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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. you didn't misspell "bla", once! i am proud of you! actually, i think you should enter a paragraph instead of less than 1 line of text to allow others to see the full effect. just a suggestion if you plan on keeping that page up and since you already posted a link to it
  2. yes, we understand. you explained 3 times now. now go talk to your dentist about it and find some way to relieve stress before you go to sleep because i am pretty sure it is stress related. it doesn't matter how you are grinding anyway. everyone will grind differently. the important thing to consider is the safety of your teeth, and whatever is causing the grinding. i gaurantee you that your dentist will figure out how you are grinding your teeth and can make a suggestion or two for you. there ARE solutions. now you have also related this to nightmares. the nightmares probably wont go away until you have come up with a solution that makes you feel safe and secure. so go seek the advice of the professional that can help you most.
  3. i grind my teeth. always have. your dentist can see if you grind yours. your teeth will not break....but what will happen over time is that your teeth will deteriorate where you grind them. i have never had any physical effects from grinding my teeth while i sleep like migranes. i think it has to do with stress so if you have nightmares, the grinding could get worse. talk to your dentist to see what he recomends to protect your teeth. it's also important to know those things that can help you so you don't have the nightmares based on your thoughts when you feel yourself grinding your teeth i never had nightmares about that stuff, but i remember one time when i was procrastinating getting a tooth fixed, i would have nightmares that my teeth would fall out haha not pretty dreams but when i went to the dentist and got the tooth taken care of, the nightmares went away. so i highly suggest you do the things that would relieve your mind so your nightmares don't progress in to something that can be prevented.
  4. that would be 43 cents. almost 44. when it reaches 100, that equals 100 cents, and they get converted to $1 in your xisto account. then you start all over again from 0 or the remainder of what was left over after the conversion of $1. so if someone is READY at 103.45, they will get $1 credited to their xisto account, and the remainder of 3.45(basically 3 cents) will be left to start earning from.
  5. i like the lyrics alot. the mix could have been done better though. you have a lot olf talent though. keep the creativity flowing.....
  6. cash crate has been around for a while so i don't think it's a scam. but the poster used a referral link which is against the TOS here on trap personally, although i don't like programs like this, and there are better ways for one to earn $ on the internet, a lot of these programs aren't scams
  7. try to find words that rhyme with "midget". or you can always just let the words come from you personally. even if it's not perfect, if she love ya, it will be perfect for HER.
  8. i think this is a very stupid question. i couldn't vote because there was no option for both. they both love the same. just in different ways that cannot be compared.but really, you get some guys that don't love at all....or girls that don't love at all. what is the point in asking a question like this? everyone is different so every relationship isn't the same either. then you have those people and situations where the guy or girl is incapable of being loved or just harder for them to feel loved so love could easily be defined by the one who gives and also the one who is supposed to receive loveblah. i hate questions like these and i hate voting results that don't include more options because nothing is really black and white.
  9. i'll be the first to say that no member who has been here less than a year should have been able to be nominated. at the same time, those weren't the rules. i even voted for a couple people who were here less than a year. maybe your award doesn't fall in to a catagory you felt worthy, but it's the simple fact that you have contributed a lot to this forum, other people know it, and recognised you for it whether you agree or not. so instead of complaining unselfishly, shut up and accept the good points of the award and what it means i can appreciate your thinking on this issue, but when you think this way, you aren't giving others credit for seeing something more from you. ohhhhh sorry nameless. we aren't all perfectionists...and those who know better, don't want to be. ash, i know you have been waiting what seems to be a lifetime. my question is though, where have you been to live up to your awards? actually....not just you.....nameless and simpleton haven't been around either. anyone can create their own graphic. it doesn't have to be a standard one everyone uses.
  10. well in missouri, i believe most small towns do have limits on the # of pets you can own(at least dogs and cats). i believe in setting limits within city limits. there will always be less laws outside of city limits though.this law wont affect kennel breeders will it? they have a license and a business and the license already dictates how a kennel should be run.i'm curious about this new law that is trying to get passed, but all i hear are YOUR words just like you don't want us to trust the words that say it's an abused abused dog issue.why not proved a link to the information and a site that also lists the pros and the cons. all i am hearing now is the cons when we all know there are always two sides to a coin....it's just trying to figure out which is the better side after weighing both sides.
