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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. On fairly extensive testing, I am unsure as to whether the invisitec protection programs do what they say they do, as per the online demo, hosted by them. I can easily get the file by saving as web page complete, it is saved along with two other files. Simple... also, the link to the full resolution image is easily visible in the source code and print screen works. Please hold off from buying this in the mean time, I have e-mailed them about it and I will see what they say There are some dedicated programs out there to help people out on this matter. I was trying to do this with my photos, as I didn't want anyone copying my (decent!!!) photographs. Of course you won't be able to stop anyone completely (i.e. very computer literate hackers), but for the purpose the security of a dedicated encryption program will work fine. The best way would be to use a program that encrypts the file on your server. This prevents anyone using print screen or saving the image and makes it extremely difficult to use, whilst letting them view the image as normal. I'm not sure what it does with the cache of the file (the file gets saved on the user's computer for quick loading etc - standard thing with images), The program description says that it is only viewable in the browser on your site only, once it goes anywhere else it becomes unusable. Do a search on google and find respectable looking ones LINKS REMOVED: During testing of the ones I linked to, I found that in firefox the images were easily accessible. Sorry for no links! Please do test out the software first using their demo pages. They all do essentially the same thing, but seem to be very useful and worth the money for a proper program. If you are serious or even semi-serious about protecting your artwork, ?40 or so is not much to ask. Yess... what sun said below, disabling right click is annoying, and doesn't help at all, because there are shortcuts that everyone knows anyway! May I suggest watermarking (what most of the hi-profile image companies do); that is, putting a semi-see-through overlay (probably white or grey in colour) on your image that saye copyright © 2007 <your name>, from <your web adress>. The best position to put this is in the middle of the image or NOT right on the edge, where it is easy to remove! - of course there is a fine line between an acceptable mark and one that spoils the artwork
  2. jay... Don't change the fonts!!! They really are excellent and go superbly with the theme. The entire thing is nice and bright! And michelper; I'm sorry, but I disagree about the yellow in there. I reckon it goes really nicely. Just my opinion... but withought it the page would look too blue! As has been said already it looks so slick with the nice rounded edges and 2.0 look Regarding web validation; My firefox page validator shows no doctype declaration and it would also like alt text for the image tags. It is fine to add alt="" to them, to prevent the alternate text appearing on mouseover! Also... it shows you forgot to close the <ul> that begins on line 55 and probably should end before the div on line 155!! Thats about it regarding the code stuff... I may be wrong on both counts! just suggestions
  3. I would say we are talking about this one...And I would agree with you it is bad, you made a very good point about the hard drives, but these are not the only parts to suffer. Fans can lose life by being instantly shut off and also the main chip doesn't do too good having instant power / usage changes. Software can get corrupted too, with files being unproperly saved, just cut off, things being accessed...! Its just not great for the comp - pressing the button once to turn off is fine!
  4. Try cutephp. its completely customisable and only really generates the text code inside divs. all of which is changable. you can add a class or id to the div that is automatically generated to get it to fit with your css :lol:Its very nice give it a go.
  5. I can honestly say cutenews is great! Its very clean and simple, but it also can be tailored to your site easily.The integration is the best part. It is so simple to integrate with 3 lines of php code (three short lines that is!) but can be so easily configured. And its standalone php files, no mysql databases either. Give it a go, see if you like it. I've integrated it with my site (have a look round the blog pages and all the different blog sorted pages. You can choose to set it up how you like it!): projectjim It supports easy image upload, longer "full story" modes and comments by visitors, or whoever you tell it to allow. It also has smilies as you'd expect!
  6. what! You say its not possible to iron out a computer with vista installed on it?If you bring me one I can iron it out for you *can't guarantee it will continue to work though!!**
  7. Unfortunately that video didn't work for me, but really... I'm not surprised about the whole Ms copy Apple buisiness.But you know what really gets me, Microsoft won the patent for the ipod circular scroll wheel!!! I really don't know if they'll have the balls to follow it up, but cmon. That is Apple's thing and they must be quite annoyed over that.I'll wait a bit and get vista (maybe with a newer, desktop this time, PC) when it has been ironed out and perfected!
  8. Well... Jimmy... I suppose my username is pretty obvious! just a different way of writing James :lol:I was surprised when I was thinking of usernames that jimmy wasn't already taken so I snapped it up rightaway!I reckon it has a certain "ambiance" to it!
  9. Yep... thats the problem with digging up older threads... Snildude hasn't been seen for a while.This sounds liike it would be a nice idea.. I may try to get another one set up if I have time o_o If anyone else wants to start a "webring" of the kind, just continue here!!!
  10. Well, I always used to get that message until I set up my firewall to allow the ports. I don't know much either. I simply followed the step by step instructions on their site.There should be a link on the downloader somewhere when it says you're behind a firewall, for more info or something. Follow it.Or just have a look round the WOW site in the support area... You'll find it!
