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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. In my opinion everything about that is wrong. There is a difference between "fun" and slacking off.if it was more enjoyable, you would remember much more, be more successful, make it less of a waste of time, which in turn would make it extra enjoyable and be an incentive! also, it would minimise time staring at the wall with the clock on...!
  2. Now it is possible to get a proper VISA debit card when you are 16. No more of these rubbish solo or VISA Electron cards nobody takes.It didn't used to be possible as the long delay times made it easy to go overdrawn, but now the transaction is fast, there is little risk. Thats why the older types are being phased out, but most banks definitely havn't gone along with it yet... In order to go overdrawn you'd probably have to sprint between two shops next to each other and swipe something off the shelf, barge to the front of the queue and whack the card in the machine to do it!So far I have noticed only Lloyds TSB (the one with the horse logo) is the only bank to offer a proper card like this when your 16 - and its one of those colourful, nice looking ones too!other banks still give electron, solo or not at all :PEnjoy!
  3. Very true... I used to get this really ALL the time, but now I'm older I don't experience it; on a significantly less frequent basis... interesting to hear someone else say that!! very interesting. All very accurate ideas. I would go as far as to say I agree 99.9% i would have given 100%, but I may just be re-thinking this, and so in a few hours i may have decided that I do not agree! Especially the matrix one. Those films really hit me as I can get the entire idea into my head and it could well be an explanation to everything...! Interesting topic. I shall follow this one sorry, but I don't agree. For example, if in my previous life I was a bug, how would the situations I feel deja vu in now, such as walking along a part of a street or past a certain person take place, since a bug has a really different perspective, different view of "seeing things" and massively larger sizes of everything - just doesn't seem to be a valid argument... sorry !
  4. Hmmm.. what can I say. Well, for one, i don't really agree completely with the statement. I agree with a few of the other people who have said that veggies would be lacking some essential nutrients from the meat. And to be honest 5 points on an IQ system is not really much of a conclusive result at all, considering the unspecified stuff that IQ tests, apart from really time consuming ones that would not have been used in a study like this, can contribute well more than 5 points to the entire correct "result" And just to clarify a few other things: The majority / basis of mathematics can be owed to those amazing greeks! and trees (could) be considered meat eaters! - many of the minerals they need / aquire come not only from sunlight (hence photosynthesis) but others are vital, and some of these will come from the decomposed remains of animals / bugs etc.! and on a different note, i don't think it would be reasonable to clone them, because what makes "them" them would be lost - their personality - the way they rub themselves on you (or not!) and everything else. The only thing that would be SIMILAR is their appearance; not something peole have associated with the idea of cloning...
  5. LOL! I have exactly the same problem and its quite severe! That could have been a joke, but, seriously! its a great idea ^^ If i unplugged it, I'd just think about it even more than if it wasn't (not a lot!) and end up going back 20 mins later and plugging it back in. This is the perfect solution, although it could prove costly I shall see if i can bargain for some "mail" problem sorting cash...! cheers
  6. Apologies if this is not in the right area; Would one of the admins / moderators etc. kindly remove my old hosting application page please, or in fact just removing my email address from there would be fine as that is the problem! I think that spambots are collecting my email adress from this as I manage to unsubscribe to all the spam, I get a bit of a break and it all comes back! here it is: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35495-free-web-hosting-projectjim-free-website-projectjimcouk/ Thanks for the help, James. Notice from saint-michael: Done.
  7. I have used intels for a long time with them in the desktop computer in my house and two laptops up to now. Im my opinion AMD is better to go with. They seem to be more trustworthy, reliable and powerful and as korin said, they are never behind, always slipping in front with the better engineering.Plus, for another thing I'd rather not support intel, feel like going with a different company!!!
  8. Great Quote! - Applies to many things, it is something worth remembering!
  9. Anyone that feels like adding BushFluff is quite welcome!LOL see ya in there
  10. Mega LOL! lol these are just too good.The chips would be really cool. You'd never lose the remote, and keys would practically become obsolete! you could really spook some people with it!
  11. This is one in depth topic that I think is difficult to agree on a side but,It should not be illegal, but it should be "frowned upon" by society. I believe this would be the best situation to leave the topic of suicide in.I by no means do not think of it this simply, but I think this is an answer that is definitely one of the better ones to the debate, that I happened to come across and it is fairly simple.I was about to extend this with some reasoning, or the lack of; to support this and other options. There are other ways too, but this is my contribution :-| and I think it says something to just leave it at this.!
