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Everything posted by Blacklaser

  1. I was wondering what everybody is doing to get their sites known? In other words: What topsites do you submit too? Link exchanges? Banner exchanges? What would you recommend me to promote a site like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've been getting a few hits and shouts from Xisto (Thanks all who gave feedback again) and friends but I was wondering what I can do to keep the traffic up?
  2. Yeah, I'll probably do that, I have been getting a few shouts, I'm gonna see where it goes from here. I have a lot of work coming up soon so I'll probably just have the site run the way it is for a while just to see how it develops but I deifnetly appreciate all the support, feedback and ideas I've recived.
  3. LOL nice try but no...this is a rather useless list.As masterleous said, troubleshooting depends on the problem and there is no fixed list of things to do. The list has a few good tips one can use in a lot of situations but at the same time it has a few blatant erros, as already pointed out by others. Good work but if you try to help someone make sure you know what you're talking about, i.e. know the difference between a CPU and a computer case.
  4. Indeed, nice design, but 2 things I have to mention:- you ought to get rid of that 15 or so pixel white border around the main elements, there should prefereably be no such border, or a very very thin one (1 or 2 pixels max). Having the navigation hover on the background like that is kinda odd looking. Try it and see for yourself, no border wil work better.- you ought to get a decent logotype, the la Schatz above the navigation with that drop shadow looks kinda rushed and out of place. To me it looks like it is theer because you had to put something there not because it complements the rest of the design. Other than that, nice job, certainly looks interesting. Idefinetly like the 2 tier navigation, well done on that.
  5. My recommendation: get a new monitor, less than 12% of users still use 800x600.
  6. Yeah, that's what I intend to do, even though some poeple said I should add more stuff, like games and downloads, that's not the aim of my site, rather I think something like shout of the month or similar would be a lot more beneficial.
  7. Thanks I hope it'll become popular I've been getting a few shouts, but it could be more lol, so I appreciate any help in promoting or shouting at this point!
  8. Luxembourgish -> nativeGerman -> fluentEnglish -> fluentFrench -> understanding, reading and writting pretty good, speaking so soLatin -> reading so so, very sow
  9. Yeah, I hope so, I just need a little bit of support so if you wanna rant, you know where you can now
  10. I own the domain and I have the domain set-up as an add-on domain here at Xisto but haven't figured out yet on how to mask the actual url with the domain. Edit: Nevermind it's fixed now, thanks for pointing that out! so anymore feedback on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ? or just leave me a shout Again, thanks to everybody for the feedback!
  11. Ok, just a few updates: I've hidden the IP as suggested earlier and I do now have my own domain name: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (follow this link in case the domain hasn't propagated yet)
  12. The page is actually offically open, and it's hosted on Xisto which might explain the slow loading times as it seeems they've been experiencing some minor issues in the past.As mentioned before, the engine of the site is by http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, but I modified the code and design to fir my purpose.
  13. Thanks for the feedback Jimmy!1. Yeah, I've been thinking about that, definetly something to imply2. Yeah I might take that off3. same as 1.4. Yup gonna fix that lol, thanks!Thanks for the feeback, got some nice ideas there and I'll see what I can do, it probably won't happen too soon but I'll do soemthing along thoe lines.
  14. No I didn't write the script myself, it is from vipergb.de.vu, with modifications from me. As far as the concept goes, even though a shoutbox and Shout it out! have commonalities in name they're are very different in concept: while a shoutbox is more chatlike with poeple talking almost realtime, the idea of shout it out! is not real time communication, rather each shout could be seen as a blog-entry, the shouter can write wahtever he likes and poeple have the option to comment on each shout, what makes it diferent from a blog however is that everybody is able to shout. I'm hoping that this encourages a divers aray of shouts and eventually shouts with more content than 2 sentences. I'm not expecting too much from the start but I hope that eventuallythe content of the shouts will become more and more important.Anyways, thanks for all the feedback, always open for more ideas!
  15. Nope, no gallery or games, just the shouts, teh shouts will be the content of the page. To post a shout yourself try this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. vietonline is wrong, google does allow other ads on the same page as long as they are not content targeted. Since Adbrite does not have that kind of ads, google and adbrite work together. What doesn't work is Adsense and say yahoo publisher network.
