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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. can you please give us reasons why kaspersky is better? i am trying to get some decent information here and if you know that your antivirus program is better, i would like to know why unless it's just a childesh "my parents are better than your parents" comment. peronally, i have never heard of this program. something has to be wrong when you haven't heard of a program and people are claiming it's the best out there. if it was better than the rest, i would imagine it would be a lot more popular and well known and people would have been talking about it more. again, i have never even heard of this program. not saying it's not good, but sounds to me that it's just like any other good antivirus program out there with nothing special about it.
  2. i wasn't talking about search result listings or serps. i was talking about pr. buffalohelp was talking about the pr of Xisto.com. i should have been more clear as to say Xisto.com/forums/ is a 3 when it was a 5. someone mentioned that it had to do with spam links, but from my understanding, spam links are used to judge serps, NOT pr. page rank is controlled by inbound links, not outbound ones and ever page on a website has it's own pr. so although while buffalohelp was correct in saying Xisto has a pr 4, i was really talking about the main page of the forums. because i was talking about pr, it has nothing to do with spam links or results by region...although i do find that concept interesting since that just proved there is a relevency factor in the serps. but my question has still not been answered. why in the world would my profile have a pr2 when other profiles have no pr. i only checked the top 20 profiles. opaque's profile has a pr2 as well so out of 20 profiles, 2 rank with a pr2 and 18 rank with nothing. why in the world would this be? i thought it was a bit strange. that's why i posted it here. can anyone care to take a guess?
  3. a link is a link is a link. you will never get punished for too many links. although the relevant links are important to google, google is only 1 search engine. also, just because a link isn't google friendly doesn't mean traffic cannot be created through that link. so backlinks are more important than what you are stating. since google wont punish you for a back link, even if it was from an ffa spam site, google will not punish you for that link. if they did, then it would be way to easy to advertise your competitions site on bad links.although google is incorporating youtube now and social network sites(although i heard profile site are becoming less relevant now), the basics still are important which is content. yes, the bold and italics along with the headers still create relevancy within your own site and i also feel having the keywords more on top of the page is more important while still keeping your keyword density in check. content and backlinks are more important though. the more pages you have, the better. the more links you have to those pages, the better. some say one way backlinks are the only way to go, thus saying link exchanges don't work. i would have to disagree with that because if two sites are relevant to eachother and only one site is getting the back links, it leaves a lot of relevant site out in the cold. but times IS slowly changing when considering social network site and google's algorithms including not just site stats but individual users who would post a link on their personal profile or a tweet for instance....people who don't have a website with multiple pages.....just a profile with their status messages.
  4. it was actually on a t.v. news station? i am SO glad you pointed that out. so the news station is reporting the news and came up with a list huh? please...please tell me which one. i want to research this. this just locks the door on an already closed box with the news media in my opinion. i mean, if they are going to make crap up, they might as well make stuff up to report to the national enquirer to make a few bucks on the side.
  5. first of all, you are quoting from outside sources. are they realiable? also, they have absolutely NOTHING to do with any mayan prophesy. again, i challenge you or anyone else to tell me what the prophesy is and to show evidence of such prophesy!if you can't even do that and you started this thread....why feed in to the b.s. and post something you can't even talk about
  6. hey herman. glad you can join us. i would suggest that you read our guidlines here at Xisto. also know that copying from other website without the quote tags are not permitted. it's pretty laid back here and the rules are pretty much common sense. if you are here for webhosting or a domain name, you have come to the right place :angel: but make sure your content is original....
