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The Many Ways To Bypas File Hosting Annoyances
Blacklaser replied to WORK's topic in General Discussion
I suggest somebody fire that tech, since what he told is totally wrong. On dial-up: Whenever you connect you get an IP, that IP is usually different everytime, depending on what IPs your provider has available at the moment of connection. You don't have 6 or 7 different IPs, that's bollocks. On dsl and cable two things can happen: either your provider has assigned you a static IP or your provider uses dynamic IP allocation. A static IP as the name says is static, meaning it doesn't change, and everytime you connect you get the same IP. This technique however is rarely used and often providers charge extra if a customer request such a static IP. Dynamic IP allocation works the same way as with dialup, everytime you connect you get a new IP, based on what your provider currently has available. The main point here is that you need to be disconnected, that means that oftentimes poeple shutdown their pc, but their router is still connected, thus their IP of course doesn't change. Also if you are using a router you effectively have 2 IPs, one identifying your modem on the internet (which is the same for every computer connecting through the same router/modem), and one IP to identify your computer with the router and that one is different for every computer connected to the same router. And btw changing your IP has nothing to do with reinstalling windows. Also the process listed by WORK only works for you computer's IP, not you router's IP. To disconnect your router/modem you usually need to go to it's control panel or just pull the plug. As soon as you disconnect your actual internet connection (dial-up or dsl or cable)you will get a new IP when you reconnect, unless of course your ISP has assigned you a static address, but which, as I said, is very rare unless you asked for one. -
@thelaw: a friend of mine was having the same problem, but we were not able to figure it out, it just sundenly stopped doing it.
Today patchou published Messenger plus! live on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, the new version of messenger plus! compatible with the latest Microsft Messenger. Plus! is a great addition for any Live Messenger users and you shouldn't miss it, here just a few features: Tabbed chatting Quick texts Custom sounds Personalized status I've been using it since it first came out and I can fully recommend it to everybody.
just a few facts: 1. The ark has not been found (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah%27s_ark) 2. There are multiple working explanations on how the image on the shroud formed and replicas have been made more than once https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shroud_of_Turin 3. your statement as to point 6 proves that you don't even understand the theory of evolution. shrimp don't live 40 years. their body shape is not going to revert back... their new shape has evolved over many generations and it's not just gonna change back, just like you won't suddenly developpe infrared vision, but over many many generations humans might if for some reasons cicumstances call for it (whateer those might be and I'm not saying we will, just a possible exemple). You don't even know the name of the "linen cloth that was wrapped around Jesus' dead body"... I stick to my very first statement of my last post... ludicrous...
That, by far, is the biggest Cee Ar Ae Pee I ever read...First: Evolution has not ben refuted Second: Evolution doesn't have "icons", it has evidence, incomplete evidence, but there is no evidence at all against it Third: Evolution does not follow a book, it is a scientifc theory, proposed by a man, Darwin, but nobody follows it blindly, it is constantly adjusting to fit the evidence at hand, also Darwinism and the theory of evolution are 2 slightly different things Forth: Abrahamic religions have illusions, nothing more, all evidence they have can be rationally explained without any doing of any god Fifth: Of course nothing will evolve before you naked eye... becuase you won't live long enough Sixth: In a german lake studies and DNA tests have shown that spcies of shrimp living in that lake have adapted since the 1960's to changing level of pollutants in that lake i.e. they have devleoped natural resistance against the pollutants and modified bodyshape to cope with the increased amounts of algae in the lake. This is a clear exemple of macroevolution since it deals with an mullti-celled organism who has developed a new bodyshape. Seventh: I suggest you get your facts straight Eighth: Of course Darwin's original work is full of flaws, but the overall idea is correct, the flaws have been corrected and been found to further support his theory
Evolution is not a religion... it is a scientific theory based on evidence, developed by a scientist after considering evidence he gathered. Intelligent Design on the other hand is a rewritten religious story and then somebody takes a huge *BLEEP*ing hammer to make the evidence fit. Of course some poeple will always defend evolution rigorously, even religiously, and if those poeple don't have the necessary knowledge it may seem like evolution is also juts another belive, but it ain't. And to point number [3], this is from an earlier post of mine:
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
lol I think you shouldn't have any problems finding 3 scientists.... and yeah the 7 days is just in case, one never knows what near-but-not-quite dead phenomena science hasn't discovered yet.P.S.: reliable scriptures? I don't consider something written from a very subjective ponit-of-view reliable (such as the aposteles, they probably have the most subjective p.o.v. possible). To be reliable, something needs to be as objective as possible. -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
You want me to believe something from a book written about a guy more than 30 years after he lived about 2000 years ago, translated transcribed and retranslated, partly lost, found modified and still going? Also poeple have been known to think someone is dead when they really aren't (probably the case with that boy) and reports of poeple buried alive (which may well be the case with Lazarus if there is anything to that story at all which I don't think.) can be found througout history. If you find me an exemple of a person clinically dead (no alpha and no beta brainwaves) for more than 7 days and resurrected afterwards with supervision of at least 3 independent scientists, I'll start considering it empirical proof of resurrection. -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
