising power of Xisto...James
  9. could anyone advise me how to get a sig rotator. I'll probably be using mainly PNG image files, if that changes anything. ThanksJames
  10. Lol that is the most hilarious story I have ever heard lol. Good For You. Hilarious even in comparison to anchorman (lol amazing comedy.) . He seems like a real good guy If I was in that situation I would probably have fainted lol. That would have been so embarassing.Nice! This should be top of the list day in day out!
  11. Lol Unfortunately, This seems to be ignoring that it may be illegal to drive and talk on a mobile phone, but handsfree kits are allowed. I don't know if any trace is sent in the signal to determine if a handsfree is being used, but A satellite would not be able to find any difference, along with not knowing if it is the driver oin the phone. I like the idea, whether there's some way to trace modern phones and if a handsfree is using, plus if anyone has an idea to decide whether a driver is talking? Anyhow... good idea It would kinda be double killing almost everyone, even those who do obey that rule. Just think... you went out to buy a handsfree specially for that rule, and then you get hung up at a polce station afterwards just for obeying the law... whilst there would be those people in there too who have just been talking (half of the people didn't hear about it at all). It would be havoc determining who was in the right and who was in the wrong
  12. Gotcha - that explains it somewhat I really couldn't do with a position now in my lifethanks for an uber quick response... that's what I've come to expect here over my short stay Love these forums lol
  13. Just a query... I'm interested in how people become moderators. Is there any way to become a moderator yourself, say if you wanted a job or another purpose here at Xisto? :rolleyes:I'm not sure if this has been posted on already but I couldn't find anything in a search...No need to worry about dissappointing me on anything lol - I don't believe you would. Just would be nice to know for all us people out there looking for an extra purpose while roaming the forums - if and how it can be done ;)James
  14. I do not agree with much you just said... Look at what you just wrote and try to see that it is very one sided.
  15. Hehe thanks. I think I got over my worst fear - actually talking in person. Guy kept bugging me to phone her up in person, usually I don't take any notice to stuff like that but I did feel like i should take a dive in :E. Well I rang her. I was really worried about that awkward silence... and me not being much of a talker I was worried that It might just tail off into nothing and ruin everything. But I thought speaking in person went fairly well (if not it made me sound a little crazy I think... but oh well! - it has helped along with all of these comments here to get it going... Thanks very much. They've got me this far I hope that you can just help me make that first attempt at a meeting to go well...? I just made like 5 posts without editing any of them I hope it works out... I am getting soo nervous... does anyone have any other tips I could use to calm myself down or try and make it go right or sumething lol... James. P.S. What do people think of my new sig? did it myself with windows software... just wanna know what people think
  16. I think this would be a great Idea. But I never knew that you are able to change your birthday. I think it is unnessecary to change your birthday... unless you never entered anything (was it compulsory?) So maybe that could be changed. It might prevent people from putting in no bday or a fake one as they get rewarded for it. ??? just my opinion... But if you're gonna do it... please do it before April lol
  17. Well Apparantly I'm Totally F*uc*in Marvellous!I don't like to put myself down as much as anyone else, but I don't think this is right lol. Chances are someone was utterly bored and couldn't think of anything else to do lol Well I'll come back and recommend this to anyone else if my amazing date on sunday goes well :P:P:P I'm so nervous already lol, basically killing myself :E
  18. Well Life is what you make of it. Depending on your outlook of what is happening and what you want / feel inclined to do it can change your character. If you aren't comfortable doing it then decided not to. Of course other people's opinions are important too, but no matter what path you take, whether you don't go out on a date until you're 18 or whether you are a total "ladies man" and they're crowding round you, the sort of girls you make friends with will also change accordingly. And those people who are different probably don't notice either as their friends match their behaviour / feeling about life. I say enjoy it. I am 16 and I am going on my first ever "proper date" this sunday. Heck, I used to have a good friend who was a girl, but I don't really remember much as looking back it was a long time ago, I enjoyed her company whilst it lasted until she moved away. Having spent the last week talking and chatting to this new girl, I feel so happy to have waited till I have found the right person. We share so much and usually I would be so shy, but I am just comfy talking to her. She changes everything and I hope it lasts, even if it doesn't I feel so much fulfilled. Do what you want, when you want. You know when you will be ready and it will shape your future and your overall behaviour so much (probably for the better).
