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Everything posted by Blacklaser

  1. Not a virus just spam and it has nothing to do with windows messenger or msn messenger. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ explains it all. dselly is absoluetly right.
  2. Almost forgot the most important part... of course you need to add this coupon to your basket!! coupon: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. God is the product of the human mind and IMHO does not exist. What we understand as God was initialy the byproduct of the fear of death inhibiting us all and what comes afterwards. Of course over time it has massively evolved and is now a convenient way for poeple to avoid dealing with questions they can't answer.Most poeple believe in whatever form of religion has been thought to them and they are willing to completely ignore reason when it comes to their faith everybody thinks he's right and when poeple think they're right it usually ends in war; always has and always will for as long as God is more than merely a relic of the past.
  4. With this buy.com offer you can get a Godaddy.com domain for free. The catch: you need to buy something from buy.com, but since they offer some songs for 79 cents you can get a song and a domain for $ .79! - Go to buy.com and add this coupon to your basket, then click the music tab at the top of the page (alternatively click here). - Find a song you like, preferably one that is 79 cents (cheapest they have) and buy it. Once you get the promo code (usually within 1 or 2 days) go to godaddy.com, select your domain and enter the promo code at checkout, your domain will be free! I figured this would fit into the freebie section since the actual domain is free and 79 cents isn't exatcly a lot of money. Notice from electriic ink: Well actually it doesn't Moving from Freebies.... Please read the pinned topics in future
  5. It takes google a while to display the ads, if nothing shows up in a few days try again. Also if you really did anything wrong nobody will be able to help you with that description... posting the actual code is more productive. That way one can actually tell whether it is just Google beeing slow or if there is a problem with the code.
  6. Sometimes Google can be quite helpful and save you a lot of time. it took me 5 seconds to google for "MS DOS commands" and find: http://www.computerhope.com/msdos.htm
  7. How much money?How do you know it really is real love?Do you really have to choose or might there be a way you just can't see at the moment?If the second and third question can be answered "yes" with 100% certanity, then love, no questions asked. If those can't positively answered it either strongly depends on the first question or whatever other options there are.
  8. some simple javascript ought to do it, there's tons of scripts out there, easy to implement too, just google for it.
  9. Blacklaser


    Basically you're asking us to hack into your friends computer and click as well as keylog everything? I can't see any reason why you would want to do that other than for stealing passwords or something similar...
  10. Do you want to rotate your own banners or do you want to display banners from an advertising company?
  11. Quick update: thepiratebay.org is back online, save the search function which is not quite working yet.
  12. well since in my case I will not be able to use google adsense at all i think this is kind of a double edged sword... since google won't see any profit from me at all.
  13. Generally I like Google and Adsense but I think their terms of service are too restrictive, I'm especially pissed about the part where they don't allow you to display any other content-targeted ads on the same page along with Adsense ads... here's the relevant line from their TOS: I recon that usually you wouldn't need to do that... but there are some cases where that is pain stupid and why would they not allow you to do that? Notice from mayank: Edited Topic Title
  14. A typo or two is ok, everybody does it, no problem sometimes you miss a typo, but if there are 5 typos in 6 words something is wrong and it is plain annoying. There's something called backspace, very useful in such cases. Also if you don't touch-type you should be able to read the post while you type it and see the typos immediately and fix them using backspace without having to take a hand of the keyboard to reposition the cursor.There's one thing which is more annoying than typos: grammar mistakes. Some poeple seriously need to go back to school...Also, you can edit your own posts after they are posted... that way if you hit submit and find a mistake aferwards you can still correct it.
  15. Well TPB plans to be back within a day or two, or so they say on their website.
  16. The satellites in space use solar panels to gather power to correct their orbits, otherwise they would crash, thus since they use an external power source they are not a "perpetum mobile". In theory yes, every satellite is a perptual motion device but as so often, reality and theory don't quite match.
  17. As http://www.slyck.com/ reports today, here, the servers of swedish bittorrent tracker and indexing service thepiratebay.org have been seized. Interesting to note is that they also report that the swedish police is not certain whether an actual crime has been commited. I doubt they'll be offline for long.
  18. rvalkass is right, friction in the system would eventually stop it. No offense but so many poeple have tried inventing a perpetual motion device that I doubt whether it is at all possible with current technology and I doubt whether it'll be developped on this board lol. In my opinion if you're trying to develop a perpetual motion device your best bet probably involves vacuums, superconductors and magnetic fields. but as I said before... many many poeple have tried and failed... I doubt somebody on here will succeed, of course I could be wrong
  19. I just registered a new domain but since it is my very first time and have not worked with domains before I'm wondering what I have to do to get the new domain to point at my website here at Xisto.com. If somebody could give me a real basic roundup of how the process with DNS and nameservers works and what I need to do so that if i type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in the adressbar of my browser i get my webpage here at Xisto.com that would be awesome.
  20. If you accept microevolution as science and scientific theory you can not but also accept macroevolution as the same, because if you line up enough enough microevolutionary changes you have macroevolution. That is the way macroevolution works: It is an enormous amount of microevolutionary changes which combine in such a way that they form a macroevolutionary result. This works on the premise that nature is selective (survival of the fittest) and that only the microevolutionary changes which give the most advantage keep surving and evolving thus making it possible, through a excrutiatingly long process of microevolutionary changes, to yield macroevolutionary results. @True2Earn: You're citing a few exemples of fraud, so what? There are any many more exemple where fraud did not and does not interfere with scientific results and you forget something else: the fraudulent exemples were unmasked by the same poeple who are apparently fool us. And please... Duh, of course! All mamals evolved from them... Your post has nothing to to with objective evidence, it is all very selective subjective data and can be molded to fit whetever one wants... that ain't science in any way. Just a general note: The more biologists understand DNA and microevolution, the more evidence emerges to support Darwin's theories. In fact any reserach done into microevolution on a DNA level has perfectly supported Darwin's theories, if Darwin's theroies were as wrong as some poeple claim you'd expect DNA to prove him wrong but instead it is perfectly supporting his ideas.
  21. Well: We've survived june 6th of the year 666, We've survived june 6th of the year 1006, We've survived june 6th of the year 1906, We've survived june 6th of the year 1966, We'll survive june 6th of the year 2006... the world is not going to end, Pat Roberston will still be babbling his annoying nonsense and all our lives will stilll be just as boring as the day before! Halleluja! Oh wait... I forgot... the remake of "The Omen" is coming out that day. Interesting sidenote: the number 666 written in old greek looks like this: ϛ ξ χ*, maybe that has something to do with it... personally I see it as an omen we should all copulate that day and be happy.. that way instead of the 3rd World War we can have the 1st World Peace, how about that? I say lets crap on all the apocalyptic doomsayers and make world peace! *Yes I do know that the common way to write 666 in greek is χ ξ ϛ but since the ancient greek numeral system is additive the order of the letters does not matter, in fact there are 6 possible ways to write 666(or almost any other number in between 100 and 999).
  22. These 419 scams are as old as e-mail and they're not even worth making a post about. But they're not a phising-scams, they work differently, for more information visit 419 Eater. And if you want to read some stories of scammers getting scamed: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But I must warn you: some of those stories are absolutely brilliant and once you started it's hard to stop reading My favorite one is still this one about an e-bay scam gone wrong, absoluetly amazing stuff!!
  23. Yup that ain't too hard. You can actually download and save the files using the standart installer and a little trick allows you too get juts what you need: Information from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ More information can be found on here and here. I hope this is helpful but just in case this google search ought to provide you with everything you need: "download full IE6 SP1"
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