  11. Love everything! Keep it going :D

  12. Hows it going!?

  13. I don't think he meant free games he was saying that he just wants to kno of some cool games around. Price is no problem, just say the best games!You could try Rome: Total War - thats a pretty good game,another is the settlers IV - thats number 4; its a great game, fairly old but seriously fun :lol:Call of duty 3 has a really nice single player, but if you want an online shooter instead go for call of duty 2 is better
  14. Honestly the XBOX 360 is Awesome. Go for that. I guarantee you won't be dissapointed!Also, its a much better use of your money ~Dave... you forgot to mention Call of Duty 2!!! this has to be one of the most fun online (and single player games around). Once you've done the single player, the online just takes you away - In fact I'm going to play it right now. See Ya!!
  15. I'd love to review your site!!! One problem... It doesn't seem to work! Probably because you havn't uploaded your index file.. I just get a list of the files in your directory... tried them all but none are the first page Get it working and I'll give it another go
  16. Hmmm... the thing about this was if you have a html page, and you need to insert a small bit of php, instead of forcing you to change everything to xhtml standard or re-write your site as php and put it in, you can simply do this and it will work fine. As above, you're really describing the same thing, just in a different way (where it can be done with .htm and .html files instead of php files with a different extension) !As Jim said, It would technically make everything slightly slower, but unless your pages are > 100K and your querying huge databases, you really won't notice the difference Dotasif: Glad I could be of help ! Its really nice to know someone benefited already from this Shadowx: Nope, it gives no error (that I'm aware of!!) And simply does what it says on the tin .
  17. Whilst searching around for help to setup cutenews blog I came across a way to use php in html pages - lo and behold it works! so I thought I'd share it with you all (Unfortunately I can't remember the site so I wrote this up a couple of minutes after I did it:) ). This method requires a web server with apache installed. So, luckily for us all this covers the whole of Xisto... even Qupis Just to make the point, this is in no way a difficult task and it doesn't require you to change your pages at all and you don't even have to rename them .php. (This works for web files saved as both .htm and .html) So Step 1 - Find the .htaccess file in the "public_html" root directory on your server. Step 2 - Now, open the .htaccess file here with notepad - you can use the cpanel editor too - and add the following code to the file: (If the file is not there create a new, empty file in notepad or another text editor and save it as ".htaccess" - Upload this and continue ) (If like me you have never done anything with this file it should be empty) RemoveHandler .html .htm AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html Step 3 - Save it and your done! Thats it Now whenever you need to use php code, simply write it into the document and it will recognise the content as php and use it as you intended! This is a sample code of what you have to do in your page... Nothing! Simply put the code in and Bob's your uncle > <html> <head> <title>Php Test Page</title> </head> <body> <div> <?php echo "This Really Does Work!"; ?> </div> </body> </html> And the best thing is... Your html pages still validate! so you don't have to decide between ease of use and getting you pages to validate; you can have it all Hope this helped someone out.. It certainly helped me out
  18. Qupis is all great and I do really think it works nice.Unfortunately I have terminated my hosting with it due to one or two problems (that may or may not affect quite a few of the users)Trouble is not the ad. But what the ad changes on the page.I was happy with the hosting until I tried to use a blog rss feed through an external site. (feedburner and a couple of others)the ad is put into every file you upload onto the server, and this means it is put into every individual wordpress .php file on there.Including the rss and atom feed pages. This invalidates the file, so when you try to use it through one of the external servers it gives you an error that the feed isn't validated.Also on the blog page, you get 2 copies of the ad, one at the bottom of the blog content and one just blow that under the wordpress logo and copyright information. Also, a third one is added to the most recent activity (permanently) seeing as the script for the ad runs after every modification!Its a shame I had a problem with the wordpress, but a nice hosting site.although a very nice thing is that when you save a file previously uploaded to the qupis server it removes that code that it added and puts the file back as it was..!! :lol: extroadinary.This is a nice service. Enjoy!
  19. And as has been mentioned it would be a great Idea. I would buy it if it wasn't stupidly priced. Voice activation would not be difficult there are already thousands of programs to do this, with (I reckon) a few open source programs that could be implemented withought too much cost. Also, think that bluetooth voice control is already done cheaply and successfully. This is proof that is is not difficult to to. The OS would be very simple as explained in the quote above, and the programs could easily be put on said os, no trouble at all. Ipod support could be added to make it much better, choice of favorite songs whilst youre in the shower..! wow! Groove Armada in the morning. The only difficulty I can imagine is implementing the water control and monitoring systems. The most difficult one to do would be to get it to know when the source of hot water is going to run out. I'm not really sure where you could start to do this. I think you should let the Xisto members test out the finished product and keep it for free please!