You're right of course it would contradict that but guess why nobody has ever been raised from the dead... and no I don't believe that Jesus was raised form the dead, there is NO empiric proof anybody has ever been raised from the dead. -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
Nope dead persons can't be aware of things, as soon as the complex network brakes down awareness stops. Study with eight (8) persons? pure coincidence -
Godaddy Domains For $ .79 thats right, 79 cents
Blacklaser replied to Blacklaser's topic in Websites and Web Designing
sorry about that -
Godaddy Domains For $ .79 thats right, 79 cents
Blacklaser replied to Blacklaser's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I can confirm, my 79 cent domain is up and running: w w w . D e s i g n J o u r n e y . n e t -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
[A] I agree, but then the survival instinct insead of us is very strong and I can understand how some poeple would want to live forever. actually a recent brtish study with over 1ooo poeple showed that prayer only helped if the poeple being prayed for were actually aware of it, and in that case it's easily explained as a psychological effect. [C]If you consider pure energy nothing, then there probably will be nothing in an electron. Once scientists understand better how energy transforms into matter it will be possible to better understand what happened at the big bang and how one can create something tangible from nothing non-tangible. -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
We won't know what predetermines them until we know what (and how it) caused the bigbang. Yes there seems to be a limit but we haven't found it yet, so far electrons (among with a very few others) are the only particles which scientists believe to be unsplitable. That's what I think too. -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
Yes the atoms never cease to interact with each other, sleep is just a state in which the network of those certain atoms forming our brain does not allow for concious thoughts and self-awareness. No, even after death the atoms keep interacting with each other, but the ueber-complex network they formed in our brain breaks down and doesn't function anymore, i.e. our mind ceases to work. It's basically like a short-circuited computer, the parts are still there but it doesn't work anymore, no calculations no nothing, no thoughts no self-awareness. You could probably compare sleep with rebooting of some sort, everything works but until the computer is booted up (read rested) it can't do anything else. No matter how strongly the atoms interact based on the law of every effect has a cause, every interaction is predetermined whether you believe yourself in control or not. As long as there is no exception to the law of cause and effect, everything form the big bang to the end of the universe is predetermined, whether or not you control a certain group of atoms or not. If you hit a key on your keyboard you "control" the atoms forming that key but that action has been predetermined ever since the big bang so really you're not "in control". It all depends on your point-of-view: from a human point of view, yes you are in control, from an external p.o.v. you're not. It has thus so happened that throgh the complex interactions of atmos in our brains we became self-aware and are thinking, but just because we think doesn't put us in control if all our thoughts are barely the interactions of atoms which have been predetermined ever since the world begam, basically following this theory based on a basic law of physics, everything you think has been predetermined and is basically the result of atomar and subatomar interactions, you thus have no free will it only seems to you like you do from your point of view. And the best part is: you can't beat the system because you're part of it, no outside influence, no breaking the system, even if you try to think something which has not been predetermined and if you take an action totally out of what you would normally it, it has been predetermined just like that, you're not aware of it but ever since the beginning it was clear that you would think or do just that. Unless there is some way to leave the system there is no beating it, one will never be able to achieve free will, no matter how much one is under the impression of it. Even this discussion would be predetermined word by word, dot by dot, and spelling error by spelling error, exactly like that. Alas there is hope... so far physics know of one exception to the law of cause and effect: emission of gamma rays seems to be truely random... unless of course some time soon physicists discover a quantum mechanism which allows for the predcition of gamma-ray emssion. Wicked isn't it? -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
If I had no will I wouldn't be aware of my restrictions so i wouldn't care. If you don't have freewill it doesn't matter, the only problem is if you have a free will and somebody restricts you from exercising it. So to answer the question: Frankly I don't care. We don't even know if we really have a free will: Following the very simple physics law of cause and effect (i.e. [/b]every[/b] effect has a cause)* all the atomic and sub-atomic interactions in our brain or everywhere around us are a direct consequence of the big bang, in other words: me writting this is the result of millions of years of interactions between atoms and whatnot and not a decision of my so-called free will. Of course we're unaware of it, but juts imagine it for one moment: every decision everybody has ever taken, every word everyone has ever said, every fart and every lost hair could be predcited with a big enough computer... and freewill and our imagination, our self-awareness is juts a byproduct of all that... and there's nothing we can do about it. Not a very pleasing idea is it? Do we really have a free will or do we just live under the impression of free will? Some poeple need God to answer that question from them, I can live and make the best out of my life for myself and others without and answer to questions such as that. I think that after death I will just not be no more, unaware of nothing, no soul going into heaven or whatever, just the way it was before I was born, my mind does not exist after death so neither do I, but even if I'm wrong and judgement day comes, my conscience (so far) is clean. The idea of non-existance after death is an ugly one, but I'm probably right, the world is ugly... some poeple need a god because they can't accept that idea... not my problem. -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