  11. sorry, that is some of the worst advice i ever heard in regards to a dog. don't give the dog attention? just let it sit or stand or walk shaking and panting? Boooooooo! bad advice! bad bad bad. i don't think overly shaking or panting is a choice a dog makes on it's own anyway. i say this in assumtion that there is an outside reason for the shaking and panting. but if the dog is shaking and panting for no reason. could be sick and need vet attention. no normal human being who loves his dog will sit and watch their loved one shake and pant without giving it attention. what kind of professional are you??? haha sheeeeeesh! you don't just train a dog to obey. you train to understand commands and at the same time, we have to also train ourselves to understand what it means when the dog does something we like or don't like. or what it means if a dog is just laying by your feet....or what it means if a dog follows you around. the training doesn't just stop with the dog. love and attention are KEY elements to training. as far as soviets dog, one has to understand that different dogs have different nature. the dog i have now, bruin, HATES fireworks. when i light them off, he will hide near me somewhere or run if he gets too scared. the dog i used to have, booker, used to chase bottle rockets and try to eat them before they fly away. i personally trained my dog from a pup, yet i see the fear in him under certain circumstances. for me, my choice isn't to scare him more just in hopes he gets used to what i like to do. but if he is out where i am, and i notice he is afraid, i will give attention....just like when he was stubborn and hated being on a leash. after a little forcing once in a while by putting him on one, i would pet him and reassure him. now he jumps to attention when i just have a leash in my hand like he knows it's time to go outside. his favorite place. so in my opinion, in most circumstances when a dog is timid and afraid and not listening, you really do have to give them attention and reassure them that you are close and they are safe. not doing this could have adverse affects. my dog now will never get used to the fireworks which have somewhat the same sound as thunder sometimes. my point is, train a dog, yes.....but don't try to change the nature of your dog because usually it will be a neverending battle and all you accomplished was put more fear in to a dog that was necessary. now in fact, the dog will always see us as giving positive attention or negative attention....whether on leash, off leash, sitting at your feet, or petting it's head. the dog will ALWAYS see us giving positive or negative attention. so the key is to always give the positive attention. even if we feel we aren't giving the dog attention at all either way, the dog will not see it like that. this is why it is so important to be intune with your dog to know what kind of attention you are giving. when you get a dog from a shelter, you have to pay special close attention as well. it's not the same as caring for a pup from birth or at 8 weeks old. it would be nice to know how the dog lived. was it indoor? outdoor? was it always tied up? was it abused? is it even used to going to the bathroom outside when a lot of small indoor dogs do in fact use pee pads. most of the time, we don't know what was instilled in the animal.....so it's our job when we take it away, to find out by paying close attention and to try to feel what the dog is feeling and to try to think how the dog is thinking. that's why the training doesn't stop at just the dog. we need to train ourselves too to be able to give all the attention and love the dog deserves
  12. so they said it it was only fixed temporarily and not permanantly and now suggesting you move your entire sites? hmmm, that is some strange advice there to move your entire sites. maybe you need to speak with an admin directly on this issue. they may be able to enlighten you more on this issue. i know when we create our websites, they are created to be seen and downtime should never be an excuse. i know if i had a website and experienced more downtime than i was willing to accept, i would change hosts. but changing hosts and servers create a problem in itself when the original problem(databases in this instance) can be fixed before you switch hosts or servers. but that is your other option. that's strange why that solution would be suggested to you though. that seems like it should be more of a personal choice. not a suggestion coming from support. so i would really talk to an admin on this issue. request that an admin handle your ticket and your future concerns about downtime. your websites seem to have been online for a while according to all the content that has been posted on them and this is the first time i've heard you complain about downtime...so maybe if we compare how long you've been hosted to how much downtime there has been, they still fall within the 99.9. you are complaining about the downtime this month...which you have every right to. i would be upset too....but your website wasn't created this month and has been around a lot longer. who knows....maybe they have a better track record overall than 99.90. ya think?