  12. I would say I play games quite a lot, get fairly little exercise except walking to/from lessons (big school) and cycling in (7 min journey) every morning. i eat what I want, when i want, and unfortunately it seems that the only "easy to get" food available out of meal times is the fatty stuff. I churn it down. Nevertheless, i am still slightly underweight and not fat at all.I think that there is really no correlation at all between games and overweightness, its just "one of those things" that has spawned out of somewhere, that noone knows, but it was just taken as "true" because it was the obvious assumption.James.
  13. The "bug" argument is now done over. I don't know how authentic the reports are but I can argue first hane that my xbox 360 (this christmas edition) has not frozen, overheated and it has been on many hours solid, being played each day. The newer models are supposed to run cooler too The graphics are on par The power is on par, but the xbox 360 system is easier to implement into games rather than the ps3's special cores that have to be run in order, not at the same time. So current games are lacking on the ps3, they should improve with time though. The online service is much better and the dashboard / desktop idea works really well with everything and the xbox live service. You can access your music / videos easily over a network to play them / listen whilst playing a game. I'd go with the Xbox 360, its been out for a while, wider game range, most good xbox1 games are backwards compatable (halo2 is only Ł9.99 now!) and its cheaper, plus the controller is better. The ps3 controller is just a remake of the ps2 controller and I can say the xbox 360 is more comfy than the ps2 one I tried to be as even / unbiased as possible for this so it actually means something.!
  14. It should work fine with almost every router available. It comes with a cable to connect it via wires, but if you want it wirelessly in another room, say, you can get the xbox 360 wireless adapter fairly cheaply that connects in the back and allows you to join almost any wireless network.You can configure encryption settings through the menu when you start it up so it should work with any wireless network too even protected, encrypted ones.It does not matter whether your wireless network is B, G or A, as this only stands for the speed it transmits(all are reasonable speeds, but if you want have the best setup, go for the fastest of course !)Wired connection is even faster though.! :PI have it going wired through my own router a random brand one and it works perfectly. just plug it it, itll detect it and it works straightaway!
  15. Thanks everyone for the replies! really interesting.can't say that I'm disappointed with the result though...! I WIN :P it appears that you cannot have water in a perfect vacuum.I wonder if water could exist in a near vacuum like in space...? (oustide of a spacecraft of course!)
  16. Nice thread!, i had an atari, it was ridiculously fun with its joystick and those cartridges! if this counts as a computer; i'm going to find the specs now...! Here they are: i think it was the XE/L SERIES but I can't be sure, apparantly it had 130,000 bytes of memory!!!!! what a BEAST! but my god, was it fun upon further investigation I found it was not this one, but a less powerful one! I still cannot identify it but its one of the beige coloured ones shown here: maybe it was the 1040ST or the 260ST???! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (sorry if linking is not allowed)
  17. OK, myself and a few friends have had some pretty annoying debates in our time, all very amusing, such as which is heavier a horse or a cow, but there is one that just keeps coming up and is ridiculously annoying!The question is can you have water in a vacuum???!I expect we are arguing about the liquid form although if it is a solid, or a gas, I expect the same rules to apply as the pressure may make it take a single form before whatever happens. (please correct me if I'm wrong!) But for all intensive purposes it involves the liquid water! (H2O, pure)I do not believe it is possible. My reasoning is that if water is in there, then by definition it is no longer a vacuum, so this is not possible. Or the pressure may cause it to split into hydrogen and Oxygen, which would be expelled as the vacuum is formed!.On the other side, his argument, ridiculous if I may say so, is that if you can have pure gold in a vacuum you can have water in it too. LOL. (he does not know if you can, but i would be interested to know if that is possible also!!)Please speak up for however you think the theoretical situation would play up and whether you think it is possible!cheers.
  18. I don't know why, but if you're giving some away, then I'd greatly appreciate it!, trying to get my hosting back up as it fell apart :/thanks - i want free credits!