but if God did not create all he isn't all powerful and thus not a God... so he doesn't exist Also he gave us freewill... had he not given us freewill there would be no evil, se yeah he IS responsible -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
God created mankind... right? and gave them freewill.. right again? thus he also created all evil in the world because freewill allows for wickedness, thus it is his doing. Point proven, he is not somebody I would be proud to worship. Before you disagree, how can God be creator of all, but not be responsible for the evil in the world?... either his is creator of all (good and evil, in which case I would not be proud of worshipping him) or he is not creator of all , which defies the definition of godliness thus there is no God. To recap: IF God exists he IS responsible for all evil in existance (as well as good of course) OR there is no God. By the way: You talk a lot about proof in your post.. and you're right for a lot of things I believe in there is no proof, but neither do you have proof... only evidence, keep that in mind... no matter how much you believe in something you just might be wrong. We both might be completely wrong, all we have is evidence and each has to interpret it in its own way and we'll most likely never know whom is right. P.S: While evolution is not proven evidence indicates Darwins general idea is right. The difference between creationism and evolution is this: creationsim is based on an idea and poeple who believe in that idea interpret evidence in such a way as to support that idea. With Evolution it was the other way around: Darwin developed his theory after looking at evidence from an unbiased point of view, he concluded after seeing evidence. Evidence should never be made to fit a preconcluded theory, it doesn't work, the thory needs to fit the evidence not the other way around. Again I'm not saying evolution is the end all and be all, it just seems the more probable to me, I have no proof but I'm pointing out a flaw in the theory of creationism(or intelligent design). -
Godaddy Domains For $ .79 thats right, 79 cents
Blacklaser replied to Blacklaser's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I got my code and domain, just waiting for it to propagate atm, make sure you check yor junkmail folder johnny, the code comes fro a different mail address. -
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
The human brain evolved over millions of years.Your answer doesn't make sense and there is a difference between being incomprehensible and not making any sense.Based on the evidence each of us personally has seen and experienced we either chose to believe or not too. I chose not too, but even if I did believe in God, somebody who creates something as wicked as mankind is not somebod y I would be proud to pray too...And to finish this off, a little Douglas Adams quote: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." "But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves that You exist, and so therefore, by Your own arguments, You don't. Q.E.D." "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. -
Yeah usually I'd go with my own hosting too but for the amount and kind of pictures I deal with it's not worth it, time and moneywise.
I've had my laptop since October of 2004 and I've had some heat related crashes ever since the beginning, but the crashes were few and far between, never bothered me too much and a cooling pad seemed to take care of the problem. Unfortunatelty, this summer I am living in a rather hot room and the crashes came back with a vengence, 2, 3 or more times a day, depending on what I am doing.I have done a lot of reserach and tried pretty much everything from reinstalling to replacing the thermal paste on the cpu. Nothing helped, but I noticed that neither gpu or cpu intensiv tasks seemed to influence the crashes, rather anything using up a lot of Ram seem to accelerate the crashes. (I do a lot of ram-intensive stuff as graphic design student) So I decided to remove the keyboard (using a USB keyboard instead) and RAM cover to see if it made any difference... and yes it did. i did not completely resolve the crashes but a small hand-fan aimed at the ram chips is taking care of it for now and I haven't had a crash since. Of course this is not a good solution: the hand fan is cooling the ram chips instead of myself, my desktop pc doesn't have a keyboard and I can't take the laptop anywhere.Does anybody have any idea on how I can possibly cool the ram chips (I got 2 Apacer 512 MB blocks) without unmounting the keyboard?Any help is greatly appreciated.
Google has recently launched Picasa Web albums with 250 MB of free and ad-less space for pictures. The Upload throuh picasa is easy as it can get and also the web interface for organizing and modifying is easy to understand and use. Even though Google's album format is not a design-miracle it does the trick and looks good enough for private photo collections. I've used flickr (the free version) before and I must say Picasa Web beats it by far. Overall I think Google did an awesome job with Picasa and Picasa Web both form an great package to organise and share pictures. 2 thumbs up from me. Link: picasaweb.google.com Addendum: I foud this great comparison between flickr and Picasa Web Albums: cam2009.googlepages.com/photos I agree almost 100% with the author.
What Is God? simple question, hard to answer
Blacklaser replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
Spirit and mind and the result of the complexity of the neural network of a human brain. Question for you: How did God come to be? Where did God come from? And an answer like: "God has always been and will always be" is clearly not an answer, it is avoiding the question for lack of an answer. I totally agree with no9t9. Maybe God isn't quite dead (as Friederich Nietzsche proclaimed) but in the end he will be remembered for what he is: The product of human imagination and unknowledgeability.Just like the Egyptian, Mayan, Roman, etc. ods and godesses before him. -
Godaddy Domains For $ .79 thats right, 79 cents
Blacklaser replied to Blacklaser's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I ordered mine too, but haven't received the promo code yet, but it shouldn't take more than 2 days to get it.