  13. old thread. i just wanted to comment on what people missed. while reading the article, i was thinking, "what kind of mother would have a stranger babysit her children?". then i kept reading and social services had evidence for two years of neglecting her children.yea, we have the sickos out there that rape small and innocent children, but we have the sicko parents who can bring innocent children in to this world and not properly care for them. if there were more responsible parents out there, then the chance of a pedophile abusing them or their family would diminish. and PLEASE! we need to do a background check on people we are going to let inside our homes to babysit some of the most precious and valuable commodoties. if you ask me, the children should be placed with the state and the mother should find herself in jail her own self as a lesson and a reminder of what we should and shouldn't do as parents.i think babysitting should be licensed through a state in which the state does the background checks. this is not an isolated occurance. this happens every day. if not molestation.....abuse....physical and mental. i think it should be illegal to babysit without a license, and i think it should also be illegal to accept babysitting from someone who isn't licenced. this can be started by excepting family members at first. i would also like to see mothers and fathers invest in cameras that record video AND audio so that if abuse does happen, wether physical or mental, that it can be stopped before any kids REALLY get hurt from the irresponsibility of parentsanimals have right too, but some parents think pawning their kid off to someone else is like pawning their dog off. it's sick BOTH ways. the molestors out there, and the selfish parents who don't have a clue or don't care enough to change their own ways!
  14. broken links? i think it would have to do more about attracting visitors. there is a ton of posts in that catagory. i think opa would be losing a lot of visitors if he got rid of the whole thing. also, after we got rid of the old credit and webhosting system, there are already a bunch of dead links in the serps. those who didn't sign up with the new system.i think you actually create more dead links by keeping the threads open because the pages will include all the subdomains when they first requested hosting. so i think it is for seo purposes. and another way for visitors to find trap. if google were to have found all the dead links, it could hurt seo, but not compared to destroying all the threads in that catagory for visitor purposes because there is still content and the content is related to a few good keywords.it is definately misleading though. and not relevant to the forum, new or old users. people come here still confused about the mycents even though there are posts out there to explain everything clearly.now, in my opinion, trap may have to bite the bullet on seo one day. if that is true, then it's best done sooner than later so you can restore it earlier than later along with other thought out plans for the future of the Xisto forums.
  15. the database may be up, but did you ever get a reply to your support ticket? i'm curious why the database was down. i went to two of your drupal sites and both were down due to database issues so i am assuming it probably wasn't on your end. sometimes sites can go down like that and has nothing to do with the server. glad everything is working for you now. i know it always sucks if you lose any money over it. i have never experienced downtime like that....but according to the 99.9 rule, this allows for 10 more days of 8 hours downtime. it's still a very good percentage of uptime. if you ever do get a reply, quote it here. i am curious about the answer.
  16. i would have liked to read more of that article, but you supplied no links to any articles. anytime you quote something news worthy, remember to link back to the original source. like i said, i wouldn't have liked to read about it more.
  17. it actually doesn't take too long unless you don't feel like posting anything. it takes a while before you can get a domain name and hosting at first, but you will soon realize that your credits will be more than enough to satisfy your monthly or yearly bill. also, when you do post, make it a good one. these one or two liners wont earn you anything special. talk about the things that interest you and that you are passionate about. that is the key....
  18. it updated just like it always does. you now have your mycents transferred to your xisto account.
  19. first of all, i applaud ya for getting your dog at a shelter. we need to get more people interesting in loving these creatures that people stopped loving. so you have a little jr....which i consider on of those ankle biting rat dogs. don't give up on him and he wont give up on you. i think before any training, maybe he just needs lots of love and not being jerked around on a leash. they like to sit in your lap or by your feet when watching t.v. and usually likes to sleep in the same bed. the key is LOTS and LOTS of love. you can never give enough. if the dog wont come to you or understand any commands, then he shouldn't be off a leash. PERIOD! the only time one should ever take a dog off leash is when the dog and master have that connection where you BOTH have the ability to listen to eachother and respect eachother. so put him on a leash when you go outside. if he doesn't go to the bathroom outside, where does he go, inside? one solution to taking your dog out to potty is to buy a pee pad. this is probably the best solution for you right now without you becoming frustrated and without your dog feeling the negative energy from you. like rob said....aside from lots of love, you need LOTS and LOTS of patience because this dog is already timid when i got my dog as an 8 week old pup, i started training him right off the bat. this dog HATED the leash. once i would get it on, the dog wouldn't budge...seriously. no matter how hard i tugged on the leash, it would fight it. now....whenever i get a leash(once in a blue moon) the dog comes running to me and sits waiting to be attatched to the leash. my point is, all good things come eventually.....even if it takes years. if you do decide to put your dog on a leash, it should just be