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Everything posted by Blacklaser

  1. I have only used the newest version and I didn't have any problems with it. All the documents I converted used tables, unusal margins and one even had flipped text. The output was flawless. Maybe I haven't come across the problems yet, but so far there have been none.
  2. This is a great sig. Good composition and nice colors, a bit too grainy for my taste but that's probably just me.
  3. For all those who can't afford Acrobat, I found this little tool which can create PDF files from almost any format. PDFCreator installs as a printer and thus can easily produce PDFs from any Office Software. Best of all it's free and easy to use but still allows advanced configuration. Overall this is a really great tool and it works for almost everything you need. All thumbs up for this. Notice from mayank: Edited topic title
  4. The thing is I want to use it mostly for spontaneous transfers. Say both parties are online and talking about something and suddenly one goes "Hey, you gotta see this" and then send it over immediately.
  5. Problem is most of my friends don't use mIRC and DCC is a pain to set up behind a router and most of my friends have one.
  6. Hey all, I'm looking for a small but simple tool, to exchange files with friends and family. I know that all IM programs have built in file-sharing capability but that is not quite enough for me. All I need is a little tool which would allow resumes and possibly secure (encrypted) transfers. What I'm looking for is kind of like FTP but server and client in one program and very simple to set up. For those of you who know what WASTE is, it comes pretty close but it would be good if it also would allow unsecured transfer just for ease of use. I'd love to use WASTE, but development stalled and they never actually got stable transfers working so it's pretty useless. Any ideas? recommendations?
  7. Nice work, just a suggestion for your websites, try integrating the navigation bar better into the sites, I personally feel like the navigation bar is kind of the "black sheep" in your websites.
  8. You'd be amazed at what a thick blanket can save you. I generally prefer it cool in the house, so during winter I set the heat to about 58 degrees Fahrenheit and whenever I'm not doing any physical activity, such as watching tv, sitting in front of a pc, a thick blanket does wonders. For other activities such as cooking or cleaning 58 is enough for me.
  9. I agree with truefusion, everybody should make up his own mind without beeing brainwashed into thinking only one religion is right.
  10. Edit: I noticed Goosestaf's posted while I was writing my reply, I agree 100% with him.In my opinion Christianity and the Bible can go right down the drain with all other religions. Faith is something personal and should not be forced onto other poeple, which is what religious poeple do, they don't get off the back of poeple who differ in opinion from so called "non-believers". O course this is a broad generalization and there are exceptions. But if one looks at the history and evolution of religion, it has done more bad than good to the world and it still is doing more bad than good. Faith is very personal and it should stay that way. Poeple who need to convince other poeple how right and better there believes are, belong right down the toilet with religion, because essentially that is what religion is: brainwashing of the masses. Personally I don't need religion to tell me what is right and wrong, as free mind I can form my own opinions and decide to lead a "good" life without harming anybody around me. Religion, by dictating me my belives takes away that freedom.Yes some poeple actually are inspired by what they read in the Bible or the Koran, or any other such book and some poeple actually make some good out of it, but most poeple don't and a lot of poeple (a whole lot more than those who do good) use the holy books to justify their acts of ignorance and intolerance. If you have faith in such and such God, fine, but keep it to yourself, respect my freedom of faith the same way I respect your freedom of faith. If your faith prevents you from doing such and such things, say an abortion, then don't do it but leave me alone, my faith is different and if I do it, as long as it doesn't affect you I have the right to follow my faith. Now poeple will say but I have the right of free speech and I can proclaim my opinion... yes, but this is not about the right to free speech, this is about respect and tolerance. Respect my faith as I respect yours. Religion, in most cases, takes away that respect for other poeple's faith.
  11. Well on my laptop I got an Alienware 15.4" widescreen and as desktop monitor I use a 19" iiyamaha SynchMaster 450 pro. Both of these are absoluetly amazing monitors.
  12. I don't think he/she/it really cares... this is obviously a spam post and I doubt it will ever sign in again.
  13. You probably won't be able to do that, your soundcard can only do so much and what you probably need is an amplifier for your speakers.
  14. I tend to agree with Mich too... not that I'm offended or anything but with the extreme word filters in place, that forum title is an insult to all members who try to stick to the rules and still get bleeped out because of the low tolerance filters.
  15. I am currently using bitdefender but I probably won't renew the license and go for a free program instead. bitdefender is very decent, especially because it integrates anti-virus and firewall. But there are a few points which led me to become more and more unsatisfied over time:It oftentimes needs to restart after an update, but the "ask for restart" option is buggy and it keeps randomly restarting the pc after updates without asking or letting you know, which can be very annoying. So I had turn of the automatic update option.Also it could be a bit more configurable, I miss some more advanced options.Overall bitdefender is a great program and all-in-one solution, but the restarting problem is a real turnoff for me, since I oftentimes needs to have my pc running without restarts.
  16. Exactly, also I can't see why a professional woul bother going through the trouble of having their work exposed on a as of now completely unknown site which creates virtually 0 exposure.
  17. Well I just glanced over it... sounds interesting so far. A couple things I noticed: - In the banner you might wanna use a different type for the URL, maybe a sans serif font to set it off from the background - I like the white background in Home, FAQ and Contact. If you could adjust the background of the Image gallery (possinly also the Forum) that would give it a more unified look too it.Other than that.. pretty sweet idea.
  18. Well I guess from my personal point of view as an amateur artist, if they are professionals already it may well be that they don't need to expose their work. If you work graphics for 8 to 10 hours a day and make a decent living off of that you might not need/want to spend the time to get your work further exposed. Even artists need a break sometime.Can you post the website url? I'd be very interested in it.
  19. DaeFenris is right, a lot of the multi-protocol programs also support IRC, I've only worked with Trillian. It works well for the basic stuff as he says, but it's not really a good solution for heavy users and/or ops. But there are free IRC programs out there one good example would be Xchat.
  20. Wow great list indeed, I have to agree with the others. Nice job.
  21. IRC is still around because it is a chat program, not a instant messenger. IRC basically allows a big group of poeple to chat with one another in a channel. This is fundamentaly different from the one-on-one conversations instant messengers provide, this means that both types of programs have their own right to exist, and no instant messenger will replace IRC, nor will IRC replace the instant messengers.There are a lot of free IRC clients out there, all you have to do is a little research on your own. Not all of them are quite as easy to get going with as mIRC, but you can always use the 30 day trial version of mIRC and then switch over to one of the free ones as soon as you ahve a basic grip on how to handle it.
  22. I used the model of the coin flip for two reasons: Because I'm lazy, wanted to save time, and because sandeep started off with that model, of course the extra color just makes the odds work even less in his favor. But you're absoluetly right, and your resposonse is by far the best in this thread, my respect (even though that is probably not worth a lot).
  23. Good, keep thinking about it... explore yourself and your body, but put the real thing off for a couple more years at least. A lot of poeple think they're ready when they really aren't, this is an important decsion, so consider talking to your parents or councellors about it.
  24. Thanks DefCrash.sandeep you don't have to convince me, I was merely pointing out that your theory is flawd as, if you go to a math forum or ask your teacher, will be confirmed. I did not imply anything about your mathematical skills. Oh and btw, if anything real life casinos are more random than an online ones for the simple fact that online casions use algorythms (which by definition are not random) to generate the results, any algorythm can at best produce pseudo-random results.
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