  7. if you have a stalker, you have more things to be concerned about than google maps haha. the stalker is probably already hiding in your bushes. haha i think the good DEFINATLEY outweighs the bad. and i can't really think of anything BAD only because whatever the bad is, it is probably already happening with or without google maps. take for instance guns. they say, "guns don't kill people, people kill people". this is true. guns is just a means to kill or protect but if there wasn't any guns, obviously people would find another way. it's the nature of people at any given time that makes a situation dangerous. i can slightly see the point of the topic maker, but not enough to even dent my opinion on the subject. if we take away google maps and the technology it delivers, might as well take away all the cars because there are bad drivers out there or scammers that will get in to accidents on purpose just to collect insurance. is google maps world wide because i can possibly see an objection in other countries where photographs are not encouraged by outsiders. when i was in africa, when in kenya and tanzania, people get offended if they are anywhere in your tourist shots so there ARE unwritten rules about respecting other peoples cultures, but in the united states, i have never been to a place that is so objectionable and i have been all over....
  8. 10 things that will become absolete in 2010? hahaha when you were shouting about this in the sb, i thought ok....maybe is 5-10 years with some of the stuff. not in 2010 though! it's not that hard to come up with a list like that since most technology DOES go absolete or at least part of the technology. but absolete in 2010? that is a JOKE. someone wrote a list just to get people to visit the website. that's all there is to it. nothing more than hogwash
  9. i've never heard about a cv before today. but judging from jhaslips link he gave you, it seems to me that it would be a resume that you would want to write. your certifications, education and job experiences would go in your resume. a cv has special purposes and i think that link would help you recognize if you even really need one. you know your experience better than me though. it's a good link to take a look at to know the difference and write your resume or cv accordingly. if you fall in to that catagory, then maybe a cv is for you but it doesn't sound like you fall in to that category....
  10. ouch! well, from looking at the video, it was obvious it wasn't intentional. he also had better position on the ball. i think it's just one of those freak accidents. i don't know about giving the guy a red card for that though unless he had already received a yellow.i wonder how it got broken though. i couldn't really tell from the video. i couldn't tell if it was from the guy kicking him or if he just fell on it funny....
  11. best sport to lose weight? hands down.....SWIMMING. it works all your body muscles and is a cardio workout if you push yourself hard enough. so not only are you toning the rest of your body, you are burning calories and fat at the same time. it's a GREAT sport to lose weight and tone your body! although when you are swimming alone, i doubt it can really be considered a sport :angel:
  12. my hometown is different from where i am living now. a LOT different. i am living in a town right now of a population 300-350 people. anyway, i was born and raised in los angeles, california. specifically the san fernando valley in northridge, california. what i loved about that place is probably the people because they were so diverse and so many differant cultures which i was glad to be a part of. when i was growing up, by best friends we joe, who was korean, donald, who was african american, don, who was filipino, jack, who was armenian. i don't even have any best friends who were the same race as me. anyway, i though it was very cool to experience the different cultures of my best friends who are still my best friends to this day. we are all very close. also i liked the fact that los angeles doesn't hide crap. it's real life. you got the violence, the gays and cross dressers, the homeless, the runaways, the so-called american dream, etc... just so much to see and experience and learn from. it's an amazing place. what i don't like about my hometown is the people. the same as what makes it most amazing. i can't describe in detail why i just hate the people there for the most part except to say that it's such a busy busy place and people are just too busy in their own lives to be friendly to someone who passes by you on a sidewalk. you have to try extra hard to get to know people. a lot of people are also very superficial and materialistic. a lot of fakeness surounds you there.last but not least, just growing up with family was special too. everyone lived close so when i was a kid, we celebrated holidays together and we scheduled parties and gathering frequently. lots of family and friends close by to gather. nothing like a close knit family where you were born and raised.