when he has to go to the bathroom. you want to train your dog the basic commands ("sit, stay, come, heal, lie"). i always liked to teach SIT and STAY first....then when he gets good, COME and SIT. when you teach the dog to come, you want the dog not only to come to you....but come and sit right in front of you. the harder ones to teach is "heal" or "lie"(lie down). when you teach your dog on the leash for AN HOUR A DAY in 1/2 hour incriments, you want to reinforce any good behavior with a treat. make sure every command ends with good behavior and a treat, even if you have to force the dog a little to do what you ask. don't just not give him a treat just because he wasn't "perfect". after a couple months of constant training on the leash, the dog will usually be ready for off leash and hand commands. the same as the leash commands....but now the dog is offleash. it's also good to teach the dog the basic hand commands for each voice command. but seriously dude, invest in a pee pad. you can't expect to wait an hour for your dog to go to the bathroom. you already know he's timid so not only is he going to be timid outside, but around strangers too. you need to create a bond. start by putting him on a leash indoors first or somewhere where you feel he is the most secure and feels the safest. there are some good resources online for training your dog. aside from that, don't forget to love him to death. although he's middle aged, he is new to YOU and you should still treat him like a new born. gentle, caring, loving, and patient. don't do the things that makes your dog cower for no apparent reason...and don't play thunder music either. don't do the things he is afraid of. that's not a way to break habits for the most part. your dog has feelings. heck, even i get scared of the thunder once in a while when it a really bad thunderstorm. it startles even me sometimes. i used to live in northridge california where earthquakes were abundant. i've been through 3 bad ones in my life and i am still afraid of them because i never know what to expect. helping me through my own fear would be to constantly shake me....no matter how slight. it would just be a reminder of what my fear is. my point is, you get rid of the timidness and fear by lots of love and attention. you form a bond which creates more security for the dog so when there is something he was afraid of in the past, he isn't as much because you are now his security after you form your bond and connection. trying to teach a dog offleash is not good. the dog wont know what the heck you mean. you don't have a leash to guide and reinforce commands by little tugs. teaching a dog to obey off leash before on leash is like teaching a one year old to walk on it's own. both situations will fail. don't give up on your dog. you may be the master, but you have to give him the same dedication you expect from him. he deserves that much from someone, doesn't he?
  20. yea, i wanted you to sufer more. sorry actually i think you can figure some things out on your own without me sticking my head in your business.
  21. you asked for advice, yes. you never asked for mine. no. but i gave it. i responded with bluntness and openess. i gave advice in what you BOTH can do to save your relationship. i understand my advice isn't perfect.....but i do understand it's better than what you and your b/f is going through RIGHT NOW. i also understand that you are stubborn and want to discredit me and my name here. i understand you have another objective that to seek advice and i called you on it. you because evil and destructive in everything you had to say about me. that's ok. i don't regret my advice. you seem to hate it with a vengence. that's ok too.....because i am one to guide.....not make choices for you. you can disagree with me b.s. guidance and you can live the way you are already living without any change in it. but expect the same confusion you still have with your b/f if you're that stubborn. results come from choices we make and we make different choices based on what we learn from the past and our past choices. when someone makes the same choices in life, despite the results, they should expect the same results despite what the really want in life. don't blame me if you are unable to do anything about the results in your own life...because you will ALWAYS have a choice!
  22. are you saying you have never done anything against the law? are you one of those people who will let the law dictate your choices?
  23. stop playing games and be honest with eachother. be truthfull and go your seperate ways.....
  24. i respect your opinions, flower. you have a lot of truth you speak. you don't have to respect mine. i'm ok with that. when you ask for advice though and when you recieve what you think are negative opinions, i would suggest you think about the things other that what you know....or what you want......or what you need.....or what you believe in your own self.....selfishly.
  25. when you asked for advice, i have to assume it wasn't just for you since i know everyone isn't perfect and i know that most likely your bf AND you made mistake. since you were the one posting, i had to make my opinion person to YOU. i don't regret my post as i feel i was dead on accurate even still. i AM sorry that you didn't get a response that you wanted to feel your own self......selfishly.i am blunt. i know people. yes, i have been hurt. i also HAVEN'T been hurt. i have felt both. like love and pain. i know how to answer your question truthfully according to what i know from personal experiences. i may have hurt you by my bluntness. but what you have to realize about yourself is that you cannot give hurt just because you are hurt. it does not help the situation. just like it doesn't help you to make the decision to NOT answer a phone call just because your bf doesn't answers you phone calls.i know you understand what i am saying even after you can be so cruel with your words. your choices dictate who you want to be at the time. not who you are. i understand that fact of life about others. how much love do you have towards you b/f? does understanding even play a part in your love?i am critical, yes. i am blunt. yes. there is no other way to be but truthfull. don't you agree?
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