  19. WOW! nice... you can say that again... I like it so much I had to slap myself with a wet fish! (oh no wait that was just George ) Old Hag...
  20. Welcome to the forum... Unfortunately I have no clue about PHP... But I do Hope you have a good answer! I think you'll find those replies coming pleasantly quickly... Just keep watching your posts!! they expand and keep doing so
  21. Well I do Not want to disagree as I think You raised Some Good points, along with all the other replies too... interesting... Its not often I have the chance to ponder something properly. Thanks so much for that. Anyhow I was brought up to be christian... (well not exactly so I may disagree) Every weekend I would go to church just because my parents did...I really had no take in the say... anyway by going to church I actually believeed myself to be a christian for a very large part of my life... and to have something good to look forward too was immensly purposeful. Because of this I enjoyed sunday school and enjoyed the company of so many people who I could have fun around... This was followed by my involvement (now voluntary) in going to holidays at christian camps with good friends I had made from the church every week. I now consider myself to be an athiest. I do not believe there is a god... perhaps there is but what I learnt from everything is that we're all going to hell as nobody's perfect. Might as well enjoy it whilst it lasts. Believe what you want to believe. I may have been lucky that My parents werent strict and forced me to do communion or religous acts or whatever... Just going to church changed the way I will behave for ever. In a Good Way. There were many times when I really had a huge sense of Adrenaline / belief or happiness / or just overall enjoyment of life when I felt that there was a huge presence there and this was due mostly to the friends I had developed, not because I was forced upon by the "christian beliefs" that I now do not take for anything. I will accept those that believe whatever they want to believe. That is their choice. But I do think that being brought up in a specific way of life to have a certain purpose and morals (as of any religion) is extremely beneficial, if not for bring religious, but for meeting people and making friends and just having a say in things rather than roaming around Slough with loads of Pike friends. (Apologies to whomever involved). So To conclude, I think it is not right to just have one way or belief and yes it is perfectly fine for parents to do as they see fit and to involve you in a specific religion / watever it may be as even if you are forced to undertake the rituals etc. You do not have to think that you believe. You can think what you want to and also just use the oppertunity to meet and get a new perspective on life from some different people,whether they happen to be a suicide bomber of a black friend or just the "normal" guy from Klataboo. It helps change your character, I would say for the better. (I knew a guy called Josh who also was forced to come to church by his parents. we became good friends. It was good, we had some fun. Then he decided it wasn't for him and never turned up again in an act of rebellion.) Now he Does Roam Staines with his Pikey friends and he is happy doing what he enjoys. Good For Him) What is the point of a way of life if you don't enjoy it. Being forced to believe certain things can make you moe aware to the other perspectives or on the other hand can show you a way of life that you will enjoy and accept as a big part of your life. So I believe that no bad can come of it.)
  22. You gotta be nice to her - talk to her help her out etc. Just keep complimenting her even If ya get nothing back... Then perhaps she will accept yaI'm finding that stuff really is working at the moment
  23. Well I have Known of the best proxifying script - projectjim.co.uk; just go to the page through "Prox. Access" link. Go to It here... The Best Site Ever Invented Only just got it running so shouldn't be blocked by any websense stuff yet... P.S. If it has been please PM me and I'll try to do something about it lol.
  24. I think your overall complaint was a bit one sided, but anyhow I think you hit that bang on the nose! Nicely said JasperIk...
  25. WOW thanks - I feel enlightened already... I have only ever had two viruses and they were at the same time... I got them off a CD - it was a properly bought 'rayman' CD. I couldn't believe it! it stumped me because then every copy made in that same batch would have a virus... Norton detected it (love norton by the way - stopped me downloading 2 viruses from Morpheus, but you can avoid em mostly by just being sensible - I mean... cmon... is something really oging to be "Age of empires 5000 Never before released, the best version known to man, 100kb, exe file) And no i'm not making up the rayman CD stuff, I scanned the disk too and sure enuf it contained a pretty nasty virus... Unfortunately tho the rayman was installed and it took me ages to get rid of the virus file... permanently in use so I had to delete it through MS-DOS and delete things from the registry . Norton is great... you just start downloading something and it stopes it immediately and tells ya too whilst actually being able to delete it (many other scanners AV software won't be able to delete anything...) Better than my friend's 49 Sasser / Korgo Worm / Virus Combo on his comp. No wonder his motherboard snapped in half tho . Nah... that was just a flying shoe!!!
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