  19. i intend to come back and edit this post up or put another one here when I have the time...! But i thought I'd just put in a little word. I got an xbox 360 this december, and it was a choice between that and the nintendo wii. The PS3 was just so expensive and after extensive research I am convinced it will not be worth the hefty pricetag in comparison. Actually to clear up the specs thing. The Xbox is actually much better performer and (dare I say it), slightly more powerful. Along with this, the performance will really be shown as the ps3's processors are hard to incorporate fully into games and such titles. This is because, they cannot run at the same time. each processor core has to run in order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. because of this it is lacking at the moment in games that take advantage of the power (which is very closely matched to the xbox - number of cores is just not comparable if you have done that.) Anyway, in response to his post above about using a mouse on FPS games, I agreed entirely until I got the xbox. With my Ł35 mouse I was a proud owner, as it really was lightning fast and games with a mouse just didn't compare to the PS2's gamepad. But the xbox really is amazing! i never thought I'd be sniping people so quickly! The pad really is extremely responsive, but not lacking at all on precision. The size is a fairly good all rounder and the wireless is great (wireless on the other consoles too). The speed online games progress is testimony to this... The controls are implemented extremely well (expecially Call of Duty games) and the rumble is great (although I have not been a fan on every other console I owned, it just seems to be much better used and a better "rumble" feel, if you know what i mean!) The Wii almost had me for the "fun" factor and it looked great! no doubt in a few months / years I shall buy one.. maybe the wii 2 if they produce one. I only decided against it as there were a few titles that I was really looking forward to, but according to reviews the graphics were really lacking and the screenshots didn't look too great... unfortunately the wii has the ability to look amazing, just some games have been rushed and there seem to be no "perfect" game that utilises both reasonable graphics or controls, just one or the other. I agree this may be down to preference though. it is very sleek looking and is just great for family get-togethers, with friends or just "fun", as consoles should be. Enough from me!, hoped this helped.
  20. Thats pretty much right! its just a little approximation as you could expect. The other day I was browsing and came across a very good review about the pros / cons of dual and single core. To sum it up it is clear that if you are not a ***very*** avid gamer then dual core is best, but if you are going to be hardcore gaming then a fast single core tops it because of your style of using the computer. Dual core performs significantly better (than a processer of the same speed) if you are just using a few programs at once, multiple things at once like listening to music, burning a CD and browsing the net. I play games quite a lot, and I find that it does improve very slightly when I play, although I tend to have music running in the background. This is compared to my other HP laptop as well that is single core... SO, FOR ALL INTENSIVE PURPOSES DUAL CORE IS A GREAT IMPROVEMENT ... Hope this helped! I'll try top find the article and post the link up on here...!
  21. Jimmy

    Test Photo

    WOW thanks its almost all natural, just a bit of contrast in microsoft image viewer I can send you the full image if you want, its better for backgrounds. There are others as good / maybe better! I had a good holiday!!! I was very lucky a few weeks ago. My hard drive broke, only two months old. I thought this pic I posted was the only one I had left (its cropped down by the way) but I had copied everything to my ipod!!! might post another... Heres another of my top ten as I say, I have the high-res if anyone wants for a background or something!
  22. Yep knoppix is a good way to recover the stuff on your drive, But about you not getting a recovery CD, are you able to contact dell, I'm sure theyd send you one (although they may charge for it) another option is to just take your hard drive into a PC shop for a day or two and get them to recover the files for you, it may cost about Ł60 though. - Don't use PCworld for this. They only damage your drive beyond recovery. Not even their largest branches are any good. good luck James
  23. Thats a very good idea, and I'd like to know how to do that. Is there a simple way to do this or do you have to be a supergod to hack the darn thing! Appreciate advice on how to set registry password. (maybe quick new tut thread???) James
  24. i think theyre cool, sleek looking. Easy on the eyes and clear too.If I was you I'd be handing out the "post *...*" label a bit too often
  25. WOW! Thanks biscuit! I'd really appreciate that. I guess I'll have to get a slightly better idea of colours and logos for the site, i did find some cool looking navbars, but trouble was I made em with a free trial and only first three links work, but they look good I'll get back to you guys and gals with something a bit more specific. Catch me anytime with mcguirje{at}wellingtoncollege.org.uk!*EDIT* - Unfortunately I'm gonna have to re-format first hard drive. got a nasty recurring dialer / trojan (and other viruses that I seem to have fixed completely) those just won't go away . So I'll be off for a day or two... I won't have left this thread, I'll be back!I'm definitely gonna have some meat for the vent - I made the mistake of clicking ignore future ones, so now I have to manually delete those B-**** virus files every 5 minutes. gaarhrrrrrrrggghhhhh!!!!!.Good news however is that because it cannot wait any longer, I'll be back on much sooner. YAY!P.S. Biscuitrat, I like ur site, and those others you made, you must be pretty good at design in general... oh and hows the trombone going? I too play that cool, cool, lump of brass :PC ya'll Later and thanks once again for the support
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