  13. i believe arsenal is a soccer league in england. so what sucks about this is that this guy was only 19 and he just blew any sort of chance to making any money playing soccer. i'm not really in to soccer myself. i had armenian friends who would watch nothing BUT soccer. every time i would walk in to their homes, soccer would be on the t.v.. if there was a game on, they would find it. i'll watch it now and then if usa is playing....or maybe galaxy...other than that, i'll stick with basketball and football. i even stopped watching baseball. anyway, my sympathy for this guy. he probably had a lot of hopes and dreams of playing and making it big. now they are all crushed. a broken leg or even a small fractured one doesn't heal quick and will never be 100% ever again. soccer is like 90% feet and legs....if he broke his arm during a tackle, it would have been a lot different as you don't use your arms that much. and a tackle? there is no tackling in soccer haha i would like to see that footage.... here's a video of some of arsenals amazing goals i found on youtube. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. not another thread of some made up b.s. please save me from the overly imaginative public who will always be controlled by fear in what people put in their tiny heads and don't know any better. prophecy? WHAT 2012 prophesy? oh. the mayan one? which one again? i challenge anyone here to show me proof of such mayan prophecy. can't do it? you sure? why? oh.....because there ISN'T one! hahahoax? well if a hoax is purely made up of lies....then yea....the whole thing is a hoax. something made up by people other than the mayans. 2012 is like a little kiddie story where mommy and daddy tell the story about hell and the devil to scare children straight. oh yea, these kids fall for it to. just like all of you who believe something destructive is going to happen in late december of 2012an earthquake??? oh my gosh! it just has to be the start to the end in 2012! it just has to be related! haha get a clue people. every time i read about this crap it sounds so pathetic and really feel sorry for those who believe something destructive is going to happen.if we are going to have a discussion about the mayans and any so-called prophecy or what they believed in (they were big on astronomy), let sit down and have a realistic and mature conversation. i look at the poll for this thread and again i have to laugh because it's not even worth voting on. it doesn't cater to all the angles to what people are talking about. also, there is no option for "the mayans never prophesized about 2012 you idiots". i mean, come on....even the most intelligent people on this planet have been exploring the idea that something will happen. now i ask you. how intelligent can they really be when all that is going to happen is that the mayan calender will end it's cycle and start a new one. there was never a prophesy connected to their calender in 2012.so again, i challenge anyone who believes in any prophesy to show me detailed proof that there really is one. post it here or just continue to be a lemming and a follower of people who just want to control your thoughts through fear
  15. is it pup4you? because the main page loads up fine. can you access your site through the control panel? ftp? you haven't really given much information to go on, sheepdog to be of any help or offer suggestions
  16. put it on top of the page? are you kidding me? nobody even uses it. personally, it would look better if it was taken out all together....
  17. blackmailed you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dude, lets get to real life for a moment without the drama, ok? you are in control of your own life. nobody can blackmail you unless you did something you weren't supposed to do. if you did, then SHAME ON YOU. the important thing to consider is being honest with yourself and others. if you have something to hide, don't hide it!!!!!!!! don't allow other people to control you be honest. the things you have to hide about yourself that you aren't ready to open up to will kill you in the long run. you are allowed to make mistakes in this life. what you are NOT allowed to do is keep secrets. they will always come back to you one way or another. like i said before....you are not ready to be commited so don't lead other people on and hurt them. they are worth more than your own insecurities. if i was your best friend, i would be slapping you right now so you can come to your senses. take a break until you actually know what you want. after you know what you want, be truthfull 100% without hiding anything in what you have done in the past or how you feel right NOW about the one you want to commit to. i really don't know why you are so desperate to start two threads about your relationship life. one could have been enough. in this thread though, you look like an idiot!
  18. all she asked is if you liked her. obviously you do or you wouldn't be hanging out with her. but what she is REALLY asking is if there is a portential of a relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. so....she's putting you on the spot. best thing to be is truthfull. don't lead her on if you're not interested in a relationship and don't NOT lead her on if you are unsure.so what she is really asking is where you stand with her. be honest. no harm, no foul even if she wants more. just be honest. if all you're looking for right now is a friend and someone to hang out with, then tell her that.the fact that you are posting about your situation and asking advice wether you should jump in to a relationship means you SHOULD NOT! you're not ready. although she may be feeling something different, be honest and hopefully she can keep enjoying your company knowing you are just friends.if you really care about her and she starts spending time with someone else, don't blame her or make her feel guilty. your life was more important than her. remember that.....