  20. Google is great.I think this is mainly down to how clean the entire site is and the way google has succeededBeing successful has allowed google to branch everywhere on the web and expand their services to cover everything from youtube to free translator, to google earth and the best search on the planet.Also, they take a dim view of those who try to cheat their search systam and because of this is means that their system succeeds and functions well, without being snozwangled by annoying people who think their site should come up 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th in the search restults table.The search manages to find what you want almost all of the time and is much better than the other search providers, which I havn't used in over three years. Google has everything you need right there on their home page. And the best thing is... its free!It it great as google is well managed and cleanly styled. These are the most important things in a search and the branches that google has made to expand the ease of use. They are constantly releasing new things as well for example; google desktop (which is great) and customisable and puts everything you want there, in a convenient place. Also google earth is a significant piece of free software 3D map. It is groundbreaking in its own right and being free just makes everything better. And really those pieces of software are certainly not the only ones google has developed for us!!! the end user. We are why they do it and the money they get from advertising allows them to continue to make great things free of charge to us :lol:So to conclude, the best reason why google is so great is that it makes everything convenient, good looking and covers most of the web things that people use. but the most important thing is that the services remain free. As in another thread here at Xisto, we all concluded that a lot of people would stop using google if it were to suddenly need subscriptions and cost.
  21. I would say your best option is to reinstall windows. By the sound of it your computer has already become severely clogged.It is often difficult to remove two viruses completely, let alone 150 bundled everywhere. Also as you're trying to remove them it will take a lot of time and you may never be able to restore the speed and performance you had before, with missed registry entries and everything they all changed.Just remember to get off all the files that you need and make a list of all the programs you have currently (makes reinstalling everything back on easier).Important if you are backing up files: by the time you come to put them back onto your clean system, make sure you scan them with some virusscanner or put them onto someones's computer who has and can then check if they are clean.You don't want to be putting viruses back onto your system.!! :lol:Good luck
  22. To be honest, nowadays laptops are so good, there is little need for a desktop for day-to day use.#Only those who want DEDICATED power for individual purposes such as HDTV editing (for standard video editing a fairly recent laptop is more than enough anyway. This is because they are so good nowadays.And the apple mac laptops are more powerful enough to allow hi-tech audio peeps to do their work that requires studio equipment, without having to have a large destop in that room as well. I'm typing this on a laptop in the sitting room right now... If I had a desktop I couldn't sit on the comfy sofa.. Who would not want that!!! :lol:Yes, for mega expandability a desktop is better, but seriously, with the huge range and customiseability of laptops, which everyday user actually needs this. I can just plug something else into a card bay... more firewire ports fine. External audigy audio firewire soundcard, got it. more hard drive; fine. firewire it into me.more power. Fit me some more RAM. Games; a new laptop can tackle the new and all old games perfectly well (with everything on high settings as well). The versatility of a laptop is so, so, so, so much better. Honestly, there are very few things a desktop computer would be wanted for nowadays.I would say laptop all the way for me, or if you can afford it, both.Get the best of both worlds.Have you looked at the price of high-end desktops nowadays...? ?2000 for a reasonably decent one. The price of laptops has fallen considerably close to desktops (performance compared) Due to the huge demand by consumers.
  23. Lol good point, I have a non-flip phone at the moment, the k750i. Pretty standard as you all know. I would actually go with a flip phone When I need to change my current one. Flip Phones: (Usually) A lot more stylish than the normal, single block phones that everyone has. They are convenient in that they flip up (and that makes you look cool if you can do the proper flick with the wrist!!! The buttons don't get pushed - Not an issue for me as I don't tend to get this problem when the phone is in my pocket.. (although on most of the flip phones they have the camera button on the side. Big mistake. Many, many people have problems with this, just getting tapped constantly when in a pocket and having thousands of blank, black photos filling up the memory on the phone. Unfortunately they do tend to be thicker, as they have to cram everything into a smaller vertical space, so that when unfolded it doesn't look like the eiffel tower... This means that they do bulge in your pocket a bit more I know someone will now reply saying "but the motorola is very thin". Yes this is exactly my point. Because they had to make it thin, they had to expand it upwards and outwards instead. This makes it the same width and height as a normal, non flip phone that is actually about the same width. And with a normal phone, as said by rejected, they can't snap in half anywhere near as easily as your average flip phone. and due to the connections running through the hinge, standard phones tend to last much longer. The convenience is pretty close to, for example, say you took it out of your pocket to check something (e.g. messages or time) with a normal phone you could just look at the screen (and then begin typing straaight away if needs be) but ... with a flip phone you have to take it out, unflip it and look again on the more detailed screen to check what the message actually said, (rather than just seeing you had a logo for messages on the outer screen) Only then can you Although it may seem easier to those people with a flip phone, because they like it, in the long run it actually isn't. Normal phone gets it for convenience and thickness control. So its pretty close anyway, and just down to personal choice. If you want one that lasts get a normal phone. If you want one that looks slightly better, get a flip phone.
  24. Hmmm I think its pretty nice... The scan lines look fine and dandy to me and they do make the overall thing look much better! In fact i like it... And I would probably use it in second place to the one I'm using now The only ripping I want to do to you and your shabby template! is that the vertical border blocks are pretty thick If you split them in half and keep only one side (they do kinda fall into two halves there anyway with the way you scan lined them...) then it would look perfect. So, just split those vertical borders in half and voila you have yourself a nice looking template
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