  17. Yes you are allowed to have Adsense and Adbrite on the same page, but isn't that ad-overload?The adbrite ads won't be affected by the google ads at all, the google ads however might be affected by the adbrite ads, whether they are or not depends on Google's content recognition system and since nobody knows exactly how that works it is impossible to tell whether the adbrite ads will have an effect on your google ads but it is possible.
  18. Well I have a new site online, it's nothing fancy but maybe some poeple like the idea: basically it is a modified guestbook, anybody can post, without being registered, and poeple can comment on the posts, but it is definetly not a forum, whoever feels like randomly shouting something can. Have a look at it and tell me what you think: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'll probably get a domain for it pretty soon too, let me know what you think! Thanks in advance for any feedback.
  19. Very interesting piece but with room for improvement. There's a few main things I noticed:- composition: it is very centered, extending out, this is ok, but for a piece like this you should try playing with compositon some to make it more interesting, the viewer is used to all kinds of "centered" designs from daily life and an off cnter composition will keep a viewers interest for longer- contrast: you have very high conytrast in some areas, for my taste slighty too high as it blocks out a lot of details who could give your piece more charcter- tonal balance: your piece is very light at the top and ver dark at the bottom, you should try to balance that out more, to pull the viewers gaze down, give the viewers something to look at to keep him interested.- lighting: the structure itself has a few weird "ligting moments", especially on the right side where you have shadow and bright reflections right next to each other, try balancing that out too to make it look more natural, as if coming from a definet lightsource, this also goes with tonal balance.Ok enough of crit, now some things I liked:- Color: you got some really nice colors going on in there they work well together, keep that up (especially lefthand side top and center)- detail: you seem to have great detail, bring more out!- you have some nice negative space in there, try emphasizing it by paying with you composition as mentioned earlier.Overall nice piece, very well done for a first, but as always it leaves room for improvement, 6/10
  20. It indeed was a good match, fast paced and fun to watch, but ever since the beginning the Germans were the loosing team, they got surprised by Italy's aggresiveness in the beginning and although they had their strong moments, throughout the whole match the Italian players moved a lot more across the field, by keeping the fast pace up they drained the German players, who usually save their breath for the last 15 to 20 minutes. When Italy started into the overtime with an additonal striker, I knew they would win, the germans were pretty much unable to do anything in overtime, beaten by their own tactics. Persoanlly I think that the Germans gave up control of this game to easily and the italians were the better team, on the other hand if Germany would've held out a few more minutes for penalty kicks they would've won, luckily I didn't happen hehe (translation: Without Germany to Berlin)
  21. Align the text with the gridlines, don't have it hover. Otherwise pretty good, maybe change the pattern and come up with a more uniform but random pattern, right now you have them all at the border pointing inwards, try different compositions.3/5
  22. So, I have a few sites up and I wanted to know what you do to get traffic to your sites, what do you think is the best method to increase traffic?As you know there are lots of options out there: Search Engine Optimization, Banner exchange, traffic exchange, link exchange, and the list goes on... What is are your personal favorites? and do you only care about brute numbers or does the involvment of the visitor with your website actually matter to you (i.e. quantity versus quality)? How do you get the quality/quantity ratio as high as possible?I'd also appreicate it if you'd share what services are your favorites and how successful you've been and how much work you put into it.Just wanting to hear some opinions, thanks a lot!
  23. lol duh of course... but it has nothing to do with reinstalling windows, there's a number of reasons why you get a new Ip when reinstalling windows, here just the main reasonson dialup: - you disconnect -> new IP on dsl/cable: - because reinstalling windows takes a long time your connection will be closed ISP side for inactivity, which means you get disconnected -> new IP You also need to distinguish between your computer's IP and your router's IP both can switch without affecting the other one. try having 2 computers online through a router, then only reinstall windows on one of them while the other one does remain online, when you've finished your IP will still be the same. Reinstalling windows has nothing to do with getting a new IP. Since I don't know how AOL assigns their IPs and since AOL sucks anyways, that might well be true.
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