  19. yes! it is VERY important to put your keywords where they will be most prominent. normally, you will use your h1 or h2 headers, and then some text explaining what your site is about on top of the page. this is VERY important. also, when able to, using bold text helps too. using keywords that is in your description tags or title tag is important.it use to be that spiders wouldn't crawl your whole page. they also wouldn't index all your links. search engines have different algorithms. google, has one of the most unique ones to this day and is the most popular search engine. even if they don't hold your keywords on top of the page as more important than the bottom of the page, it's still important to list your keywords on top because that's where your h1 or h2 headers are most likely to be found. what is MORE important than keywords on top though is keyword density. you don't want google to think you are spamming.....so DONT.....especially on the top of your page because even your visitors would be turned off.what google looks for most is your relevant back links. back links that are relevant to your own web page that also has a higher pr than your web page. since google is looking more towards relevancy, then google is also looking at the content on your web page which keywords at the top will only help.if you have a blog, where you only list the top ten posts and then they get deleted from your main page, it's always important to keep your keywords on your main page if your main page is that important to you. normally, your blog posts will get seen more than your main page index so you REALLY need to make sure your keywords are in your blog posts. if you can do that, then your keywords will always be on top of your main page blog.....which means you will always have the content related to your backlinks.
  20. listen folks. google maps is FAR from an invasion of privacy. any tom, *BLEEP* and harry can pass by your house anytime they want. cars passing by see the same thing that google maps is showing. google maps is also not going to increase crime rate. it may help a criminal plan an attack if a criminal is looking for a corner house with two exits, but if the criminal is already looking, he's gonna rob a house whether google maps was there to help him or not.you know, i really hate these kind of threads. especially from people who live in the united states. what do you think our own government has on you? don't know? well, i'll bet it's more than a layout of your property and they keep all that secret from the public. google maps is public. anyone can access it. i think it would help MORE than harm when someone is lost. this new technology may SEEM like a threat or an invasion of privacy, but clearly it's notalso, to get to your specific house on google maps, you will need an address. maybe in the future you may just be able to type in a full name of the house owner. who knows. if google maps is illegal(taking public pictures and posting them on the internet), then photo journalists or paparazzi's should be banned from taking pictures in public and selling them to the media. in fact, any media should be banned from distributing public photos. how ridiculous does this sound now? VERY! i don't know about other countries, but here in the united states we have rights. if you don't want people taking pictures of your house, put a friggin' wall around it so nobody can see it. that's what the stars do....or they buy a house with a very large driveway. anything that can be seen from a street view is PUBLIC! anyone who says they deserve their privacy if they are prancing around naked in their front yard for any passerby to see is just CRAZY insane thinking that.google may have done some things in the past that were shady like copyright infringement, but google maps is FAR from an invasion of privacy and anyone who is THAT paranoid about their privacy should build a fence or a wall, or just stay indoors 24/7 so nobody will know what you're up to or how your grass is 2 feet tall or how your house needed a new paint job last century.i feel google maps helps a lot more than it hurts. i am ALL for protecting my rights as a u.s. citizen and i just don't see any just cause to prohibit google from doing what they do best......coming out with new technology on the internet that will always be helpfull to many. but ummmm....their copyright infringements are another thing. they are just WRONG.....but at the same time, with their infringements, they are actually creating more traffic for the people that are arguing about them. i am sure that if you approach google to blur out your house or street view of your property, they will just laugh at you because i could easily go to any house, take pictures, upload them on the internet all over the place, even give a street address, tell the owners about it, and that will be within my rights as a united states citizen. there are no privacy laws being broken!!!now what if we lived in a country where there were privacy laws that prohibited this sort of thing and other things that are similar? well, then we would be in a country with less rights and less control. we would live in a country where we were controlled by the government and the laws they dictate to take our rights aways from us. but HEY....you may like those other countries that do that.....you know....their way or no way?i also hate people who will attack google without just cause. bringing up certain disagreements is ok. nothing is perfect. but instead of looking at it as an invasion of privacy issue, try to look at it from another perspective where this sort of technology can be usefull. again, the goverment was ahead of google for years on information they collect. you don't see any arguement because their information is private with clearance codes. all google did was introduce a new map technology that FAR exceeds any map you can buy in your store or local gas station. that's all they did.
  21. that is very sound advice. and it's from a woman's perspective too. but this really doesn't have anything to do with his jealousy and how upset he gets. so i am curious what a woman's perspective is on THAT....
  22. jealousy can be an insecurity issue and/or a control issue as well. for the most part is is an insecurity issue and if you can't control the jealousy, it becomes a control issue eventually because jealousy will dictate what the other person can and cannot do. jealousy eventually destroys relationships. i do agree that it can be a good thing if you are able to control it since you do realize mroe about yourself. that is always a good thing. if people can look in the mirror and not like what they see though, they need to change that part of them. not the other person. if they do like what they see....jealousy and all, it's up for the other person to either accept who they are, or get out quick. jealously is a weird thing. some women like to see their man jealous. they will also do little things that might trigger it because it does show them the love the guy has for them. some women hate it and just don't want to be around someone who can potentially be controlled by jealousy. i don't blame them because it would prohibit being who they are. if they are social, they would have to become less social or always watch where they step? that's not a good thing. but this dude doesn't have a clue in who he even wants to be with. he started another thread somewhere else now. it's clear he can't even commit to a relationship. but my advice in THIS thread would try to explain the jealousy in a way to not make it sound like it's the girls fault and explain that he understands that it's an ugly quality and is something he wants to try to change about himself. if she's commited to him and loves him, she will at least understand and be a little more patient without thinking SHE is the one doing something wrong.
  23. i wasn't attacking ya bud, far from it, but i have to see the perspective of other people as well.i remember when i was a teenager. my parents left for a week on vacation. my grandmother was babysitting us. anyway, in the middle of the night one night, i snuck out my window to meet a friend of mine who was already by my window. well, we walked around most of the night at the school we attanded. we actually climbed on the roof. since all building were connected, we just explored the rooftops for a while. when we walked back to my place which was around 3-4am now, i heard the phone ring. from inside my house. i was still outside with my buddy. i told him to get going and i was going to just stay outside. well, a neighbor called the house saying that there was suspicious activity going on around the house. after she hung up, my grandmother checked the kids rooms and aha! i wasn't there in my bed. she went outside for a bit, came back in and back to bed. i snuck back in the house and decided i wasn't going to stay in my bed, but sleep on the floor in my sisters room so if she questioned me where i was, it would be obvious i was in between my sisters beds and pretty much out of sight.next morning she woke me up and asked where i was. she said she saw me outside by the side of the property and got in to a car that drove off. well, that wasn't true....haha.....and then she accused me of being on drugs. hahaso anyway, yea....people will jump to conclusions and judge, it doesn't make them right. at the same time, it might not make them wrong either. the point i was trying to make is that parents or gaurdians have a high responsibility to guide a child and there is a thin line between freedoms and guidance. it's up to the parent to know what exactly is influencing a child either in a positive or negative way and act accordingly even if they be misjudging. kids don't realize how much love their parents actually have for them and the expectations of wanting them to grow up happy and out of any trouble that influences outside the home can create. sometimes they feel powerless and they want to gain back some control. thus, certain statements that might not be true. but, kids have to live with the rules and the statements. if they are being judged falsely, at least the kid knows he or she is better than that. my point to this post was to say it's not just rap music where people will judge. it's anything you do. but if you look at certain statistics in the behavior of children or adults listening to certain kinds of music or watching certain types of movies or playing certain types of games, it's kinda amazing how truthfull some of the judgements can be. although prejudice to judge and group everyone together as one, there is truth to most everything even if you don't see it.for me, no, i wasn't on drugs, but i was doing something i shouldn't have been doing. in that case, it can be just as bad because if the police picked us up, they could have easily detained us at the police station until someone picked us up. and then, maybe child services would get involved because the parent or gaurdian doesn't know how to control their child.so don't think i was attacking ya. i've done some crazy stuff in the past i shouldn't have. but there are other perspectives than just yours or mine that hold some truth too. hope you liked my little story. it's fun for me at times to remember the crap i used to get in to as a kid.... :angel:
  24. a while back, Xisto's page rank was a 5 i believe. now it's a 3. why? i have no idea. what i want to talk about is profile pages on Xisto and page rank. my profile page has a page rank of 2. yes, a 2! i can't believe i just noticed this. so i was curious and decided what other peoples page ranks are and i did a search on the top 20 posters which usually indicates who has been active and here the longest. what i found was amazing and confusing at the same time. on the top 20 list, there was only one other person with a profile page rank. who was it? it wasn't saint michael who not only has the posts posts, but the most profile views. it was opaque. the site owner. Now from what i know about google page rank is that it increases or decreases depending on how many pages point to your profile. so this got me curious who are the idiots linking to my profile? it's only a profile for gosh sakes. not only that, the pr juice has to be coming from websites that have a higher pr than 2. i understand a little about pr and where possibly some of the pr came from. but for the life of me, i cannot figure out why it's a 2. i don't have the most posts, i don't have a lot of comments on my page(2), i have an average amount of profile views related to how long i have been here on Xisto, i never really wrote anything on my profile until recently, and opaque has JACK on his :angel:. page rank is about links. if a website is linking to my profile, it is the ONLY why my profile can gain a higher pr. i don't believe any other factors are factored in. the only thing in question is how does google figure out how much pr a web page to give. THAT is a secret because that is what google is....SECRITIVE. rightfully so though since they want to enforce natural page rankings....not forced ones. a misconception about page rank is that people think that if you have a higher page rank, you will have a higher search engine rank. that is FAR from the truth, but i think the search engine result pages DO reflect backlinks as part of their algorythm. but the search engine reult pages take in more consideration to other factors besides backlinks. this is why you can see a webiste with a pr6 that is below a website in the search engine result pages(serps) where the top result has a page rank of 4. so obvioulsy page rank doesn't consider much of relevancy or keywords like the SERPS do. here's my profile page. it's nothing interesting, nothing to brag about, but it's getting a pr 2! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i didn't do anything special to it nor have i promoted it saying "link to my profile page! link to my profile page!". no, non of that haha. so i am going to do a little investigating to see where the back links are coming from and maybe i can find out what the #$% is going on here so for anyone else curious or even jealous because you can't even get a pr value of two for your own website or web pages, sign up on Xisto, create your profile page, maybe even post a little and get some free hosting and a free domain name while you're here, and see if you're one of the few that can mysteriously get a pr 1, 2 or even 3 page rank for your profile!
  25. well you smoke pot don't you? ofcourse you do! your so called friends jacked ya and fingered you and you got caught. i don't think listening to any types of music is a HUGE influence on wether you will smoke pot or not. i do think any types of media though are an influence on people. i'm 41 but don't even think i don't understand the younger generation. i remember too well who listened to what and the sililarities between them all and the differences between all the clicks. parents want the best for their children and i have to agree that some media is inappropriate. but heck, i was a kid and i didn't care much for other peoples opinions. i felt if i wasn't hurting anyone including myself, whatever i did was ok. personally, you're only a kid once so take advantage. i'm sure when your 80, you wont be blastin' easy e where people will see you boppin' to @#$% the police! it's a phase....haha parents are concerned though and rightfully so because music will still have an effect on people in different ways. that's why people listen to it. because it DOES have an effect and an influence. if it didn't you wouldn't be listening to it. so....can the effects be bad ones? sure they can....and it's a parents job to make sure it doesn't. it's YOUR job not to know what you're listening to if you feel they will have a problem with it(as a child ofcourse). later on in life, you will grow a set and start being more responsible like your parents.....YUCK!
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